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The end of the deal, hopes, delusions and treasons

On Feb 21,Iran will terminate IAEA inspections (additional protocol) and turn the lights off on Iran's nuclear activity....JCPOA will practically be dead by that day..New era for Iran...Ramp up all nuclear activity and "Neutralization" of sanction effects on Iranian society must be the No.1 priority for the new government of Iran.
حرفهای این چن هفته تیم بایدن مهم نیست. تیم بایدن از سنا دارن رای میارن. ولی در مارچ موضع تیم بایدن معلوم میشه

رئیس جاسوس ها ممکنه رای نیاره و اون تنها مهره است که به نفع ایرانه​
As repeated a thousand times before, the US policies on Iran are bi-partisan policies. The United States will continue to act against Iran in a bi-partisan, harmonious manner. Granted, Biden is different from Trump. He won't try to directly provoke Iran or act overly tough to coerce Iran into submission, but he will pursue the same objective (weakening Iran and containing her regionally) through less aggressive means in the background.

The Iranian politicians should be smart and try to accumulate fissile material as much as possible and advance their nuclear and military technology maximally as they can. The Biden administration should give Iran 4 years of opportunity to buy time to progress in all spheres more than before. There's still a good chance that another republican candidate like Trump would pop out of nowhere in 2025. Iran should also maintain a diplomatic tone and tries to argue that it is ready to cooperate with the United States and the Western world after they have lifted all sanctions and have built trust with Iran. They need to prove that they're trust worthy. Now we all know that they will never do that, but it's an argument that can be used to buy time. Right now, after the failure of the maximum pressure campaign, the US struggle with covid, and Iran's recent nuclear progress, the clock is ticking in Iran's favor.
The problem is that you expect a lot from a bunch of Mullah's. That is the core problem. There is no plan, if there ever was a plan we would not witness the dismantling of a large part of the nuclear program in return for empty western promises and a bunch of French propeller planes.

Once again the West castrated Iran brilliantly without dumb Iranian politicians realizing what the f is happening.
On Feb 21,Iran will terminate IAEA inspections (additional protocol) and turn the lights off on Iran's nuclear activity....JCPOA will practically be dead by that day..New era for Iran...Ramp up all nuclear activity and "Neutralization" of sanction effects on Iranian society must be the No.1 priority for the new government of Iran.
Watch how that date (Feb 21) will get moved continuously by coward mullahs. There is no grand plan brother, it is a whole badbakhti on team melli level.
The problem is that you expect a lot from a bunch of Mullah's. That is the core problem. There is no plan, if there ever was a plan we would not witness the dismantling of a large part of the nuclear program in return for empty western promises and a bunch of French propeller planes.

Once again the West castrated Iran brilliantly without dumb Iranian politicians realizing what the f is happening.
I know that the Iranian regime doesn't look like the smartest bunch of guys there, but these fools are going to celebrate their 42nd anniversary of the 1979 revolution in 2 weeks. They aren't always as dumb as they seem.

They had little choice back then. The majority of people thought that maybe those empty promises would result in a better economic situation for the country and they didn't distrust the US and Europe as much as now. Even the regime itself was divided and some of them thought that diplomacy would work. The experience of JCPOA, even though very costly for Iran, at least has proven that we cannot trust the US, nor Europe. The support for diplomacy over Iran's nuclear program has substantially changed since then and many people distrust the US and Europe now, particularly among the younger generation that used to be pro-West.

That aside, although we lost a lot of opportunities after the JCPOA, and I have always been against the JCPOA from the very beginning, the current situation is not very different from 2012. The recent move by the parliament will greatly improve our nuclear capabilities and the Iranian Atomic Agency just recently announced that they will comply with the law line by line. We lost 8 years and they set back our nuclear program to 10 years ago without firing a bullet, that's true, but we have much better technologies and engineering capabilities at our disposal now compared to 2010.
I know that the Iranian regime doesn't look like the smartest bunch of guys there, but these fools are going to celebrate their 42nd anniversary of the 1979 revolution in 2 weeks. They aren't always as dumb as they seem.

They had little choice back then. The majority of people thought that maybe those empty promises would result in a better economic situation for the country and they didn't distrust the US and Europe as much as now. Even the regime itself was divided and some of them thought that diplomacy would work. The experience of JCPOA, even though very costly for Iran, at least has proven that we cannot trust the US, nor Europe. The support for diplomacy over Iran's nuclear program has substantially changed since then and many people distrust the US and Europe now, particularly among the younger generation that used to be pro-West.

That aside, although we lost a lot of opportunities after the JCPOA, and I have always been against the JCPOA from the very beginning, the current situation is not very different from 2012. The recent move by the parliament will greatly improve our nuclear capabilities and the Iranian Atomic Agency just recently announced that they will comply with the law line by line. We lost 8 years and they set back our nuclear program to 10 years ago without firing a bullet, that's true, but we have much better technologies and engineering capabilities at our disposal now compared to 2010.
Arian jan, you know what i think of the mullahs. I do not see a grand plan or any proper planning at all. All i see is bechap bechap and poole mamlekat ro paaroo zadan va farar kardan be samte gharb. The JCPOA proved that IR is not seeking resistance in any meaningful way anymore. The Americans have lost their interests in the region and they concluded that it is simply not worth their lives or money anymore.. it has nothing to do with IR (incase someone wants to tie their withdrawal and lack of interests from ME to IR!) . However i believe that after the death of Khamenei the IRGC will become more bold and become much more authoritarian and honestly Iran needs that though, especially after gand kaari and goh baazi of incompetent and useless Akhoonds. We need a Myanmar alike military leadership, that is the way forward for Iran. Till then, nuclear program, ''resistance'' or any koofte zahre mar has no real meaning.
IRGC is being held back by a bunch of old expired clerics and that is the greatest tragedy. We need men in green uniform at the helm of power ASAP.
Russia, China, Iran should make clear that the deal remains active without US and while Iran is enriching 20% because EU and US don't remove the sanctions. Later they can't say Iran stepped out of the deal. There will never be any deal again with US or EU in the future. US return to the deal should only be allowed if they remove all the sanctions.
Russia, China, Iran should make clear that the deal remains active without US and while Iran is enriching 20% because EU and US don't remove the sanctions. Later they can't say Iran stepped out of the deal. There will never be any deal again with US or EU in the future. US return to the deal should only be allowed if they remove all the sanctions.
Good to see you back..why did u get banned...

I add one more condition to US return...that is..."pay damages incurred in this 3.5 year by iran"
Good to see you back..why did u get banned...

I add one more condition to US return...that is..."pay damages incurred in this 3.5 year by iran"
Because some biased anti-Iranian mod here (everyone knows him) was disappointed about the fact that I mentioned inhuman zionist Sheldon Adelson was responsible for creating millions of gambling addicts, since zionists are nowadays protectors of their holy land and idols. Soon insulting Zionism or Israel will become equal to sectarianism and insulting (sunni) Islam.

You're correct about damages that US has to pay before entering the deal again. If not we shoud create tens of tons of 20% enriched Uranium and activate IR-6 and newer centrifuges.
If you Iranian's fall for the expected "good cop bad cop routine" I swear you deserve to be bombed. Biden will now play the good cop. If Iran falls for it then you have no guarantee that comes 2023 and Trump or another Trumpist wins you will get jacked again.
Your point is well taken . Most every one is aware of that possibility..any action in iran side should take that in mind.
If you Iranian's fall for the expected "good cop bad cop routine" I swear you deserve to be bombed. Biden will now play the good cop. If Iran falls for it then you have no guarantee that comes 2023 and Trump or another Trumpist wins you will get jacked again.
This is bad cop and worse cop. Biden is an extreme ideological zionist, half of his cabinet are jewish warmongers who supported Libya, Iraq, Syria war, and who support sanctions against Russia and China, Iran.
They just want to use their usual repeated invasion trick: giving sanctions, then promising to remove them later if their victim-enemy disarms itsself. Then they will attack and destroy that country.

The republicans increase the sanctions and give stolen lands to Israel, the democrats agree with land stealing, but to appear different, promise to remove some part of the sanctions which the republicans imposed, in exchange for full obedience of their future victim. Iran and Iranians know them very well (except small part of traitor slaves who live within and outside Iran)
What a joke the Biden administration is.. they are just a nicer sounding Pompeo and Bolton. 21th February is the deadline the Iranian parliament has given.. no concession from the US before that date and it is already a done process for Iran to be on the shortest breakout capacity which is a good news (but not sure if our traitor diplomats allow that to happen). Hopefully Biden miscalculates and toughens his position.

Saudi Arabia must be included in Iran negotiations: Macron

LONDON: Negotiation with Iran on a nuclear deal will be very strict, France’s President Emmanuel Macron said in comments to Al Arabiya on Friday.

Speaking to the news channel, the president said that Saudi Arabia must be included in any negotiations on an agreement with Iran.

Macron added that the time remaining to prevent Iran from having a nuclear weapon was very short.

The French president also said the mistake of 2015's Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), when regional powers were excluded from the agreement with Tehran, should be avoided.

With each day passing, a more ridiculous and unrealistic condition is being imposed on future negotiations by the opposing side. I just wonder if they are merely paying lip service to their friends in the Persian Gulf area, or whether they truly believe that they have Iran in a position to further squeeze it.
Saudi Arabia must be included in Iran negotiations: Macron

LONDON: Negotiation with Iran on a nuclear deal will be very strict, France’s President Emmanuel Macron said in comments to Al Arabiya on Friday.

Speaking to the news channel, the president said that Saudi Arabia must be included in any negotiations on an agreement with Iran.

Macron added that the time remaining to prevent Iran from having a nuclear weapon was very short.

The French president also said the mistake of 2015's Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), when regional powers were excluded from the agreement with Tehran, should be avoided.

With each day passing, a more ridiculous and unrealistic condition is being imposed on future negotiations by the opposing side. I just wonder if they are merely paying lip service to their friends in the Persian Gulf area, or whether they truly believe that they have Iran in a position to further squeeze it.
GOH KHORD KOONI MADAR GHAHBEH! MARG BAR france, nation of whores who are only good at comforting German men and nothing more. Death to anyone in Iran who drinks from french sewage. Unfortunately there is a sich francophile in my own family as well, a nation of degenerate decadent disgusting scum.
Saudi Arabia must be included in Iran negotiations: Macron

LONDON: Negotiation with Iran on a nuclear deal will be very strict, France’s President Emmanuel Macron said in comments to Al Arabiya on Friday.

Speaking to the news channel, the president said that Saudi Arabia must be included in any negotiations on an agreement with Iran.

Macron added that the time remaining to prevent Iran from having a nuclear weapon was very short.

The French president also said the mistake of 2015's Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), when regional powers were excluded from the agreement with Tehran, should be avoided.

With each day passing, a more ridiculous and unrealistic condition is being imposed on future negotiations by the opposing side. I just wonder if they are merely paying lip service to their friends in the Persian Gulf area, or whether they truly believe that they have Iran in a position to further squeeze it.
This "bache soosool" talks a lot. The French do suck up to the Arabs all the time. After all, French is a European Arab country.
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