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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

kurd was demonstrating out side of Turkish embassy in Stockholm. kurdish diaspora is trying to portraying it as a genocide. We need to start use the media to our favour showing the world what da fukkz happening in south East.
Also in Bordeaux PKK today attacked Turkish Consulate General,
supported by leftists and Russian stay behinds as usual !

Last minute , our ally and "NATO-Partner"

US - Commander Kirby YPG (PKK) is our ally, they make a good job against ISIS ( US created bastards).


ABD ve PKK'dan Cerablus hazırlığı
Amerika, PKK'nın Suriye uzantısı PYD'yi Cerablus operasyonuna hazırlıyor. Washington, Türkiye'nin "kırmızı çizgi" ilan ettiği Cerablus'a operasyon için 20 askeri danışmanı Ayn el Arap'a gönderdi. Silah ve mühimmat dolu iki kargo uçağının da Ayn el Arap'a sevk edildiği belirtildi.
08 Şubat 2016 Pazartesi 18:28
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Allied terrorist forces , JÖH and PÖH watch careful Tunceli area !
All Turkish Citizens and Tourists with contacts to that organizations should be monitored when coming for holidays.

Terör örgütleri DHKP-C, MLKP, TİKKO ve Devrimci Karargâh, Kandil'de PKK ile buluşurken baharla birlikte "sansasyonel eylemler" için anlaştı.
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There is a CAPANOGLU going on blocking effective actions of Security Forces.

Adam cikmis A.D. hala acilim " cözülüm" diye konusuyor.

That' s not normal.
We are not " Rola 9".

"Cizre'de çıkan çatışmada 1 asker ve 1 polis şehit oldu." RIP
kurd was demonstrating out side of Turkish embassy in Stockholm. kurdish diaspora is trying to portraying it as a genocide. We need to start use the media to our favour showing the world what da fukkz happening in south East.

I've seen that, they're being supported by anti-capitalist far left movements which there are a lot of here in Sweden. Nobody cares that they're killing people who have tried to leave the organisation or targeting civilians, all they have to do is claim that they're "socialists" and the far left will provide them political help and money.

Since I'm living in Sweden maybe I could do something against this, do you guys have any ideas?
I could do something against this

They are very radical and militant.

You could do with "Civil courage" discussing with Swedish friends and try to show them the truth, so that they can differentiate between "FSB-Propaganda" and true facts.
I've seen that, they're being supported by anti-capitalist far left movements which there are a lot of here in Sweden. Nobody cares that they're killing people who have tried to leave the organisation or targeting civilians, all they have to do is claim that they're "socialists" and the far left will provide them political help and money.

Since I'm living in Sweden maybe I could do something against this, do you guys have any ideas?
Do nothing bro. Do not involve and endanger yourself. At best you might try to explain to your far-leftist friends (if you have any) "although they follow the Marxist & Leninist doctrine they are terrorists and killing civilians."
Most people even don't know term Genocide-Homicide- Mass Murder e.g.

Do not involve and endanger yourself.

Sorry Sinan, "Civil Courage" rules. Facts ! I don't want explain cause Persec what people did and do.
Sorry Sinan, "Civil Courage" rules. Facts ! I don't want explain cause Persec what people did and do.
If you are so "civil couraged" go and fight against PKK. I don't want to place my Bosnian friend in the harms way.

Don't ask people things that you wouldn't ask your son.

Who gives you the right to attack me and claim that not already done ???? :angry:
What i said was very different, i didn't use past tense but present tense.

Did you made even military service ?
Senin gibi helikopterden helikoptere atlarken şarjör değiştirmedik ama vatani borcumuzu ödedik, elhamdürillah.
ama vatani borcumuzu ödedik

The profession of my son ? Is it your problem ?
He has not a 3 half-moon avatar, used from a Turkish MC in Europe,
TURKISH BLOOD and CHARACTER rules him moderate and if needed he can use his physics and mind.

STOP that offensive strikes. Do you want insult our airbornes ?
( " Do you know interrogating by bungee jumping from Pat Pat UH-1 with a common non elastic lasso ?")

Para ile askerlik yapmak mi, vatan borcunu ödemek ? Hala Master yapiyorsun okuyorsun degilmi ?
Bu Dünya, sanal alemden ibaret degil.

I could do something

Do what your Ottoman brave heart talks to you, with mind and facts, primarily take care of you.
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