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The end of the deal, hopes, delusions and treasons

1st off Quran specifically say's "La Ekraha fed deen" which mean under true Islamic Law you are NOT allowed to force Islamic Ideology on others 2ndly Quran say's NOTHING about women's hair! and even if it did a true Islamic Government can't simply ignore the fact that the Quran say's La Ekraha fed deen. So the Truth is that the governments that don't enforce such policies are far more Islamic than our government. So we are NOT a country of Islamic Law because forcing your Ideology on others is against Islamic Law and that is directly in the Quran unlike your absurd delusions about women's hair!

And Iran's Supreme leader doesn't need the permission of the Parliament to order IRGC Aerospace forces to start space activities especially since they are call Nirou e Hava Faza e Sepah!

And the problem with Pricipalists is not their foreign policy, military policy, economic policy,.... their problem is that they against the written words of the Quran want to constantly enforce their ideology on the entire country regardless of what it's doing to our economy.
“La ekraha feddin” means you can’t put a sword over neck of a non-Muslim and tell him to become Muslim by force! Such Eman (faith) doesn’t worth for God.
But in an Islamic society where most of people are Muslims Islamic laws should be observed otherwise you are no different with a non-Muslim society. Anyway I myself am not a religious person and I believe some laws should changed or soften dependent on the time that you live. Furthermore while the most of none religious governments in the world broadcast nudity purposely because of their “Anti Religion” agenda what is better for your country to do oppose and keep Religious Values alive. We know in all of Ibrahimic and even none-Ibrahimic religions (like old hindu religion, women in india were covered same as East Asia) covering hair and the whole body for women is mandatory. Accident Iranian ladies and Zorosterians covered their body fully as a law.



This is order from Quran: Do not display yourselves after the manner of the (pre-Islamic) age of darkness. Be steadfast in the prayer, pay the religious tax, and obey God 33:33
What about Broader Conclusion? is it gonna happen? it would be 4 years on October this year..
“La ekraha feddin” means you can’t put a sword over neck of a non-Muslim and tell him to become Muslim by force! Such Eman (faith) doesn’t worth for God.
But in an Islamic society where most of people are Muslims Islamic laws should be observed otherwise you are no different with a non-Muslim society. Anyway I myself am not a religious person and I believe some laws should changed or soften dependent on the time that you live. Furthermore while the most of none religious governments in the world broadcast nudity purposely because of their “Anti Religion” agenda what is better for your country to do oppose and keep Religious Values alive. We know in all of Ibrahimic and even none-Ibrahimic religions (like old hindu religion, women in india were covered same as East Asia) covering hair and the whole body for women is mandatory. Accident Iranian ladies and Zorosterians covered their body fully as a law.



This is order from Quran: Do not display yourselves after the manner of the (pre-Islamic) age of darkness. Be steadfast in the prayer, pay the religious tax, and obey God 33:33

No La Ekra Fed Deen literally means "There is No Compulsion in religion" Which means you can't even compel others to follow your ideology let alone force them too!
Not to mention that fact that Quran says NOTHING about women's Hair!

Also in ancient times both men and women covered their hair not just in Iran but in most of the world and the reason for that is because there were no roads and people got around with horses that kicked up dirt and mud and with no easy access to showers and shampoo keeping your hair clean was not so easy.
Also in ancient times both men and women covered their hair not just in Iran but in most of the world and the reason for that is because there were no roads and people got around with horses that kicked up dirt and mud and with no easy access to showers and shampoo keeping your hair clean was not so easy.

Spare me your jokes !
1st off Quran specifically say's "La Ekraha fed deen" which mean under true Islamic Law you are NOT allowed to force Islamic Ideology on others 2ndly Quran say's NOTHING about women's hair! and even if it did a true Islamic Government can't simply ignore the fact that the Quran say's La Ekraha fed deen. So the Truth is that the governments that don't enforce such policies are far more Islamic than our government. So we are NOT a country of Islamic Law because forcing your Ideology on others is against Islamic Law and that is directly in the Quran unlike your absurd delusions about women's hair!
You are repeating Zionists/Reformists cheap arguments without ever bother to look for answers!

Islam is a social religion and most of it are mandatory social orders.
"La Ikrah fe din" refers to personal life, not social laws. it means you can worship your d!ck in your home, but you can't take it out to streets, do that and you will get familiar with Islam's concept of "Mofsed fi Arz"! You can have $ex with whoever you like and nobody is allowed to spy on you, but publicize it and you will get familiar with the meaning of stoning.
Also if you really wanted to know about Hijab in in Quran, all it needed was a simple search:
کدام آیه قرآن درباره حجاب است؟ | شهر سوال

And Iran's Supreme leader doesn't need the permission of the Parliament to order IRGC Aerospace forces to start space activities especially since they are call Nirou e Hava Faza e Sepah!
Supreme leader already explained not to expect him to interfere with executive maters cause that's beyond his jurisdictions, we have government for that, he asked people to pursue their demands through their representatives.

He has publicized his orders (i.e for JCPOA), and if government violates them, People's representatives in Parliament should react (that's how Imam Khomeini dealt with the traitor president Bani Sadr), and if they don't react, it means nobody wants to follow him, and he doesn't insist either and let people experience.
If we need a space program which our future vision document signed by leader says we need (with details), then it's responsibility of government and Parliament to follow it.
So I repeat it again, we are not a monarchy, understand it.

And the problem with Pricipalists is not their foreign policy, military policy, economic policy,.... their problem is that they against the written words of the Quran want to constantly enforce their ideology on the entire country regardless of what it's doing to our economy.

What's happening to our economy is actually the implementation of liberalism, the more governments has implemented it, the worse it has become (i.e in this government). American economy is already falling, let alone a sanctioned country like Iran, if we weren't (partially) following Islam, we wouldn't have any better destiny than Soviet union.
You are repeating Zionists/Reformists cheap arguments without ever bother to look for answers!

Islam is a social religion and most of it are mandatory social orders.
"La Ikrah fe din" refers to personal life, not social laws. it means you can worship your d!ck in your home, but you can't take it out to streets, do that and you will get familiar with Islam's concept of "Mofsed fi Arz"! You can have $ex with whoever you like and nobody is allowed to spy on you, but publicize it and you will get familiar with the meaning of stoning.
Also if you really wanted to know about Hijab in in Quran, all it needed was a simple search:
کدام آیه قرآن درباره حجاب است؟ | شهر سوال

Supreme leader already explained not to expect him to interfere with executive maters cause that's beyond his jurisdictions, we have government for that, he asked people to pursue their demands through their representatives.

He has publicized his orders (i.e for JCPOA), and if government violates them, People's representatives in Parliament should react (that's how Imam Khomeini dealt with the traitor president Bani Sadr), and if they don't react, it means nobody wants to follow him, and he doesn't insist either and let people experience.
If we need a space program which our future vision document signed by leader says we need (with details), then it's responsibility of government and Parliament to follow it.
So I repeat it again, we are not a monarchy, understand it.

What's happening to our economy is actually the implementation of liberalism, the more governments has implemented it, the worse it has become (i.e in this government). American economy is already falling, let alone a sanctioned country like Iran, if we weren't (partially) following Islam, we wouldn't have any better destiny than Soviet union.
Listen to yourself man, it's the 21st century and you're arguing for stoning people. Stoning someone to death because of their sex life or sexuality. Your group's time in power is limited with these 7th century ideas. Iran and iranians don't not need these archaic values, we've always been progressive and open minded.
Listen to yourself man, it's the 21st century and you're arguing for stoning people. Stoning someone to death because of their sex life or sexuality. Your group's time in power is limited with these 7th century ideas. Iran and iranians don't not need these archaic values, we've always been progressive and open minded.
Not because of their sex life, but because of advertising sex life in society. these two are different.

stoning has such a severe conditions that it's almost impossible to prove it, but if they want to do it deliberately, then they have to accept the consequences.
You are repeating Zionists/Reformists cheap arguments without ever bother to look for answers!

Islam is a social religion and most of it are mandatory social orders.
"La Ikrah fe din" refers to personal life, not social laws. it means you can worship your d!ck in your home, but you can't take it out to streets, do that and you will get familiar with Islam's concept of "Mofsed fi Arz"! You can have $ex with whoever you like and nobody is allowed to spy on you, but publicize it and you will get familiar with the meaning of stoning.
Also if you really wanted to know about Hijab in in Quran, all it needed was a simple search:
کدام آیه قرآن درباره حجاب است؟ | شهر سوال

Supreme leader already explained not to expect him to interfere with executive maters cause that's beyond his jurisdictions, we have government for that, he asked people to pursue their demands through their representatives.

He has publicized his orders (i.e for JCPOA), and if government violates them, People's representatives in Parliament should react (that's how Imam Khomeini dealt with the traitor president Bani Sadr), and if they don't react, it means nobody wants to follow him, and he doesn't insist either and let people experience.
If we need a space program which our future vision document signed by leader says we need (with details), then it's responsibility of government and Parliament to follow it.
So I repeat it again, we are not a monarchy, understand it.

What's happening to our economy is actually the implementation of liberalism, the more governments has implemented it, the worse it has become (i.e in this government). American economy is already falling, let alone a sanctioned country like Iran, if we weren't (partially) following Islam, we wouldn't have any better destiny than Soviet union.

What kind of sick and depraved person compares forcing women to cover their hair on a Daily bases by force with having Sex on the Streets?
Hejab in the Quran is a choice and it's only meant for devout women and one of key aspects of it is to separate devote women from those who are not!

And stoning was for the time were governments didn't have so many other means of punishment accessible to them like large prisons and financial compensation.... And is by today's standard barbaric regardless of the crime and today it does more harm to the government carrying it that it does good for the society! (pretty much common sense for anyone that has a brain)
There are only 2 countries on the planet that force Women to cover their hair & that's Iran and Saudi Arabia so you see that's how backward and demented your way of thinking truly is! And at least the Saudi's have Mecca to make up for their deranged way of thinking where as people like you have demolished Iran's Tourism Industry and Iran's Currency with it (Due to lack of Demand) all for what? For something that Quran does NOT permit you to do! And why? because of your small minded and deranged way of thinking.

As for the Space program, getting Iran's military involved in Space Activities is directly under the responsibilities of the Supreme Leader because he is the commander in Chief of Iran's military and on top of that the JCPOA has NOTHING to do with Iran's Space Activities
U.S. has made it clear that they fully intend to weaponize space and clearly that's where the world will be headed and it will NOT be the job of Iran's Civil Space Agency to counter that but rather Iran's Military!
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My take.. Iran needs another referendum on the issue of Islamic rule of the society...societies change and the question so fundamental to a society has to be asked every so often. Do not ask and the division in the Iran society will always be there and you guys will argues on this issue for a long time. On a personal note..I hate the optics of "Chador" especially the "Black chador" ..I understand and do not argue the concept of covering yourself but who the hell invented this "Chador"shit. Why at least for the time being the religious authorities try to encourage masses to use other means to cover themselves .
My take.. Iran needs another referendum on the issue of Islamic rule of the society...societies change and the question so fundamental to a society has to be asked every so often. Do not ask and the division in the Iran society will always be there and you guys will argues on this issue for a long time. On a personal note..I hate the optics of "Chador" especially the "Black chador" ..I understand and do not argue the concept of covering yourself but who the hell invented this "Chador"shit. Why at least for the time being the religious authorities try to encourage masses to use other means to cover themselves .

the constitution does not allow an referendum to be put into effect by anyone to change Islamic Republic title.

but no restrictions have been introduced by the Constitution to comply or not with the hijab laws so hijab laws are approved by the parliament and can be canceled by the parliament either from asking by referendum or without a referendum.
this is my prediction about this deal in military.ir in 1394


Regardless, sooner or later those IR-1 and IR-2's had to be dismantled to house newer centrifuges and with U.S. behavior on the JCPOA Iran showed once and for all that the problem is not in Tehran but in Washington.

And the JCPOA has key mandates and sunset clauses and one of the 1st ones after 5 years of Iranian compliance with the JCPOA is the end of the Heavy Arms embargo on Iran making it one of the Key dates to see how useful would Iran's compliance with the JCPOA with or without the U.S. truly be. And I'm guessing if Iran's waited this long they'll likely wait another year and half to fully test how viable any kind of nuclear deal with the major powers with or without the U.S. truly be.
And I would say how ready for mass installation and use Iranian IR-6 and IR-8's are is also vital because a few thousand of them and Iran's enrichment capabilities will far exceed where we where when JCPOA started.

Now whether the JCPOA was a mistake from the start or not I'd say it's far too early to say but in my opinion if Iran ever intended to build a Nuclear weapons stockpile and that was the main goal from the start then clearly it was a mistake but if Iran's intentions with it's nuclear program was to remain an energy producer and exporter for decades to come and become an energy exporter in the future in the field of Nuclear fuel then clearly Iran would need long term plans and solutions and due to U.S. behavior towards Iran a JCPOA type deal would have been inevitable and sacrificing Iran's breakout capability for emergency situations now for a few years while our nuclear capability is still at it's infancy would be far better than having to do it few years down the line and the U.S. breaking the JCPOA 1st is also politically beneficial to Iran and having to go through this process while we were still operating IR-1's was clearly preferable to having to deal with it when we had more advanced centrifuges installed. And remaining energy independent in the field of Nuclear Energy is far more vital to Iran than a few bombs that we'll likely never use!
Regardless, sooner or later those IR-1 and IR-2's had to be dismantled to house newer centrifuges and with U.S. behavior on the JCPOA Iran showed once and for all that the problem is not in Tehran but in Washington.

And the JCPOA has key mandates and sunset clauses and one of the 1st ones after 5 years of Iranian compliance with the JCPOA is the end of the Heavy Arms embargo on Iran making it one of the Key dates to see how useful would Iran's compliance with the JCPOA with or without the U.S. truly be. And I'm guessing if Iran's waited this long they'll likely wait another year and half to fully test how viable any kind of nuclear deal with the major powers with or without the U.S. truly be.
And I would say how ready for mass installation and use Iranian IR-6 and IR-8's are is also vital because a few thousand of them and Iran's enrichment capabilities will far exceed where we where when JCPOA started.

Now whether the JCPOA was a mistake from the start or not I'd say it's far too early to say but in my opinion if Iran ever intended to build a Nuclear weapons stockpile and that was the main goal from the start then clearly it was a mistake but if Iran's intentions with it's nuclear program was to remain an energy producer and exporter for decades to come and become an energy exporter in the future in the field of Nuclear fuel then clearly Iran would need long term plans and solutions and due to U.S. behavior towards Iran a JCPOA type deal would have been inevitable and sacrificing Iran's breakout capability for emergency situations now for a few years while our nuclear capability is still at it's infancy would be far better than having to do it few years down the line and the U.S. breaking the JCPOA 1st is also politically beneficial to Iran and having to go through this process while we were still operating IR-1's was clearly preferable to having to deal with it when we had more advanced centrifuges installed. And remaining energy independent in the field of Nuclear Energy is far more vital to Iran than a few bombs that we'll likely never use!
What about Broader Conclusion?14 IAEA reports isn't enough? you could test how viable any kind of nuclear deal with the major powers by this ..
On the other hand we اورانیوم نداشتیم & سانترفیوژها بازده لازم رو نداشتند which meant we needed time .
What kind of sick and depraved person compares forcing women to cover their hair on a Daily bases by force with having Sex on the Streets?
Hejab in the Quran is a choice and it's only meant for devout women and one of key aspects of it is to separate devote women from those who are not!

And stoning was for the time were governments didn't have so many other means of punishment accessible to them like large prisons and financial compensation.... And is by today's standard barbaric regardless of the crime and today it does more harm to the government carrying it that it does good for the society! (pretty much common sense for anyone that has a brain)
There are only 2 countries on the planet that force Women to cover their hair & that's Iran and Saudi Arabia so you see that's how backward and demented your way of thinking truly is! And at least the Saudi's have Mecca to make up for their deranged way of thinking where as people like you have demolished Iran's Tourism Industry and Iran's Currency with it (Due to lack of Demand) all for what? For something that Quran does NOT permit you to do! And why? because of your small minded and deranged way of thinking.

As for the Space program, getting Iran's military involved in Space Activities is directly under the responsibilities of the Supreme Leader because he is the commander in Chief of Iran's military and on top of that the JCPOA has NOTHING to do with Iran's Space Activities
U.S. has made it clear that they fully intend to weaponize space and clearly that's where the world will be headed and it will NOT be the job of Iran's Civil Space Agency to counter that but rather Iran's Military!
Nice to meet you prophet VEVAK! please elaborate more on your new more advanced religion which you have managed to gain through familiarization with atheist's failed standards! even God couldn't think of your more advanced laws!

Guess what, soon Europe will become a majority Muslim continent, your so called new standards has already failed there.

Also we don't really need your new religion, cause before you, Baha already invented this new religion by the order of Britains, who wanted nothing but goodness for Iranian!

Yeah tourists are just waiting for the end of hijab law! and huge propaganda against us which portraits Iran as the most dangerous place in universe has no effect at all!

If your tourists were going to save a country, they would have saved Greece or Egypt, so find another excuse for your perverted thoughts.

Today absolute majority of tourists who visit Iran are Muslims, if we were fool enough to follow Britain dictates, now we wouldn't even have that.
If space had nothing to do with JCPOA, then this f@cked up government wouldn't block our launches, and again you're asking our armed forces to bypass the government, now what about funds and budgets? what if government said I have no extra money, perhaps you demand armed forces to take over the economy ministry and planing organization as well!
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