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The end of the deal, hopes, delusions and treasons

the constitution does not allow an referendum to be put into effect by anyone to change Islamic Republic title.
A correction the constitution dont ban refrandum on anything it put out a framework that they can hold a refrandum according to it if the need arise .

Nice to meet you prophet VEVAK! please elaborate more on your new more advanced religion which you have managed to gain through familiarization with atheist's failed standards! even God couldn't think of your more advanced laws!

Guess what, soon Europe will become a majority Muslim continent, your so called new standards has already failed there.

Also we don't really need your new religion, cause before you, Baha already invented this new religion by the order of Britains, who wanted nothing but goodness for Iranian!

Yeah tourists are just waiting for the end of hijab law! and huge propaganda against us which portraits Iran as the most dangerous place in universe has no effect at all!

If your tourists were going to save a country, they would have saved Greece or Egypt, so find another excuse for your perverted thoughts.

Today absolute majority of tourists who visit Iran are Muslims, if we were fool enough to follow Britain dictates, now we wouldn't even have that.
If space had nothing to do with JCPOA, then this f@cked up government wouldn't block our launches, and again you're asking our armed forces to bypass the government, now what about funds and budgets? what if government said I have no extra money, perhaps you demand armed forces to take over the economy ministry and planing organization as well!
For God sake do tourist even care about Hijab specially as our enforcement of it for foreigners is laughing . to be honest if they themselves for respecting laws did not wear it do you think anybody would have told them anything . right now in some areas you can distinguish tourist from Iranian by the fact that they wear Him an but Iranian pretend to wear it .
Discussion on iran problem is Hijab is like.....
We have many problem and forced hijab is the least important of them.

And tourist won't come to iran because of iranofobic environment in foreign mainstream media and the fact that we miserably failed to counter negative advertisements against iran.
A correction the constitution dont ban refrandum on anything it put out a framework that they can hold a refrandum according to it if the need arise .

For God sake do tourist even care about Hijab specially as our enforcement of it for foreigners is laughing . to be honest if they themselves for respecting laws did not wear it do you think anybody would have told them anything . right now in some areas you can distinguish tourist from Iranian by the fact that they wear Him an but Iranian pretend to wear it .
Discussion on iran problem is Hijab is like.....
We have many problem and forced hijab is the least important of them.

And tourist won't come to iran because of iranofobic environment in foreign mainstream media and the fact that we miserably failed to counter negative advertisements against iran.
Yes, you are correct, we have bigger problems but one of the bigger problems we have is the "PR" problem. We are seen as an oppressive regime with bad designs for our neighborhood. It doesn't matter if it's 100% false and bullshit, we have to deal with it. Why? no, not for tourism but because it damages our brand in others parts of our relations with the world, such as business and commerce, diplomacy, international cooperations and investments, treaties etc...etc. Perhaps if we had a better reputation the Europeans would have fought more against the U.S. leaving JCPOA, or maybe they would have set up better mechanisms than the INSTEX. Iran is not and cannot be an Island....we need to sell our oil, buy goods and services from abroad. We need foreign investments keep up with the Arabs and East Asians. These stupid, old, outdated ideals are not a good fit for a restless young society that has internet and access to western movies and pop culture.
A correction the constitution dont ban refrandum on anything it put out a framework that they can hold a refrandum according to it if the need arise .

For God sake do tourist even care about Hijab specially as our enforcement of it for foreigners is laughing . to be honest if they themselves for respecting laws did not wear it do you think anybody would have told them anything . right now in some areas you can distinguish tourist from Iranian by the fact that they wear Him an but Iranian pretend to wear it .
Discussion on iran problem is Hijab is like.....
We have many problem and forced hijab is the least important of them.

And tourist won't come to iran because of iranofobic environment in foreign mainstream media and the fact that we miserably failed to counter negative advertisements against iran.
I know, but he keeps repeating his "Hijab is against tourism" theory, so I decided to answer him once.
Nonetheless, Hijab argument wont stop at headscarf, there is always one more centimeter of exposure to argue about!
A correction the constitution dont ban refrandum on anything it put out a framework that they can hold a refrandum according to it if the need arise .

For God sake do tourist even care about Hijab specially as our enforcement of it for foreigners is laughing . to be honest if they themselves for respecting laws did not wear it do you think anybody would have told them anything . right now in some areas you can distinguish tourist from Iranian by the fact that they wear Him an but Iranian pretend to wear it .
Discussion on iran problem is Hijab is like.....
We have many problem and forced hijab is the least important of them.

And tourist won't come to iran because of iranofobic environment in foreign mainstream media and the fact that we miserably failed to counter negative advertisements against iran.

yes it dose on the Islamic Republic title.
Good points VEVAK made on waiting the initial 5 years to see if JCPOA produces anything at all or they just come up with new excuses. A good point was also made about time needed...I know IR-6 was in pre-production and IR-8 in R&D..Any news on IR-8 lately. with nominal efficiency of IR8 at around 8 to 10 % then you need way lower number of centrifuges which makes a huge difference. I once read that France and USA are the only countries that have machines as efficient as 30%..wonder if Iran can get that close.
On the other non related topic...Islamic Republic system has done so many hard to achieve things in Iran that it is pity to see them being vilified by such trivial things like mandatory hijab.
Generally people do not read statistics about countries steel production, electricity production ,nuclear fuel cycle, space program, literacy improvements..etc.. they gauge their government by trivial things...like having to wear hijab..no music , frozen meat..shitty cars..in other words they do the real hard work just to ruin all of it by little primitive things..!!!

now why the perception of Iran is so bad out side of Iran... no 1 is repeated negative news about Iran by the Jewish owners of media in western world (80% of western world media is owned by them especially the english language media). no 2 is systematic denial of any thing good achieved by Iran (e.g shitty aircraft..Q313 never flys..wrong monkey in space..showing shitty streets of afghanistan while reporting from Iran!! yes they do that) just to make sure any muslim looking at these reports gets the idea that Islamic type governance is a failed idea. no 3... Iran's own primitive PR ( showing a plastic mockup of Q313 with no signs saying this is mock up...or swapping monkey sent in to space hoping no one notices..lol). no 4..Mandatory Hijab, feminist in the west hate being told what to do..when they see that hijab they think ALL women are primitive and subservient and not educated.. which is so untrue in Iran but they judge by their eyes not by their heads ..no brains left in those heads..lol..Opra and Dr phil made sure of that..lol


Good points VEVAK made on waiting the initial 5 years to see if JCPOA produces anything at all or they just come up with new excuses. A good point was also made about time needed...I know IR-6 was in pre-production and IR-8 in R&D..Any news on IR-8 lately. with nominal efficiency of IR8 at around 8 to 10 % then you need way lower number of centrifuges which makes a huge difference. I once read that France and USA are the only countries that have machines as efficient as 30%..wonder if Iran can get that close.
On the other non related topic...Islamic Republic system has done so many hard to achieve things in Iran that it is pity to see them being vilified by such trivial things like mandatory hijab.
Generally people do not read statistics about countries steel production, electricity production ,nuclear fuel cycle, space program, literacy improvements..etc.. they gauge their government by trivial things...like having to wear hijab..no music , frozen meat..shitty cars..in other words they do the real hard work just to ruin all of it by little primitive things..!!!

now why the perception of Iran is so bad out side of Iran... no 1 is repeated negative news about Iran by the Jewish owners of media in western world (80% of western world media is owned by them especially the english language media). no 2 is systematic denial of any thing good achieved by Iran (e.g shitty aircraft..Q313 never flys..wrong monkey in space..showing shitty streets of afghanistan while reporting from Iran!! yes they do that) just to make sure any muslim looking at these reports gets the idea that Islamic type governance is a failed idea. no 3... Iran's own primitive PR ( showing a plastic mockup of Q313 with no signs saying this is mock up...or swapping monkey sent in to space hoping no one notices..lol). no 4..Mandatory Hijab, feminist in the west hate being told what to do..when they see that hijab they think ALL women are primitive and subservient and not educated.. which is so untrue in Iran but they judge by their eyes not by their heads ..no brains left in those heads..lol..Opra and Dr phil made sure of that..lol




Project Midan: Developing and Building an Underground Nuclear Test Site in Iran




Every nation owes itself , to develop National Defence Mechanism and don't depend on outsiders to forge a policy to protect you.

As long as Iranians will believe in their own hands and power in their own hands and their faith they will not be Challenged

As soon as Iran will Master the Best weapons the same countries shunning Iran will be visiting with a basket of flowers, that is the way the world works

Iran was given a gift basket of abolishment of sanctions , in order to launch an attack on Syria , and keep Iran minimally involved in early phase of that operation

Once Syrian forces were weakened and infrastructure was destroyed , the promise of no sanctions faded real quickly

It was a Trojan Horse promise to Iranian People , it's time the Iranian People understand this and stand up for defence of their country
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Nice to meet you prophet VEVAK! please elaborate more on your new more advanced religion which you have managed to gain through familiarization with atheist's failed standards! even God couldn't think of your more advanced laws!

Guess what, soon Europe will become a majority Muslim continent, your so called new standards has already failed there.

Also we don't really need your new religion, cause before you, Baha already invented this new religion by the order of Britains, who wanted nothing but goodness for Iranian!

Yeah tourists are just waiting for the end of hijab law! and huge propaganda against us which portraits Iran as the most dangerous place in universe has no effect at all!

If your tourists were going to save a country, they would have saved Greece or Egypt, so find another excuse for your perverted thoughts.

Today absolute majority of tourists who visit Iran are Muslims, if we were fool enough to follow Britain dictates, now we wouldn't even have that.
If space had nothing to do with JCPOA, then this f@cked up government wouldn't block our launches, and again you're asking our armed forces to bypass the government, now what about funds and budgets? what if government said I have no extra money, perhaps you demand armed forces to take over the economy ministry and planing organization as well!

1st off NO single industry can every save a countries economy and truly developed economies are economies that diversify and when it comes to our country one of the key missing components is the lack of proper Tourism and lack of proper developed coastal cities that directly relate back to outdated and absurd policies like Hejab by FORCE and until that policy persist addressing all the other issues that need to be addressed will remain fruitless

And the Idea that Tourism by it's self would ever be enough in a country the size of Iran is DELUSIONAL but that doesn't change the fact that in Iran it's one of the Key components missing in our overall economy and it's not simply enough that Iran has a Tourism industry because Iran needs a tourism industry that brings in foreign currency and reduces foreign currency from leaving the country and Iran's needs a tourism industry that has the power to compliment other industries in the country

And again Iran is not the ONLY Muslim country on the planet and yet among all the Muslim Majority countries in the world it remains one of only 2 countries that force Hejab by the end of a stick! So your delusion that somehow the growth of Islam in EU will somehow lead to more countries forcing Hejab on ppl by the end of stick is nothing but a delusion in that tiny little brain of yours! And your perverse version of Islam where you think you have the right to force your ideology on others is a deluded & perverse version of Islam reminisce of a time where the majority of Iranians were still illiterate and couldn't even read the Quran even if they wanted too and that's why today Hejab by force is a policy that remains more popular in areas of Iran with higher illiteracy rates.
And the fact is Hejab by Force is NOT a policy that will last even in Iran or in Saudi Arabia because at the end of the day Islam whether you like it or not DOES NOT permit it and ONLY a close mined fool can't see that!
What about Broader Conclusion?14 IAEA reports isn't enough? you could test how viable any kind of nuclear deal with the major powers by this ..
On the other hand we اورانیوم نداشتیم & سانترفیوژها بازده لازم رو نداشتند which meant we needed time .

My personal opinion means nothing on the matter so yea 14 is more than enough in my opinion but according to the JCPOA they want 5 years of Iranian compliance before the Heavy Arms Embargo on Iran is lifted which would be one of the 1st tests based on the dates in the mandates set forth by the JCPOA and if Iran has remained in the deal this long then we might as well remain for another year and a half to see what UN, Chinese and Russian commitment to the JCPOA truly means when it comes to all the other dates set in the JCPOA and I'm saying this only because Iran's waited this long.
But if you want my personal opinion my preferred option would have been Iran leaving not only the JCPOA but also the NPT within 2 months after the U.S. left the JCPOA and it was made clear that the Europeans were helpless.

Now that we waited this long then we should wait a little longer to see because based on the JCPOA mandates October 2020 is the date the heavy arms embargo is set to be lifted and right after in November 2020 U.S. will have presidential elections so I would say how the UN and JCPOA signatories act and react between now and 2021 should determine if Iran remains in the JCPOA or NPT or if Iran ever chooses to negotiate on it's nuclear program ever again....

From what I've seen so far the U.S. only understands the language of force and only truly understands power and based on their own actions they didn't care much about giving Iran access to 20% uranium fuel and allowing any Iranian centrifuges in Iran until we enriched to above 20% and had 20,000 centrifuges of our own and since Europeans have made it clear that they plan on making our Missiles their next issue then we have to respond using tactics based on their own recent behaviors and history.
So if our own self imposed restrictions on ICBM's is not enough for them and our Missiles is going to be an issue then we should build ICBM's powerful enough that we can live without and if they wanna continue to use Nukes as an Issue to harass Iran on our Civil Nuclear Program because Iran having a breakout capability is unacceptable to them then maybe we should give them a real nuclear weapons program to fear that we can also live without.
Right now the U.S. is punishing Iran for doing something we are not even doing so we might as well do the deed because people that only understand the language of force will only view Iran's failure to properly respond to U.S. behavior as a weakness and it's common knowledge how bullies respond to weakness.
My personal opinion means nothing on the matter so yea 14 is more than enough in my opinion but according to the JCPOA they want 5 years of Iranian compliance before the Heavy Arms Embargo on Iran is lifted which would be one of the 1st tests based on the dates in the mandates set forth by the JCPOA and if Iran has remained in the deal this long then we might as well remain for another year and a half to see what UN, Chinese and Russian commitment to the JCPOA truly means when it comes to all the other dates set in the JCPOA and I'm saying this only because Iran's waited this long.
But if you want my personal opinion my preferred option would have been Iran leaving not only the JCPOA but also the NPT within 2 months after the U.S. left the JCPOA and it was made clear that the Europeans were helpless.

Now that we waited this long then we should wait a little longer to see because based on the JCPOA mandates October 2020 is the date the heavy arms embargo is set to be lifted and right after in November 2020 U.S. will have presidential elections so I would say how the UN and JCPOA signatories act and react between now and 2021 should determine if Iran remains in the JCPOA or NPT or if Iran ever chooses to negotiate on it's nuclear program ever again....

From what I've seen so far the U.S. only understands the language of force and only truly understands power and based on their own actions they didn't care much about giving Iran access to 20% uranium fuel and allowing any Iranian centrifuges in Iran until we enriched to above 20% and had 20,000 centrifuges of our own and since Europeans have made it clear that they plan on making our Missiles their next issue then we have to respond using tactics based on their own recent behaviors and history.
So if our own self imposed restrictions on ICBM's is not enough for them and our Missiles is going to be an issue then we should build ICBM's powerful enough that we can live without and if they wanna continue to use Nukes as an Issue to harass Iran on our Civil Nuclear Program because Iran having a breakout capability is unacceptable to them then maybe we should give them a real nuclear weapons program to fear that we can also live without.
Right now the U.S. is punishing Iran for doing something we are not even doing so we might as well do the deed because people that only understand the language of force will only view Iran's failure to properly respond to U.S. behavior as a weakness and it's common knowledge how bullies respond to weakness.

Broader Conclusion:
"Under the terms of the nuclear deal with Iran, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), key restrictions would expire if the IAEA formally reaches a “broader conclusion” that Tehran’s nuclear program is entirely peaceful. Such a conclusion would result in the lifting of the UN’s remaining non-nuclear sanctions, including the ban on ballistic missile testing and the conventional arms embargo. Furthermore, the U.S. and EU would delist additional entities from their sanctions lists. Notably, the EU would delist all entities affiliated with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, the organization responsible for both terrorist activities abroad as well as key aspects of the nuclear program."

Spurring the IAEA to reach a broader conclusion as quickly as possible appears to be Iran’s goal. In a televised speech in the middle of May, Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani expressed his intention to engage in “lifting all the non-nuclear sanctions during the coming four years” – at least two years earlier than the JCPOA would otherwise allow.
Broader Conclusion:
"Under the terms of the nuclear deal with Iran, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), key restrictions would expire if the IAEA formally reaches a “broader conclusion” that Tehran’s nuclear program is entirely peaceful. Such a conclusion would result in the lifting of the UN’s remaining non-nuclear sanctions, including the ban on ballistic missile testing and the conventional arms embargo. Furthermore, the U.S. and EU would delist additional entities from their sanctions lists. Notably, the EU would delist all entities affiliated with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, the organization responsible for both terrorist activities abroad as well as key aspects of the nuclear program."

Spurring the IAEA to reach a broader conclusion as quickly as possible appears to be Iran’s goal. In a televised speech in the middle of May, Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani expressed his intention to engage in “lifting all the non-nuclear sanctions during the coming four years” – at least two years earlier than the JCPOA would otherwise allow.

Broader conclusion comes after 8 years (Go all the way to the bottom under EU sanctions)

But the 1st real date after implementation is the 5 year mark for the heavy arms embargo and if they don't pass that test then clearly they won't pass all the others. And within a month after that date U.S. will have Presidential elections that will likely shape Iran's foreign policy as well. And if we waited this long then clearly we have waited for something and if they don't pass that 1st test I just don't see why Iran should bother negotiating on it's Nuclear Program hell I don't see why Iran would even stay in the NPT.

U.S. has now designated Iran's IRGC a Terrorist Organization and in so doing they are calling the commander in chief of the IRGC a Terrorist Leader which would also make Iran's Artesh a terrorist as well

That's the thing with bullies if you keep showing weakness the more they'll bully you and that's why Iran should have doubled down on it's missile and space activities once the U.S. left the JCPOA and started the process of mass producing IR-6 and worked faster on the IR-8's and once they had a few thousands IR-6's ready to be installed we should have left the JCPOA a few months after the U.S. did and a few months after that at an appropriate time we should have left the NPT as well and started a Nuclear weapons program making an Iranian Nuke the direct result of the U.S. leaving the JCPOA
Agree with all the points VEVAK said...
20 IR-6 being installed...this is a full CASCADE by itself (using older IR-2 as base ..which means replacing 120 old ones with just 20..that is progress . well done. ). :victory:..
After initial 5 years..if they fail to deliver their promises..Full speed ahead with Nuclear WEAPON and ICBM..(as VEVAK said..we are paying the price for not having them so we may as well have them..).:victory1:
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Broader conclusion comes after 8 years (Go all the way to the bottom under EU sanctions)

But the 1st real date after implementation is the 5 year mark for the heavy arms embargo and if they don't pass that test then clearly they won't pass all the others. And within a month after that date U.S. will have Presidential elections that will likely shape Iran's foreign policy as well. And if we waited this long then clearly we have waited for something and if they don't pass that 1st test I just don't see why Iran should bother negotiating on it's Nuclear Program hell I don't see why Iran would even stay in the NPT.

U.S. has now designated Iran's IRGC a Terrorist Organization and in so doing they are calling the commander in chief of the IRGC a Terrorist Leader which would also make Iran's Artesh a terrorist as well

That's the thing with bullies if you keep showing weakness the more they'll bully you and that's why Iran should have doubled down on it's missile and space activities once the U.S. left the JCPOA and started the process of mass producing IR-6 and worked faster on the IR-8's and once they had a few thousands IR-6's ready to be installed we should have left the JCPOA a few months after the U.S. did and a few months after that at an appropriate time we should have left the NPT as well and started a Nuclear weapons program making an Iranian Nuke the direct result of the U.S. leaving the JCPOA
Amazingly,once again you and I seem to be in agreement on this issue.:eek::meeting:
Broader conclusion comes after 8 years (Go all the way to the bottom under EU sanctions)

But the 1st real date after implementation is the 5 year mark for the heavy arms embargo and if they don't pass that test then clearly they won't pass all the others. And within a month after that date U.S. will have Presidential elections that will likely shape Iran's foreign policy as well. And if we waited this long then clearly we have waited for something and if they don't pass that 1st test I just don't see why Iran should bother negotiating on it's Nuclear Program hell I don't see why Iran would even stay in the NPT.

U.S. has now designated Iran's IRGC a Terrorist Organization and in so doing they are calling the commander in chief of the IRGC a Terrorist Leader which would also make Iran's Artesh a terrorist as well

That's the thing with bullies if you keep showing weakness the more they'll bully you and that's why Iran should have doubled down on it's missile and space activities once the U.S. left the JCPOA and started the process of mass producing IR-6 and worked faster on the IR-8's and once they had a few thousands IR-6's ready to be installed we should have left the JCPOA a few months after the U.S. did and a few months after that at an appropriate time we should have left the NPT as well and started a Nuclear weapons program making an Iranian Nuke the direct result of the U.S. leaving the JCPOA
Because the agency has investigated Iran’s nuclear program since 2003, some verification officials anticipate reaching a broader conclusion in as few as five years. In reality, the length of time required will mostly depend on Iran’s cooperation with the IAEA, which needs to exceed the level Iran has demonstrated up to late 2015.
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