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The end of the deal, hopes, delusions and treasons

Growth requires increased interaction with world

“No government can develop its country without having a powerful internal economic structure and boosting its domestic capacities. On the other hand, there will be no growth in the absence of strong social potentials and interaction with the world,” Ali Rabiei told ISNA on Monday.

He pointed to the government's efforts to preserve the JCPOA, noting that all parties underscore and support such a move.

"I think we will definitely take the path to negotiate. Fortunately, all factions emphasize the JCPOA and no one has denied it. Those who once opposed will themselves be at the forefront of the negotiations."

"In the current year, Iran could gain a victory at the UN and could beat Trumpism, which has set the ground proper for meeting our national interests, and if we seize the opportunity a brighter future will expect us."

He elsewhere highlighted the negative impact of the US sanctions on Iran's economy, noting that the sanctions have made major difficulties for Iran with having monetary transactions with the countries it has trade transactions including its neighbors
Growth requires increased interaction with world

“No government can develop its country without having a powerful internal economic structure and boosting its domestic capacities. On the other hand, there will be no growth in the absence of strong social potentials and interaction with the world,” Ali Rabiei told ISNA on Monday.

He pointed to the government's efforts to preserve the JCPOA, noting that all parties underscore and support such a move.

"I think we will definitely take the path to negotiate. Fortunately, all factions emphasize the JCPOA and no one has denied it. Those who once opposed will themselves be at the forefront of the negotiations."

"In the current year, Iran could gain a victory at the UN and could beat Trumpism, which has set the ground proper for meeting our national interests, and if we seize the opportunity a brighter future will expect us."

He elsewhere highlighted the negative impact of the US sanctions on Iran's economy, noting that the sanctions have made major difficulties for Iran with having monetary transactions with the countries it has trade transactions including its neighbors
I think if Gaddafi of Libya was listening he would have had a good chuckle listening to a monkey like that talking.. but of course Iran is free country where even a monkey like that can express his opinion..
No negotiating JCPOA.... either come in ...pay damages and carry on ..or Fu*k off....Iran has been around for 7000 year and will be around past JCPOA.
"I think we will definitely take the path to negotiate. Fortunately, all factions emphasize the JCPOA and no one has denied it. Those who once opposed will themselves be at the forefront of the negotiations."

Says the Rohani spokesman. And he has incentive to do so. I wouldn't take his word on it though, until those he is referring to express themselves. Also, merely sitting at the negotiating table is one thing (even the Ahmadinejad administration did), but doing so with the intention of making further concessions beyond the original JCPOA is quite another, and I cannot imagine the historical opponents of the deal making this much of a U-turn.
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It is amazing, how even the atheists and seculars and pro-west Iranianshave lost their hope in a deal.

As long as the Iranian guy has the Iranian pride, he will just get harder and harder when gets hammered.

No wonder Zarif is not even running. He could win a landslide in 2015.
Growth requires increased interaction with world

“No government can develop its country without having a powerful internal economic structure and boosting its domestic capacities. On the other hand, there will be no growth in the absence of strong social potentials and interaction with the world,” Ali Rabiei told ISNA on Monday.

He pointed to the government's efforts to preserve the JCPOA, noting that all parties underscore and support such a move.

"I think we will definitely take the path to negotiate. Fortunately, all factions emphasize the JCPOA and no one has denied it. Those who once opposed will themselves be at the forefront of the negotiations."

"In the current year, Iran could gain a victory at the UN and could beat Trumpism, which has set the ground proper for meeting our national interests, and if we seize the opportunity a brighter future will expect us."

He elsewhere highlighted the negative impact of the US sanctions on Iran's economy, noting that the sanctions have made major difficulties for Iran with having monetary transactions with the countries it has trade transactions including its neighbors

I agree with the title, not so much with its content.
To put things in perspective.

Iran can easily enrich uranium to 90% purity: AEOI spokesman

A senior official at the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) says the country can easily enrich uranium to levels above 20 percent, even to 90 percent purity, a few days after Iran began 20-percent uranium enrichment at its Fordow nuclear facility.

“[Our] progress has been made in such a way that we can easily enrich uranium to any percentage, even above 40, 60 and 90 percent,” Behrouz Kamalvandi, the AEOI's spokesman, said on Thursday, according to Fars news agency.
Iran can easily enrich uranium to 90% purity: AEOI spokesman

A senior official at the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) says the country can easily enrich uranium to levels above 20 percent, even to 90 percent purity, a few days after Iran began 20-percent uranium enrichment at its Fordow nuclear facility.

Brother Philosopher, do you think now is a good time for Iran to kick the enrichment up a notch to 60% enrichment level? that way, it has more leverage for future discussions with world powers than it did pre-JCPOA era; even right before a new US admin takes office. Iran can justify its needs based on transport/propulsion needs for big/VL vessels and submarines.

Moreover, is it about time we will hear some progress on the working model of Iran's nuclear propulsion system?
Brother Philosopher, do you think now is a good time for Iran to kick the enrichment up a notch to 60% enrichment level? that way, it has more leverage for future discussions with world powers than it did pre-JCPOA era; even right before a new US admin takes office. Iran can justify its needs based on transport/propulsion needs for big/VL vessels and submarines.

Moreover, is it about time we will hear some progress on the working model of Iran's nuclear propulsion system?

I do not believe they will increase enrichment to higher levels at this point. Increasing to 20% and these comments from Iran are enough to send a message for now. These moves are essentially just to strengthen Iran's hand for when Biden takes office and he is likely to quickly get back to the Obama era deal thus Iran is not likely to go beyond what it had pre-JCPOA.

In terms of what will happen when Iranian nuclear propulsion systems are ready. This will be a very important situation. Iran will initially ask to purchase those 60%+ higher enriched Uranium for its vessels, if they do not provide, then Iran will use that as an excuse to increase enrichment to those. Recall this is the reason why Iran enriched to 20% in the first place. Iran asked to buy, they refused and Iran said it would make it itself and they dismissed Iran's ability to do so and now you can see where that dismal got them. Given Iran's next president is likely to be from the principalist branch i.e "hardliner", I think it is very likely we will hear more about Iran nuclear propulsion systems in the next few years.
Iran can easily enrich uranium to 90% purity: AEOI spokesman

A senior official at the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) says the country can easily enrich uranium to levels above 20 percent, even to 90 percent purity, a few days after Iran began 20-percent uranium enrichment at its Fordow nuclear facility.

Threats of enriching Uranium to 20% and kicking the IAEA agents are taken lightly by Biden team for two reasons:

- They do not think they will really kick out the inspectors.

- They think it is for leverage in negotiations and not making a bomb. They can easily tolerate that.

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