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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

@Casus Belli :tup:

Copyright ASELSAN


EJDERHA - High Power Electromagnetics (HPEM) System
ASELSAN Capabilities Electronic Warfare Systems

ASELSAN’s EJDERHATM – High Power Electromagnetics (HPEM) System generates extremely high-amplitude electromagnetic fields in specific frequencies and directs them to the potential targets such as electronic circuits of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) with its specially designed directional antenna-reflector set and has the effect on these targets such as suppression, predetonation resetting the control system, durable blocking, stopping the operation.
Consisting of a high power DC charger, a Marx Generator, an antenna and a reflector, the HPEM System generates high-frequency high-power electromagnetic waves by releasing instantaneous (in ns) high energy pulses.
EJDERHATM’s unmanned ground vehicle configuration provides the EOD personnel with the capability of performing Remote Attack at a safe distance in IED Disposal (IEDD) operations. Moreover, EJDERHATM’s portable configuration can be used in protection against eavesdropping devices (covert listening devices) by performing Clearance/Neutralization of bugs in offices, meeting rooms, embassies, diplomatic posts behind/inside walls or furniture.

Aselsan showcases its anti-IED solution with EJDERHA (HPEM) EMP system at IDEF 2015 05051511 | IDEF 2015 Show Daily News Coverage Report | Defence security military exhibition 2015

Aselsan’s EJDERHA High Power Electromagnetics (HPEM) System generates extremely high-amplitude electromagnetic fields in specific frequencies and directs them to the potential targets such as electronic circuits of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) with its specially designed directional antenna-reflector set and has the effect on these targets such as suppression, predetonation resetting the control system, durable blocking, stopping the operation.
Consisting of a high power DC charger, a Marx Generator, an antenna and a reflector, the HPEM System generates high-frequency high-power (400 kV/m at 1 m) electromagnetic waves by releasing instantaneous (in ns) high energy pulses (up to kj).
EJDERHA can be integrated on vehicle (route clearance, car stopping) as well as on unmanned ground vehicles (neutralization of suspicious packages by EOD teams) or can be used at checkpoints/base/building (car stopping and also clearance / neutralization of bugs in building behind walls and inside furniture). According to customer's choice, the HPEM System can be integrated with a non-linear junction detection based Detection system and co-operate with it as the principle of operation is that the HPEM System is activated immediately only when the Detection System detects a potential target.


An Analysis from VP / TR

Mehmet Bedri Gültekin - Savaşı kim başlattı?

If we want to see what realy happened we should rely on the numbers, that will never be published and most of us can never link it to a source, but can verified from own friendly sources from Security Forces; if they exist.

After PKK (TIKKO/DHKP-C) began attacking Turkish Security Forces in spring 2015 we suffered almost 200 casualties. On the other side we eliminated 2000 of them (at least) in and abroad.

In Anti-Terror Warfare this is an Optimum .

Turkish casualtieswere caused 80% traps and ambushes. 20 % from direct fire attack.

PKKs casualties are caused 70% on air raids, 30 % of Security Forces Intervention.
That's the main reason why they hide in Syria and Iran and their legal Party travels to Brussels.
Eyvah , ortalik karisti yilardir suskun olan TIT ( ASALA'dan beri suskundu)

I believe now foreign secret operations try to start a civil war in Türkiye. Guys Keep calm !

İki gazeteye 'açık tehdit'

Evrensel Gazetesi T.İ.T'in tehdidini unutmuş olacak ki pkk saldırısına karşılık veren yiğitleri suçlu gösterebilme cesaretinde bulunmuştur. İNTİKAM misliyle verilecektir. T.İ.T'in nefesini ensenizde hissedeceksiniz soysuz köpekler. Bu da açık mektubumuzdur!“

İt pkk'lilerin siyasilerinden hdp Gibi Ş....sizleri Açıkca Desteklediğinizi Anlatırsanız Cesedinizi Devlet Toplayacaktır Bunuda Böyle Bilesiniz TÜRK İntikam Tugayı Siyasi Değil Vatansal Bir Amaçla Ortaya Çıkmıştır Bunu Unutmayın Tekrar Bir Tehdit Ölmek İstemiyorsanız Sözümüzü Devletin Sözünü Dinleyeceksiniz Dinlemezseniz Sonunuzun Kötü Biteceğini Açıkça Söylüyoruz Tehdit Ediyoruz Biz Eşkiya Değiliz Eşkiya'yı Asla Desteklemeyiz Destekleyen Herkezin Sonunu Getiririz Ne Komunizm Ne Marksizm Ne Leninizm Bunların Desteklenmesine İzin Vermeyiz.“
“Evrensel Gazetesinin İ..’leri Türk Milliyetcilerine Faşizm Demekle Yaptıgınız Yanlışları Arttırdınız Biz Milliyetci Irkçıda Olsak Faşizm'le veya italyan Rejimleriyle İlgimiz Olmamıştır Bizim Alakamız Turan Ülküsüdür Eğer Bir Daha Böyle Bir Hakaret Gelirse Türk Milliyetcilerine Çok Kötü Şeyler Olacaktır Ne Gazetenizin Bir Üyesi Nede Üyesinin Ailesi Kalacaktır Açıkca Tehdit Ediliyorsunuz Asla Türk Millyetcilerine Böyle Bir Hakarette Bulunamazsınız Asla Tehditlerimizi Unutamazsınız Siz Unutursanız Biz Sizin İt'liklerinizi Yezidliklerinizi Unutmayacağız.“
1. I am an atheist.
2. What do alevis have to do with this discussion?
3. Your post is like a mirror image of your intellectual capacity.
While i dont agree with what you said about Sisi , you shouldnt really mind Baybars his intellect isnt really advanced.
Police Chiefs in critical regions were changed today ,

Diyarbakır, Bingöl, Çorum ve Aydın'ın emniyet müdürleri değişti | Gündem Haberleri

Turkish Armed Forces were well prepared, but not the AKP Gov.
TÜRK SİLAHLI KUVVETLERİ Şubat Ayında 3 Anti-Terör Tatbikatı Gerçekleştirdi - Fikir Tankı - 21. Yüzyıl Türkiye Enstitüsü

After Turkish Forces were informed that PKK got 235 DOCKA AA guns and Milans from Germany they already prepared from February 2015 .

They send 15000 elite Forces from BOLU and Kayseri Special Commando Brigades and made 3 anti-Terror exercises including al Scenarios !
@Osmanovic , bro. is there a Limit ?:smitten:

When it interferes with your ability to plant the seeds for a comfortable life for here and the hereafter it can be an issue. You are the one that manages your own time. Life is short use your time wisely.

I sincerely apologize for being off topic brothers.
. .
I was just wondering why they changed the police chief of çorum?

Aydin = tourism
Corum = lots of seasonal workers I think?

One of those non-traditional regions they're trying to gain a foothold in.

An attack in a place like Sirnak, no matter how devastating, is expected.

An attack in Corum might make people go wtf? Oraya kadar mi geldiler, noluyoz etc.
. . .
What about their European support structure, there's hundreds of them in France, Germany and Great Britain.

Go full Kidon on them ?
It surely would be more efficient if we could destroy their money source but its hard to fight them in Europe.
Aydin = tourism
Corum = lots of seasonal workers I think?

One of those non-traditional regions they're trying to gain a foothold in.

An attack in a place like Sirnak, no matter how devastating, is expected.

An attack in Corum might make people go wtf? Oraya kadar mi geldiler, noluyoz etc.
Yeah I have seen the seasonal workers in Alaca, there are lots of them but they are very poor people, PKK probably wants to have some influence on them.
We cannot stop their money source in Europe but we can stop or reduce their human source in Turkey if we purge the HDP of their pro-PKK deputy.

Franly while HDP deputy cleary support PKK, the terrorist while always found new jobless idiot willing to fight for them.

Turkey need a kurdish party, but this party should not be linked to PKK, and the kurdish deputy should say cleary : PKK is a terrorist group.

Take away deputy imunity (or at least imunity if linked to a terrorist group), and purge the pro-PKK deputy.
If the "kurdish leader" say clrary that PKK is terrorist, PKK while have less opportunitis to recrut.

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