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The end of the deal, hopes, delusions and treasons

#BREAKING: Initials unconfirmed reports that Iran has decided to withdraw from the Nuclear Deal (JCPOA) - Khabar News Agency cites sources in Iran’s Supreme Council

#UPDATE: This is according to the state-run Khabar News Agency citing an informed source in Iran’s Supreme National Security Council. It states the body came to this decision with the agreement of Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei

Previously Rouhani promised his uncle Sam that he wont quit the deal, even if U.S quit it, practically he gave a green light to trump to breach the deal and reimpose all sanctions:
Mogherini: I have received assurances from Rouhani

Now Rouhani's vice president Jahangiri is giving the same signal, this time to Europeans.
In an interview with Euronews, Jahangiri made it clear, that this Traitor Reformist government has no intention of ending the OSIC ( One-sided Iranian commitments ), formerly known as JCPOA, even if Europeans don't abide to this deal too.

that's it.

پالس معاون اول رئیس جمهور به غرب برای بدعهدی‌های بیشتر
جهانگیری ۹۶: به همه اهدافمان در برجام دست یافتیم، دنیا عاشق کار کردن با ماست/ جهانگیری۹۷: تحریم های آمریکا جدی‌تر از گذشته شده، از اروپا هم ناامید شدیم اما برجام باید پابرجا بماند!/ لگدمال شدن منافع ملی ایران زیر پای غرب گرایان + فیلم
Hey man, do you get paid money by your handlers everytime you use the word traitor or are you contractually obligated to use it everytime you post?

Ps: anyone else tired of this guy and his BS posts?
Iran nuclear chief, Ali Akbar Salehi: Arak reactor calandria

Iran AEOI chief Salehi: nuclear propulsion reactor system update

Iran shipment 30 tonne yellow cake Uranium produced by Ardakan factory in Yazd (Shahid Rezanejad Complex) to Isfahan UCF facility with presence of Ali Akbar Salehi, head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran

Iran sends 2nd yellowcake consignment to Isfahan UCF
Iran has transferred the second yellowcake consignment, weighing 30 tons, from Saghand Uranium Mine in the central Yazd province to the uranium conversion facility (UFC) in Isfahan on Wednesday.
30 tons yellow cake was extracted from Saghand Uranium Mine in Ardakan, Yazd province, and then transferred to UFC after processing, milling, crushing, purification and etc.
Another insult and deception from EU/ another deception from traitors in Iran.

SPV (transaction mechanism) has been reduced to INSTEX, a company which exchanges oil for food and drugs, the same program which they used against Saddam in Iraq. The goal is helping European and not Iran.

We are already exchanging oil for food and drugs in EU and everywhere else. so neither it's new, nor will have have any positive effect on our economy.

Now EU demands full implementation of FATF (Their financial spying program) to continue this pathetic help.

کوه اروپا موش زائید!
خبر سه ماه قبل رجانیوز تایید شد؛ پس از ماه‌ها وقت‌کشی اروپا صرفا یک شرکت برای تسویه حساب ایجاد کرد/ کانال مالی وعده داده شده به آب باریکه INSTEX
تقلیل یافت/ ظریف باز هم نتوانست شروط و خطوط قرمز نظام را حفظ کند

غش و ضعف دولت برای آب‌نبات کاغذی اروپا
را تصویب کنید FATF گروکشی اروپا شروع شد؛ اگر غذا می‌خواهید باید
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