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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

Pictures from sniper positions in Hakkari:







Here lads, siz ugrasmayin diye ben ugrastim.

~65 pics from last month, taken from official publications as well as unofficial, I think I got all the doubles out but imgur is having troubles. I tried getting the high-res pics from AA but their site is really crap so I also have lower res images from other news sites throw in.

Daglica Ikiyaka sonbahar temizligi - Album on Imgur
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''PKK presence in mountains eliminated, focus turns to cities

Having cleansed most mountains of terrorists in operations that will continue in the winter at full steam, security forces now set their sights on urban elements of the PKK terrorist organization. Locals in the region also voice their support for the operations and dash the PKK's last hopes


As the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) continues to conduct effective operations against the PKK and rid the southeast mountains of terrorists, security forces will now reportedly step up efforts in urban areas to crack down on the PKK's urban youth branch, the Patriotic Revolutionist Youth Movement (YDG-H). After operations against PKK hideouts in Northern Iraq weakened the organization and destroyed much of its weaponry, the sole obstacle standing in the TSK's way is the YDG-H that could not quite receive the people's backing.


The TSK has been combating terrorists near the Northern Iraq border since Sept. 27 and cleared the İkiyaka Mountains and Cilo Mountain of PKK forces. The operations have reportedly broken the PKK's back. During the operations security forces seized a large amount of food supplies meant to keep PKK fighters fed for at least six months. With winter approaching, the terrorist organization could find itself in a difficult position. Meanwhile, a statement released following a high-profile security meeting on Wednesday said the counterterror operations against the PKK in Turkey will continue into the winter.


In the meeting held at the prime minister's office, Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu instructed the TSK to continue its operations against the terrorist group during the winter without slowing down.


Overwhelmed by the TSK's relentless counterterrorism campaign, the PKK's urban elements will become the sole target during the winter. While the PKK attempted to incite uprisings in urban areas by mobilizing the YDG-H, people in the region stood by the security forces and repeatedly voiced their support for counterterror operations.'' Daily Sabah
We have a huge army of Village Guards. Most of them are patriots and defenders.
I asked me sometime, how can we keep them effective active ? Some of them are very experienced fighters. But they are not Special Forces, they are guards.
I would propose to suppyl them with effective weapons, not AK-47 but some weapons TSK has in store.
They must be upgraded and serviced.
Imagine "Korucu" - Village Guards with Mavzer BDC optics mounted;
they will be very good snipers. Zero Level adjusted to 100 meter and they will shoot precise 400 meter away terrorists in pieces.

Digital Walk-Talks and HERE they are.

We could also talk about M1 -Garand or Nagand's, servicing and upgrading them with optics.
For my opinion a Point worth to discuss.
The Projectiles of those wepaons are high effective.

But we asap should build up an Support infrastructure for Service, uprading and supply for that Kind of wepaons with spares and ammo.

Village Guards, Korucu's will become 300% more effective.



What do you think ? Modern and last Technology doesn't mean the best solution.

They are guards, almost for more than a century and they will love them.
Warning issued to @truthseer for defending/protecting a bloodthursty terror organization that All World community agrees on it. Turkey section is not a place which is allowed members to praise terror organizations !
Okay, so speaking the truth is banned.

Okay, let's agree that they are terrorists but why has Erdogan killed people? Committed human right abuses? Blast in Kurd rally?

Face it, the Kurdish party got more than 10% of the vote because anyone but the sell out Kurds are united against Erdogan. May ALLAH end his government soon, IN SHA ALLAH
Okay, so speaking the truth is banned.

Okay, let's agree that they are terrorists but why has Erdogan killed people? Committed human right abuses? Blast in Kurd rally?

Face it, the Kurdish party got more than 10% of the vote because anyone but the sell out Kurds are united against Erdogan. May ALLAH end his government soon, IN SHA ALLAH
You are disgusting.

@cabatli_53 ban this guy for good please.
when pkk attacks schools, hospitals, ambulances I don't see any kurds making peace rallies. But as soon as TSK starts operations against the terrorist organisation these bastards show up everywhere... They don't want peace, they just want to be human shields to protect pkk.

and I'll shed no tears for them for becoming just that.
I don't know who was responsible for the attack in Ankara, but I simply don't care. They were accesories to pkk's crimes and they've got what's coming to them.
when pkk attacks schools, hospitals, ambulances I don't see any kurds making peace rallies. But as soon as TSK starts operations against the terrorist organisation these bastards show up everywhere... They don't want peace, they just want to be human shields to protect pkk.

and I'll shed no tears for them for becoming just that.
I don't know who was responsible for the attack in Ankara, but I simply don't care. They were accesories to pkk's crimes and they've got what's coming to them.
Yes, a peace rally was an accesory, poor Kurds who you would be so ready to kill
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