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The Fight against PKK Terrorism


Yuuh, no Turkish officer would say that. Even those in prison were quite.
Otherwise he is not a weapon brother or mental insane.
Propaganda pure

Cumhuriyet Gazetesi - Şehidin yarbay ağabeyi: 'Çözüm' diyenler neden şimdi 'sonuna kadar savaş' diyor


Ex ESP Brothel worker

Cumhuriyet Gazetesi - Yüksekdağ: Bütün silahlar sussun işçiler konuşsun

SIMPY PROPAGATING ! "HALK SAVASI" Typical Maoist type of WAR !


Wtf? How can this be propaganda? He lost his brother, and its a shame for the civil administration and protocol. It's a reality. Thus he's an officer and obviously it's even more shameful to see him being pushed back in the lines.
. .
That shameful Propaganda is my Topic. He says "FIGHT UNTIL THE END" !
helal olsun sehitimin kardesi silah arkadaslarimiza, Allah sabir versin ve sehitlerimize Rahmet eylesin
@xxxKULxxx I wrote to commander neptune if earlier (that mediatic lieftenat Colonel) he would have been my commander on operation I would have him for sure , with weapon force, relieved his command cause mental weakness and Problems

The Fight against PKK Terrorism | Updates & Discussions | Page 104

Yol Dogru, ama engelleri asmak icin BIRLIK(net) olmamiz kesin SART ! Merak etme bizde cok cektik ama Devletimize kin asla duymadik; ama o Fcilerden hesap soracagiz KIM olursa olsun
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AVRUPA vermiyorsa ABD/AB gibi ,
Türkiyede neleri varsa el konulmali. O Kadar BASIT !


Oh , interesting begging USA and EU for MERCY. Heroes in Syria and Iraq ? . Topunuzun a


@MertKaan Did you see up to know one Turkish Government which sold not his ethics for VOTES in Güney Dogu ? Please stop propgaganda and Keep on Facts. INÖNÜ began ! DELETING ATATÜRK from coins and Money, our national symbil the wolfves . Sagir Pasa, ah ah he was a nice guy like DEMIRTAS with his SAZ !

Atatürk Ergnekon and national symbols



WHY ? Why he allowed MULTI PARTY REGIME, Atatürk never wanted ?
Even South KOREA waited to develop until 1980's.
He traitored ATATÜRK. He sold Aegean and THRACE.

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Sirf bir politikaciya laf atti diye neredeyse bir yas ceken sehit abisi Yarbayi asmak isteyenler var, bizim milletimiz askerinin arkasinda durmustur daima, ama bakiyorumki artik sirf ideolojisini temsil ettigi icin milyon dolarlik villada oturan, son model arabalarda inmeyen politikacilar daha cok ragbet görüyor artik, yazik, valla yazik.

Not to mention the fact they all worship a guy who got his son that ''curuk raporu'' to avoid military duty and yet they love it when he says he'll give as many martyrs as needed.
These people have some serious mental issues.

And also, hurshid, what the hell does Ismet Inonu have to do with anything in this thread?
Can you please make some seprate thread where you can dump all your mumblings and theories?
You believe that you are the centre of the world !

Erdal Inönü- rector of ODTÜ hided Terrorists in his private car. Cause he was Humanist ?

Erdal İnönü, öğrenci olaylarının yoğun olarak yaşandığı 1971 yılında ODTÜ Rektörüydü. Bu dönemde üniversitede arama yapmak isteyen güvenlik güçlerine izin vermemesiyle dikkat çeken İnönü’nün, “Devletin güvenlik güçleri tarafından aranan ve ‘devlete başkaldırı’ suçundan idam edilen Deniz Gezmiş gibi ‘terörist’leri rektörlük odasında sakladığı” sonradan ortaya çıktı.
Bugün kartel medyasının “dürüst”lüğüne vurgu yaptığı Erdal İnönü, eşi Sevinç İnönü ve kayınbiraderi Hasan Selim Sohtorik’in de aralarında bulunduğu Sohtorik Denizcilik A.Ş.’nin 25 yöneticisi hakkında 2004 yılında, geri ödenmeyen banka kredisi sebebiyle yurt dışına çıkış yasağı konuldu. İnönü’nün yurt dışına çıkışı ancak sağlık sorunları sebebiyle mümkün oldu. İnönü, Başbakan Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’ın özel izniyle Amerika’ya tedaviye gidebildi.
Taksim’e cami yapımı teklifinin azılı karşıtlarından olan Erdal İnönü, terör örgütü PKK’nın elini güçlendiren açıklamalarıyla da dikkat çekti. İnönü, teröristbaşı Abdullah Öcalan’ın idamının tartışıldığı 2001 yılında “ölüm cezasının kaldırılmasını isteyen” ilk isimlerden oldu.
Terör örgütü PKK’nın lider kadrosunu TBMM’ye sokan da Erdal İnönü’ydü. 1991’de Erdal İnönü’nün Genel Başkanı olduğu SHP’nin HEP ile yaptığı ittifak çatısı altında TBMM’ye giren milletvekillerinden Zübeyir Aydar, bugün terör örgütü PKK/Kongre-Gel’in Genel Başkanı. İnönü’nün desteğiyle milletvekili seçilen Leyla Zana da TBMM kürsüsünde o dönemde PKK şovu yapmıştı

No, it is you and the islamists who think they are always right and accuse others of ''terrorism'' or of spreading propaganda. I'm just trying to talk sens into you and to reason.

And again, what is the point of constantly copy pasting these walls of text that have almost never have anything to do with the thread subject? Do you have some kind of daily post quota which you have to maintain?
@NL_Turk You are all very primitive thinking. Do you believe a Company, a Gov. or a someone else could pay for my TIME. You must learn how real world is ruled.
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@Hakan You are right. I know exactly what you say. I will try to ignore.
Defence Industry, warfare , terrorism is connected with current and past Turkish Reality.
It is difficult to write so that nobody from left, right, conservative, progressive, believing, unbelieving and ....so on feels not offended.
Oh man, that's possible but difficult. Every Publishing is tendencious, even if we discuss about weapons purchases.
In the Police section I published PÖH with moustaches; I am sure that will be the next complaint.
@Hakan You are right. I know exactly what you say. I will try to ignore.
Defence Industry, warfare , terrorism is connected with current and past Turkish Reality.
It is difficult to write so that nobody from left, right, conservative, progressive, believing, unbelieving and ....so on feels not offended.
Oh man, that's possible but difficult. Every Publishing is tendencious, even if we discuss about weapons purchases.
In the Police section I published PÖH with moustaches; I am sure that will be the next complaint.
Its good to have analysis and things abi but unfortunately we run into issues here because not everyone is here for military discussions, actually this thread should be for military discussions and analysis of the conflict but I think there is room for some politics as the nature of this war calls for that but it should be said in a way where a fire is not lit.

You are always very nice and friendly. Thanks.
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It seems Akp gov. has started 2th war against Turkish Armed Forces after protest of Yarbay Mehmet Alkanız‬.

Now TSK is fighting agains pkk and akp. These two threats of state will be defeated as soon as possible insAllah. They have been beefed up the militants of pkk while acilim policy now they are trying to silence army units who are criticizing their failed acilim policy accusing them as being paralelci and alevi.

It seems that 2 biggest threat of state had joined their powers to annihilate the Republic of Turkiye.
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