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The end of the deal, hopes, delusions and treasons

I strongly believe Iran should for nuke like Pakistan did. Just get it over with. Once done there is no going back. Those who have a problem will learn to live with it. Iran needs to look east. To China and focus on building bridges with Pakistan, Afghanistan [both countries have heavy Persian influence and have been part of the Greater Persian civilization goung back to Acheamenids] and Central Asia.
I've nothing to ad to your words. However the jews and westerners will try to genocide us before we reach this level. The traitors from within will work with them. We need an Iron fist military approach and I hope military comes into power in Iran. Executions and clean up is needed to clean the mess inside from financial corruption and traitors who supply information to zionists. Both general Soleimani and now our scientists were killed because of mossad cells from inside of Iran. If there is no shake up, these high profile executions and sabotage (like the natanz explosion) will be continued.
So much potential for cooperation and opportunities missed. China and its allies have been waiting for a long time to fully embrace Iran but what did we do, sign contracts with bloodsucking colonial western companies to leech us. Iranian leadership really needs to revise its foreign policy, 4 decades in and we have achieved nothing significant.
I have always respected Iran. I believe rising pool lifts neighbours. Iran with it's vast energy resrerves and rich historical past is crucial to our region and future of Pakistan far more than Saudia, GCC with whom we have no borders and no real strong historical links. The Urdu Pakistan uses is conspicious from Hindi by it's liberal use of Persian. Significant % of our population including our present Prime Minister are of Iranic ethnic heritage.

Just like Germany helped to lift most opf Europe I believe Iran if it had got chance to fully consolidate it's resources would have been a economic giant. And Pakistan would have been the second biggest beneficiary of Iran's success given it's proximaty. The Pak-Iran border should have been like Franco-German border with massive trade flows. How can Pakistan be starved of energy when Iran next door has some of the largest gas reserves on earth. Countries like Italy, Germany get piped gas from Siberian Russian fields or from North Africa yet Pakistan is trapped in shortage of energy when we have gas fields witrhin smelling range in Iran. It belies belief.

So much potential but wasted. Still I hope smething positive comes now. Certainly things have got better between Pakistan-Iran and Afghanistan. Finally our Iranian brothers must understand that as much as you guys can't stomach Israel we can't stomach India. Both represent extreme danger to each. Saying Pakistan to overlook the issues with India is like saying to Iran ignore all the rivalry with Israel or USA and just sing "love/peace songs".

Not possible.
Both general Soleimani and now our scientists were killed because of mossad cells from inside of Iran. If there is no shake up, these high profile executions and sabotage (like the natanz explosion) will be continued.
Clearly these examples show you have traitors in your midst. Otherwise how is this possible?
I have always respected Iran. I believe rising pool lifts neighbours. Iran with it's vast energy resrerves and rich historical past is crucial to our region and future of Pakistan far more than Saudia, GCC with whom we have no borders and no real strong historical links. The Urdu Pakistan uses is conspicious from Hindi by it's liberal use of Persian. Significant % of our population including our present Prime Minister are of Iranic ethnic heritage.

Just like Germany helped to lift most opf Europe I believe Iran if it had got chance to fully consolidate it's resources would have been a economic giant. And Pakistan would have been the second biggest beneficiary of Iran's success given it's proximaty. The Pak-Iran border should have been like Franco-German border with massive trade flows. How can Pakistan be starved of energy when Iran next door has some of the largest gas reserves on earth. Countries like Italy, Germany get piped gas from Siberian Russian fields or from North Africa yet Pakistan is trapped in shortage of energy when we have gas fields witrhin smelling range in Iran. It belies belief.

So much potential but wasted. Still I hope smething positive comes now. Certainly things have got better between Pakistan-Iran and Afghanistan. Finally our Iranian brothers must understand that as much as you guys can't stomach Israel we can't stomach India. Both represent extreme danger to each. Saying Pakistan to overlook the issues with India is like saying to Iran ignore all the rivalry with Israel or USA and just sing "love/peace songs".

Not possible.
Clearly these examples show you have traitors in your midst. Otherwise how is this possible?
Much respect to you brother, i consider all you guys as family with links to the big Iranic group. Long live Iran, Long live Pakistan.
اینا مگر مرجع تقلیدند ؟

Dana quoted ayatollah Jannati in his video, so I added another declaration made by Jannati at some later point. I cited Nabavian to address the question of the clergy's positions in general (regardless of their ranks).


As for the rhetoric of those who say they are patriotic (and even nationalistic) and who reject the exiled opposition, yet choose to focus their attacks on the sole Supreme Leader - thus emulating the narrative of Iran's foreign enemies and their Persian-language media, it should be obvious that the exclusive beneficiaries of such a mindset will be those same foreign enemies, in particular the zionist entity and the US regime.

At a time when the Supreme Leader needs every support he can muster from patriotic elements accross the board in order to be able to counter the liberals decisively, noone should concentrate his entire wrath on him under "patriotic" justifications.

This is while the liberals, for their part, directly benefit from the impact of the enemy's propaganda organs on public opinion (BBC, Manoto, Saudi International etc), seeing how these propaganda channels systematically support candidates from the reformist and moderate camps at the elections.

So if the aforementioned patriots are sincere in their motivations, then their attitude represents the epitome of political miscalculation and short-sightedness.

To be sure, the intricacies of a complex and pluralistic polity like the Islamic Republic of Iran will be lost on those who prefer to cultivate a simplistic and binary approach to Iran's political system, which in turn will lead them to indulge in counter-productive sloganeering, one-liner rhetorics and the like.

May I humbly suggest to have a brief look at my previous comment, a modest contribution to the clarification of some of these issues - in particular the nature of power distribution and interaction between the Leadership and the presidential administration, as well as the elaborate strategy implemented by Seyyed Khamenei and the revolutionary factions around the nuclear dossier.

Anti-IR Iranians are welcome to keep patting each other on the back in the vain hope that if their views prevailed on Instagram and Telegram, then this would translate into an actual downfall of the Islamic Republic and its Leadership in the real world...

I must say I feel for the "regime change" crowd to some extent, given that in most likelihood they are going to spend the next 40 years lamenting and nagging much like they have been doing for the past four decades, without seeing their dream come true - and without realizing that in fact, this "dream" of theirs is an illusion and would actually turn out to be the worst sort of nightmare, given that a collapse of the Islamic Republic will necessarily bring about the wholesale destruction of Iran as a nation and as a functioning state, similar to how Iran's existential enemies destroyed Afghanistan and Iraq right next door, as well as Syria, Yemen, Sudan and Somalia in Iran's broader neighborhood.
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Clearly these examples show you have traitors in your midst. Otherwise how is this possible?

A bloodied posthumous "gift" of the former pro-western Pahlavi monarchy to contemporary Iran.

These infiltration networks ("shabakeye nofuz" in Persian) have their roots in so-called stay-behind rings set up by Mossad inside Iran prior to the victory of the 1979 Revolution. They are comparable in function and type to NATO's infamous Gladio networks, about which some revelations were made in the west. By design, these networks are created to survive regime collapse and then continue to operate in a hostile, adversarial environment.

Gladio was supposed to organize guerilla struggle and sabotage in western European countries in case the Soviets successfully invaded and occupied them. Other than keeping tabs on their ally, the shah, the role of Mossad's stay-behind in Iran was to ensure that in the event of a collapse of the monarchy and its replacement by an anti-zionist and anti-imperialist type of polity like the Islamic Republic, agents would covertly operate within the newly established order so as to conduct hostile operations against it from the inside.

At the end of the day, this is a consequence of the shah regime's extensive security cooperation with Isra"el" and of its alliance with the US. Mossad, along with the CIA and the MI6, were the progenitors of the shah's renowned (and feared) SAVAK intelligence service. SAVAK was literally set up by these foreign agencies. Its personnel was trained by them from the outset. Naturally, when you open up the most sensitive areas of your national security to imperialist regimes like Isra"el", they will not hesitate to install their own networks within your security apparatus, networks that will answer to themselves only and will completely curtail your nation's sovereignty.

Surely a historic lesson for certain regimes proceeding to "normalize" their relations with Tel Aviv, but sadly chances are slim that they would listen. Not that Iran has not been alerting them for the past four decades.

After the Revolution, some of these covert Mossad networks - which included opponents to the shah, and whose members weren't referred to by name but by code numbers in internal SAVAK documents seized by the revolutionaries (making it impossible to easily identify them), managed to remain under the radar and began their work of subversion, spying and sabotage against the Islamic Republic, under which Iran had become a staunch adversary to the zionist and US regimes.

There is an analyst in Iran by the name of Pourmasoud who makes fascinating presentations on the topic. Sadly, the only video of him with English annotations I found, was quite poorly translated, so I preferred not to share it.
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Bunch of bi-gheyrat losers who can’t wait to negotiate with the US
They are truly infected with some sort of mental disease, almost a stockholm syndrome type of paralysis, or better yet, these roaches are blatant manchurian candidates! They should be announcing 50% or 75% enrichment and ramping up of everything and carry out more missile tests on a weekly or monthly basis and more satellite launches in these next few months to sabotage team zarif completely. Last few months of rohani need to be as crippled as much as possible until real humans are elected hopefully.
With Biden like that woman who gives hope Iran will again starting buying chocolate boxes hoping to carve a new relationship with the West. However down the road in 4 or maybe 8 years another US administration will come along and do another "Trump" on Iran. The suffering will be perpetuated. This is the story of US/West and Iran.

The other thing I note is Iranians blind themselves by seeing Europe as separate entity to USA. They should know while they may have differances but when it comes to Iran they are all on the same book, chapter if not the same page.

What you describe applies exclusively to the liberal political factions in Iran. Namely, the reformist parties (examples of reformist figures: former president Khatami, defeated presidential candidate Mousavi who lost to Ahmadinejad and subsequently instigated the 2009 fitna or "Green movement" colored revolution attempt) and the so-called moderate parties (examples of moderate politicians: ex-president Hashemi Rafsanjani, current president Rohani). The liberals hold sway over about half of Iran's economy, institutions, bureaucracy, media, etc.

Holding these liberal forces in check is the revolutionary core of the Islamic Republic, which broadly consists of the so-called principlist political parties, of Hezbollahi groups and social movements, of the Basij paramilitary mass-organization, of like-minded mosque and seminary networks etc. Ideologically, the revolutionary camp (referred to as "conservatives" in western media) has remained loyal to the original principles of the 1979 Revolution led by Imam Khomeini, in particular its anti-imperialist and anti-zionist dimension, whereas the liberal camp endeavours to reorient Iranian foreign policy towards gradual "normalization" with the west.

The revolutionaries have one major asset which the liberals lack and that is the alignment on their positions of the IRGC as a critical military and paramilitary corps. The Supreme Leader, for his part, is firmly situated in the revolutionary camp as well. Hence why you will see western and other mainstream media focus their attacks mostly on Supreme Leader Khamenei and on the IRGC, while being much more lenient towards reformists and moderates in their reporting.

Now independently of his political convictions, the Supreme Leader is no autocrat since the Islamic Republic is a genuinely pluralistic and democratic (albeit not a liberal-democratic) system. He sets general guidelines and broad policy frameworks to be followed by other institutions, but he must at the same time take into account the popular mandate of elected presidential administrations, as well as the different factions' effective political clout and capital. Unfortunately, his guidelines are not always followed by officials, particularly by liberal administrations like the current one (but even the Ahmadinejad administration developed some tendencies towards rivalry in its later years). Nonetheless the Leader must act as an arbiter between factions, even if his personal views are closer to one of these.

If it was entirely up to the revolutionaries and to the Supreme Leader, there would probably be no JCPOA in the first place and certainly no trust or hopes whatsoever placed on Biden. However, this is sadly not how things work.

The wish of every clear-sighted revolutionary and patriot right now is to see a strong sovereignist and anti-imperialist president, preferably a former military man, take over in the upcoming election. This would give the Leader a much freer hand to implement his policy guidelines. But western-based Persian language propaganda media are going to try everything in their power to prevent this from happening, by campaigning around the clock for the liberal candidate (which rumor has it will be current foreign minister Zarif).

Back to your observation, here is an article from Supreme Leader Khamenei's own website (a quality source, vividly recommended to those interested), highlighting what he thinks of EU regimes and their nonextant trustworthiness:

Why aren't the three European countries reliable?
  • May 26, 2018

After the US withdrew from the nuclear deal known as JCPOA, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution gave a speech at Farhangian university and referred to the matter of continuing the agreement with three European countries, stating: "I do not trust these three countries and tell you not to trust them." Hence, the website of Khamenei.ir explores and issues some previous actions of these European countries against the Islamic Revolution of Iran and other countries, based on the statements of the Leader.

  • Centuries of occupying and destroying other countries
Today, you can witness that the Americans and the Europeans have managed to conquer the entire world because of the knowledge they’ve acquired.
You know that the US, England, France, and many other European countries – even small countries in Europe – have managed to occupy other countries, some of them managing to keep ahold of those colonies for several centuries. They've [Europeans] exploited every resource that they had, and they destroyed them [regions the Europeans invaded]. They achieved absolute power over those nations, and they became dominant because of their knowledge.
Oct 18, 2017

  • Colonizing of Algeria and Tunisia by France
As I said, our society of book readers, unfortunately, pays little attention to contemporary history. You should read contemporary history to see what happened to India, Burma, Africa and Latin America because of colonialism. You should read this history to see what happened in Algeria, Tunisia and other such countries at the hands of France – this seemingly orderly, neat, chic and polite country – and colonialism.
Nov 11, 2015

  • A hundred years of conspiracy against the Muslim world
Hatching plots against the world of Islam and this region, in particular, is not a new development. Since many years ago -- since 100 years ago: World War I until today -- this region has been exposed to many pressures by arrogant powers. One day, it was England, one day it was America, and one day it was France. It is 100 years or more now that arrogant powers have been pursuing their goals here.
Aug 17, 2015

  • Leading the front of Arrogance
The savage attack on Gaza, over the past week, which is truly shocking[...]--the shocking aspect is that leaders of the Front of Global Arrogance behave so shamelessly during this crisis. This front not only refuses to frown at the behaviour of the brutal Zionist regime, and they not only refuse to prevent it from carrying out its criminal activity, rather they support and encourage it. The USA, explicitly, supported the Zionists; England supported them; France supported them: these are the leaders of global arrogance. Muslims do not have any enemies who are as hated and brutal as these people.
Nov 21, 2012

  • First sanctions, attacks, spying, propaganda invasions against the Islamic Revolution
From the Revolution onwards, you have seen what they have done. It is clear: the first round of sanctions, attacks, treacherous activities, espionage attempts, security infiltrations and the widespread propaganda attacks against the Islamic Republic were carried out by Westerners, by the Americans, and by the Europeans. And look what they did afterwards: before the imposed war, they helped leftist groups: those groups were leftists, but their supporter was rightist America!
Jul 2, 2016

  • Trying to abolish the Revolution
The underlying issue had nothing to do with oil-rich regions; rather, it was about the essence of the Iranian government and the Revolution. They wanted to destroy the Revolution. The powerful US and Europe stood behind Saddam and helped him as much as they could. They helped him as much as possible! Second, third-rate countries in Europe were not important. The central powers of Europe--England, France, Germany, and Italy, countries which had power and capability in Europe--stood behind Saddam and supported him to the fullest.
And, at the beginning of the war, the troops of Saddam's regime were limited in number; and they had below average resources; but, with the passage of time – over a few years – these resources increased daily. However, war destroys resources. For example, at the beginning of the war we had tanks, but some of them were destroyed; we had some cannons, but many of them were ruined; we had ammunition, but all were used up; these things are naturally consumed during a war: war reduces resources. As the war went on, the resources of the Ba'athist regime increased. Who gave them these resources [weapons]? [It was]France, England, Germany, and the US.
Mar 10, 2018

  • Equipping Saddam with advanced armaments and chemical weapons
The US used to help Saddam by giving him missiles, defensive weapons and even war plans. It used to help him with his satellites.
Others were helping him as well. France was helping as well. They used to give him missiles and planes. The same is true of Germany. Germany was giving him chemical weapons. You know that Saddam's army used to conduct chemical attacks on many occasions. We have so many casualties from those chemical weapons. Many of them have passed away! It was the Germans who were giving him the substances [to make weapons]. The Germans used to provide them with chemical substances so that they could produce chemical weapons.
Oct 18, 2017
In the middle of the war(8-years sacred defence), France gave its most advanced airplanes and helicopters to Iraq; and Germany provided Saddam's regime with chemical and toxic substances so that he could use them on the front lines.
[Ironically,] Those who are often attacking countries today, with accusations of chemical weapons use, officially and publicly gave chemicals to Saddam for making chemical bombs, and other chemical weapons, to use on the front lines.
Mar 10, 2018

  • Accusing top authorities of Iran of Mykonos Affair
At one time, one of the European governments used to express friendship and a tendency to establish relations with Iran. The same government formed a court hearing after the Mykonos restaurant issue and levelled accusations against high-ranking officials of the country [Iran]. European governments cooperated with them, and all of them withdrew their ambassadors from Tehran. We have not forgotten those things. They tried to knock us across the face, but they received a stronger response.
Aug 7, 2011

  • Following the US on sanctioning Iran and spreading propaganda against Iran
We have no problems with Europe either. It was the Europeans who clashed with us. I said to a European president, who had recently come to our country, that Europe should liberate itself from going along with the American's policies. The Europeans have followed along with American policies. He imposed sanctions on us, and they followed the USA. He made his propaganda against us, and they followed the US. Well, what should we do? In other events, it was the Europeans who began the enmity.
Mar 10, 2016

  • Interfering with the defence power of the Islamic Republic
If European governments repeat the same thing that the US states; if they ask why Iran is present in the region – well, what is that to you? Why should Iran not be present? Or when they echo US criticism against our missiles, with a range of two, three thousand kilometres, this does not make sense. What is it to you? Why do you yourselves have missiles? Why do you, yourselves, have nuclear missiles? Why do you have atomic weapons? If they want to interfere in the defensive power of the Islamic Republic and speak against it, this cannot be done. We will not accept this from the Europeans, in any way! They should not sing along to the tune of the US when it sings songs of aggression and foolishness.
Oct 18, 2017

  • French playing the role of the bad cop during JCPOA negotiations
What manner of hostility has the Islamic Republic ever shown towards France? Because Imam (r.a.) resided in France, for a while, that country was even praised by revolutionary forces, but you see how they treat Iranians today. You’ve witnessed that, on the nuclear issue, the French played the role of a bad cop. Of course, it was the Americans who set up this situation, but the French took on the worst position regarding the nuclear matter. What have we ever done to the French? Have we shown any hostility towards them?
Jun 14, 2016

  • Obstinacy and malignancy during JCPOA negotiations
Sometimes one hears that I have expressed my dissatisfaction with this issue: some friends call it "the global community.” It is they that refer to themselves as the global community. We are not confronted by the global community. We are only confronted by the USA and three other European governments; that is all. It is, only, the USA and three European countries that show obstinacy, break their promises, and behave viciously towards the people of Iran on this matter.
Apr 9, 2015


Here is another example:

Khamenei says Iran should give up hope of European help against U.S. sanctions

Europe News
Reuters Staff

DUBAI (Reuters) - Iranian Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Thursday European countries were unlikely to help Iran against U.S. sanctions, and Tehran “should give up all hope” in that regard, according to his official website.

Britain, France and Germany, parties to a 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, have tried to set up a trade mechanism to barter humanitarian and food goods with Iran after the United States withdrew from the deal last year and re-imposed sanctions. But the mechanism is still not operational.
Iran has repeatedly said it will ramp up its nuclear activities unless the European countries do more to protect its economy from the impact of the U.S. sanctions.

“Despite their promises, the Europeans have practically adhered to America’s sanctions and have not taken any action and are unlikely to do anything for the Islamic Republic in the future. So one should give up all hope on Europeans,” Khamenei was quoted as saying.

“There should be no trust in countries that have held the banner of hostility to (Iran’s) Islamic system, led by the United States and some European countries, because they are openly hostile to the Iranian people,” Khamenei said.

“The road to interaction and negotiations is open to all countries other than America and the Zionist regime (Israel),” Khamenei told members of a powerful clerical body.

Reporting by Dubai newsroom; Editing by John Stonestreet and Peter Graff

In other words, Supreme Leader Khamenei is very much aware of both the deceptive approach of the likes of Obama and Biden, and also of the "good cop" role assigned to EU regimes in the collective game played against Iran by the NATO and zionist axis (when Obama was in charge, the "bad cop" role was actually given to France).

Let us all hope and pray that the next Iranian president unlike the current Rohani administration will align more closely on the Leader's views.
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This what I worry for Tehran Biden is siren singer he will lure Iran to become soft honestly this is typical whenever a Democrat comes into office Iran should go full nuclear bomb also it needs to consolidate its interests in Greater Mid East honestly no offense Iran should give a middle finger to the Palestinians as they are double dealers and to a extent as Arabs have disdain of Persians and Turks
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This is a reason why rohani/zarif/ziab kalam insects need to be sent to a gas chamber if they continue insisting of capitulation to a new US admin that will be far more insidious than the previous circus admin.
I've nothing to ad to your words. However the jews and westerners will try to genocide us before we reach this level. The traitors from within will work with them. We need an Iron fist military approach and I hope military comes into power in Iran. Executions and clean up is needed to clean the mess inside from financial corruption and traitors who supply information to zionists. Both general Soleimani and now our scientists were killed because of mossad cells from inside of Iran. If there is no shake up, these high profile executions and sabotage (like the natanz explosion) will be continued.

It is very depressing that this assassination illustrates how compromised Iran's security and intelligence apparatus is to Zionist control.
One side benefit of Iran having the bomb is something that our fellow forum member "TheImmortal" mentioned in one of his posts and did not get much attention on which I expand and fully agree .

He said that by Iran getting the bomb it will force countries like Turkey and Egypt also to develop their own bomb (saudis/UAE having no scientific capacity of their own will buy few from them just not to be left out).
Now imagine If jews had to worry about one rational nuclear Iran ,now they have to deal with Turkey, Egypt and worst of all the headchopers of Saudi/UAE with their fingers on the button. ..yes of course it will be bad for Iran but overall it will be much worse for the Jews..
Consider Iran, Pakistan, Turkey and Egypt/Saudi/UAE all being able to wipe them out...and if you think Saudis will be forced to Bomb Iran, well they (jews) know Iran will bomb both of them so forget about that.
One side benefit of Iran having the bomb is something that our fellow forum member "TheImmortal" mentioned in one of his posts and did not get much attention on which I expand and fully agree .

He said that by Iran getting the bomb it will force countries like Turkey and Egypt also to develop their own bomb (saudis/UAE having no scientific capacity of their own will buy few from them just not to be left out).
Now imagine If jews had to worry about one rational nuclear Iran ,now they have to deal with Turkey, Egypt and worst of all the headchopers of Saudi/UAE with their fingers on the button. ..yes of course it will be bad for Iran but overall it will be much worse for the Jews..
Consider Iran, Pakistan, Turkey and Egypt/Saudi/UAE all being able to wipe them out...and if you think Saudis will be forced to Bomb Iran, well they (jews) know Iran will bomb both of them so forget about that.


Not only that, but it takes pressure of Iran because right now besides North Korea (which EU doesn’t really care about because they are across the world), Iran is the center of attention.

Iran needs to increase the center of attention. The Kashoggi murder helped a little. But what we really need is for Saudi Arabia and Turkey to become public enemy #1 in the eyes of Israel,EU, and US. The only way that happens is if they go for the bomb. The Jews and Colonists do not want nukes in the hands of filth. They still are mad that Pakistani and India “brown” people got nukes and the “yellow people” in China got nukes. These guys loath Arabs and Turks.

Saudi Arabia already wants to have enrichment on its soil and is dangling billions in front of Uncle Sams eyes for construction of nuclear reactors.

Turks are so headstrong that they will def want to have a nuclear Arsenal to showcase “Great Ottoman” power.

Unfortunately IRGC and Republic are very risk averse. When Syria was falling to headchoppers there was friction within IRGC leadership over wether or not to intervene. Believe it or not some within the IRGC thought it was UNWISE to help Assad and that there was NO HOPE and a waste of time. These words were spoken by IRGC official when interviewed about the intervention.

So if these guys almost didn’t rescue a KEY ALLY than I don’t see them doing anything worth of substance in response to Israel/US pincer movement
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