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The end of the deal, hopes, delusions and treasons

It seems some are starting to freak out over the news that Iran will produce Uranium metal.

Iran 'starts building key component of nuclear bombs' as it puts on another show of force in Gulf naval exercises
Excellent first move by Iran. domestic American politics have to be taken into consideration as well.

even if Biden wants to get back in. there is a significant political price for that. as the Zionist dominated media will go on an all out attack.

The US is quite content with the status quo and Biden will not re-enter unless Iran turns up the heat.

where as before Iran didnt want any attention on its nuclear program. its going to be the opposite now in my opinion. IRan has to start making headlines. get its nuclear program to become a crisis again in American politics.

that's the only way Biden can justify returning to the deal to his domestic audience and Zionist attack dogs. he already hinted by that by saying "the last thing the world needs now is a nuclear Iran"

look for Iran to significantly amp up its nuclear program once biden gets in. they are alreadickly enrich to 20$% and are hinting at 90% enrichment (something that was unthinkable pre-nuclear deal)
Excellent first move by Iran. domestic American politics have to be taken into consideration as well.

even if Biden wants to get back in. there is a significant political price for that. as the Zionist dominated media will go on an all out attack.

The US is quite content with the status quo and Biden will not re-enter unless Iran turns up the heat.

where as before Iran didnt want any attention on its nuclear program. its going to be the opposite now in my opinion. IRan has to start making headlines. get its nuclear program to become a crisis again in American politics.

that's the only way Biden can justify returning to the deal to his domestic audience and Zionist attack dogs. he already hinted by that by saying "the last thing the world needs now is a nuclear Iran"

look for Iran to significantly amp up its nuclear program once biden gets in. they are alreadickly enrich to 20$% and are hinting at 90% enrichment (something that was unthinkable pre-nuclear deal)

Yes, this is the correct and frankly, the only option Iran has to get a good deal from the U.S. Otherwise, they won't bat an eye without the prospect of a nuclear capable Iran. It'll help to get oil prices up a bit more. Honestly, if Ahmadinejad was in charge, things would be much better.
Threats of enriching Uranium to 20% and kicking the IAEA agents are taken lightly by Biden team for two reasons:

- They do not think they will really kick out the inspectors.

- They think it is for leverage in negotiations and not making a bomb. They can easily tolerate that.

Maybe if it's take to 60% they won't be so arrogant.
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Sadly the french are up to their old tricks once again.It seems that they still have not given up the hope of extracting further concessions from iran in the form of its missiles.....
They really are a pack of complete d!cks

France says Iran is building nuclear weapon capacity, urgent to revive agreement
Iran is in the process of building up its nuclear weapons capacity and it is urgent that Tehran and Washington return to a 2015 nuclear agreement, France's foreign minister was quoted as saying in an interview published on Saturday.

Iran has been accelerating its breaches of the nuclear deal and earlier this month started pressing ahead with plans to enrich uranium to 20 percent fissile strength at its underground Fordow nuclear plant. That is the level Tehran achieved before striking the deal with world powers to contain its disputed nuclear ambitions.
The Islamic Republic's breaches of the nuclear agreement since President Donald Trump withdrew the United States from it in 2018 (and subsequently imposed sanctions on Tehran) may complicate efforts by President-elect Joe Biden, who takes office on January 20, to rejoin the pact.
"The Trump administration chose what it called the maximum pressure campaign on Iran. The result was that this strategy only increased the risk and the threat," Le Drian told France's Journal du Dimanche newspaper.
"This has to stop because Iran and – I say this clearly – is in the process of acquiring nuclear [weapons] capacity."
The agreement's main aim was to extend the time Iran would need to produce enough fissile material for a nuclear bomb, if it so chose, to at least a year from roughly two to three months. It also lifted international sanctions against Tehran.
Western diplomats have said Iran's repeated breaches have already reduced the "breakout time" to well below a year.
Iran denies any intent to weaponise its nuclear programme.
With presidential elections in Iran due in June, Le Drian said it was urgent to "tell the Iranians that this is enough" and to bring Iran and the United States back into the accord.
Biden has said he will return the United States to the deal if Iran resumes strict compliance with it. Iran says sanctions must be lifted before it reverses its nuclear breaches.
However, Le Drian said that even if both sides were to return to the deal, it would not be enough.
"Tough discussions will be needed over ballistic proliferation and Iran's destabilisation of its neighbours in the region," Le Drian said.

'Pause' EU and US trade standoff

In the same interview, Le Drian also suggested the European Union and the US should "pause" a long-running tariff disagreement to allow the issue to be resolved.
A 16-year spat over aircraft subsidies has turned increasingly sour under the Donald Trump administration, expanding to other products and sectors, and France's suggestion comes ahead of President-elect Joe Biden's inauguration in the coming week.
"The issue that poisons everyone is that of the price increases and taxes on steel, digital technology, Airbus and particularly our wine sector," said Le Drian.
"If we could quickly find a method to settle this dispute with Europe and France, that would be a step forward," he said. "It may take time but, in the meantime, we can always order a pause."
At the end of last year, Washington announced new tariffs on aircraft parts, wine, cognac and brandies from France and Germany, adding to a long list of EU products subject to 25 percent duties since 2019.
The US said the move was in retaliation for tariffs the EU imposed in November, which it considers unjustified and calculated unfairly.
The latest tariffs go into effect some days after the end of Trump's term.
Sadly the french are up to their old tricks once again.It seems that they still have not given up the hope of extracting further concessions from iran in the form of its missiles.....
They really are a pack of complete d!cks

France says Iran is building nuclear weapon capacity, urgent to revive agreement
Iran is in the process of building up its nuclear weapons capacity and it is urgent that Tehran and Washington return to a 2015 nuclear agreement, France's foreign minister was quoted as saying in an interview published on Saturday.

Iran has been accelerating its breaches of the nuclear deal and earlier this month started pressing ahead with plans to enrich uranium to 20 percent fissile strength at its underground Fordow nuclear plant. That is the level Tehran achieved before striking the deal with world powers to contain its disputed nuclear ambitions.
The Islamic Republic's breaches of the nuclear agreement since President Donald Trump withdrew the United States from it in 2018 (and subsequently imposed sanctions on Tehran) may complicate efforts by President-elect Joe Biden, who takes office on January 20, to rejoin the pact.
"The Trump administration chose what it called the maximum pressure campaign on Iran. The result was that this strategy only increased the risk and the threat," Le Drian told France's Journal du Dimanche newspaper.
"This has to stop because Iran and – I say this clearly – is in the process of acquiring nuclear [weapons] capacity."
The agreement's main aim was to extend the time Iran would need to produce enough fissile material for a nuclear bomb, if it so chose, to at least a year from roughly two to three months. It also lifted international sanctions against Tehran.
Western diplomats have said Iran's repeated breaches have already reduced the "breakout time" to well below a year.
Iran denies any intent to weaponise its nuclear programme.
With presidential elections in Iran due in June, Le Drian said it was urgent to "tell the Iranians that this is enough" and to bring Iran and the United States back into the accord.
Biden has said he will return the United States to the deal if Iran resumes strict compliance with it. Iran says sanctions must be lifted before it reverses its nuclear breaches.
However, Le Drian said that even if both sides were to return to the deal, it would not be enough.
"Tough discussions will be needed over ballistic proliferation and Iran's destabilisation of its neighbours in the region," Le Drian said.

'Pause' EU and US trade standoff

In the same interview, Le Drian also suggested the European Union and the US should "pause" a long-running tariff disagreement to allow the issue to be resolved.
A 16-year spat over aircraft subsidies has turned increasingly sour under the Donald Trump administration, expanding to other products and sectors, and France's suggestion comes ahead of President-elect Joe Biden's inauguration in the coming week.
"The issue that poisons everyone is that of the price increases and taxes on steel, digital technology, Airbus and particularly our wine sector," said Le Drian.
"If we could quickly find a method to settle this dispute with Europe and France, that would be a step forward," he said. "It may take time but, in the meantime, we can always order a pause."
At the end of last year, Washington announced new tariffs on aircraft parts, wine, cognac and brandies from France and Germany, adding to a long list of EU products subject to 25 percent duties since 2019.
The US said the move was in retaliation for tariffs the EU imposed in November, which it considers unjustified and calculated unfairly.
The latest tariffs go into effect some days after the end of Trump's term.

This is actually done on purpose by Iran. Ramp up enrichment in order to get Europe and America panicked, to create urgency around a new deal.

If they don't want to make a deal or wish to play games around Iran's missile programs, then Iranian allies will kill/injure a few NATO troops in a calculated manner until they get the message, just like before. This is what is going to happen. Iran's principle goal is to get sanctions removed whether by increasing enrichment speed or pressure the region. Expect Houthi or PMU attacks in Saudi Arabia and/or UAE.
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Iran should be careful. US might assassinate IRGC head or Ayatullah himself....we have seen what US did to Soleimani. It was unthinkable but US brazenly and brutally killed Iran's most well known and powerful general without suffering much damage in return.

US knows it enjoys unbeatable lead in military over Iran and can decimate Iranian navy, air force, military bases, power stations, kill Iranian leadership, and even bomb Iranian nuclear plants at a whimp of a button whenever US wants. The reaction from Iran will cause some hurt to Saudi Arabia or UAE or may be Israel (very little)....but not to the US.

Unless Iran has credible nuclear strike capability, Iran remains what I've describe above
Iran should be careful. US might assassinate IRGC head or Ayatullah himself....we have seen what US did to Soleimani. It was unthinkable but US brazenly and brutally killed Iran's most well known and powerful general without suffering much damage in return.

Trump made this call. The Biden Administration does not have the spine to make that move and Iran is banking on it.
but not to the US.

So wrong, their bases all over the region are all vulnerable, and "a whimp of a button" could only work if they are able to use those bases. Otherwise their options are more limited but still deadly.
The Case Against the Iran Deal
Reviving the JCPOA will ensure either the emergence of a nuclear Iran or a desperate war to stop it

Michael Oren
Former Israeli Ambassador to the United States
Yossi Klein Halevi
Senior fellow at the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem

Does anyone actually takes these Israelis seriously? The only nation that is remotely capable of waging a meaningful conflict with Iran is the US and even they admit they could at best delay Iran's nuclear program and in return all their assets/bases/ships etc in that region would be vaporised. Therefore who will wage this "desperate war"? Israel? Militarily speaking, they're far too weak to engage in such a conflict. Their main offensive capability is their airforce which could not even reach Iran, never-mind penetrate through its air defence and destroy the hardened underground facilities scattered throughout this giant territory of Iran. And of course in return they would get absolutely pummelled. Look into their attack on the Iraqi reactor, they're barely managed to get the job done and that was against a nation in middle of a war and they did not fire a single SAM towards their fighter jets. Documentary on the attack on Iraqi reactor:

Anyone that believes Israel could actually engage in such a conflict is militarily illiterate. All these barking are there to pressurise the Americans and even they don't pay attention to it because they know the reality.
Does anyone actually takes these Israelis seriously?
I read the article..the same old BS but then..The thought came my mind...using the articles logic no matter what happens to the JCPOA, here is the end result:

1- With JCPOA: Iran will have the bomb (at the sunset) and will also be economically well off

2- Without JCPOA: Iran will have the bomb (in a shorter time) and will not be economically well off.

So what is the difference to these morons...are they arguing over Iran being economically well off!.is that what bothers them...because with or without JCPOA Iran will have the bomb at the end..so what is all the fuss about!!!.:cuckoo:

I guess what they really want a "new" JCPOA that destroys all of Iran's nuclear facilities for good + missile ...and that as we all "sane" people who live on this planet know...is next to impossible.!
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I read the article..the same old BS but then..The thought came my mind...using the articles logic no matter what happens to the JCPOA, here is the end result:

1- With JCPOA: Iran will have the bomb (at the sunset) and will also be economically well off

2- Without JCPOA: Iran will have the bomb (in a shorter time) and will not be economically well off.

So what is the difference to these morons...are they arguing over Iran being economically well off!.is that what bothers them...because with or without JCPOA Iran will have the bomb at then end..so what is all the fuss about!!!.:cuckoo:

They live in this alternative reality where they think they could achieve a deal where Iran would agree to zero uranium enrichment and so on and at the same time they could restrain Iran's economy, missiles etc. Therefore what they believe is tantamount to believing in magic. The Americans understood that the JCPOA is the best they could achieve in terms of limiting Iran's nuclear program i.e just kick the can down the road for now and relitigate later. However the Americans understand that in the end Iran will develop an industrial scale nuclear program. This is unstoppable. The Israelis do not want to come to terms with this reality because they're horrified by its implications. Of course it does not matter, in the end their fantasies have little bearing on how the real world works. Watching them flip flop like a headless chicken is tragicomical. Tragic for them, comical for us.
Does anyone actually takes these Israelis seriously? The only nation that is remotely capable of waging a meaningful conflict with Iran is the US and even they admit they could at best delay Iran's nuclear program and in return all their assets/bases/ships etc in that region would be vaporised. Therefore who will wage this "desperate war"? Israel? Militarily speaking, they're far too weak to engage in such a conflict. Their main offensive capability is their airforce which could not even reach Iran, never-mind penetrate through its air defence and destroy the hardened underground facilities scattered throughout this giant territory of Iran. And of course in return they would get absolutely pummelled. Look into their attack on the Iraqi reactor, they're barely managed to get the job done and that was against a nation in middle of a war and they did not fire a single SAM towards their fighter jets. Documentary on the attack on Iraqi reactor:

Anyone that believes Israel could actually engage in such a conflict is militarily illiterate. All these barking are there to pressurise the Americans and even they don't pay attention to it because they know the reality.

If they could, they would have done it by now. We know they can't, they know they can't, and they want the US to do the dirty work for them.
If they could, they would have done it by now. We know they can't, they know they can't, and they want the US to do the dirty work for them.
That's what i am thinking about, they can't handle the Iranian nuclear program by themselves so if their efforts to achieve the desired nuclear deal failed they would start a war and drag the Americans into the war to do the job for them
The Israelis themselves acknowledge that they can't deal with Iran on their own.

Watch: 38:30 and 52:30:

Even Putin doesn't believe that Israel can take Iran on its own. From Bolton's book:

‘Israel could not conduct military action against Iran alone’

Though Washington gave Israel the nod to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities, according to Bolton, Russian President Vladimir Putin — who is allied with Iran in Syria, but also maintains military coordination with Israel on its strikes in the country against Iran-backed fighters — was said to be skeptical that Israel would take action against Tehran.

“On Iran, he scoffed at our withdrawal from the nuclear deal, wondering, now that the United States had withdrawn, what would happen if Iran withdrew? Israel, he said, could not conduct military action against Iran alone because it didn’t have the resources or capabilities, especially if the Arabs united behind Iran, which was preposterous.

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The Israelis themselves acknowledge that they can't deal with Iran on their own.

Watch: 38:30 and 52:30:

Even Putin doesn't believe that Israel can take Iran on its own. From Bolton's book:

‘Israel could not conduct military action against Iran alone’

Though Washington gave Israel the nod to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities, according to Bolton, Russian President Vladimir Putin — who is allied with Iran in Syria, but also maintains military coordination with Israel on its strikes in the country against Iran-backed fighters — was said to be skeptical that Israel would take action against Tehran.

“On Iran, he scoffed at our withdrawal from the nuclear deal, wondering, now that the United States had withdrawn, what would happen if Iran withdrew? Israel, he said, could not conduct military action against Iran alone because it didn’t have the resources or capabilities, especially if the Arabs united behind Iran, which was preposterous.

It wouldn't be surprising if the Arabs went behind Israel against Iran but it would be more likely they would say nothing and remain neutral.

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