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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

Okay, so speaking the truth is banned.

Okay, let's agree that they are terrorists but why has Erdogan killed people? Committed human right abuses? Blast in Kurd rally?

If you put politics into thread's agenda to praise terrorists and their bloody activities, You will face a new warning.
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Okay, so speaking the truth is banned.

Okay, let's agree that they are terrorists but why has Erdogan killed people? Committed human right abuses? Blast in Kurd rally?

Face it, the Kurdish party got more than 10% of the vote because anyone but the sell out Kurds are united against Erdogan. May ALLAH end his government soon, IN SHA ALLAH
Do you know that HDP municipality threatens locals to cut off water to their area or village if they don't vote HDP? Do you know that they don't collect their garbage? Do you know that they threaten to tear their homes down? Would you feel safe at night if your village didn't vote for HDP in an area infested with PKK?

Hani'de HDP'ye oy vermeyen mahallenin çöpleri toplanmıyor

Where has Erdogan killed people? What has the Turkish military done in recent operations? Nothing. Thats why PKK supporters bring pictures of dead people from other conflicts and say Turkey killed kurds. What does Kurd mean? In your definition only people who support PKK. What about Turkeys minister of finance who is of Kurdish ethnicity and speaks the language fluently? What about Hakan Fidan, Turkeys spy chief? What about all of the Kurds that voted for AKP? What about the tens of thousands of ethnic kurdish village guards in eastern Turkey who have taken up arms to defend their villages from PKK terrorism?

Why don't you talk about the PKK attacking civilians, cargo trucks, and civilian infrastructure? Are those not the things that make a group a terrorist organization. What about the PKK selling millions of dollars worth of drugs in europe and the middle east? What about the PKK and its supporters attacking religious kurds?

You talk about Allah and say inshallah? Do you even know what the PKK's ideology is?

No athan at a mosque in diyarbakir that was under PKK control until Turkish security forces took it under control:

Who do you support now?
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So why does media blame Erdogan?

Because Erdogan is an "Islamist" (or at least he the west see him like this).
I assure you if CHP was the one in the govt, the west will not have critized them for the same anti PKK operation!

In Turkey the govt don't attack the civil, and worst we even pay them to make PKK propaganda!

HDP's deputy Abdullak Zeydan has say this in the TV : "PKK can drown Turkey with his spitt"....this is an deputy in Turkey parlement, has a pay and official car, and yet he dosn't hesitad to make PKK propaganda.
And he is not alone, the deputy co président of PKK has said : "YPG/PKK is behinf we"

Do you really think, if Turkey was country which can kill civil, the HDP's deputys would have dare to say this in TV ?

But all of this is never mentionned in the west mida, no they prefer to have "Another bad islamist vs the kind Kurds which make only peace manifestation".
Anybody knows the latest numbers of PKK corpses?
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Kuvvet Komutanlığı 8'nci Ana Jet üs komutanlığından havalanan 15 kadar F-16 savaş uçağı PKK'nın Kuzey Irak'taki önemli kamplarından olan Kandil'i bombaladı.
Cumartesi 14.11.2015
Genel Kurmay Başkanlığı "Kandil bölgesinde Bölücü Terör Örgütü mensubu teröristlerce kullanıldığı tespit edilen barınak, toprak altı sığınak ve silah mevziileri düzenlenen hava harekâtı ile imha edilmiştir" açıklamasını yaptı.

Savaş uçaklarının bombalamadan sonra tekrar Diyarbakır'a döndüğü öğrenilirken, bombalama sırasında elde edilen görüntülerin incelemeye alındığı öğrenildi. İnsansız Hava araçları tarafından tespit edilen bazı görüntüler üzerine hava operasyonunun yapıldığı öğrenildi.
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