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The end of the deal, hopes, delusions and treasons


Not only that, but it takes pressure of Iran because right now besides North Korea (which EU doesn’t really care about because they are across the world), Iran is the center of attention.

Iran needs to increase the center of attention. The Kashoggi murder helped a little. But what we really need is for Saudi Arabia and Turkey to become public enemy #1 in the eyes of Israel,EU, and US. The only way that happens is if they go for the bomb. The Jews and Colonists do not want nukes in the hands of filth. They still are mad that Pakistani and India “brown” people got nukes and the “yellow people” in China got nukes. These guys loath Arabs and Turks.

Saudi Arabia already wants to have enrichment on its soil and is dangling billions in front of Uncle Sams eyes for construction of nuclear reactors.

Turks are so headstrong that they will def want to have a nuclear Arsenal to showcase “Great Ottoman” power.

Unfortunately IRGC and Republic are very risk averse. When Syria was falling to headchoppers there was friction within IRGC leadership over wether or not to intervene. Believe it or not some within the IRGC thought it was UNWISE to help Assad and that there was NO HOPE and a waste of time. These words were spoken by IRGC official when interviewed about the intervention.

So if these guys almost didn’t rescue a KEY ALLY than I don’t see them doing anything worth of substance in response to Israel/US pincer movement
Why is Iran not thinking about creating of "Nuke by proxy", it's an idea and I guess if it would ever happen, it would take enormous time. Lets say AnsarAllah Yemen or Syrian army wins the war, situation becomes stable and safe. Is it an idea for Iran to revive or start "their" nuclear program. In case of Syria it will be difficult because probably Putin will intervene to appease the Russian zionists.
Why is Iran not thinking about creating of "Nuke by proxy", it's an idea and I guess if it would ever happen, it would take enormous time. Lets say AnsarAllah Yemen or Syrian army wins the war, situation becomes stable and safe. Is it an idea for Iran to revive or start "their" nuclear program. In case of Syria it will be difficult because probably Putin will intervene to appease the Russian zionists.
If by "Nuke by Proxy" you mean testing a weapon in another location with other state actors carrying out tests, it will more likely than not be through North Korea and some speculated it might have already happened.
Why is Iran not thinking about creating of "Nuke by proxy", it's an idea and I guess if it would ever happen, it would take enormous time. Lets say AnsarAllah Yemen or Syrian army wins the war, situation becomes stable and safe. Is it an idea for Iran to revive or start "their" nuclear program. In case of Syria it will be difficult because probably Putin will intervene to appease the Russian zionists.

Because it is VERY difficult to hide a nuclear reactor. Syria tried and it got bombed.

The second problem is all of Iran’s enriched uranium is reviewed by UN and all of its mines are monitored by UN for diversion. It’s workshops that build centrifuges also monitored by UN.

Simply not feasible. One shouldn’t be afraid to go for nukes. What will the world do? Sanction Iran? l mean Iran is already under the most sanctions it can possibly be. But Iran boxed itself in a corner by issuing the Fatwa against nuclear weapons. That policy of appeasement and lapse in judgement has cost the Iranian economy hundreds of billions of dollars if not trillions in damages since 2003
What's your point?

your post in this section

You think killing the lead scientist of your nuclear program won't affect your nuclear program?

total none sense
What's your point?
and your posting of Natanz satellite images

as Trump already said ( tweeted) after intelligence briefing: Iran has undeclared assembly and enreachemant site

Meaning Natanz is Zero with regard to Iran nuclear program
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One side benefit of Iran having the bomb is something that our fellow forum member "TheImmortal" mentioned in one of his posts and did not get much attention on which I expand and fully agree .

He said that by Iran getting the bomb it will force countries like Turkey and Egypt also to develop their own bomb (saudis/UAE having no scientific capacity of their own will buy few from them just not to be left out).
Now imagine If jews had to worry about one rational nuclear Iran ,now they have to deal with Turkey, Egypt and worst of all the headchopers of Saudi/UAE with their fingers on the button. ..yes of course it will be bad for Iran but overall it will be much worse for the Jews..
Consider Iran, Pakistan, Turkey and Egypt/Saudi/UAE all being able to wipe them out...and if you think Saudis will be forced to Bomb Iran, well they (jews) know Iran will bomb both of them so forget about that.

Bro, to imagine that the US and zionist regimes against their will are going to allow their Turkish, Egyptian, Saudi and Emirati clients not to say vassals acquire nuclear weapons would frankly be out of touch.

Notice the manner in which the user suggesting this concludes his follow-on post to your comment: with a jab directed at the IRGC. That might be the purpose of these comments, which often contradict each other by supporting opposite points of view, as sharp observers may have noticed (in the past, I provided some concrete examples along with screenshots). The main commonality between these comments however is their shared tendency to portray the IR in its entirety as corrupt, incompetent, etc.

The user will resort to cognitive and discursive constructs in order to blacken the image of the IR as a whole and portray it in a constantly negative light.

The IRGC and "risk averse"... Labelling any organization or group willing to challenge the zionist entity and its American lackeys as "risk averse" is akin to a joke.
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If by "Nuke by Proxy" you mean testing a weapon in another location with other state actors carrying out tests, it will more likely than not be through North Korea and some speculated it might have already happened.

Source for definitive proof that Iran has tested a nuclear bomb through North Korea?
Source for definitive proof that Iran has tested a nuclear bomb through North Korea?
Iran does NOT have nuclear weapons. Period. The rest is just baseless fantasy and wishful thinking.
At this point after the JCPOA, it seems that the only way Iran could acquire nukes without having its nuclear facilities bombed is buying the blueprint and fission material from a foreign country which is difficult and risky.
Because it is VERY difficult to hide a nuclear reactor. Syria tried and it got bombed.

The second problem is all of Iran’s enriched uranium is reviewed by UN and all of its mines are monitored by UN for diversion. It’s workshops that build centrifuges also monitored by UN.

Simply not feasible. One shouldn’t be afraid to go for nukes. What will the world do? Sanction Iran? l mean Iran is already under the most sanctions it can possibly be. But Iran boxed itself in a corner by issuing the Fatwa against nuclear weapons. That policy of appeasement and lapse in judgement has cost the Iranian economy hundreds of billions of dollars if not trillions in damages since 2003

I agree that given the general fecklessness of Iranian nuclear weapon policy it is unlikely that a secret weapon program exists, but that does not mean that it would not be easily possible if there was a political will.

While a reactor is indeed rather difficult to hide (The structure bombed by the the Israelis for propagandistic purposes in Syria however of course was not a reactor but only a warehouse), uranium enrichment facilities are not.

Natanz could be identified because it is so huge, with space for more than 50,000 centrifuges, sufficient to supply the needs for a large number of civilian reactors.

But it is essentially impossible to identify from the outside a more modest enrichment facility with a few thousand centrifuges, which is sufficient for a reasonably sized nuclear weapon program, even if no particular efforts in concealment are made. This is clearly shown by the fact, that neither the Iranian facility in Fordow nor the North Korean one in Yongbyong were identified before they were officially revealed.
Iran does NOT have nuclear weapons. Period. The rest is just baseless fantasy and wishful thinking.
At this point after the JCPOA, it seems that the only way Iran could acquire nukes without having its nuclear facilities bombed is buying the blueprint and fission material from a foreign country which is difficult and risky.

Don't be ridiculous, no one would dare to bomb Iranian facilities any more than they dare to bomb North Korean facilities now.
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Don't be ridiculous, no one would dare to bomb Iranian facilities any more than they dare to bomb North Korean facilities now.
Have you had a look at the new building of the ICAC at Natanz that was almost destroyed by a sabotage operation? If they dare to do that and get away with it, if they dare to assassinate General Soleimani, they can try bombing our facilities with bunker busters as well. Only a simpleton would reject that possibility, knowing the capabilities of the US. But why would they even try to do that when they can damage our facilities from inside?
Have you had a look at the new building of the ICAC at Natanz that was almost destroyed by a sabotage operation? If they dare to do that and get away with it, if they dare to assassinate General Soleimani, they can try bombing our facilities with bunker busters as well. Only a simpleton would reject that possibility, knowing the capabilities of the US. But why would they even try to do that when they can damage our facilities from inside?

Huh? But that is exactly the point - they had to do it by clandestine sabotage, they could not risk to do it openly by bombing (I am assuming here that the Iranian assertion that it was sabotage and not an accident is correct - as far as I am aware there has been given no detailed explanation for this assertion).
Huh? But that is exactly the point - they had to do it by clandestine sabotage, they could not risk to do it openly by bombing (I am assuming here that the Iranian assertion that it was sabotage and not an accident is correct - as far as I am aware there has been given no detailed explanation for this assertion).
Who would bomb a facility from air when they can effectively render it inoperable by internal sabotage with plausible deniability?!
Who would bomb a facility from air when they can effectively render it inoperable by internal sabotage with plausible deniability?!

If you could carry out air strikes with impunity why would you bother with plausible deniability? Israel and the US can do that to Syria in its weakened state, but they most certainly can't do this in Iran.
If you could carry out air strikes with impunity why would you bother with plausible deniability? Israel and the US can do that to Syria in its weakened state, but they most certainly can't do this in Iran.
Iran has set no red lines. Who says that the US and Israel can not get away with a aerial bombing of Iranian territory ?
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