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The Egyptian army is moving suddenly and simultaneously with Turkish military exercises near the Egy

Based on what?

Do elaborate.

just take a tour in PDF in Arab or Middle East sections and you will be surprised.

Lolz why would we feel inferiority complex from Turks? We are the only nation that still believes in muslim ummah brotherhood. In foreign countries ull always see us stand with muslims, be it any nationality. We also love arabs. Infact we fought with u against israel, indians call us arab puppets and arab remnants. We still stand with our arab brothers as well as all muslims. We provided weapons to bosnian muslims, when no one was ready to help them. We do understand freedom of speech and the difference with offensive speech. We criticise ourselves the most, dont u see other sections of pdf?
On the current issue, its between muslims, aren't u killing muslims? Using Russian and sudanese mercenaries, who was surrounding tripoli and bombing? U should know when ur wrong, ur also standing with NATO member France, a stronger member, also EU member. I supported arabs the most in yemen, but then u guys left syrians alone to the mercy of russians. I still hope may Allah save muslims from killing each other. Also my differences and political opinions are about the regimes of the countries, not the people.

Inferiority from Turks :-)
With my all respect to my Turkish friends .... Egypt is the opposite of Turkey .... we are here in this land Egypt Building the cradle of civilization for 10,000 years , Egypt was the first country with a government and Army in the world .... not just tribes killing each other for food and goats ..!
No inferiority here sir , you can google it , #ThisisEgypt

Then, you are criticizing Egypt ... just because it’s interests are seems to match a NATO member France ... but you ignore the NATO member & proxy ( Erdo regime) ...!!o_O

you are not fair ...!
About killing Muslims, your love to Turks appears in your unfairness again ...

what is the country that invaded / killed Muslims in Iraq , what is the country invaded /killed Muslims in Syria , what is the country invaded /killed Muslims in Libya ....!?
What is the country that is blocking water from coming to Muslims in Syria and Iraq by building dams ...!
What is the country that sent Minister of Defense and chief of staff to Libya to Kill Muslims .... what is the country that sent 15,000 Poor Syrian Mercenaries to get rid of them and kill other Muslims...,
If you Really believe in Ummah .... first of all you have to be fair .

And Turkey does...When you quit shining their shoes and making their beds come back and we will discuss how we deal with the West in general and with the Russians in particular..

Egyptian armed forces are light weight compareed to the ANP...The Sissi's red lines does not mean caca to Chengriha's troops...The day that Egyptians armed forces cross the Lybian border, they will be facing among others the 8eme BB...the one that forced Ariel Sharon to sit with "you" at the 101 km ...A word to the wise..go look the 8bb war game video, and look at the one, that Egypt just conducted...and ask yourselves, are we ready for another shallacke?

don’t talk trash again ...!

you can set in the seats of the crowd ... to see the real players .... or you can join the invading Turks and suffer a new bloody decade as a result of the terrorists on both of your boarders ...

Algeria and Tunisia was not responding to all Egyptians initiatives to solve the chaos in Libya Between the neighboring countries .... but But both of them didn’t respond .... Egypt started to act alone to secure Eastern Libya .... then both started to worry about terrorists near their boarders + French pressure .
nferiority from Turks :-)
With my all respect to my Turkish friends .... Egypt is the opposite of Turkey .... we are here in this land Egypt Building the cradle of civilization for 10,000 years , Egypt was the first country with a government and Army in the world .... not just tribes killing each other for food and goats ..!
No inferiority here sir , you can google it , #ThisisEgypt

Arabs have inferiority complex against the TURKS who ruled them in the last 1.000 years
and almost all Arab countries are colony of the US/the UK or Russia
Arab tribes are killing each others everywhere from Iraq to Yemen , from Syria to Libya

TURKS has the greatest military history in the world .... Egypt doesnt have even one victory against non-Muslims
and only TURKS created 16 Empires to conquer/rule part of China , India , Iran , Anatolia , Syria , Iraq , all Arabian Peninsula , Jerusalem , Egypt , Algeria , Libya , Tunusia , East Africa , Greece , Romania and all Balkans

TURKS fought Europe+Russia+Iran for centuries

on the other hand Egypt was ruled by Roman Empire , Turkic TULUNIDS and MAMLUKS , Ottoman Empire and The British Empire
and today Egypt is nothing who can not develop even Cruise Missile

Our competitors are France , Russia in this land ....... others Egypt,the Uae,Greece are proxies who are nothing without the US,France,Russia

what is the country that invaded / killed Muslims in Iraq , what is the country invaded /killed Muslims in Syria , what is the country invaded /killed Muslims in Libya ....!?

You are so liar ..... and your MASTERS The US , The UK , France , Israel , Russia killed millions of Arabs in Algeria , Iraq , Syria , Palestine , Libya , etc and your Arab Dictators are still shining their shoes and attacking the Turks who save/protect Arabs

-- Turkish Army is in Iraq to fight the US/Israel/France backed PKK terror organization ( the UN article 51 self defence )
Turkiye helps Iraq to protect territorial integrity of Iraq

-- Turkish Army is in Syria to fight the US/Israel/France/the Uae/S.Arabia backed PKK/YPG terror organization ( the UN article 51 self defence )
Turkiye helps Syria to protect territorial integrity of Syria

Turkiye hosts over 4 millions of Iraqi and Syrian Arab refugees and TURKS spent over $40 billion for Arab refugees
Turkiye would buy Egyptian + Greek Armed Forces combined for $40 billion

-- Turkiye support Arabs in Palestine
-- Yemen called helping from Turkiye against the US/Israel proxies the Uae , S.Arabia , Bahreyn who wants to annex South Yemen

-- Qatar and Somalia called helping from Turkiye against the US/Israel proxies the Uae , S.Arabia , Bahreyn and Egypt

-- and the UN recognized legal Libyan Government called helping from Turkiye against France - Russia and the US/Israel proxies HAFTAR , the Uae , S.Arabia , Bahreyn and Egypt who invaded Libya and killed Libyans

puppet Arab dictators SISI , MBZ , MBS and now HAFTAR also ASSAD are working with Christian The US , The UK , France , Russia to kill Arabs in Yemen , Iraq , Syria , Libya , Egypt , etc

and muslim Egyptian People so hate criminal dictator SISI and his anti-ISLAM policy for christian Copts and Israeli interests

what is the country that sent 15,000 Poor Syrian Mercenaries to get rid of them and kill other Muslims...,

The Uae , S.Arabia sent thousands of poor Mercenaries from Sudan , Chad , Niger to Libya to kill muslim Libyans
Russia sent thousands of WAGNER Fighters to Libya to kill muslim Libyans
Russia sent Assadists from Syria to Libya to kill muslim Libyans
French Special Forces in Libya to kill muslim Libyans
Egyptian Army soldiers in Libya to kill muslim Libyans

and Libyan Government GNA + Turkiye + Qatar + Syrian Mercenaries fight against christian invaders France-Russia + Assadists from Syria + CIA agent traitor HAFTAR + Mercenaries from Sudan , Chad , Niger + The US/Israel proxies the Uae , S.Arabia and Egypt
Holy ****, how can u be this brainwashed, The mamluks who defeated the Crusaders, not only that. but Greece/Byzantine were controlling Turkey during this time. god can u fucking double check whats coming out of ur mouth?
Holy ****, how can u be this brainwashed, The mamluks who defeated the Crusaders, not only that. but Greece/Byzantine were controlling Turkey during this time. god can u fucking double check whats coming out of ur mouth?

dude you are so ignorant or you are a good liar

The Seljuks ( TURKS ) beat the Byzantine Empire in the Battle of Manzikert by 1071 and this Turkish victory allowed for the gradual Turkification of Anatolia

and In 1095, Pope Urban II proclaimed the First Crusade at the Council of Clermont. He encouraged military support for Byzantine Emperor Alexios I against the Seljuk Turks

1) the Seljuks ( TURKS ) beat CRUSADERS
2) even MAMLUKS were Kypcak Origin Turks ...... BAIBARS KHAN was Turkic origin Sultan of Egypt in the Mamluk Bahri dynasty . He was Commander of the Turkic MAMLUK forces that inflicted a defeat on the 7th Crusade of King Louis IX of France

also The Zengid Dynasty was a Muslim dynasty of Oghuz Turk origin which ruled parts of the Levant and Upper Mesopotamia including Mosul, Aleppo, Hama, Edessa ( today ŞanlıUrfa ) on behalf of the Seljuk Empire

and SALAHADDIN's uncle Shirkuh was a general of the Turkish Zengid Army and Nurad-Din ZENGI sent Turkish Army led by general Shirkuh to Egypt

and Nurad-Din ZENGI ordered to Salahaddin in 1171 to reestablish the Abbasid Caliphate in Egypt

so the TURKS ( Seljus and Ottomans ) protected all Islamic World including Arabs from christian Europeans since 1096 CRUSADE
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dude you are so ignorant or you are a good liar
I aint lying, i am telling u some history facts.

the Seljuks ( TURKS ) beat CRUSADERS
THE Seljuqs, didnt even beat the main cursade, they did beat the untrained peasant cursade, not only that, but the main Crusade force took Nicaea which was pretty much the capital back then.

even MAMLUKS were Kypcak Origin Turks ...... BAIBARS KHAN was Turkic origin Sultan of Egypt in the Mamluk Bahri dynasty . He was Commander of the Turkic MAMLUK forces that inflicted a defeat on the 7th Crusade of King Louis IX of France
The Mamluks were arabs, from Iraq and Syria. and Baibars, even thought he was Turkish, his men, were Egyptians/Arabs.

also The Zengid Dynasty was a Muslim dynasty of Oghuz Turk origin which ruled parts of the Levant and Upper Mesopotamia including Mosul, Aleppo, Hama, Edessa ( today ŞanlıUrfa ) on behalf of the Seljuk Empire

and SALAHADDIN's uncle Shirkuh was a general of the Turkish Zengid Army and Nurad-Din ZENGI sent Turkish Army led by general Shirkuh to Egypt

and Nurad-Din ZENGI ordered to Salahaddin in 1171 to reestablish the Abbasid Caliphate in Egypt

so the TURKS ( Seljus and Ottomans ) protected all Islamic World including Arabs from christian Europeans since 1096 CRUSADE

True, But still. their men were Egyptians/Arabs, who were trained in Egypt.
I aint lying, i am telling u some history facts.

THE Seljuqs, didnt even beat the main cursade, they did beat the untrained peasant cursade, not only that, but the main Crusade force took Nicaea which was pretty much the capital back then.

The Mamluks were arabs, from Iraq and Syria. and Baibars, even thought he was Turkish, his men, were Egyptians/Arabs.

True, But still. their men were Egyptians/Arabs, who were trained in Egypt.

liar TROLL .......
liar TROLL .......

Even the soldiers of the Ottoman army were eastern European Christians, janissaries

But for you it all has to be TURK TURK TURK TURK, that's what the uneducated AKP masses do all day. I've spent time around them I know.
Even the soldiers of the Ottoman army were eastern European Christians, janissaries

another uneducated ignorant Arab

1) The Seljuks ( TURKS ) beat the Byzantine Empire in the Battle of Manzikert by 1071 and this Turkish victory allowed for the gradual Turkification of Anatolia

2) There were not Janissaries in CRUSADERS

3) and The Janissaries were 10% of the Ottoman Army ( 90% soldiers of the Ottoman Army was TURK )

BAIBARS KHAN was Turkic origin Sultan of Egypt in the Mamluk Bahri dynasty ....
He was Commander of the MAMLUK forces that inflicted a defeat on the 7th Crusade of King Louis IX of France

also Turkic origin BAIBARS KHAN led the vanguard of the MAMLUK forces at the Battle of Ain Jalut in 1260 which marked the first substantial defeat of the Mongol army and is considered a turning point in history

so MAMLUK Soldiers were mostly enslaved Turkic Peoples, Circassians, Abkhazians and Georgians

and Turkic Bahri Dynasty ruled Egypt between 1250 and 1382 , then Circassian origin Dynasty ruled Egypt until 1517 and in 1517 the Otttoman Empire conquered Egypt
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The Egyptian army is moving suddenly and simultaneously with Turkish military exercises near the Egyptian border



Today, Thursday, the Egyptian armed forces responded quickly to the Turkish armed forces, one day after Ankara announced the implementation of military exercises near Libya.

The Egyptian armed forces will carry out military exercises announced today, Thursday, in conjunction with the declaration of the Turkish navy, where the Egyptian army called the maneuvers the name of "Decisive -2020", and analysts considered this name to have significant meaning and significance.

These maneuvers come in the wake of statements by the United Nations Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, in which he said that there is "great concern" about the moves on the Libyan city of Sirte.

It is reported that Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi recently confirmed that the city of Sirte is a "red line" for national security in the country.

A prominent Turkish official, who declined to be named, according to Reuters, in response to Sisi's remarks, confirmed that Egypt's warning that it might interfere directly in Libya would not deter his country from supporting its Libyan allies.

For his part, Turkish Vice President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Yasin Aktai, pointed out that "Egypt's direct intervention will put Egypt in a confrontation with Turkey, a member of NATO."

The Egyptian military researcher, Mohamed Al-Kinani, indicates that the new Egyptian maneuver confirms the complete Egyptian readiness to deal with all potential and possible scenarios in the western strategic depth and at this time.

Observers believe that the region is witnessing dangerous developments, with the escalation of tension between Turkey and Egypt against the backdrop of the Libyan crisis.

Commenting on Turkish military exercises off the coast of Libya, Egyptian military expert Major General Samir Ragheb says it is a dangerous diplomatic message called "battleship diplomacy".

Major General Ragheb said in an earlier interview with RT, that the visit of the Turkish Defense Minister, Khulusi Akar, and his chief of staff, to the Libyan capital, Tripoli, suggests that the battle in Sirte is approaching.

"The Minister of Defense and the Chief of Staff does not exist outside the country in one place except for a great order," Ragheb said, referring to their recent visit to Libya.

The Turkish naval forces have announced that they will conduct massive naval exercises off the Libyan coast during the coming period.

Turkish media quoted the Turkish navy as saying that the expected maneuvers would be called "Naftex", and they would take place off the Libyan coast in 3 different regions, and each would bear a special name, which is "Barbaros", "Targot Rais" and "Chaka Bay".

Turkish media revealed that these maneuvers will take place soon, and that they are training in anticipation of any war in the eastern Mediterranean, in addition to what has been described as the escalating tensions in Libya in the recent period.


Egypt is doing the bidding of Frenchs in the area.
don’t talk trash again ...!

you can set in the seats of the crowd ... to see the real players .... or you can join the invading Turks and suffer a new bloody decade as a result of the terrorists on both of your boarders ...
Egypt is not a player nor Turkey for that matter, both are spoilers.. my reply was to SC that ruffled your fathers...He was laughing at the Algerian armed forces capability of stopping the Egyptians from invading Lybia..We lived the same event in the seventies..with Ariel Sharon when he find himself facing Algerian tanks, he laughed too and thought that heir armement was primitif and that they will flee, when they meet the Israeli tank..He ended not only loosing his entire brigade, but also 700 of the best trained israeli troops that were defending his tanks..and after that loss..Israel was forced to sit at the 101 km to negociate the truce..Sadat made the same mistake when he tried to invade Lybia..

Algeria and Tunisia was not responding to all Egyptians initiatives to solve the chaos in Libya Between the neighboring countries .... but But both of them didn’t respond .... Egypt started to act alone to secure Eastern Libya .... then both started to worry about terrorists near their boarders + French pressure .

Bullshit..Egypt was arming hafter away back when Algeria was getting the tribes to sit dawn and negociate a final settlement...Egypt and her coalition torpedoed the truce between Lybians..!
approach the Egyptian boarders .... we will fight them there
So, you will fight against GNA from 1000 kms away from your border?

I mean, you can paint whatever you like, but invading a neighbouing country with 1000km depth to just in order to fight the against the people of that country..... like in what context?
.Sadat made the same mistake when he tried to invade Lybia..
Sadat never tried to invade libya?
the only combat that happpened between Egypt and Libya was in 1977
When Libya tried to invade Egypt, because it made a peace deal with israel
and it was pretty a small "war"
100 Egyptians and 400 Libyians lost their lives.
Egypt can’t fight Turkey.
Egypt and Turkey should NEVER fight each other. Forget the capabilities, just think of the harm to the underdeveloped/emerging citizenry of these two countries, on account of fighting an expeditionary war that neither of them can afford, and the Muslim world in general. As it is the Iran-Iraq war, initiated due to outside machinations, has not healed the rifts which are now being further exacerbated by the Saudi-Yemen conflict.

I hope better sense prevails on both sides. Complete lose-lose proposition on both sides. Libyans are already paying for this conflict through their noses, in case of a shooting war between these two countries, they will be subject to a proxy war for decades to come.
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Sadat never tried to invade libya?
the only combat that happpened between Egypt and Libya was in 1977
When Libya tried to invade Egypt, because it made a peace deal with israel
and it was pretty a small "war"
100 Egyptians and 400 Libyians lost their lives.
I was talking about that event exactly..Algeria had with the Kaddafy agreement a mutual defence pact..The Algerian President at that time came to see Sadat, to worn him...Same case today..if Egypt cross the border.. Turkey has been warned when she tried to take over the El Watiya airbase. As well as the Wagner group who tried to take over Jufra. .
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So, you will fight against GNA from 1000 kms away from your border?

I mean, you can paint whatever you like, but invading a neighbouing country with 1000km depth to just in order to fight the against the people of that country..... like in what context?

You cannot call it invasion for 3 reasons:
1- the only elected authority in Libya ( the Parliament) asked for the Egyptian intervention to defend Libya against Syrian mercenaries and GNA militia supported by Turkey.

2- LNA + Tribes fighters will be in the front lines ... and the Egyptian Army will be on their back ... just in case of penetration of their lines or the Turkish direct involvement in the battle.

3- You cannot ignore social and Historical relationships between western Egypt and Eastern Libya ... knowing that ... the resistance against the Italian invasion was mainly getting it’s logistical support from Egypt .... and it will happen again who ever the name invading Libya .
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