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The end of the deal, hopes, delusions and treasons

I have to disagree, the president sets the foreign policy agenda as did Obama with the start of the negotiations and Trump did with his withdrawal on the advice of his son-in-law. The Trump event was unprecedented, The U.S. never withdrew from world treaties before, we've never had a President that criticized NATO etc..etc....no one could have seen this coming, as much as we want to pin the blame on Rouhani or Zarif. Lastly, Iran needs another Ahmadinejad like it needs a hole in the head, that guy did nothing except get us into hot water with the UN. He's a populist like Trump, their policies make great headlines and feel good moments for the masses and the less informed but they're as empty as their promises.
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These demagogical comparisons between Obama and Trump is ridiculous.
The only difference between Obama and Trump is that Obama started to violate the deal (even before the start) and Trump finalized it. Almost nothing is a quote from Obama era, not trump.

A president is supposed to direct his country's advancement in science, economy, etc, while neutralizing the foreign threat. Iran had far better economy and scientific progress during Ahmadinejad era, and all Rouhani did was to downgrade all of them by the claim (hope/delusion/treason) of building a better one through foreign help!

What Iraq or Libya achieved by surrounding their deterrent assets and critical information to U.S, except that they paved the way for an easier U.S invasion, if you can't change your enemy, at least you should show a stiff mindset to scare them, that's what Ahmadinejad did.

Did you know that our 20% enriched uranium just needed one more cycle to reach 99% purity? that fuel was a deterrent itself, even without wanting to build a bomb.

If retreat was a way of advancement, now slave Africans were the most superior people on the planet!
These demagogical comparisons between Obama and Trump is ridiculous.
The only difference between Obama and Trump is that Obama started to violate the deal (even before the start) and Trump finalized it. Almost nothing is a quote from Obama era, not trump.

A president is supposed to direct his country's advancement in science, economy, etc, while neutralizing the foreign threat. Iran had far better economy and scientific progress during Ahmadinejad era, and all Rouhani did was to downgrade all of them by the claim (hope/delusion/treason) of building a better one through foreign help!

What Iraq or Libya achieved by surrounding their deterrent assets and critical information to U.S, except that they paved the way for an easier U.S invasion, if you can't change your enemy, at least you should show a stiff mindset to scare them, that's what Ahmadinejad did.

Did you know that our 20% enriched uranium just needed one more cycle to reach 99% purity? that fuel was a deterrent itself, even without wanting to build a bomb.

If retreat was a way of advancement, now slave Africans were the most superior people on the planet!
Thank you for your post...I do not understand why some people are so hostile towards Ahmadinejad (may be because he did not look clean shaven !!!! or because he had a big mouth ..which he did ..and said things that should have been left in private..but that is water under the bridge) . So lets do a quick tally up of some of what Ahmadinejad did for iran in 8 years.

1- First day.... broke the locks on the Isfahan UFC plant and started the enrichment (this plant was shout down by Rohani when he was nuclear negotiator . by the end of his 8 year tem Iran had 19000 cenertfuges and a whole wack of enriched 3% and 20% uranium the scared the shit out of the Iran enemies).
2- started what no Iranian leader ever dared to do..eliminate the third world style price subsidies on many staple items including the elimination of $ 2 billion dollar Petroleum imports by establishing gasoline cards ..dropped gasoline consumption from 80 million to 60. he replaced the subsidies with targeted income supplement .( by the way Rohani eliminated the petroleum cards and the gasoline consumption/smuggling sky rocketed to 100 million today..Rohami loves to kill everything Amadi did..sounds familiar ..Trump and Obama.. Incompetent people hate to see chivements of others!)

3- Started "Meher" housing for low income families (built close to 1 million apartments for low income people...(Rohani refused to finished the last 200000 units and called the project not important ..his housing minister last year boasted that he is proud that during Rohani term hey have not built a single housing unit!!!!!)
4- Started Iranian Space program ..sent several test satellites and two monkeys to the space ..placed Iran as the no 10 nation in space. (Rohani by the way practically killed this program by low funding and blocking space lunches for 4 years...treason! .may be)
5- Ordered the construction of Dams and gasoline refineries to eliminate the gasoline embargo treat forever. (Rohani last month Inagurated the last phase of star of Persian Gulf gasoline refinery and took credit for it!!!!).

Now lets tally up what Rohani has done so far..
Eliminated every thing above when he could..dropped the value of currancy by 80% made Turkish and Pakistani gasoline consumers very happy with cheap (10 cent!) smuggled iranian gas. gave away our fish to China so they will enjoy the persian gulf fish while Iranian fishermen watch in horror ..
I am getting a High blood pressure so I stop here..lol sorry for typos
1- First day.... broke the locks on the Isfahan UFC plant and started the enrichment (this plant was shout down by Rohani when he was nuclear negotiator . by the end of his 8 year tem Iran had 19000 cenertfuges and a whole wack of enriched 3% and 20% uranium the scared the shit out of the Iran enemies).
Didn't that happened at the time of Khatami ?
2- started what no Iranian leader ever dared to do..eliminate the third world style price subsidies on many staple items including the elimination of $ 2 billion dollar Petroleum imports by establishing gasoline cards ..dropped gasoline consumption from 80 million to 60. he replaced the subsidies with targeted income supplement .( by the way Rohani eliminated the petroleum cards and the gasoline consumption/smuggling sky rocketed to 100 million today..Rohami loves to kill everything Amadi did..sounds familiar ..Trump and Obama.. Incompetent people hate to see chivements of others!)
And copied Karoobi nonsense giving money to people.
3- Started "Meher" housing for low income families (built close to 1 million apartments for low income people...(Rohani refused to finished the last 200000 units and called the project not important ..his housing minister last year boasted that he is proud that during Rohani term hey have not built a single housing unit!!!!!)
and instead of giving it to the ones who are in the age of marriage and are not married or they recently married, gave it to people who are married for 30 years and have 3 home but non of them in their own name but in the name of their children
Started Iranian Space program ..sent several test satellites and two monkeys to the space ..placed Iran as the no 10 nation in space. (Rohani by the way practically killed this program by low funding and blocking space lunches for 4 years...treason! .may be)
the program started way before him ,its results show itself at his time.
5- Ordered the construction of Dams and gasoline refineries to eliminate the gasoline embargo treat forever. (Rohani last month Inagurated the last phase of star of Persian Gulf gasoline refinery and took credit for it!!!!).
building dams were started at the time of Rafsanjani, and the construction of Persian Gulf Star refinery started in 2006 but the study on it began well before that ,unless you say he came to office and ordered building the refinery and in just 6 month they finished all the studies about it , made budget for it , designed it and then start building it .
Didn't that happened at the time of Khatami ?

And copied Karoobi nonsense giving money to people.

and instead of giving it to the ones who are in the age of marriage and are not married or they recently married, gave it to people who are married for 30 years and have 3 home but non of them in their own name but in the name of their children

the program started way before him ,its results show itself at his time.

building dams were started at the time of Rafsanjani, and the construction of Persian Gulf Star refinery started in 2006 but the study on it began well before that ,unless you say he came to office and ordered building the refinery and in just 6 month they finished all the studies about it , made budget for it , designed it and then start building it .
I can drive a truck through all your replies but..I play nice.. responsible thing would be to get your facts and dates right .
I can drive a truck through all your replies but..I play nice.. responsible thing would be to get your facts and dates right .
good, please do that , its a forum and discussing different point of views is the main purpose of it .
We let the voters in Iran to decide in the next election..:closed:
voters wont vote on the fact that it was Rafsanjani who start building Dams
they wont vote on the fact that it was Khatami that restart Nuclear program
they wont vote on the fact that study for Persian Gulf Star refinery started way before Ahmadinejad.
they wont vote on the fact that Iran Space program started in 1958 and iran was a founding member of United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space and ISA started in 2004 one and half year before Ahmadinejad

now people can decide who need to correct his facts and dates
Biden or Trump,.. democrat or republican makes no difference on US foreign policy with respect to middle east..this policy is set in other centers and presidents are asked to ensure its implementation. The puppet masters are not in the white house so please do not waste your time on that.
As it stands US has no impetus to go back to JCPOA..they crippled Iran's nuclear bargaining chips and had to pay nothing in return (thanks to Rohani and his team..Iran gave gold and received candy in return!)for the west they had their cake and ate it too!!..so why go back.

Now Iran needs to create another nuclear related bargaining chip or suffer the US sanction and European in-actions until the 10 year JCPOA term expires.But first Iran needs a president with some back bone...just as Ahmadinejad broke the locks on the enrichment facilities (which were locked shut by Rohani when he was nuclear negotiator) Iran needs a man with the guts to spin those certifuges (new ones with 10% efficiency) and enrich to even higher percentages than 20%... what are they going to do in repose...sanction the fishes in iran too!!. doing this will turn the table on them and this time around every one knows they were the side who reneged on the contract (call it moral victory for iran)..This time around the Iranian population will be behind the enrichment en-mass . The west only options will be apologize, compensate Iran for any losses and go back to JCPOA ..or call in the marines..lol

Yea but you also have to realize that under the JCPOA in about a year and half the weapons embargo on Iran is to be lifted so does Iran wait around to see if China and Russia will honor those dates or not? so with respect with the JCPOA and since we have already waited this long then I believe might as well stick around to see how they react at least for now especially pending Iran's status of development in it's centrifuge technology but that doesn't mean we don't respond at all an easy example would be the construction of a far more capable SLV's with a far more aggressive space program and far more ambitious military projects with major investment into super alloys and pushing the limits as to what's allowed within JCPOA with respect to our nuclear program...
And if by October 16, 2020 an order of for example fighter jets isn't delivered to Iranian soil then I just don't see what the point of remaining in the JCPOA or NPT is!
Yea but you also have to realize that under the JCPOA in about a year and half the weapons embargo on Iran is to be lifted so does Iran wait around to see if China and Russia will honor those dates or not? so with respect with the JCPOA and since we have already waited this long then I believe might as well stick around to see how they react at least for now especially pending Iran's status of development in it's centrifuge technology but that doesn't mean we don't respond at all an easy example would be the construction of a far more capable SLV's with a far more aggressive space program and far more ambitious military projects with major investment into super alloys and pushing the limits as to what's allowed within JCPOA with respect to our nuclear program...
And if by October 16, 2020 an order of for example fighter jets isn't delivered to Iranian soil then I just don't see what the point of remaining in the JCPOA or NPT is!
Sure sounds a good plan...
John Kerry in answer to question that why just 5 years of arms embargo:

"this is very important, the United Nations Resolution 1929, which is the resolution that basically brings us here and set in motion the sanctions, says specifically that if Iran comes to negotiate – not even get a deal, but comes to negotiate – sanctions would be lifted. We’re not doing that with respect to the arms embargo, even though not only have they come to the negotiation, they have in fact negotiated a deal."


So if 2231 resolution is voided, then based on the 1929 resolution, Iran's arms embargo is already over, this is the answer to the traitors whose newest excuse for staying in the deal is arms embargo.
John Kerry in answer to question that why just 5 years of arms embargo:

"this is very important, the United Nations Resolution 1929, which is the resolution that basically brings us here and set in motion the sanctions, says specifically that if Iran comes to negotiate – not even get a deal, but comes to negotiate – sanctions would be lifted. We’re not doing that with respect to the arms embargo, even though not only have they come to the negotiation, they have in fact negotiated a deal."


So if 2231 resolution is voided, then based on the 1929 resolution, Iran's arms embargo is already over, this is the answer to the traitors whose newest excuse for staying in the deal is arms embargo.
We in this forum need some one with good legal mind to read these two resolution and give all of us a simple view. I once read the Farsi version highlights... I am somewhat knowledgeable on the physics of nuclear science. It froze my spine to see how much restriction they put on Iran and above all they demanded that Iran fulfill ALL its obligation and elimination FIRST.
(This should have started all the alarms but it did not). North Korea was asked the same last month and they simply said F*** you and walked out.. I still do not believe Zarif was a traitor(naive yes..) but Western powers knew how weak a person Rohani is so they knew if they insist he will cave in and he did.
I think soon after this Government has become only a bad history ..the nuclear file will also be given to Sepah..especially when we see covert activities to make Saudi Arabia a nuclear armed nation ( no.. Israhell will not stop this ..they will keep physical veto on any device that is produced so do not count on them stopping this).
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