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The Egyptian army is moving suddenly and simultaneously with Turkish military exercises near the Egy

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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The Egyptian army is moving suddenly and simultaneously with Turkish military exercises near the Egyptian border



Today, Thursday, the Egyptian armed forces responded quickly to the Turkish armed forces, one day after Ankara announced the implementation of military exercises near Libya.

The Egyptian armed forces will carry out military exercises announced today, Thursday, in conjunction with the declaration of the Turkish navy, where the Egyptian army called the maneuvers the name of "Decisive -2020", and analysts considered this name to have significant meaning and significance.

These maneuvers come in the wake of statements by the United Nations Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, in which he said that there is "great concern" about the moves on the Libyan city of Sirte.

It is reported that Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi recently confirmed that the city of Sirte is a "red line" for national security in the country.

A prominent Turkish official, who declined to be named, according to Reuters, in response to Sisi's remarks, confirmed that Egypt's warning that it might interfere directly in Libya would not deter his country from supporting its Libyan allies.

For his part, Turkish Vice President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Yasin Aktai, pointed out that "Egypt's direct intervention will put Egypt in a confrontation with Turkey, a member of NATO."

The Egyptian military researcher, Mohamed Al-Kinani, indicates that the new Egyptian maneuver confirms the complete Egyptian readiness to deal with all potential and possible scenarios in the western strategic depth and at this time.

Observers believe that the region is witnessing dangerous developments, with the escalation of tension between Turkey and Egypt against the backdrop of the Libyan crisis.

Commenting on Turkish military exercises off the coast of Libya, Egyptian military expert Major General Samir Ragheb says it is a dangerous diplomatic message called "battleship diplomacy".

Major General Ragheb said in an earlier interview with RT, that the visit of the Turkish Defense Minister, Khulusi Akar, and his chief of staff, to the Libyan capital, Tripoli, suggests that the battle in Sirte is approaching.

"The Minister of Defense and the Chief of Staff does not exist outside the country in one place except for a great order," Ragheb said, referring to their recent visit to Libya.

The Turkish naval forces have announced that they will conduct massive naval exercises off the Libyan coast during the coming period.

Turkish media quoted the Turkish navy as saying that the expected maneuvers would be called "Naftex", and they would take place off the Libyan coast in 3 different regions, and each would bear a special name, which is "Barbaros", "Targot Rais" and "Chaka Bay".

Turkish media revealed that these maneuvers will take place soon, and that they are training in anticipation of any war in the eastern Mediterranean, in addition to what has been described as the escalating tensions in Libya in the recent period.

All branches of the armed forces participate in the surprise Egyptian maneuvers; Air, land, air defense, Navy and the remaining branches on the western direction. Under the leadership of the Minister of War, Lieutenant General Mohamed Zaki

News agencies
Turkey seems ready for war, will Egypt go to war for a dictator? I know the arabs believe they have advantage but i think its going to be really difficult for Egypt. Their moving forces in deserted areas would be easy targets for the more advanced Turkish airforce, navy and drones. If Egypt goes to war and loose, it will be the end of sisi and there might be another tahrir square.
First Lieutenant General Mohamed Zaki, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Minister of Defense and Military Production is witnessing the main stage of the maneuver "Decisive 2020" in the western strategic direction ...
The First Lieutenant General / Mohamed Zaki, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Minister of Defense and Military Production, witnessed the main stage of the strategic maneuver "Decisive 2020", which was implemented by the formations and units of the Western Military Region in cooperation with the main branches of the Armed Forces, which lasted for several days within the framework of the combat training plan for the formations and units of the armed forces, and that In the presence of General / Mohamed Farid, Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, leaders of the main branches and a number of leaders of the Armed Forces.

The main stage included multi-tasking aircraft securing acts of fighting forces and providing air assistance for the purpose of eliminating mercenary elements from irregular armies, and the implementation of shooting to target areas that combine these elements and command centers and areas of accumulation and logistical support.
In addition, a number of helicopters landed a thunderbolt company to carry out a raid on a command post discovered for mercenaries and destroy it.

Under the cover of artillery fire fighting activities were developed in depth and a tactical shooting with live ammunition for a reinforced tank battalion was carried out, in light of the direct anti-aircraft protection from the main grouping of forces by carrying out an air defense shooting that showed the degree of accuracy in hitting targets and during this stage close cooperation between all elements of the battle formation emerged. And the high ability to maneuver and exploit the nature of the land to achieve the tasks in the specified times.

A number of helicopters have landed paratroopers to carry out the mission of occupying a vital line in the rear and securing it until the main force arrives.

The Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces and Minister of Defense and Military Production discussed with a number of the leaders of the forces involved in the maneuver, the method of carrying out the tasks and how to take the appropriate decisions to confront the sudden and sharp changes during the course of the hostilities and the method of controlling the elements of the battle formation.

At the end of the maneuver, Lieutenant General Mohamed Zaki conveyed the greetings and appreciation of President / President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, the Supreme Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, and his pride in the effort made by the men of the Western Military Region in all the tasks assigned to them.

The Commander in Chief praised the outstanding performance and high combat efficiency of the forces participating in the maneuver, and demanded them to maintain the distinct level, combat efficiency and high self-confidence, and he also recommended them to maintain the highest levels of combat readiness and sacrifice what is precious and precious in order to preserve the capabilities of the country and uphold its word.

It is worth noting that the first stages of the maneuver included the implementation of the strategic conquest by the land forces, the strategic opening of the special forces from Paras and thunderbolts, the implementation of a successful amphibious operation of the forces on the coast in a border region on the western strategic direction, the implementation of maneuvering and air combat work and dealing with targets indeep depth that require Refueling in mid-air, for various models, and implementing air defense and artillery fire.


Turkey seems ready for war, will Egypt go to war for a dictator? I know the arabs believe they have advantage but i think its going to be really difficult for Egypt. Their moving forces in deserted areas would be easy targets for the more advanced Turkish airforce, navy and drones. If Egypt goes to war and loose, it will be the end of sisi and there might be another tahrir square.

Don't worry bro. We know how much you care for us. By the way I don't think the TAF will come and return all the way each time from Turkey to Libya or Egypt. If they stay in Libya, We just hope that the more advanced Turkish air force are not destroyed just like the Hawks systems that were supposed to protect them. At the end, they are our brothers just like you. :(
All branches of the armed forces participate in the surprise Egyptian maneuvers; Air, land, air defense, Navy and the remaining branches on the western direction. Under the leadership of the Minister of War, Lieutenant General Mohamed Zaki

News agencies
All except the most lethal weapon....the mind
Don't worry bro. We know how much you care for us. By the way I don't think the TAF will come and return all the way each time from Turkey to Libya or Egypt. If they stay in Libya, We just hope that the more advanced Turkish air force are not destroyed just like the Hawks systems that were supposed to protect them. At the end, they are our brothers just like you. :(

Well i do care for muslim unity. This is just pure greed for power, influence and resources. U have a good point, they may fly from northern Cyprus bt will be very costly n difficult. They may deploy near tripoli and most probably use navy. Lets see, i hope it doesn't come to it.
:turkey::pakistan: That is the way it is
A pact between the two?
What do you expect Turkey to do for the Muslim countries that hasn't done already? Which is nothing...Turkey is the go to boy of NATO and the US....
Pakistan is not in a better place...She can't even defend her own people...from the US predator..especially in the Obama time...
I think Pakistan should have a look on the inside and correct the mistake that the Sharia law has done to her masses..Religion enslaved people, has never freed them...
Take for example Algeria..If it wasn't for the zaouias, the French wouldn't have lasted that longue...and to this day, if it wasn't for them, Algerian regime wouldn't have lasted a year since the independance of the country..

The Egyptian army is moving suddenly and simultaneously with Turkish military exercises near the Egyptian border



Today, Thursday, the Egyptian armed forces responded quickly to the Turkish armed forces, one day after Ankara announced the implementation of military exercises near Libya.

The Egyptian armed forces will carry out military exercises announced today, Thursday, in conjunction with the declaration of the Turkish navy, where the Egyptian army called the maneuvers the name of "Decisive -2020", and analysts considered this name to have significant meaning and significance.

These maneuvers come in the wake of statements by the United Nations Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, in which he said that there is "great concern" about the moves on the Libyan city of Sirte.

It is reported that Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi recently confirmed that the city of Sirte is a "red line" for national security in the country.

A prominent Turkish official, who declined to be named, according to Reuters, in response to Sisi's remarks, confirmed that Egypt's warning that it might interfere directly in Libya would not deter his country from supporting its Libyan allies.

For his part, Turkish Vice President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Yasin Aktai, pointed out that "Egypt's direct intervention will put Egypt in a confrontation with Turkey, a member of NATO."

The Egyptian military researcher, Mohamed Al-Kinani, indicates that the new Egyptian maneuver confirms the complete Egyptian readiness to deal with all potential and possible scenarios in the western strategic depth and at this time.

Observers believe that the region is witnessing dangerous developments, with the escalation of tension between Turkey and Egypt against the backdrop of the Libyan crisis.

Commenting on Turkish military exercises off the coast of Libya, Egyptian military expert Major General Samir Ragheb says it is a dangerous diplomatic message called "battleship diplomacy".

Major General Ragheb said in an earlier interview with RT, that the visit of the Turkish Defense Minister, Khulusi Akar, and his chief of staff, to the Libyan capital, Tripoli, suggests that the battle in Sirte is approaching.

"The Minister of Defense and the Chief of Staff does not exist outside the country in one place except for a great order," Ragheb said, referring to their recent visit to Libya.

The Turkish naval forces have announced that they will conduct massive naval exercises off the Libyan coast during the coming period.

Turkish media quoted the Turkish navy as saying that the expected maneuvers would be called "Naftex", and they would take place off the Libyan coast in 3 different regions, and each would bear a special name, which is "Barbaros", "Targot Rais" and "Chaka Bay".

Turkish media revealed that these maneuvers will take place soon, and that they are training in anticipation of any war in the eastern Mediterranean, in addition to what has been described as the escalating tensions in Libya in the recent period.


I saw the video of the war games, I might be wrong, but Egypt is not ready for any war...After 4 war with Israel and one with Yemen, they haven't learned a freaking thing! That is sad!
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