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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

So they're protesting against more security in the region. I hope they wont be the ones who will cry when pkk abuses them or their family and then complain why the govt doesnt show its face more there. Btw, the irony when they say 'we want peace, we want the construction to stop' and then throw lethal molotovs at soldiers. Yeah right...
Guys it's breaking, 2 specialist sergeants has been taken POW by the separist terror organization. Leaving 9 WIA.

I don't even know why our guys are still sent traveling without bearing arms, yet their ID cards give away that they are enlisted. What kind of logic is it behind this, really?

What we, Turks (nationals of the Turkish Republic), are worst at - and I mean worst - is to learn from past happenings. This is not the first time our men gets kidnapped, I mean do we even know the status of the past kidnappings, did they even release the soldiers since then? Same thing is happening over and over again yet there's no change from the government's side nor the military's. You guys recall how long it took for our government to implement the so-called Kalekol-class of outposts? How many outposts weren't attacked before they realized that they had to change something? The same goes for MRAP:s - BMC's Kirpi:s did fill a huge gap yet it took us so long to acquire such a needed vehicle. How many buses, Mercedes trucks and tin-can BTR:s weren't blown up until we got the Kirpi:s?

Sorry for my rant, but sometimes I really worry about those that are in charge of these things. What the hell takes so long?

So they're protesting against more security in the region. I hope they wont be the ones who will cry when pkk abuses them or their family and then complain why the govt doesnt show its face more there. Btw, the irony when they say 'we want peace, we want the construction to stop' and then throw lethal molotovs at soldiers. Yeah right...

Molotov cocktails need to be classified as a weapon or explosive as soon as possible - even if it's already too late (yet again). Sweden is a country known for its democracy, peacefulness, civil rights and whatnot, yet the police here have the right to engage with his/her gun for less than a molotov cocktail. Even a small knife that's held in an offensive manner is reason enough for the police to shoot - our police should do the same.

A police officer stands guard near the flag at a village.


A military convoy of MRAPs and IFVs carry supply to forward operating bases.


A female F-16C pilot of HVKK prepares her jet.



From a FOB at the borderline.

These operations are against PKK, are PKK SHITEs???
These operations are against PKK, are PKK SHITEs???

These operations are against PKK, are PKK SHITEs???
Pkk doesn't stick to religion. It's a communist organization.

I don't even know why our guys are still sent traveling without bearing arms, yet their ID cards give away that they are enlisted. What kind of logic is it behind this, really?

What we, Turks (nationals of the Turkish Republic), are worst at - and I mean worst - is to learn from past happenings. This is not the first time our men gets kidnapped, I mean do we even know the status of the past kidnappings, did they even release the soldiers since then? Same thing is happening over and over again yet there's no change from the government's side nor the military's. You guys recall how long it took for our government to implement the so-called Kalekol-class of outposts? How many outposts weren't attacked before they realized that they had to change something? The same goes for MRAP:s - BMC's Kirpi:s did fill a huge gap yet it took us so long to acquire such a needed vehicle. How many buses, Mercedes trucks and tin-can BTR:s weren't blown up until we got the Kirpi:s?

Sorry for my rant, but sometimes I really worry about those that are in charge of these things. What the hell takes so long?

Molotov cocktails need to be classified as a weapon or explosive as soon as possible - even if it's already too late (yet again). Sweden is a country known for its democracy, peacefulness, civil rights and whatnot, yet the police here have the right to engage with his/her gun for less than a molotov cocktail. Even a small knife that's held in an offensive manner is reason enough for the police to shoot - our police should do the same.
Imo, the army should arm and send off-duty soldiers in special mine-resistant busses to their destination.
Giving them weapons while they travel in public busses will only endanger citizens in case of firefight. Something must be done, our govt and military seems late in taking measures. Right now it seems so easy to kidnap a few soldiers, this damages the army's reputation and professionalism imo.
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From what I know many are atheist or something. Some are even christian. Either way they are the enemy.
Who cares about the religion of Terrorists, Isil is sunni muslim if its all about religion....
Looks to me like they've been actively recruiting and preparing, combine this with the situation in Syria and the receivement of new arms. It doesn't make sense to attack when they're still fighting in Syria, however I think they're using it to 'pressure' us to act fast and give in. Especially when you look at it from the political spectrum, the current government has lost the PR battle to the BDP, instead of loosing 'voters' and support they've managed to become THE voice of the people in those areas, no matter what they do. Unfortunately, we're only waiting for multiple confirmed deaths so there can be a public outcry and the armed forces can come in action.
Who cares about the religion of Terrorists, Isil is sunni muslim if its all about religion....

More than this. Most of so called "Islamist" groups are Sunni.
All this bullcrap we read today is because of the failed "peace"-process. The people living close to the Turkey-Iraq border are not really the ones to go "easy" on. They have the guts to disturb the traffic, and even more so arrogant enough to kidnap my soldiers. This would mean something really, really serious anywhere outside Turkey. Erdogan has really pacified the soldiers in east so he can run his failed process. Time to implement the israeli method; build a fence around the compound, put a visible and really clear sign where it's clearly telling these "democracy lovers" that any trespassing means a 7.62 put somewhere in you.. Aaand boy would the effects be visible :) Don't come up with "we can't be so harsh", If one of these soldiers are hurt, may Allah forbid, who are to be held responsible? Sorry for this heavy political, and really off thread message but I had to vent out my frustration.
More than this. Most of so called "Islamist" groups are Sunni.

Dont separate sides like sunni or shia or others, already Hazbollah is shia and doesnt matter they are from which section, they have nothing to do with Islam or humanity!
Pkk doesn't stick to religion. It's a communist organization.
It's only officially a communist organization, in reality PKK is fascist and racist..

Communists wouldn't like to become imperialist pawns... PKK doesn't give a shit who uses them as long as they get their reward with more and more support and more and more drug money.
  • The PKK fired at a military helicopter in the diyarbakir region.
  • No one was injured however the helicopter was hit with 2 rounds.
  • Security forces are now searching for the attackers.
Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı'nın düzenlediği Orta Öğretime Geçiş Sınavı sonuçlarını Lice'ye bağlı Kayacık ve Tepe köylerinden alarak ilçe merkezine taşıyan askeri helikoptere PKK'lılar tarafından ateş açıldı.

Helikopterler personelinden yaralanan olmazken, pilot helikopteri Tepe Jandarma Karakolu'na indirdi.

Piste inişten sonra yapılan incelemede helikoptere 2 kurşunun isabet ettiği belirlendi.

Güvenlik güçleri ateş açanları yakalamak için bölgede arama tarama faaliyeti başlattı.

Lice'de askeri helikoptere ateş açıldı - CNN TÜRK
PKK should be wiped out ASAP if the "peace talks" fail.
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