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The fall of Sassanid

They're so basic, if you honestly don't know them you probably don't know a lot of other things too, so I will just advise you to use the internet.
so you just made a claim that can't prove
we have shown an artificial eye from more than 5000 year ago that show evidence of gold work on it a Zigurat from that era , an animation from that those times . what you have to show us for your claims ?
so you just made a claim that can't prove

Keep living in your little bubble, it's not my job to hold your hand and lead you out of your echo-chamber. You need to do that yourself.

Or, you can continue to foolishly believe that the world revolves around Iran. In which case, we will continue to view you as a joke.
i am not saying that we should become zoroastrian again but that saying that once a land is islamic there is no turning back is BS there are examples of it like israel, spain and african nations. just saying

Israel, Spain, and Central India ethnically cleansed their Muslim populations. Which African nations are you referring to? CAR?
2. Don't forget about when the Pashtun Hotaks stormed Iran, ruling over it for decades and massacring it's population.
your decades in reality is 7 year from 1722 till 1729 and the interesting part is in the 7th year these Hotaks were running away from Iran army maybe you like to knew how we throw the invaders out
Battle of Damghan (1729)
50000 Pashtun vs 12000 Persian the result 12000 pashtun dead their army escaped

Ambush at Khwar pass (1729)
Placing hidden guns and sharpshooters on the high ground overlooking the pass and fortifying the narrow pathway Ashraf even left a significant body of cavalry behind in order to hunt down the survivors of the ambush. Nader's spies however reported on Ashraf's designs at Khwar. Skirting around the ambush Nader, personally taking command, launched a two-pronged assault utilising musketeers with artillery support, catching the Afghans in an ambush of his own, forcing the Pashtuns to flee leaving their guns and baggage behind.

Battle of Murche-Khort (1929)
60000 Afghan and 250 Ottoman Artilery piece and their operators vs 20000 Iranian loyalist the result 8,000 pashtun killed in the opening stages of war

Liberation of Isfahan (1929)
well honestly this one was the darkest page of pashtun history as they escaped from advancing Iran army without even a single thought of resistance , the angry people of Isfahan searched and found the last pashtun who didn't manage to escape the city and tried to hide and killed them all. to make the situation worse they wend and destroyed The tomb of Mahmud Hotaki and built a public toilet in its place

Battle of Zarghan (1929)
20000 pashtun vs 20000 strong Iranian army (at last a fair fight) the result 5000 dead pashtun and 5000 captured pashtun and Ashraf before fleeing again send back all of what he stole from Isfahan to negotiate a way to save his skin

Battle of Fasa Bridge (1929)
continuation of Batle of Zarghan in which a group of 500 Afsharid and Kurdish riders from the advance guard caught up with the Pashtun close to Fesa bridge and merged with them into a wild melee which resulted in the Pashtun trying to flee across the river where many of them drowned, sinking to a watery grave.

Keep living in your little bubble, it's not my job to hold your hand and lead you out of your echo-chamber. You need to do that yourself.

Or, you can continue to foolishly believe that the world revolves around Iran. In which case, we will continue to view you as a joke.
others will decide who can back his claims
can you count how long we ruled over them?

Irrelevant. Many of the people Iran once ruled over got their revenge by (at one point or another) managing to rule over Iran too (e.g the Turks, Arabs, Pashtuns, etc).

And now, if Iran were to try and pull the same stunt, it would get flattened.
Lol Taimur, you are the worst of the trolls on this site. Stop posting.

Let's just come to the point.

Sometimes Persians, Afghans, Turks, Pakistani ancestors, Kurds, Berbers ruled over each other and were ruled, but we united together on common terms because of Islam, and not any other superficial identity.

Past glories are meaningless at the expense of your brothers and sisters, you are all one now.
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