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The Egyptian army is moving suddenly and simultaneously with Turkish military exercises near the Egy

I know that some of Pakistani ( with all my respect to my Pakistani friends ) ... some of you feeling inferiority complex regarding Turks .... although you are a great independent nation not like those NATO toys ....

Freedom of speech..!! I thinks in your part of the world = Death .... so don’t fake your reality.

Regarding the Egyptian RED LINE .... it 1000 KM western of the Egyptian boarders to protect our Libyan brothers and sisters from being killed/ slaughtered on the Hands of the invading Turks and their slaves Syrian mercenaries.

BTW , RED LINE is real ..., crossing it means war ... and your Turkish Sultan is taking it serious.

and haven’t crossed it till now .
Nobody will impose a red line in Lybia..Not Turkey nor Egypt....Syrte is a 1000 km per ur distance, how can Egypt impose a red line that far from its border? That is insane....Turkey is paying now the price of being in the wrong territory, a territory where she is not wanted, regardless the GNA position...Those S125 that Turkey put in place will meet the same fate than the Crotales they had before...

what are you talking about?
Show me a Muslim state that is truly independent or prosper..none of them..Islam as it is today , is a hindrance to human development in the Muslim world!

The Egyptian army is moving suddenly and simultaneously with Turkish military exercises near the Egyptian border



Today, Thursday, the Egyptian armed forces responded quickly to the Turkish armed forces, one day after Ankara announced the implementation of military exercises near Libya.

The Egyptian armed forces will carry out military exercises announced today, Thursday, in conjunction with the declaration of the Turkish navy, where the Egyptian army called the maneuvers the name of "Decisive -2020", and analysts considered this name to have significant meaning and significance.

These maneuvers come in the wake of statements by the United Nations Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, in which he said that there is "great concern" about the moves on the Libyan city of Sirte.

It is reported that Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi recently confirmed that the city of Sirte is a "red line" for national security in the country.

A prominent Turkish official, who declined to be named, according to Reuters, in response to Sisi's remarks, confirmed that Egypt's warning that it might interfere directly in Libya would not deter his country from supporting its Libyan allies.

For his part, Turkish Vice President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Yasin Aktai, pointed out that "Egypt's direct intervention will put Egypt in a confrontation with Turkey, a member of NATO."

The Egyptian military researcher, Mohamed Al-Kinani, indicates that the new Egyptian maneuver confirms the complete Egyptian readiness to deal with all potential and possible scenarios in the western strategic depth and at this time.

Observers believe that the region is witnessing dangerous developments, with the escalation of tension between Turkey and Egypt against the backdrop of the Libyan crisis.

Commenting on Turkish military exercises off the coast of Libya, Egyptian military expert Major General Samir Ragheb says it is a dangerous diplomatic message called "battleship diplomacy".

Major General Ragheb said in an earlier interview with RT, that the visit of the Turkish Defense Minister, Khulusi Akar, and his chief of staff, to the Libyan capital, Tripoli, suggests that the battle in Sirte is approaching.

"The Minister of Defense and the Chief of Staff does not exist outside the country in one place except for a great order," Ragheb said, referring to their recent visit to Libya.

The Turkish naval forces have announced that they will conduct massive naval exercises off the Libyan coast during the coming period.

Turkish media quoted the Turkish navy as saying that the expected maneuvers would be called "Naftex", and they would take place off the Libyan coast in 3 different regions, and each would bear a special name, which is "Barbaros", "Targot Rais" and "Chaka Bay".

Turkish media revealed that these maneuvers will take place soon, and that they are training in anticipation of any war in the eastern Mediterranean, in addition to what has been described as the escalating tensions in Libya in the recent period.

I think Egypt should go back to the drawing board....or stay home...Same goes for Turkey...
You don't get it, you are making exercise with your landforce. The sea is blocked for you, you can not come in Libyan sea do you understand it? We don't care what you do in Egypt, you will not come her wher we are.
Yea good luck
Turkey places too much faith in its NATO membership - its practically a one way street for European benefit with little help to Turkey.
Yes Egypt should go train hard with ther landforces, nothing to say in the sea. And it will be like that....
their soldiers do not have enough to eat and you want them to go elsewhere.

Egypt can’t fight Turkey.
forget about fighting, they cannot even feed themselves. If blue nile gets blocked, the generals will try to use it as a excuse to start a war with ethiopia.
I know that some of Pakistani ( with all my respect to my Pakistani friends ) ... some of you feeling inferiority complex regarding Turks .... although you are a great independent nation not like those NATO toys ....

Freedom of speech..!! I thinks in your part of the world = Death .... so don’t fake your reality.

Regarding the Egyptian RED LINE .... it 1000 KM western of the Egyptian boarders to protect our Libyan brothers and sisters from being killed/ slaughtered on the Hands of the invading Turks and their slaves Syrian mercenaries.

BTW , RED LINE is real ..., crossing it means war ... and your Turkish Sultan is taking it serious.

and haven’t crossed it till now .

Lolz why would we feel inferiority complex from Turks? We are the only nation that still believes in muslim ummah brotherhood. In foreign countries ull always see us stand with muslims, be it any nationality. We also love arabs. Infact we fought with u against israel, indians call us arab puppets and arab remnants. We still stand with our arab brothers as well as all muslims. We provided weapons to bosnian muslims, when no one was ready to help them. We do understand freedom of speech and the difference with offensive speech. We criticise ourselves the most, dont u see other sections of pdf?
On the current issue, its between muslims, aren't u killing muslims? Using Russian and sudanese mercenaries, who was surrounding tripoli and bombing? U should know when ur wrong, ur also standing with NATO member France, a stronger member, also EU member. I supported arabs the most in yemen, but then u guys left syrians alone to the mercy of russians. I still hope may Allah save muslims from killing each other. Also my differences and political opinions are about the regimes of the countries, not the people.
I would like to see Akya, Turkey's heavy torpedo in action ;)
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I think this could be an opportunity for Turkey with an "accidental clash" with the Egyptian's doing their salsa dance outside Libyan waters. Perfect way to sink the Egyptian navy and embarrass Sissy. And then claim "it was an accident, things got out of hand".
I know that some of Pakistani ( with all my respect to my Pakistani friends ) ... some of you feeling inferiority complex regarding Turks .... although you are a great independent nation not like those NATO toys ....

Based on what?

Do elaborate.
The most important things that the Foreign Minister of Algeria said about Libya in his conference today

Sabri Bookadoum: Countries asked us to send our forces to stop armed conflicts in the region.

Sabri Boukadoum: The temporary cease-fire in Libya in March was made through Algeria.

Sabri Boukadoum: It was the Libyan parties in the West and the East that requested Algerian mediation.

Sabri Boukadoum: There is trust between the two parties to the conflict in Libya, but this trust remains with Algerian obedience.

Sabri Boukadoum: Officially, Algeria is against any foreign interference in Libya from any party, even if it is one of the largest powers in the world

Sabri Boukadoum: Algeria affirms daily its refusal to enter arms into Libya, and it appreciates the process of maritime urbanization of the flow of arms, but it regrets that it will continue to enter arms by air.

Sabri Bogadom: The war in Libya is not a classic war, and Libyans do not participate in it against each other, but rather it is a war of drones, missiles, and mercenaries.

Sabri Boukadoum: Algeria will never allow the division of Libya and will not allow Libya to become a new Somalia. Because tampering with Libya from any country is a direct and explicit threat to Algeria.

Sabri Boukadoum: Algerian diplomacy works day and night on the Libyan file, but work is done behind the scenes. In the coming days, its results will start to appear in public.

Sabri Boukadoum: Although Algerian diplomacy is preoccupied with several issues surrounding it, the issue of Libya is the most important.

* If anyone remember; the president of Algeria was not talking and supported the government of reconciliation and the Turks, but when he found that Egypt would only secure the east and the turmoil will be mostly in the west on the Algerian border, he moved .. the same thing for Tunisia that was supporting the Wefaq temporary government and after the Egyptian red line in the East, they saw the threat to them in the West and started threatening Al Wefaq.. who and the MB threatened Egypt with the intervention of the Algerian army Against it..! HAHAHA
Pupppet Arab countries Egypt,S.Arabia,the Uae,Algeria who can not say nothing about christian countries France and Russia which are trying to steal oil fields from muslim Libyan People
Pupppet Arab countries Egypt,S.Arabia,the Uae,Algeria who can not say nothing about christian countries France and Russia which are trying to steal oil fields from muslim Libyan People
And Turkey does...When you quit shining their shoes and making their beds come back and we will discuss how we deal with the West in general and with the Russians in particular..

* If anyone remember; the president of Algeria was not talking and supported the government of reconciliation and the Turks, but when he found that Egypt would only secure the east and the turmoil will be mostly in the west on the Algerian border, he moved .. the same thing for Tunisia that was supporting the Wefaq temporary government and after the Egyptian red line in the East, they saw the threat to them in the West and started threatening Al Wefaq.. who and the MB threatened Egypt with the intervention of the Algerian army Against it..! HAHAHA

Egyptian armed forces are light weight compareed to the ANP...The Sissi's red lines does not mean caca to Chengriha's troops...The day that Egyptians armed forces cross the Lybian border, they will be facing among others the 8eme BB...the one that forced Ariel Sharon to sit with "you" at the 101 km ...A word to the wise..go look the 8bb war game video, and look at the one, that Egypt just conducted...and ask yourselves, are we ready for another shallacke?
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