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The end of the deal, hopes, delusions and treasons

I think there are some misunderstanding over here ... I don't reject talks I've supported the JCPOA from the beginning even in the thread asking Rouhani resignation I supported him as elected president and also Zarif I described them as people that wanted to serve their country and added I'd rather blame the enemy than them for results and I would continue supporting them .Therefore for me negotiation is a reasonable,civil & logical way to address our disputes with others and I strongly reject isolation as Hafez says:
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What I meant is the other side of the coin ... My problem is the idea that ties everything with negotiations and see it as key to solve all problems ... for me negotiation is a tool to serve Iran interests and that's the only thing that matters ... So no matter what you do the priory is our interests and it's what SL has mentioned several times as a reason for not setting the deal on fire ... I am not a policy maker in Iran but I do think normal relations with the USA could balance our ties with China and Russia .. the JCPOA was supposed to pave path for this goal, the notion of normalization has scared KSA and israel and has made them to do whatever it takes to sabotage it .... so it's not that easy way to address or giving prescription on such an issue without taking proper steps even in the region. (after the deal Rouhani abandoned the China and Russia and even regional countries somehow for the west and that's another problem).
Regarding nuclear deal and its outcome we actually could blame ourselves too, once Zarif said it's only a piece of paper, depending on what we do the outcome would be different. So when the other side sanction you within a week after reaching the deal & you smile they realized that there will be no reactions even if they pass isa & travel ban ... still no reaction then pulling out ... still nothing reimposing sanctions seeking regime change ... & still nothing then what’s the political benefit of giving up sanctions leverage right off the bat? or “we’ve got to figure out a way to deal with the lost time.” now the same game with the EU ... the point is Iran isn't military and economically strong enough (comparativity) that it could simply bear the burden of ramification of such a policy. I think we could ignore the US but not this cat & mouse game .. So as Zarif said thoroughly deal and negotiations is one thing preserving it is walking a very tight rope which related to many factors that seemingly we've not practiced it very well so far.

The option is hard to explain but it takes a very skillful diplomacy combined with a very discipline economy measures within the country and much more important is the way we treat our own people. and the fact is to know what is the real objective that Iran's officials are pursuing right now ... is it economy?is it normalization of ties? is it security and preventing possibility of a war?is it chapter VII ? 'cause whatever it is it is evidently still working that have persuaded them to stay in the deal which Zarif described it recently as a strategic patient.

We have many cards to play so we are not empty handed. we could stay in the deal whilst we should takes some policy to make the other side to pay for not honoring its commitments why should they bother themselves when we implement the deal and enjoy the sanctions in the same time like a good boy??? we made them to think that we need the deal & we stay in it no matter what happens , Actually burning such a false impression led them to sit around the table back in 2010 while they had troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Previously our words were taken as the guarantee of our policy Rohani has damaged this reputation we should restore it. so I think if we could define some red lines/deadlines for other side (could be in JCPOA framework) with the small steps as they did with sanctioning 6 persons at first but make it clear where it is headed then we could even restore our nuclear card too & if we play it well we could end being in a even much better position than in 2012 due to being in better position regionally and also on missile program ...
We are sanctioned, key parts of our program is halted or rolled back, they seek regime change and maybe a military plan (very unlikely) our oil exports have been target that and has got lowered to 1million barrels per day..the Q is what we lose if we takes these steps? more sanctions or corporation and companies in countries like China & Russia bow out?? the EU & the US fight over Iran? the point is they are making sanctions (later cards) and we just smile ...

I insist on such steps 'cause I am afraid that the JCPOA turns to a model for western countries in dealing with Iran the idea that Iran is ready for compromise once you increase pressure (the JCPOA were not reached base on such a notion they did due to having no other option)... you talk of compromises .. ok no problem but what if they'd do the same policy that they've done towards the JCPOA?? so for any future deals you gotta fix this one first.

Some other steps has nothing to do with negotiations such as fighting corruption, transparency (I don't know why it's hard to bring all transitions under an national network to be monitored it could be very helpful and come handy) or better management ... these are not Americans' faults ...
I agree with a lot of what you`ve said.The big problem that I have is that it appears to me at least,that rouhani and co do not and never did have any plan B,effectively they put all of their eggs in the JCPOA/BRJAM basket,and now all they have left is "strategic patience" which amounts to nothing more than hoping chump doesnt get a second term and that the democrats will rejoin the deal.It strikes me as very,very foolish in the extreme to put all of ones hopes in ones enemy,after all wasnt that what got iran into this position in the first place?,it certainly puts iran in a very weak position,not only that but rouhanis repeated failure to react to the eurovassals violations of the jcpoa not only further weakens iran it also makes iran look weak.The most obvious thing to retaliate with would be extending the range and capabilities of irans delivery systems,as its clear that this rightly frightens the west,especially the eurovassals.A good move would`ve been to unveil the production version of the original turbofan powered soumar with its 2500-3000kms range rather than the at most 1500km turbojet powered hoveizeh.Another one would`ve been either testing or even showing mockups of the RD250/paektusan icbm class rocket engine,or in addition models of "slv" boosters powered by single and 2 chamber versions ie hwasong 12/14/15 type designs right up to 3 or 4 engine ss18/r36 class designs.
I think there are some misunderstanding over here ... I don't reject talks I've supported the JCPOA from the beginning even in the thread asking Rouhani resignation I supported him as elected president and also Zarif I described them as people that wanted to serve their country and added I'd rather blame the enemy than them for results and I would continue supporting them .Therefore for me negotiation is a reasonable,civil & logical way to address our disputes with others and I strongly reject isolation as Hafez says:
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What I meant is the other side of the coin ... My problem is the idea that ties everything with negotiations and see it as key to solve all problems ... for me negotiation is a tool to serve Iran interests and that's the only thing that matters ... So no matter what you do the priory is our interests and it's what SL has mentioned several times as a reason for not setting the deal on fire ... I am not a policy maker in Iran but I do think normal relations with the USA could balance our ties with China and Russia .. the JCPOA was supposed to pave path for this goal, the notion of normalization has scared KSA and israel and has made them to do whatever it takes to sabotage it .... so it's not that easy way to address or giving prescription on such an issue without taking proper steps even in the region. (after the deal Rouhani abandoned the China and Russia and even regional countries somehow for the west and that's another problem).
Regarding nuclear deal and its outcome we actually could blame ourselves too, once Zarif said it's only a piece of paper, depending on what we do the outcome would be different. So when the other side sanction you within a week after reaching the deal & you smile they realized that there will be no reactions even if they pass isa & travel ban ... still no reaction then pulling out ... still nothing reimposing sanctions seeking regime change ... & still nothing then what’s the political benefit of giving up sanctions leverage right off the bat? or “we’ve got to figure out a way to deal with the lost time.” now the same game with the EU ... the point is Iran isn't military and economically strong enough (comparativity) that it could simply bear the burden of ramification of such a policy. I think we could ignore the US but not this cat & mouse game .. So as Zarif said thoroughly deal and negotiations is one thing preserving it is walking a very tight rope which related to many factors that seemingly we've not practiced it very well so far.

The option is hard to explain but it takes a very skillful diplomacy combined with a very discipline economy measures within the country and much more important is the way we treat our own people. and the fact is to know what is the real objective that Iran's officials are pursuing right now ... is it economy?is it normalization of ties? is it security and preventing possibility of a war?is it chapter VII ? 'cause whatever it is it is evidently still working that have persuaded them to stay in the deal which Zarif described it recently as a strategic patient.

We have many cards to play so we are not empty handed. we could stay in the deal whilst we should takes some policy to make the other side to pay for not honoring its commitments why should they bother themselves when we implement the deal and enjoy the sanctions in the same time like a good boy??? we made them to think that we need the deal & we stay in it no matter what happens , Actually burning such a false impression led them to sit around the table back in 2010 while they had troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Previously our words were taken as the guarantee of our policy Rohani has damaged this reputation we should restore it. so I think if we could define some red lines/deadlines for other side (could be in JCPOA framework) with the small steps as they did with sanctioning 6 persons at first but make it clear where it is headed then we could even restore our nuclear card too & if we play it well we could end being in a even much better position than in 2012 due to being in better position regionally and also on missile program ...
We are sanctioned, key parts of our program is halted or rolled back, they seek regime change and maybe a military plan (very unlikely) our oil exports have been target that and has got lowered to 1million barrels per day..the Q is what we lose if we takes these steps? more sanctions or corporation and companies in countries like China & Russia bow out?? the EU & the US fight over Iran? the point is they are making sanctions (later cards) and we just smile ...

I insist on such steps 'cause I am afraid that the JCPOA turns to a model for western countries in dealing with Iran the idea that Iran is ready for compromise once you increase pressure (the JCPOA were not reached base on such a notion they did due to having no other option)... you talk of compromises .. ok no problem but what if they'd do the same policy that they've done towards the JCPOA?? so for any future deals you gotta fix this one first.

Some other steps has nothing to do with negotiations such as fighting corruption, transparency (I don't know why it's hard to bring all transitions under an national network to be monitored it could be very helpful and come handy) or better management ... these are not Americans' faults ...

Negotiation with any power can only be meaningful if it's under reasonable conditions and the fact is Iran simply can't afford to negotiate with any U.S. administration that refuses to accept the JCPOA and that's simple common sense especially since the JCPOA wasn't simply between Iran and the U.S. and any lawyer will tell you that if you negotiate with them you will be setting an example for the U.S. and other nations to follow and I believe in legal terms you'll be setting a precedent that others will use as a working strategy and they'll teach it at their universities..... So clearly this is not something Iran can risk!
And I agree with you Iran should have shown a clear notable reaction to every action the U.S. took in response and Iran at the very least should have started R&D in ICBM's and increased military spending.... And Iran should have shown that the language of force would have far more negative impacts

As to if Iran should or shouldn't leave the JCPOA that mostly depends on a lot of info that's not public like where is Iran's centrifuge technology currently and how much time will be needed to mass produce and install IR-6 and IR-8's, what the Europeans, Chinese and Russians are saying in backroom channels and whether or not Iranian leadership believes that if we stick to the dates the additional sanctions relief will come with countries like China, Russia and EU regardless of what the U.S. does and at what point do we say none of this is worth it and we not only leave the JCPOA but the NPT as well.
I agree with a lot of what you`ve said.The big problem that I have is that it appears to me at least,that rouhani and co do not and never did have any plan B,effectively they put all of their eggs in the JCPOA/BRJAM basket,and now all they have left is "strategic patience" which amounts to nothing more than hoping chump doesnt get a second term and that the democrats will rejoin the deal.It strikes me as very,very foolish in the extreme to put all of ones hopes in ones enemy,after all wasnt that what got iran into this position in the first place?,it certainly puts iran in a very weak position,not only that but rouhanis repeated failure to react to the eurovassals violations of the jcpoa not only further weakens iran it also makes iran look weak.The most obvious thing to retaliate with would be extending the range and capabilities of irans delivery systems,as its clear that this rightly frightens the west,especially the eurovassals.A good move would`ve been to unveil the production version of the original turbofan powered soumar with its 2500-3000kms range rather than the at most 1500km turbojet powered hoveizeh.Another one would`ve been either testing or even showing mockups of the RD250/paektusan icbm class rocket engine,or in addition models of "slv" boosters powered by single and 2 chamber versions ie hwasong 12/14/15 type designs right up to 3 or 4 engine ss18/r36 class designs.

Well I think as far as the US is run by corporations owned by jews moving the embassy to Jerusalem and now recognizing Golan height could literally translated into guaranteeing his second term as the president .. so regardless what might happen in 2020 who may enter oval office we gotta raise the stakes.

Negotiation with any power can only be meaningful if it's under reasonable conditions and the fact is Iran simply can't afford to negotiate with any U.S. administration that refuses to accept the JCPOA and that's simple common sense especially since the JCPOA wasn't simply between Iran and the U.S. and any lawyer will tell you that if you negotiate with them you will be setting an example for the U.S. and other nations to follow and I believe in legal terms you'll be setting a precedent that others will use as a working strategy and they'll teach it at their universities..... So clearly this is not something Iran can risk!
And I agree with you Iran should have shown a clear notable reaction to every action the U.S. took in response and Iran at the very least should have started R&D in ICBM's and increased military spending.... And Iran should have shown that the language of force would have far more negative impacts

As to if Iran should or shouldn't leave the JCPOA that mostly depends on a lot of info that's not public like where is Iran's centrifuge technology currently and how much time will be needed to mass produce and install IR-6 and IR-8's, what the Europeans, Chinese and Russians are saying in backroom channels and whether or not Iranian leadership believes that if we stick to the dates the additional sanctions relief will come with countries like China, Russia and EU regardless of what the U.S. does and at what point do we say none of this is worth it and we not only leave the JCPOA but the NPT as well.

I don't have no access to info neither hence my words are based on publicized documents & my understanding.
My concerns is just our national interests and my people.
Well I think as far as the US is run by corporations owned by jews moving the embassy to Jerusalem and now recognizing Golan height could literally translated into guaranteeing his second term as the president .. so regardless what might happen in 2020 who may enter oval office we gotta raise the stakes.

I don't have no access to info neither hence my words are based on publicized documents & my understanding.
My concerns is just our national interests and my people.

1st I think It's much wiser to have a clear distinction between Jews and Zionists and if Burnie Sanders was to sell out to U.S. corporations and win he would still be less of a Zionist than the Trump administration despite the fact that Burnie is Jewish and Trump is not. So I wouldn't put all Jews in one basket and Zionist don't necessarily have to be of Jewish faith just look at Trump.

To me Golan Heights is already occupied Israeli controlled territory and what truly matter is if the Israelis attempt to further invade Syrian territory or not because right now they see Syria as a weakened country.

As for Trump winning another election so far the Trump administrations foreign policy has been an absolute failure. Trump also has former members of his own administration questioning his sanity plus the democratic nominees will likely be vetted to be pro Israel before hand so that much is a given and AIPAC going full trump would be an absolutely stupid and shortsighted move simply to win 4 more years and I very much doubt that they are that stupid and shortsighted. And I also think that Trump has already provided the Democrats with enough ammo to win the next election and I think that's why they'd rather not impeach him because why impeach a guy for another Republican when you have enough ammo on this guy to win the next election.
I just don't see how the U.S. establishment and the puppet masters behind the scene would ever view another 4 years of Trump as a good thing for America.
1st I think It's much wiser to have a clear distinction between Jews and Zionists and if Burnie Sanders was to sell out to U.S. corporations and win he would still be less of a Zionist than the Trump administration despite the fact that Burnie is Jewish and Trump is not. So I wouldn't put all Jews in one basket and Zionist don't necessarily have to be of Jewish faith just look at Trump.

To me Golan Heights is already occupied Israeli controlled territory and what truly matter is if the Israelis attempt to further invade Syrian territory or not because right now they see Syria as a weakened country.

As for Trump winning another election so far the Trump administrations foreign policy has been an absolute failure. Trump also has former members of his own administration questioning his sanity plus the democratic nominees will likely be vetted to be pro Israel before hand so that much is a given and AIPAC going full trump would be an absolutely stupid and shortsighted move simply to win 4 more years and I very much doubt that they are that stupid and shortsighted. And I also think that Trump has already provided the Democrats with enough ammo to win the next election and I think that's why they'd rather not impeach him because why impeach a guy for another Republican when you have enough ammo on this guy to win the next election.
I just don't see how the U.S. establishment and the puppet masters behind the scene would ever view another 4 years of Trump as a good thing for America.
Sure I don't take Jews and Zionists the same .. Joe Biden whom is considered even a better candidate by Democrats to stand in 2020 (he could have White votes too unlike Sanders) election put it very well:

And it's not about Golan Heights being already occupied and is Israeli controlled territory the pattern is heading towards more radicalization of the policy that people like Obama wouldn't opt and go for it and that makes Trump their golden calf for coming years:
And how bibi is thankful:
The furthest steps Obama took was land swaps of 1969 lands and the JCPOA which I don't think power centers wanna see it again ..
But who am I .. in 2016 I betted that Sanders would win.
Sure I don't take Jews and Zionists the same .. Joe Biden whom is considered even a better candidate by Democrats to stand in 2020 (he could have White votes too unlike Sanders) election put it very well:

And it's not about Golan Heights being already occupied and is Israeli controlled territory the pattern is heading towards more radicalization of the policy that people like Obama wouldn't opt and go for it and that makes Trump their golden calf for coming years:
View attachment 548944
And how bibi is thankful:
The furthest steps Obama took was land swaps of 1969 lands and the JCPOA which I don't think power centers wanna see it again ..
But who am I .. in 2016 I betted that Sanders would win.

Joe Biden is no different than Hillary Clinton and like Clinton he is a neocon Zionist and if he is elected the U.S. foreign policy may get a face lift on the surface but it will remain very much the same underneath with only simple arbitrary changes like Trumps Golan Heights debacle.
And the arbitrary face lift would for example be like Trump declares Golan as Israeli territory and by the permission of the Israeli government establishes a military base there then Joe gets elected comes removes the arbitrary declaration but keeps the base using "maintaining peace and fight against terrorists" as an excuse.

That said my main worry right now is Iran's behavior with the JCPOA the only reason the U.S. changed it's original policy of 0 centrifuges is because that policy with all it's sanctions had resulted in almost 20,000 Iranian centrifuges from only a few hundred and Iran's breakout capability had gone from years to weeks and the Rohani administration has so far failed to properly react to U.S. behavior so that they may think twice about going back to the same type of policy and all because of EU promise that so far hasn't worked. And now with all the natural disasters we have to deal with the reconstruction efforts will require significant sums and I believe Rohani administration lacks the foresight to make sure that the reconstruction efforts become not only profitable in the long run but also strengthen Iran militarily by building more military bases and factories while you transport a significant amount of heavy construction tools for reconstruction to those areas

Sure I don't take Jews and Zionists the same .. Joe Biden whom is considered even a better candidate by Democrats to stand in 2020 (he could have White votes too unlike Sanders) election put it very well:

And it's not about Golan Heights being already occupied and is Israeli controlled territory the pattern is heading towards more radicalization of the policy that people like Obama wouldn't opt and go for it and that makes Trump their golden calf for coming years:
View attachment 548944
And how bibi is thankful:
The furthest steps Obama took was land swaps of 1969 lands and the JCPOA which I don't think power centers wanna see it again ..
But who am I .. in 2016 I betted that Sanders would win.

Joe Biden is no different than Hillary Clinton and like Clinton he is a neocon Zionist and if he is elected the U.S. foreign policy may get a face lift on the surface but it will remain very much the same underneath with only simple arbitrary changes like Trumps Golan Heights debacle.
And the arbitrary face lift would for example be like Trump declares Golan as Israeli territory and by the permission of the Israeli government establishes a military base there then Joe gets elected comes removes the arbitrary declaration but keeps the base using "maintaining peace and fight against terrorists" as an excuse.

That said my main worry right now is Iran's behavior with the JCPOA the only reason the U.S. changed it's original policy of 0 centrifuges is because that policy with all it's sanctions had resulted in almost 20,000 Iranian centrifuges from only a few hundred and Iran's breakout capability had gone from years to weeks and the Rohani administration has so far failed to properly react to U.S. behavior so that they may think twice about going back to the same type of policy and all because of EU promise that so far hasn't worked. And now with all the natural disasters we have to deal with the reconstruction efforts will require significant sums and I believe Rohani administration lacks the foresight to make sure that the reconstruction efforts become not only profitable in the long run but also strengthen Iran militarily by building more military bases and factories while you transport a significant amount of heavy construction tools for reconstruction to those areas
Joe Biden is no Zionist, he's a politician...they can say anything they want but their actions is what's important. Biden knows how much power they have in the U.S. system, he needs to say certain things not to make them an enemy. Trust me as someone who has been following Biden's career for a long time he's not at all amused by Israel, in fact he thinks they're a crappy ally, but he has to play the game.


Joe Biden is no Zionist, he's a politician...they can say anything they want but their actions is what's important. Biden knows how much power they have in the U.S. system, he needs to say certain things not to make them an enemy. Trust me as someone who has been following Biden's career for a long time he's not at all amused by Israel, in fact he thinks they're a crappy ally, but he has to play the game.



Hey Kastor? You think way too many people throw out the term "Zionist" willy nilly nowadays?
Yeah, very true, I have Jewish friends and they don't support everything Israel does, in other words they're Jewish but not a Zionist. But the popularity of the term Zionist is probably correlated to the rise of people being labeled an Anti-semite for disagreeing with Israel's policies. :)
Yeah, very true, I have Jewish friends and they don't support everything Israel does, in other words they're Jewish but not a Zionist. But the popularity of the term Zionist is probably correlated to the rise of people being labeled an Anti-semite for disagreeing with Israel's policies. :)
Do you still believe Trump would lose after that they found he didn't do any treason by Muller investigation report release ??
Also do you think even if Democrats will win the next presidential election are ready to come back to deal w/o any precondition ??
Do you still believe Trump would lose after that they found he didn't do any treason by Muller investigation report release ??
Also do you think even if Democrats will win the next presidential election are ready to come back to deal w/o any precondition ??

Well.....the whole investigation part is set to explode during the election time...if iam correct. Its not like trump was a aberrant surprise .... the deep state has managed to do everything it wanted using " trump is an idiot...he does not know what he is doing" excuse...

new trade deals...balancing the nato budget..china problem....open support for israel...scare its own public...new laws that no one really knows.

But yes...even if the dems win and want to deal with Iran......In the end IT all depends on how IRAn will respond.

yes im sure...the democrats will want to a "new" deal with IRAN....considering the last one was in more in favour of iran.....and currently IRan is hurting bad economically......

When is the next iranian election ?
Joe Biden is no different than Hillary Clinton and like Clinton he is a neocon Zionist and if he is elected the U.S. foreign policy may get a face lift on the surface but it will remain very much the same underneath with only simple arbitrary changes like Trumps Golan Heights debacle.
And the arbitrary face lift would for example be like Trump declares Golan as Israeli territory and by the permission of the Israeli government establishes a military base there then Joe gets elected comes removes the arbitrary declaration but keeps the base using "maintaining peace and fight against terrorists" as an excuse.

That said my main worry right now is Iran's behavior with the JCPOA the only reason the U.S. changed it's original policy of 0 centrifuges is because that policy with all it's sanctions had resulted in almost 20,000 Iranian centrifuges from only a few hundred and Iran's breakout capability had gone from years to weeks and the Rohani administration has so far failed to properly react to U.S. behavior so that they may think twice about going back to the same type of policy and all because of EU promise that so far hasn't worked. And now with all the natural disasters we have to deal with the reconstruction efforts will require significant sums and I believe Rohani administration lacks the foresight to make sure that the reconstruction efforts become not only profitable in the long run but also strengthen Iran militarily by building more military bases and factories while you transport a significant amount of heavy construction tools for reconstruction to those areas
The current administration plan day to day .. despite the warning of problem in exchange market mid 96 no one listened to it resulted in wasting more that 50 billion $ since 93 & here we are ... funny thing is it's not only the administration the parliament does nothing too.
I am not worried about the JCPOA as far as the internal obstacle before our economy and incompetent of our officials are the main problems.
این هفه کشیتیرانی هم به تحریم ها اضافه شد کسی برای ایران بار نمی بره
Nothing in favor of Iran.
Americans want everything, they are totalitarians.
around 10-11 months from now we have parliamentary election which I think determine which path Iran want to go.
The scenario is fluid for now, without a strong Democratic contender Trump may win again. As the old saying here goes "No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public" (I guess we can also apply that saying to our people). The point is, it's too early to tell, but if Biden or Sanders win then you can bet they will come back to JCPOA, Biden will do it for his old boss Obama, Sanders will do it because he believes in dialogue and diplomacy over aggression. Smarter people than me are saying that this election is going to be strange, and perhaps none of the known names is going to be the candidate which could means Beto O'Rourke may have a good chance, either way if they don't fight and hit back like Trump (Trump is a like a street fighter) they will have a slim chance of beating him. Again, I don't know, it's too early, first we need to see who is the contender before we can guess about Iran diplomacy.

On a side note, as one poster here said before what will Iran do? This is very important, Iran needs to stop playing the part of the jilted lover.....they have to stop turning their back on the U.S....(this is Khamenei's wrong, old worn out ideals) we need to speak to them. They are the strongest political, economic, military force on the planet, we should realize this reality. Also that we are nation of people that needs other nations to do business with. We know they are not our ally and friend but by making peace with them we can do good things for our country, in other words we can use them to our benefit. The people who've been screaming "Margh bar America" for the last 40 years, ask them what has it gotten our nation? The economy is in shambles, the military is in tatters, the infrastructure, private business all hurt by these tactics that have NOT PAID OFF. If the next president of the U.S.A extends a hand we should extend ours.
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Joe Biden is no different than Hillary Clinton and like Clinton he is a neocon Zionist and if he is elected the U.S. foreign policy may get a face lift on the surface but it will remain very much the same underneath with only simple arbitrary changes like Trumps Golan Heights debacle.
And the arbitrary face lift would for example be like Trump declares Golan as Israeli territory and by the permission of the Israeli government establishes a military base there then Joe gets elected comes removes the arbitrary declaration but keeps the base using "maintaining peace and fight against terrorists" as an excuse.

That said my main worry right now is Iran's behavior with the JCPOA the only reason the U.S. changed it's original policy of 0 centrifuges is because that policy with all it's sanctions had resulted in almost 20,000 Iranian centrifuges from only a few hundred and Iran's breakout capability had gone from years to weeks and the Rohani administration has so far failed to properly react to U.S. behavior so that they may think twice about going back to the same type of policy and all because of EU promise that so far hasn't worked. And now with all the natural disasters we have to deal with the reconstruction efforts will require significant sums and I believe Rohani administration lacks the foresight to make sure that the reconstruction efforts become not only profitable in the long run but also strengthen Iran militarily by building more military bases and factories while you transport a significant amount of heavy construction tools for reconstruction to those areas

Joe Biden is no different than Hillary Clinton and like Clinton he is a neocon Zionist and if he is elected the U.S. foreign policy may get a face lift on the surface but it will remain very much the same underneath with only simple arbitrary changes like Trumps Golan Heights debacle.
And the arbitrary face lift would for example be like Trump declares Golan as Israeli territory and by the permission of the Israeli government establishes a military base there then Joe gets elected comes removes the arbitrary declaration but keeps the base using "maintaining peace and fight against terrorists" as an excuse.

That said my main worry right now is Iran's behavior with the JCPOA the only reason the U.S. changed it's original policy of 0 centrifuges is because that policy with all it's sanctions had resulted in almost 20,000 Iranian centrifuges from only a few hundred and Iran's breakout capability had gone from years to weeks and the Rohani administration has so far failed to properly react to U.S. behavior so that they may think twice about going back to the same type of policy and all because of EU promise that so far hasn't worked. And now with all the natural disasters we have to deal with the reconstruction efforts will require significant sums and I believe Rohani administration lacks the foresight to make sure that the reconstruction efforts become not only profitable in the long run but also strengthen Iran militarily by building more military bases and factories while you transport a significant amount of heavy construction tools for reconstruction to those areas

Biden or Trump,.. democrat or republican makes no difference on US foreign policy with respect to middle east..this policy is set in other centers and presidents are asked to ensure its implementation. The puppet masters are not in the white house so please do not waste your time on that.
As it stands US has no impetus to go back to JCPOA..they crippled Iran's nuclear bargaining chips and had to pay nothing in return (thanks to Rohani and his team..Iran gave gold and received candy in return!)for the west they had their cake and ate it too!!..so why go back.

Now Iran needs to create another nuclear related bargaining chip or suffer the US sanction and European in-actions until the 10 year JCPOA term expires.But first Iran needs a president with some back bone...just as Ahmadinejad broke the locks on the enrichment facilities (which were locked shut by Rohani when he was nuclear negotiator) Iran needs a man with the guts to spin those certifuges (new ones with 10% efficiency) and enrich to even higher percentages than 20%... what are they going to do in repose...sanction the fishes in iran too!!. doing this will turn the table on them and this time around every one knows they were the side who reneged on the contract (call it moral victory for iran)..This time around the Iranian population will be behind the enrichment en-mass . The west only options will be apologize, compensate Iran for any losses and go back to JCPOA ..or call in the marines..lol
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