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The Failed State: India

Coming full circle to India, what goes around comes around.

India called Pakistan failed state to hide its utter failure in so many spheres.

Like a caste ridden divided society.

Huge divide between the rich and poor, a sea of poor people and with some islands of prosperity.

Regional hatred between different states. Linguistic divide...

And finally the rise of hate filled Hindutva, the fascist, hedonistic, extremist regime of Modi and BJP, the last nail in the coffin of India.
Be careful what you say, if India collapses do you know how it would impact you? 3 Million Afghan refugees would be nothing compared to 100 Million hungry Indians camping in Pakistan.
. . .
Better live in a hopeful state then a hopeless state.. India is moving in right direction.

Agreed. But even before the covid crisis, 732 million indians still defecated in the open and india remains home to nearly 40% of the ENTIRE earth's MOST SEVERELY malnourished and extreme poor people in the world. That is definitive proof that india is the most failed and hopeless nation to have EVER existed in the ENTIRE history of mankind....... :azn:..........8-):

You mean you have allowed us to have higher GDP per capita than yourselves? The first instance in history where poorer country helps richer country. Good work. :tup:
After all we are preparing you to for slaughter house.
Agreed. But even before the covid crisis, 732 million indians still defecated in the open and india remains home to nearly 40% of the ENTIRE earth's MOST SEVERELY malnourished and extreme poor people in the world. That is definitive proof that india is the most failed and hopeless nation to have EVER existed in the ENTIRE history of mankind....... :azn:..........8-):

So what we will overcome our challenges and make life better for our poor, this is the strength hope gives you n it is way better than living life with a begging bowl.
. .
After all we are preparing you to for slaughter house.

So what we will overcome our challenges and make life better for our poor, this is the strength hope gives you n it is way better than living life with a begging bowl.

EXACTLY, which is why there is NO WAY out for india as it is the biggest beggar and recipient of american aid by a long shot....... :azn:.........8-):

Listen son, instead of wasting time on a Pakistani forum, try to look for some oxygen for your fellow dying indians.........:azn:...........:lol:
Future belongs to India, whoever wants to grow will themselves come to India. I advocate cutting ties with europe amrika china for better future of India.
LOL where India was in before 2000, when West Chose you as their puppet against China you're nothing without support west, they arming you (financially/Military) to you to stand Against China, world is not revolving around India
Better live in a hopeful state then a hopeless state.. India is moving in right direction.
Yeah in the Right direction, TO DESTROY ITS INTEGRITY LOL
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EXACTLY, which is why there is NO WAY out for india as it is the biggest beggar and recipient of american aid by a long shot....... :azn:.........8-):

Listen son, instead of wasting time on a Pakistani forum, try to look for some oxygen for your fellow dying indians.........:azn:...........:lol:

US owes India $216 billion in loan as American debt soars to $29 trillion, says lawmaker
US owes India $216 billion in loan as American debt soars to $29 trillion, says lawmaker (businesstoday.in)
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Yes unlike India Italy is gorre chamri so people suffering inferiority complex believe them without any doubt.
Or maybe some people care more about human life than image of supreme leader.

US owes India $216 billion in loan as American debt soars to $29 trillion, says lawmaker
US owes India $216 billion in loan as American debt soars to $29 trillion, says lawmaker (businesstoday.in)

Beggar award is fixed for only one country who runs around with her begging bowl...

The above source is indian so likely to be FAKE NEWS........... :azn::

LOL where India was in before 2000, when West Chose you as their puppet against China you're nothing without support west, they arming you (financially/Military) to you to stand Against China, world is not revolving around India

Yeah in the Right direction, TO DESTROY ITS INTEGRITY LOL

I say even PDF cant survive without India topics, west knows where there future bread is coming from. If you are so full of Integrity i challenge PDF to ban Indian topics n member on this forum.
ok If we begging than why you have Butt hurt, why you so obsessed with Pakistan???

Have you ever seen me commenting on Pakistani topics or internal matters?? m only on Indian related topicss..
I say even PDF cant survive without India topics, west knows where there future bread is coming from. If you are so full of Integrity i challenge PDF to ban Indian topics n member on this forum.

Have you ever seen me commenting on Pakistani topics or internal matters?? m only on Indian related topicss..

So when did india become a superpower that the West relies on? Was it in 1990, 2010 or 2012?

PS This is a Pakistani forum not an indian one. We can talk about WHATEVER we want as it is our prerogative to do. If you don't like it then you are more than welcome to leave. No one is forcing you to be here and if you weren't so obsessed with Pakistan and Pakistanis then you would leave.......... :azn: ............8-)
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I say even PDF cant survive without India topics, west knows where there future bread is coming from. If you are so full of Integrity i challenge PDF to ban Indian topics n member on this forum.

Have you ever seen me commenting on Pakistani topics or internal matters?? m only on Indian related topicss..
Oh bhai PDF is also not revolving with Indian topics, MODs already ban various Indian topics here on Past and present and might be in future their is nothing special about it, and you're our enemy, and we have lots of problem with, how cn it be possible that PDF runs without Indian topics use the logic and common sense if you have dude
Have you ever seen me commenting on Pakistani topics or internal matters?? m only on Indian related topicss..
Bhai we concern about current COVID surge in india, and your govt failed to manage it, we are concern because it may be transferred to its neighboring countries, world media is reporting it
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