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The fall of Sassanid

I don't care at all if Zoroastrianism comes back or not. I'm not religious. But mark my words, Islam IS fading from Iran at the level of the average person. Less and less young people are either Muslim only in name or completely abandoned the religion.

LOL so it's okay to insult 81 million people and their entire history and culture but insulting one Arab is a big no-no? F off dude.

No one insulted Iranians...
And Whatever Islam is fading in Iran or not...isn't the subject neither a right to insult Our Prophet and Allah.
Why shady figure, because he overthrew your beloved Ummayad dogs? Abu Muslim was an Iranian (Afghanistan didn't exist at the time, Afghan identity didn't exist; you can tell by his name alone) and he overthrew them.

Who says we have any love for Banu Umayya or Banu Abbas? Both were tyrants. Islam prospered after both fell.

It was the Sahabah and Tabaeen who brought Islam to the world and solidified it in the Middle East, and afterwards Turks who pushed Islam further into Asia, Europe, and Africa. Also our blessed Persian/Afghan/Turk sufi teachers who settled the frontiers of Islamic land to preach our religion.

Ours is a history of 1,400 years of glory and pride, we ushered in the modern world and it is only we who will save it from its current decline.

Muslims in no way ushered in the modern world. The renaissance, the industrial revolution, the current scientific and information revolution... how are these attributable to Islam and Muslims? Yes, non-Muslim medieval and a few renaissance scholars and scientists learned from Muslims, but it's a huge leap that is unsubstantiated to say that Islam and Muslims created the modern world. Muslims cannot have the answer to the decline because their states are infinitely worse than the western world, which is why we're both in non-Muslim countries.

The revolution in thought of humanity did come from Muslim philosophers. Rationality and logic in sciences and in understanding nature was a major Muslim contribution to scientific advances which would pave the way for the modern era.

The idea that all human beings are equal, regardless of race, another fundamental teaching of Islam which influenced our view of humanity as one.

I can go into many such examples, but I am sure you understand where this is going.

We are a very important part of humanity, 25% of it infact, and yet have been resilient and still stand facing crusades, colonization, imperialism, and today’s global proxy wars using our countries. The Muslim world is strong, focused, and has a bright future.

You also are a part and parcel of this civilization as your country, Iran, is an important Islamic nation, and your people, Iranians, are majority Muslims. Please respect the sentiments of your compatriots, at least.

I am reminded of a Christian Pakistani friend of mine when asked what he thinks about Muslims and Pakistanis by a Hindu, replied that his culture is Muslim, even if his religion is another.
This Thread has become a Perfect example of Hate Speech amongst all sides...Clearly we've moved from discussing Culture to racism...Get a hold of yourselves guys...

Treat others the way you want yourself to be treated...and kindly refrain from Religion and Religious History as they are not related to this Topic...And please grow up...
Irrelevant. Many of the people Iran once ruled over got their revenge by (at one point or another) managing to rule over Iran too (e.g the Turks, Arabs, Pashtuns, etc).
as I said Pashtuns ruled nothing.
and whoever ruled Iran become lost its culture and become Iranized , look at Ilkhans , Gūrkāniyān, Salguks , Ghaznavide ,Kharazmshahs , Selukide ,.......
your decades in reality is 7 year from 1722 till 1729 and the interesting part is in the 7th year these Hotaks were running away from Iran army maybe you like to knew how we throw the invaders out
Battle of Damghan (1729)
50000 Pashtun vs 12000 Persian the result 12000 pashtun dead their army escaped

Ambush at Khwar pass (1729)
Placing hidden guns and sharpshooters on the high ground overlooking the pass and fortifying the narrow pathway Ashraf even left a significant body of cavalry behind in order to hunt down the survivors of the ambush. Nader's spies however reported on Ashraf's designs at Khwar. Skirting around the ambush Nader, personally taking command, launched a two-pronged assault utilising musketeers with artillery support, catching the Afghans in an ambush of his own, forcing the Pashtuns to flee leaving their guns and baggage behind.

Battle of Murche-Khort (1929)
60000 Afghan and 250 Ottoman Artilery piece and their operators vs 20000 Iranian loyalist the result 8,000 pashtun killed in the opening stages of war

Liberation of Isfahan (1929)
well honestly this one was the darkest page of pashtun history as they escaped from advancing Iran army without even a single thought of resistance , the angry people of Isfahan searched and found the last pashtun who didn't manage to escape the city and tried to hide and killed them all. to make the situation worse they wend and destroyed The tomb of Mahmud Hotaki and built a public toilet in its place

Battle of Zarghan (1929)
20000 pashtun vs 20000 strong Iranian army (at last a fair fight) the result 5000 dead pashtun and 5000 captured pashtun and Ashraf before fleeing again send back all of what he stole from Isfahan to negotiate a way to save his skin

Battle of Fasa Bridge (1929)
continuation of Batle of Zarghan in which a group of 500 Afsharid and Kurdish riders from the advance guard caught up with the Pashtun close to Fesa bridge and merged with them into a wild melee which resulted in the Pashtun trying to flee across the river where many of them drowned, sinking to a watery grave.

others will decide who can back his claims

well , they lost in Behbahan as well ...

as I said Pashtuns ruled nothing.
and whoever ruled Iran become lost its culture and become Iranized , look at Ilkhans , Gūrkāniyān, Salguks , Ghaznavide ,Kharazmshahs , Selukide ,.......

They were still conquerors who held Iran, and none of the ones you mentioned were ethnically Persian.

Pukhtoons along with Turkic rulers of Afghanistan were the originators of many dynasties which ruled not only Persia, but modern-day Pakistan region, India, Bangal, Central Asia, Turkey, Middle East, Caucasus as well.

Ibrahim Lodhi, Sher Shah Suri, Ahmad Shah Baba, Mahmoud e Ghazni, Muhammad Ghauri, Hotak/Ghilzai, Alauddin Khilji, Sultan Zahiruddin Babur all came from Afghanistan.
They were still conquerors who held Iran, and none of the ones you mentioned were ethnically Persian.
You see foreigners always get one thing wrong and that is you think iran is about persian while it's about iranic people.
And those dynasties not being Iranian from orign is my point . they were not Iranian but they adopted organic culture .
Pukhtoons along with Turkic rulers of Afghanistan were the originators of many dynasties which ruled not only Persia, but modern-day Pakistan region, India, Bangal, Central Asia, Turkey, Middle East, Caucasus as well.
Wrong , the Turkish ruler of iran can divided into two group before Mongolian invasion and after them.
Before the invasion they were originated from Turkish prisoner from central Asia who raised in the court of abbaside and iranian rulers.
After the mongolian invasion they were ironic tribe of khorassan and Azerbaiejan . and if safavide is what you are concerned they were azarri and kurdish .
By the way for example mahmood was born in Ghandi but his father was from Kyrgyzstan.
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Now coming back to the topic, the Sassanian empire keeled over because of the internal power struggles between the Persian and Parthian clans. Corruption within the Priesthood, bad luck and systemic failure too played a major role.

These things are a part of life and governance.

The Sassanian's never really had an enemy, until the advent of Islam. We had a truce with Rome. However we never called for help from them either.

Rest is history. We accepted Islam as our way forward.
as I said Pashtuns ruled nothing.


and whoever ruled Iran become lost its culture and become Iranized

The same can literally be said for almost any force that occupies a foreign land long enough.

@Taimur Khurram & @TeaAddict Should gets banned Permanently soon.


you think iran is about persian while it's about iranic people.

Then don't brag about Persian rule over Afghanistan and Pakistan (since both countries have plenty of Iranics), and don't get upset when I bring up that Pashtuns (they're Iranic too) ruled over Iran.

You were under rule for centuries.

As per @Hack-Hook other Iranics don't count, so that cuts out a huge chunk of Pakistan. And you ruled over the Indic bits for a substantially shorter amount of time, so you can't really claim that happened for "centuries".

As dna statistics prove we do not share dna with Saudis.

Lmao no they don't, you keep conflating admixture with haplogroups. You know jack all about genetics.
They're so basic, if you honestly don't know them you probably don't know a lot of other things too, so I will just advise you to use the internet.

1. The influence of the Persian languages only speaks volumes about the language, but not ethnic Persians.

2. Don't forget about when the Pashtun Hotaks stormed Iran, ruling over it and massacring it's population.

3. Try and attack us now. Watch what happens. Tehran will get glassed.

It clearly shows that you both share a large percentage of DNA. But if you don't want to believe that, fine.
As dna statistics prove we do not share dna with Saudis. Our civilizations and empires were too too way way way way older than Saudis.

As it is clear in images, G and J2 DNA Haplogroups are Iranic/Anatolian and has nothing to do with Saudis.





And the kill shot:

R DNA Halpogroup:




The same can literally be said for almost any force that occupies a foreign land long enough.


Then don't brag about Persian rule over Afghanistan and Pakistan (since both countries have plenty of Iranics), and don't get upset when I bring up that Pashtuns (they're Iranic too) ruled over Iran.

As per @Hack-Hook other Iranics don't count, so that cuts out a huge chunk of Pakistan. And you ruled over the Indic bits for a substantially shorter amount of time, so you can't really claim that happened for "centuries".

Lmao no they don't, you keep conflating admixture with haplogroups. You know jack all about genetics.
Even if pashtuns ruled eastern Iran for 7 years Iranirans ruled Pakistan for thousands of years and even your mughal rulers were completely Persianied and they had half Iranian flesh.

Great Nader shah crush your territory:

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