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The F-35 has already freaked out Iran and changed everything in the Middle East

I don't think they are jokes & Global Hawk ain't that much stealth ...
So you are saying that an aircraft will have more stealth then a drone? Global Hawk aint that stealth? You serious? Your own government showed pictures of skin with honeycomb pattern suggesting some sort of stealth tech plus your own government statement was that it was flying in full stealth mode. https://militarywatchmagazine.com/a...tively-spying-when-downed-by-iranian-defences.

I think yes, F 35 and F 22 are a joke in comparison. If global hawk can be detected in such a high altitude just imagine where Iran can detect f 22 or f 35.
So you are saying that an aircraft will have more stealth then a drone? Global Hawk aint that stealth? You serious? Your own government showed pictures of skin with honeycomb pattern suggesting some sort of stealth tech plus your own government statement was that it was flying in full stealth mode. https://militarywatchmagazine.com/a...tively-spying-when-downed-by-iranian-defences.

I think yes, F 35 and F 22 are a joke in comparison. If global hawk can be detected in such a high altitude just imagine where Iran can detect f 22 or f 35.
Global Hawk is in no way close to the RCS of the F-22 or F-35. It easily is many more times bigger in terms of m2 than the F-22 or F-35 or hell even the F-117 from the 80s. Iran could maybe detect an F-22 or F-35 at very close ranges not counting in Growlers, and decoys like the TALD. We really don't know what secret weapons and tactics that the US has in store so all we are doing is speculating.

Wtf is full stealth mode? This thing has no stealth features on it whatsoever. It is meant to fly at high altitudes and avoid most air defenses. F-22 and F-35 would be very hard to detect with even relatively new radar tech from Soviet and Chinese sources especially with Growler, and Wild Weasels taking out AD very quickly.
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Global Hawk is in no way close to the RCS of the F-22 or F-35. It easily is many more times bigger in terms of m2 than the F-22 or F-35 or hell even the F-117 from the 80s. Iran could maybe detect an F-22 or F-35 at very close ranges not counting in Growlers, and decoys like the TALD. We really don't know what secret weapons and tactics that the US has in store so all we are doing is speculating.

Wtf is full stealth mode? This thing has no stealth features on it whatsoever. It is meant to fly at high altitudes and avoid most air defenses. F-22 and F-35 would be very hard to detect with even relatively new radar tech from Soviet and Chinese sources especially with Growler, and Wild Weasels taking out AD very quickly.
How come you know that Iran can't detect stealth planes from far off? Did US use them against Iran. NO.
Use some logic a plane will always have higher rcs then a drone especially a 200 million dollar drone which US used hoping it won't get detected.

Point is hopes and fanboyism doesn't make a plane invincible. If this is the case US would have used it long ago.
How come you know that Iran can't detect stealth planes from far off? Did US use them against Iran. NO.
Use some logic a plane will always have higher rcs then a drone especially a 200 million dollar drone which US used hoping it won't get detected.

Point is hopes and fanboyism doesn't make a plane invincible. If this is the case US would have used it long ago.
Global hawk wasn't made stealty, it was made to be slow and take pictures at high altitudes.

Russia can't detect the F-22 until 40 km with S-400, and yet you think Iran can...:laughcry::laughcry:
There is no strategic interest in Iran that the US needs.

How come you know that Iran can't detect stealth planes from far off? Did US use them against Iran. NO.
The USAF would know. It is called 'radar warning receiver' (RWR). But if we know, we would not publicize it, just like when we know the Soviets were helpless against the SR-71 and the F-111 but said nothing about them.

Use some logic a plane will always have higher rcs then a drone...
Not necessarily. And I understand basic radar detection better than you do.
The F-35 has already freaked out Iran and changed everything in the Middle East
Jake Novak


Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Lightning II
Robert Sullivan | FlickrCC
No conversation about the world’s massive political and economic changes since 2015 is complete without mentioning the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, developed by Lockheed Martin.

That became even clearer this week thanks to a somewhat cheeky statement by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in response to Iran’s provocative moves in the Persian Gulf and other threats from Tehran. Standing in front of an F-35 jet parked at an Israeli Air Force base, Netanyahu barely held back a smile as he said that Israel can reach Iran, but Iran cannot reach Israel.

He didn’t add the words “undetected by radar,” but it was surely implied.

To understand why that soundbite with the visual backdrop was more than just bluster, you have trace the F-35′s incredible history in the Middle East over the past four years.


We hopped into a F-35 simulator. Here’s what it’s like

You don’t have to be a military genius to know that a supersonic jet that can fly undetected by radar for hundreds of miles will make a difference anywhere in the world. But the F-35′s already powerful impact in the Middle East was multiplied extensively during the months leading up to the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. That was still more than a year before the jet was put into service anywhere in the world.

But it was late summer 2015 when reports in the Israeli news media surfaced about how Israelis working on F-35 prototypes had managed to double the jet’s flight and stealth capacity. It wasn’t lost on anyone that the extension meant Israeli Air Force pilots could use the F-35 to fly from Israel to Tehran and back without detection -- and without having to refuel at U.S. air bases in Saudi Arabia or Iraq.

Suddenly, U.S.-Israeli air superiority in the region had risen to a new level. Saudi Arabia had already begun the process of cooperating more with Israel on defense and security matters for some time, something Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hinted at during a “60 Minutes” interview after President Trump’s election. But the idea of letting Israeli jets land and refuel in that Arab country was still a stretch in 2015. Iraqi leaders were also not receptive to the idea. But the new technology was now rendering the objections moot.

The move only acted to bring the Saudis and the Israelis closer. It was one thing for the two countries to have a common enemy in Iran that was on the verge of getting billions of dollars and a clear, if supposedly delayed, path to a nuclear weapon. But with the new F-35 and its expanded capacities in the picture, there was something more tangible than political promises and intelligence sharing to hang their hopes on.


Israel says it’s the first country to use F-35 fighter jet in combat

All of that made it easier for King Salman to shake up his regime and name Mohammed bin Salman the new crown prince. Mohammad, who is aggressive on defense, wasted little time enhancing military ties with Israel and the U.S. There was even an unconfirmed report that he visited Israel secretly in September 2017.

Yet the most direct effects of the F-35 were still to come. In July 2018, a Kuwaiti newspaper reported that Israel had flown a test mission of at least three F-35 jets to Tehran and back from an airbase near Tel Aviv. While never confirmed publicly, a good number of military and political leaders in the region believed and still believe the story. The long-rumored threat the F-35 posed to Iran now seemed like a reality.

Earlier this month, reports in the same Kuwaiti newspaper said that Iran’s military leadership panicked enough over the purported stealth mission that it kept news of it from reaching Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

But when Khamenei found out about the mission, he reportedly moved to fire not only Iran’s air force chief but also the long-serving and powerful commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps. That’s major impact without even firing a shot.

All of this comes as Turkey’s Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan has decided to choose procuring Russia’s S-400 missile program at the expense of getting promised F-35s from the U.S. Judging by how much his neighbors in the region fear and revere the F-35, this appears to be a ruinous choice.


US halts delivery of F-35 equipment to Turkey

The impact of the F-35′s development has had a major financial impact, as well. Since reports of the Israeli stealth enhancement first surfaced, Lockheed Martin shares are up more the 75%. The F-35 program is also the most expensive defense project in U.S. history, and it has faced a long history of criticism for that cost.

But considering how much the very existence of the jet has already achieved in Israel, Saudi Arabia and Iran, it may already be more than worth it.

Jake Novak is a political and economic analyst at Jake Novak News and former CNBC TV producer. You can follow him on Twitter @jakejakeny.


Never before was there a need to brag about american. Weapon systems in disputes.. They always land slided countries like Egypt, Jordan , Syria and iraq and lebanon with air raids and bombings and killings.

All israeliz can do is drop one or or two bombs max. And then its full out war with israel...

Neither united states nor israel can afford to have a full war scale war with iran now thats something for the first time in history for united states even.

That shows while being. A weak enemy still iran is seen as a challenge. Combimed forces of middle east and europe and united states are poised at iran...
So you are saying that an aircraft will have more stealth then a drone?
The question implies that a 'drone' automatically have a lower radar cross section (RCS) which is technically wrong and revealed an ignorance of basic radar detection principles.

A 'drone' is an aircraft. A dirigible is an aircraft. What make up their radar cross section (RCS) depends on how they were designed from conception. So yes, an F-22 is lower RCS than many drones out there.

Global Hawk aint that stealth?
No, it is not.

You serious?
I am serious. After my time in the USAF, F-111 Cold War then F-16 Desert Storm, I worked as a field radar test engineer designing tests for 'low altitude autonomous aerial vehicles', in other words 'drones'. I know how these things works better than you do.

Your own government showed pictures of skin with honeycomb pattern suggesting some sort of stealth tech...
Weight saving methods. Not for 'stealth'.

...plus your own government statement was that it was flying in full stealth mode. https://militarywatchmagazine.com/a...tively-spying-when-downed-by-iranian-defences.
Not a government source. Being 'low radar observability' is not a 'mode' that can be switched on/off. The article is a joke.

F-22 even with outdated technology is hands down one of the best fighters ever built though it might never see actual combat (not bombing insurgents).
We cannot help it if there are no challengers. They are scared. Therefore, no combat experience for the F-22.

F-35 even with newer technology is the reason why you don’t build a “jack of all trades master of none” jet
This is where you are wrong. Terribly wrong.

If you look at the history of combat aircrafts, which from your comment I know you did not studied that history, you would have find that since WW I, the goal have always been to make 'jack of all trades and master of none' platforms. Not many countries are wealthy enough -- like US -- to make dedicated platforms like 'bomber' or 'recon'. But even for US, we still made the F-4 do as much as possible. Then same for the F-16 and the F-15. The F-35 is a 'jack of all trades' but the bars of those trades are higher than others.

Even now US regrets shutting down F-22 assembly line ahead of schedule.
Yes, we do regret it. But that has nothing to do with the fact that the American 'stealth' platforms are the world's best.

F-35 Iran isn’t worried about. Iran’s focus is on F-22 and preventing it from establishing air superiority in any war.
You can 'focus' all you want. In the end, you WILL fail. We will own Iranian sky at our pleasure.
We will own Iranian sky at our pleasure.
no actually we will own region airspace, we have a saying says: in the absence of eagles, crows are the king.
Iranian ballistic missile stockpile is not a negligible force in any possible conflict.
BTW do you buy the story that a couple of F-35 made a victory parade over Iran while not facing any scrambles, AD shots and many other things??
They didn't managed the PG gulf yet, Iranian sky is another story..
May be using Hollywood or another BF3 they can do so, i mean CG has freedom...and Americans r pretty expert at this arena...
Hmn, pleasure do have some critical risks...
The USAF would know. It is called 'radar warning receiver' (RWR). But if we know, we would not publicize it, just like when we know the Soviets were helpless against the SR-71 and the F-111 but said nothing about them.

Not necessarily. And I understand basic radar detection better than you do.
Your analysis means nothing. You may know better but who knows if you are telling the truth or not as living in US you will do whatever you can to undermine Iran.

As a third person with a Pakistani nationality I have a leverage to say that US stealth fighters are useless against Iran. This statement of mine is not only a view of a third person with no affiliation with Iran or US but also taking into consideration that Iran have put two latest drown to the ground.

My advice to US. Try making drones more stealthy as not only they give vital enemy information but also the defence preparedness of the enemy.
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