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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

Don't forget to add this to the "Huge projects of Turkey"
Turkish army slams removal of flag by Diyarbakir rioters


Turkish Chief of Army Staff Office responded to the riots warning that the actions in Diyarbakir over the weekend has been testing their patience.

World Bulletin / News Desk

A group of rioters in Turkey's mainly Kurdish south-eastern city of Diyarbakir have lowered a Turkish flag from a Turkish military office building after sneaking into its premisis in the troubled Lice district.

The Lice district has been the site of a number of anti-government protests as of late and has been a hotspot for increasing tensions especially since PKK rebels kidnapped a group of minors during a Children's Day picnic in April.

The incident happened during the funeral of Ramazan Baran, who lost his life during riots in Lice on Saturday night. Masked men threw small explosives, fireworks and rocks at police, who in turn fired back with tear gas and water-cannon.

Soldiers were careful not to shoot the culprit, as he was just a child, but they did fire warning shots.

Meanwhile in the south-eastern city of Hakkari, teenage rioters threw molotof bombs at a gendarme headquarters. Police dispersed the rioters by firing into the air.

Despite a cease-fire being agreed between the Turkish government and jailed PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan last year, tensions in the region have been growing as of late, with rioters also attempting to block the Diyarbakir-Bingol road last week.

Lice particularly has been the location of a number of drug busts in the past year, with profits going to organizations like the PKK.

Condemning the removal of the flag, the Turkish Chief of Army Staff Office responded to the riots with a statement on Monday, warning that the actions in Diyarbakir over the weekend has been testing their patience.

The statement also slammed certain groups who were using women and children to carry out their riots for them.

Turkish army slams removal of flag by Diyarbakir rioters | General | Worldbulletin News

Security forces return fire coming from assailants among a group allegedly protesting the construction of a security post in Lice district of Diyarbakir province

World Bulletin/News Desk

Two protesters died and two people including a soldier were wounded during an illegal protest in the southeastern Turkish province of Diyarbakir on Saturday.

Security forces intervened in the demonstration held by a group that attempted to block the road between Diyarbakir and Bingol provinces, hurling hand-made grenades and stones at servicemen.

The group was allegedly protesting the construction of a security post in Lice district, according to an AA correspondent in the city.

Unidentified assailants among the group opened fire, which security forces returned. Abdulbaki Akdemir, 50, died at the scene, and Ramazan Baran, 24, was pronounced dead at Lice district hospital where he had been taken.

Abdullah Akkulu, who was wounded during the incident, is in intensive care following a surgery, medics told Anadolu Agency. "The operation was successful. He is conscious," Dr. Sait Alan said.

Intermittent clashes have continued since late May in Lice.

Separately, a group of militants on Sunday raided a stone pit and set six trucks and four construction vehicles on fire in the southeastern province of Bingol, an AA correspondent reported from the region.

Security forces launched an operation to find the assailiants. The trucks were reportedly carrying stones to a dam construction site.

In another development, members of the PKK blocked traffic on a road linking two districts in the eastern province of Mus. Bulanik District Governor Omer Sahin said security forces were dispatched to the area.

Diyarbakir governor’s office said in a statement last week that PKK’s militants and affiliate groups since May 24 had engaged in kidnappings, roadblocks and attacked security forces with home-made explosives and firebombs.

It said security forces detected 54 separate events two weeks ago.

On Saturday last week, a group of 50-60 men attempted to block the same Diyarbakir-Bingol road using heavy-duty vehicles that belonged to a local construction company.

The statement said the group acted "under the guise of public assembly," but produced long-range arms when confronted by security forces.

The governor's office said that the group tried to use civilians as human shields, shooting at servicemen in an attempt to force them to return fire.

The events come after the PKK reportedly kidnapped an unknown number of children on April 23, the national day for children, threatening to destabilize a delicate 'solution process' to end terrorism and address the issues of minorities, particularly those of the Kurdish minority which is by far the largest accounting for 18 percent of the population.

Families of some of the kidnapped children staged sit-ins in Diyarbakir where they were abducted, marking the first-ever public reaction to such kidnappings in the southeastern region. The protests received support from high-ranking government officials.

Two protester die in Turkey's southeast -UPDATED | Turkey | Worldbulletin News


Konulardan birinin başlığı değişmiş ve çok vahim bir hale gelmiş.

Turkey-Pkk conflict dendiği zaman resmi ve kanuni bir statüsü var izlenimi doğar.

Pkk yasa dışı bir terör ve insan-uyuşturucu kaçakçısı bir örgüt, eğer bunu gözardı edip bu üstteki başlık kullanılırsa birçok şeyi inkar etmiş ve ölmüşüz demektir.

Başlığı uygun bir şekilde lütfen değiştiriniz.

Good idea. I fixed the title.
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You need more Turks in eastern region and Kurds in western region.

They already fvcked enough some western cities... exempli gratia; Antalya... A couple of days ago I saw a kurdish boy living in a park who says he came to antalya to find a job but can't.. People think tourism is piece of cake, no qualification is required.. that's why we have shitty tourism sector over here... Anyhow that boy soon will start to steal... what we really need is to invest more in eastern cities and be sure they get in job in their hometowns... They must be educated more... This is why PKK sabotages investments and threat businessmen in east... Educated kurds won't follow them anymore and PKK wouldn't able to make "Gariban Edebiyatı".
. what we really need is to invest more in eastern cities and be sure they get in job in their hometowns

the problem is they will destroy the invested money by setting the firms you have build on fire.. you will see some people on street screaming "LELELELELÜLELEÜÜÜ" and then everything turns to the old way..
Mothers march against PKK in Turkey's Diyarbakir | General | Worldbulletin News

Mothers protesting against the kidnapping of their children by PKK rebels in Turkey's south-eastern city Diyarbakir have marched to the provincial municipal building to demand their release.

Protests have been ongoing since a group of youths were taken away by PKK rebels in April after attending a picnic organized by local pro-Kurdish parties HDP and BDP.

Complaining that the Kurdish parties have not responded to their calls, the women chanted slogans in Turkish and Kurdish calling for their children to be released.

The Family and Women's Association also attended the protest, pledging its support for the mothers.

The kidnappings have threatened to destabilize the delicate 'solution process' which addresses the issues of the Kurdish people.

Families of some of the kidnapped children have been staging sit-ins in Diyarbakir where they were abducted, marking the first-ever public reaction to such kidnappings in the southeastern region. The sit-ins have received support from high-ranking government officials.
Terrorist PKK Sending Children to Battlefield in Syria

Published 22-06-2014

The Human Rights Watch (HRW), reported that the Syrian branch of the separatist terrorist organization PKK, the PYD, are sending teenagers to the front-line.

The Human Rights Watch, HRW, has prepared a report about the violation of human rights in northern Syria, titled, “Under Kurdish Watch.” The report also includes teenage kidnapping in the name of jihad training. The mothers of children kidnapped by the PKK have started a resistance, thus making their way into this report.

The HRW, in a report published on 19 June, 2014, finds guilty the PKK-linked PYD, the Democratic Union Party , as they are fighting in Syria. The HRW officials based the reports on their observations and meetings in the YPG-controlled (People's Protection Units) regions northern Syria. According to the report, the PYD’s armed forces, the YPG and the military forces are using children up to 18 years old in Afrin, as well as Eynde el Arab and Jazeera since 2012.

Eye-witnesses and children who have spoken with the HRW report that they are given duties in various fields. According to this, the most common duties given to these children are courier delivery and search at security points.
Terrorist PKK Sending Children to Battlefield in Syria - Aydınlık Daily
PKK releases boy after protests in Turkey's Diyarbakir

15-year-old boy released by the PKK on Saturday following rising criticism over its recruitment of children which culminated at a sit-in protest by Kurdish families in southeastern Turkey.

World Bulletin / News Desk

A 15-year-old boy persuaded to join the PKK organization was released on Saturday as a sit-in protest by Kurdish families in southeastern Turkey against the recruitment of their children continued uninterrupted.

Yusuf Asan, 15, along with eight others, was brought to the southeastern province of Sirnak in March from his hometown Adana in southern Turkey to join the PKK organization. Asan turned himself in to the security forces, he said he was put into a pickup truck and blindfolded by PKK rebels on June 20 and then left in a central district of Sirnak.

He then traveled alone to Diyarbakir where his family was attending a sit-in protest against the PKK and surrendered. Shortly after a brief interrogation her reunited with his family.

Speaking to Anadolu Agency, his father Tahir Asan said, "This is our happiest day. I hope no parents will suffer the same fate and will not cry. We hope all children will return to their families. I thank everyone who made it happen." Asan added that they hope all of those in the "mountains" would return, referring to the PKK hideouts in the mountainous region. His mother, Serivan Asan, said she hoped other children who volunteered for the PKK would regret and return.

Asan said her son "deeply regretted" joining the PKK. "He wanted to return but he was scared. He was too weak when we met and I can still sense his fear," she said.

The PKK announced earlier this week that they would send back child recruits below the age of 16. Dozens of Kurdish families have been staging a sit-in protest in the southeastern Turkish province of Diyarbakir since May 19, demanding the PKK return their children.

Turkish soldier, Specialist Sergeant Ilhan Caliskan, was also released on Saturday, who was abducted by rebels who set his car on fire on May 27 in Diyarbakir's Hani district.

Caliskan arrived in the city in the company of a delegation of the Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) and representatives of local nongovernmental organizations who arranged his release.

The BDP's Diyarbakir representative, Zubeyde Zumrut, told reporters that Caliskan was released upon a call by the jailed PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan.

PKK releases boy after protests in Turkey's Diyarbakir | General | Worldbulletin News
so they are just doing the same shit like isis.. sending children just give them candy and they go with a smile on face..

For example the leader of CHP, he is brainwashed now

the leader of CHP is no kurdi he has armenian roots.. his fater is armenian who changed even his name..

but if you will have a Kurdistan in Iraq thanks to isis you could all go there and live in paradise...

we do not belong to turkmenistan.. ;) if you want to know where we belong see this map:


we just should add this one to it

learn the disgusting langauge

thank you
Sooner or later the local people will increasingly know the true face of this pkk shit. They can have their political party and express their voice, but pkk is only using them for their own goals through brainwashing young people, like in this case. Most anti-pkk should be the Kurds, who are abused by pkk, yet remain silent or blame the govt.
Sooner or later the local people will increasingly know the true face of this pkk shit. They can have their political party and express their voice, but pkk is only using them for their own goals through brainwashing young people, like in this case. Most anti-pkk should be the Kurds, who are abused by pkk, yet remain silent or blame the govt.
PKK kidnapped some Kurdish boys in Turkey, probably they are sending them to the front lines. Those animals :/
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