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The Economist: Bangladesh’s GDP per capita now higher than Pakistan’s

Then you also gotta take back "Joy Bangla" chanting Biharis.
Jeez those double face biharis inherited their characteristics from their Pak brothers. :lol:

Hey I thought we already took 150K Biharis. Ashik says other Biharis are now citizens of BD. Are you telling me that more BDshains want to come to PK? Sorry man, we can't take more of you lot. Try India or myamar. Oh wait.... :D


We in Bangladesh can only dream of such lofty standards....

Average prices for tea/coffee in Dhaka are given here (no two rupees tea here),

I get my caffeine fix at North End Coffee Roasters when in Dhaka (they roast their own beans - some local from Chittagong),

I firmly believe GDP can be accurately gauged from the price of coffee/tea and the cost of a dozen eggs....

LOL Bilal bhai, take it easy. Not everyone goes to high end cafes to get their caffiene fix unless it's a date :D
Having the means to do something and actually doing it in front of the whole world isn't the same thing.

You really are the literal parody of the Pakistanis, people in BD joke about. Spend less on people, less on education, pour everything in military and then boast about how great Pakistan is because of that. Maybe this mentality is why the far ahead PK got overtaken by BD in even economic per capita nominal GDP. We don't even have to mention the HDI, literacy rate, Average life expectancy, child mortality rate, homicide rate and so on. Get high on military, that might make the average Joe in PK have comfort that PK can nuke countries while they suffer.
Sorry to burst your bubble , this world moves only on one rule , that POWER FLOWS FROM THE BARREL OF THE GUN !
If economy , would be the decider of the well bieng of a nation , then today JAPAN would be the master of USA ?
& would have bases in USA ?
So , you can just be happy to have better economy , then pakistan for these few years , but it not means , its forever ?
economy solely depends on the security situation or the power to secure , itself from any external or internal problems .
All the great powers ,since the beginning of the world , always reached at thier militry peak before capturing , economic progress , no economic progres cant become a safty or a gurntee that ,then no other power will never act against them ?
In.pakistans case we learnt that lesson in a hard way , 1971 pakistan was far more economicly progresssed then india , but it lacks the military might thus fell a victim of the traitor hood of some of its own traitors & indians who helped those traitors ?
If its today , hope u wont be having any doubts , that we would have nucked half of india out of this earth ?lolzz
Progres means differently to difrent situations to different nations at different times ?
Where u stand now , we been there , done that , & we moved forwards ?
Still u can find a lot of panshops in karachi where our patriotic bangali brothers doing their bussines , we respect them from , bottom of our heart !
But stop looking down at us as a nation , cause it just can take few mins , when we can let your economic progress gone up in the air !
With a big boom boom !lolzz
I would have , hit back at you , what we say about begalis but thats not my level , though ! Lolzz
Keep up the good work , have more of economic progress , we dont mind but just stop thinking you are become japan ? Even then you are in.our range of fire !lol
The ILO chart does not say an Indian earns 15 dollar a day.

Wait so you can't divide by 365?....then divide by PPP multiplier to get nominal if you feel thats relevant.

Even a BD should be able to do it. :)

So, what is your point in sending this pile of ILO data?

Shows quite clearly your workers averaged out, earn less than half of ours. Have a cry.

It is something different that has no connection with the reality in Indian labor compensation.

OK so you are basically an idiot confirmed. Output does not equal "compensation"? You do realise how labour market supply outpricing works right? There is near 100% transfer because if one employer witholds more, means another easily outprices it.

Actually why am I even going into explaining this.....you are not worth it tbh.

In BD the productivity/efficiency is increasing year after that causes the GDP also to rise.

Don't embarras yourself please. I simply have to post the data series of BD output/worker relative to other developing countries and you will cry some more.

Its too predictable. You talk, I post numbers, you cry, I laugh.

But sure lets do it anyway:


India 2009 output per worker = 10891
India 2017 output per worker = 17150

Average growth per year = 5.8%

BD 2009 output per worker = 5788
BD 2017 output per worker = 8197

Average growth per year = 4.4% (at a much lower base level than India too, pathetic!)

Even in 2021 you still will not have reached our per worker output of 2009.

For 2017 - 2021 even though you are half the power worker output we are, you are only predicted to grow by about 5.1% per year compared to 6.1% for us.

@dy1022 its just too easy to own these chumps lol.

Your chart only shows how pitiful is Indian labor productivity comparing to other countries.

Oh really. And what would half of pitiful be?

Labelling people that are twice as good as you (and gap increasing more and more), funny stuff.

I don't get this post :(

Basically you lot are making a big deal out of 5% of GDP over the rest (95%)....when my argument is shouldnt the 95% be 95/5 (19) times more important and the more significant issue?

In fact at worst the transfer being 70/30 split of this chunk means 20% differential from 50/50...so 20% of 5% is about 1%. So more like the issue for East pakistan was 99 (99/1) times more significant locally than the union level lopsided "extraction/unfair theft" factor.

You are essentially throwing a hissy fit of roughly 1% of east pakistan GDP at most being "stolen" by west pakistan each year @DESERT FIGHTER ....when 99% of the reason/excuse for bad development in the time period is locally founded.

Anyways we can continue on this if you wish after your return from ban. Its really not hard to understand.
Then you also gotta take back "Joy Bangla" chanting Biharis.
Jeez those double face biharis inherited their characteristics from their Pak brothers. :lol:
Here, you are criticizing Biharis and Pakistanis. But, in the foreign countries, as I see, each Bangali hates any other Bangalis. They quarrel in every opportunity. Why we are like this? Why did we inherit such a character ourselves, and here in the PDF criticizing others?

Do not you see the bad character of the people of overcrowded and poor BD? Do not you have the proper eyes? Criticize your own before you criticize others. Bangladesh is the homeland for all the most ill-mannered people on the Earth!!! If Biharis are double-faced, we are single faced Be-Adab group of people who do not even know how to greet with the word, "Assalam alaikum".

We in Bangladesh can only dream of such lofty standards....

Average prices for tea/coffee in Dhaka are given here (no two rupees tea here),

I get my caffeine fix at North End Coffee Roasters when in Dhaka (they roast their own beans - some local from Chittagong),

I firmly believe GDP can be accurately gauged from the price of coffee/tea and the cost of a dozen eggs....
You seem love to show off yourself to others with your money. You are a poor soul not knowing the reality of the people of BD as well as India. When I wrote about 2 Rp. Indian tea, it was not to say that BD people live any better. But, you came up with stories of a 5-star living. It is how you the nouvea rich guys love to brag about. A man with old money and property usually would not do so. I deplore how you have brought criticism on BD. Please rectify your character of show offing to others. A 300 taka cup of tea is less important than the mind of righteousness, but, with a hollow pocket.
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Sorry to burst your bubble , this world moves only on one rule , that POWER FLOWS FROM THE BARREL OF THE GUN !
If economy , would be the decider of the well bieng of a nation , then today JAPAN would be the master of USA ?
& would have bases in USA ?
So , you can just be happy to have better economy , then pakistan for these few years , but it not means , its forever ?
economy solely depends on the security situation or the power to secure , itself from any external or internal problems .
All the great powers ,since the beginning of the world , always reached at thier militry peak before capturing , economic progress , no economic progres cant become a safty or a gurntee that ,then no other power will never act against them ?
In.pakistans case we learnt that lesson in a hard way , 1971 pakistan was far more economicly progresssed then india , but it lacks the military might thus fell a victim of the traitor hood of some of its own traitors & indians who helped those traitors ?
If its today , hope u wont be having any doubts , that we would have nucked half of india out of this earth ?lolzz
Progres means differently to difrent situations to different nations at different times ?
Where u stand now , we been there , done that , & we moved forwards ?
Still u can find a lot of panshops in karachi where our patriotic bangali brothers doing their bussines , we respect them from , bottom of our heart !
But stop looking down at us as a nation , cause it just can take few mins , when we can let your economic progress gone up in the air !
With a big boom boom !lolzz
I would have , hit back at you , what we say about begalis but thats not my level , though ! Lolzz
Keep up the good work , have more of economic progress , we dont mind but just stop thinking you are become japan ? Even then you are in.our range of fire !lol
All this pointless rant. Your power only counts when you are in the top. Russia is in the 2nd and see how they are getting sanctioned the heck out of them. Yet what can they do about it? NOTHING. They have been dealing with sanctions forever. They had over $2 trillion economy way before and now they have $1.4T. What are they doing about it? You can't do crap in the international arena with your nukes. Attack BD? You can be glad that your politicians aren't as much of an idiot as you, to think you can use your military anywhere willy nilly in front of the world. Your military only counts as a deterrence to other countries military. Offensively, theres very little to no scope of actually using them.

What actually counts in day to day people's life, just about everything sucks in PK.
You seem love to show off yourself to others with your money. You are a poor soul not knowing the reality of the people of BD as well as India. When I wrote about 2 Rp. Indian tea, it was not to say that BD people live any better. But, you came up with stories of a 5-star living. It is how you the nouvea rich guys love to brag about. A man with old money and property usually would not do so. I deplore how you have brought criticism on BD. Please rectify your character of show offing to others. A 300 taka cup of tea is less important than the mind of righteousness, but, with a hollow pocket.

I do not wish to pick a fight with you.

My money is my own and it is VERY hard-earned.

I will spend it ANY way I please.

No one has any right to dictate to me HOW I spend my money.

End of story.
I do not wish to pick a fight with you.

My money is my own and it is VERY hard-earned.

I will spend it ANY way I please.

No one has any right to dictate to me HOW I spend my money.

End of story.
It is OK if you are a super rich person. But, I must criticize your ill-mannered bragging in a public forum. You must go back to your child age and learn manners. Boasting is not a good manner-this is what every parent teaches his children. Do you think, we will kowtow you because you drink a 300 Taka cup of coffee and because I cannot even afford a 8 Taka tea? Who cares what you eat or drink, or how much you spend on amenities. But, you must be reprimanded for showing off your ill earned money by talking big. You remain a Pakka ill mannered Bangladeshi CHOTOLOK despised by others. Just grow up, kid.
All this pointless rant. Your power only counts when you are in the top. Russia is in the 2nd and see how they are getting sanctioned the heck out of them. Yet what can they do about it? NOTHING. They have been dealing with sanctions forever. They had over $2 trillion economy way before and now they have $1.4T. What are they doing about it? You can't do crap in the international arena with your nukes. Attack BD? You can be glad that your politicians aren't as much of an idiot as you, to think you can use your military anywhere willy nilly in front of the world. Your military only counts as a deterrence to other countries military. Offensively, theres very little to no scope of actually using them.

What actually counts in day to day people's life, just about everything sucks in PK.
Russia is 2nd & they are.getting sanctioned & you can see they dont give a dam about it !
Hope u know well about it , they are.doing what & when they want at thier will from sirya to turkey then north korea , & then iran all they do is to give a dam about it ?lol
Its a bitter reality which u ill know once india run through your so.called little economic paradise after japan in asia ?lol

More Russia sanctions needed as current ones not working: Lithuanian minister ...
indianexpress.com › World


Why the sanctions against Russia probably won’t work

By Steven Mufson April 29, 2014

Igor Sechin, chief executive of state-controlled Russian oil company Rosneft, was named by the U.S. government as one of the individuals targeted by sanctions against Russia. (AP Photo/RIA-Novosti, Alexei Nikolsky, Presidential Press Service, File)
Correction: An earlier version of this story contained incorrect figures for Russia's daily oil exports and the annual revenue they generated. This version has been corrected.

Do economic sanctions work?

In Russia, maybe not. Russia is sitting on roughly half a trillion dollars in foreign exchange, and it exports about 7.5 million barrels a day of crude oil bringing in about $300 billion a year — not including its sales of natural gas.

It has will as well as means. Russian President Vladimir Putin seems content to suffer some economic damage for the sake of correcting what he sees as a historical wrong and bringing Crimea and perhaps more of Ukraine back into the Russian fold.

“The whole idea that we are going to defeat Russians by imposing hardship on them boggles my mind,” said Clifford Gaddy, a Russia expert at the Brookings Institution, noting that the Russian economy contracted 40 percent after the fall of the Soviet Union.

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“It’s not a matter of how much pain you can impose, but how much they can tolerate. And how much they can tolerate depends on the motivation for behavior,” he said, adding that Russia’s dispute with the United States and Europe was a “matter of national interest and survival” and not just greed.

This is bad news for foreign companies operating in Russia for whom the gradual tightening of sanctions on Monday by the United States and Europe is worrisome. So far the Obama administration has tried to zero in on top officials and advisers to Putin. And trade with Russia outside the energy sector is relatively small; U.S. trade with Russia accounts for less than 1 percent of U.S. overall trade.

Still, some international companies have big stakes there.

The biggest U.S. investor in Russia is Exxon Mobil, which has an oil and gas production facility off Sakhalin Island in northeastern Russia and which has joined with Russian oil giant Rosneft to explore the country’s Arctic region. It also has an operation extracting natural gas from complex geological formations. Russia accounts for about 6 percent of Exxon Mobil’s global production, according to oil analyst Pavel Molchanov at the investment firm Raymond James.

London-based oil giant BP is even more exposed to Russia. It owns a 19.75 percent stake in Rosneft, whose chief executive Igor Sechin was just added to the U.S. sanctions list. The stake is valued at about $13 billion, about 9 percent of BP’s total market capitalization. The Rosneft holding also accounts for about 30 percent of BP’s production, 36 percent of its reserves and contributes about 15 percent to the firm’s net income, Molchanov says.

Royal Dutch Shell has a stake in a Gazprom oil and gas field in Siberia and is a partner in Sakhalin 2, which has a liquefied natural gas terminal that in 2012 supplied a tenth of Japan’s gas needs. The company’s chief executive, Ben van Beurden, in Russia for the 20th anniversary of the project, met Putin on April 18 to discuss expanding the facility.

We also know that this is going to be a project that will need strong support to succeed,” he said, according to Russian media. “So one of my purposes of meeting with you, Mr. President, is to also secure support for the way forward on this project.”

Weatherford, a U.S. oil services company, is also deeply involved in Russia. As of March 2014, Weatherford had 346 rigs, 74 percent of its international rig count, operating in Russia, Molchanov said.

Outside the energy sector, international companies with investments in Russia range from those selling luxury consumer goods to those investing in other natural resources. Putin, like other countries’ leaders, has insisted that automakers have certain levels of domestic content if they are selling in Russia. Ford and General Motors both have plants in Russia.

Its not that once any tom.dick n.harry puts up a stupid stamp & shot to any one with sanctions no its not like that ?
Hope you remember pakistan was sanctioned severl times whats the result then we became more established militray & nuclear power !
Your economic progress is good for you , but that not means it will buy you a place in world affairs ?
You ill still be , sitting behind way back to pakistan cause , world follows the might , not what you have in.your dam pockets
Biggest of examples are germany & japan they are really world economic powers but been slaved to US & UK allience since decades .
Respect the power , bow down , thats what they been told to do , USA not care what the.hell they done to thier economies when ever ,where ever it wants as.much both.so.called economic powers has to give always & ever !
Its not a dam.rant its a reality ,pls just ask some one .about me , before trying to catch my horns , it can be very deadly trolling , If I started up ! Lol
But as nation ,.I respect your progress , my point is still thats not take you into top 50 economies in.this world , & you ill always bullied by INDIA cause they have the power to run through you any time they want ?
But for us they know well they will never ?lol
Russia is 2nd & they are.getting sanctioned & you can see they dont give a dam about it !
Hope u know well about it , they are.doing what & when they want at thier will from sirya to turkey then north korea , & then iran all they do is to give a dam about it ?lol
Its a bitter reality which u ill know once india run through your so.called little economic paradise after japan in asia ?lol

More Russia sanctions needed as current ones not working: Lithuanian minister ...
indianexpress.com › World


Why the sanctions against Russia probably won’t work

By Steven Mufson April 29, 2014

Igor Sechin, chief executive of state-controlled Russian oil company Rosneft, was named by the U.S. government as one of the individuals targeted by sanctions against Russia. (AP Photo/RIA-Novosti, Alexei Nikolsky, Presidential Press Service, File)
Correction: An earlier version of this story contained incorrect figures for Russia's daily oil exports and the annual revenue they generated. This version has been corrected.

Do economic sanctions work?

In Russia, maybe not. Russia is sitting on roughly half a trillion dollars in foreign exchange, and it exports about 7.5 million barrels a day of crude oil bringing in about $300 billion a year — not including its sales of natural gas.

It has will as well as means. Russian President Vladimir Putin seems content to suffer some economic damage for the sake of correcting what he sees as a historical wrong and bringing Crimea and perhaps more of Ukraine back into the Russian fold.

“The whole idea that we are going to defeat Russians by imposing hardship on them boggles my mind,” said Clifford Gaddy, a Russia expert at the Brookings Institution, noting that the Russian economy contracted 40 percent after the fall of the Soviet Union.

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“It’s not a matter of how much pain you can impose, but how much they can tolerate. And how much they can tolerate depends on the motivation for behavior,” he said, adding that Russia’s dispute with the United States and Europe was a “matter of national interest and survival” and not just greed.

This is bad news for foreign companies operating in Russia for whom the gradual tightening of sanctions on Monday by the United States and Europe is worrisome. So far the Obama administration has tried to zero in on top officials and advisers to Putin. And trade with Russia outside the energy sector is relatively small; U.S. trade with Russia accounts for less than 1 percent of U.S. overall trade.

Still, some international companies have big stakes there.

The biggest U.S. investor in Russia is Exxon Mobil, which has an oil and gas production facility off Sakhalin Island in northeastern Russia and which has joined with Russian oil giant Rosneft to explore the country’s Arctic region. It also has an operation extracting natural gas from complex geological formations. Russia accounts for about 6 percent of Exxon Mobil’s global production, according to oil analyst Pavel Molchanov at the investment firm Raymond James.

London-based oil giant BP is even more exposed to Russia. It owns a 19.75 percent stake in Rosneft, whose chief executive Igor Sechin was just added to the U.S. sanctions list. The stake is valued at about $13 billion, about 9 percent of BP’s total market capitalization. The Rosneft holding also accounts for about 30 percent of BP’s production, 36 percent of its reserves and contributes about 15 percent to the firm’s net income, Molchanov says.

Royal Dutch Shell has a stake in a Gazprom oil and gas field in Siberia and is a partner in Sakhalin 2, which has a liquefied natural gas terminal that in 2012 supplied a tenth of Japan’s gas needs. The company’s chief executive, Ben van Beurden, in Russia for the 20th anniversary of the project, met Putin on April 18 to discuss expanding the facility.

We also know that this is going to be a project that will need strong support to succeed,” he said, according to Russian media. “So one of my purposes of meeting with you, Mr. President, is to also secure support for the way forward on this project.”

Weatherford, a U.S. oil services company, is also deeply involved in Russia. As of March 2014, Weatherford had 346 rigs, 74 percent of its international rig count, operating in Russia, Molchanov said.

Outside the energy sector, international companies with investments in Russia range from those selling luxury consumer goods to those investing in other natural resources. Putin, like other countries’ leaders, has insisted that automakers have certain levels of domestic content if they are selling in Russia. Ford and General Motors both have plants in Russia.

Its not that once any tom.dick n.harry puts up a stupid stamp & shot to any one with sanctions no its not like that ?
Hope you remember pakistan was sanctioned severl times whats the result then we became more established militray & nuclear power !
Your economic progress is good for you , but that not means it will buy you a place in world affairs ?
You ill still be , sitting behind way back to pakistan cause , world follows the might , not what you have in.your dam pockets
Biggest of examples are germany & japan they are really world economic powers but been slaved to US & UK allience since decades .
Respect the power , bow down , thats what they been told to do , USA not care what the.hell they done to thier economies when ever ,where ever it wants as.much both.so.called economic powers has to give always & ever !
Its not a dam.rant its a reality ,pls just ask some one .about me , before trying to catch my horns , it can be very deadly trolling , If I started up ! Lol
But as nation ,.I respect your progress , my point is still thats not take you into top 50 economies in.this world , & you ill always bullied by INDIA cause they have the power to run through you any time they want ?
But for us they know well they will never ?lol
Doesn't matter how much reserve they sit on if they are crippled doing trade. Their economy size halved after the sanctions and haven't remotely recovered since. The idea that economic sanction don't work on countries where their economy relies on selling reserve to rich countries is dumb to say the least. Because of these sanctions more and more eu countries looking for better alternatives to Russia for their necessary trade.

AND JAPAN AND GERMANY? Seriously? Out of all the EU countries, Germany is has the best economy with lowest unemployment rate, free college education and so on. And Japan has the best economy in Asia. Guess you don't need to rely on military for your country's peoples to lead the best life. Yes, those germans and Japanese can't boast about military might but they can boast about how they are better at most things than their neighbours and all around the world. Go on with your military boastings, how you have the means to destroy this and that which are someone useless in real world. Leave my country out of your competition since clearly we don't use the same metrics to determine which country is doing better.
Doesn't matter how much reserve they sit on if they are crippled doing trade. Their economy size halved after the sanctions and haven't remotely recovered since. The idea that economic sanction don't work on countries where their economy relies on selling reserve to rich countries is dumb to say the least. Because of these sanctions more and more eu countries looking for better alternatives to Russia for their necessary trade.

AND JAPAN AND GERMANY? Seriously? Out of all the EU countries, Germany is has the best economy with lowest unemployment rate, free college education and so on. And Japan has the best economy in Asia. Guess you don't need to rely on military for your country's peoples to lead the best life. Yes, those germans and Japanese can't boast about military might but they can boast about how they are better at most things than their neighbours and all around the world. Go on with your military boastings, how you have the means to destroy this and that which are someone useless in real world. Leave my country out of your competition since clearly we don't use the same metrics to determine which country is doing better.
Hell you mean , russia is asking aid from bsngladesh ????lol
You want competition, lets start from our scale ?
How manyattack/fighter fighter jets BDAF has now?
How many it can make per year ?
How many cruise missiles it have ?
How many it can make a year ?
How many medium.range missiles BD is producing these days ?
Just get answers of those few , you ill know where we are spending & for what ???
If we were so poor then , we wont be producing our fighter jets , naval vessels , misslies which we also loves to export to .
As I told you before , I respect your progres as long as you do mine ?
Progres cant just measurred by economy its also needs to random , on all aspects ?
Its not your economy like japan is cool , but you need a father like usa to save your dhoti from russia /n korea/china ?
Sanctions works only on defence wise weaker nations like BD , but not on nuclear capable nations like russia , china pakistan ,& india .
Hell you mean , russia is asking aid from bsngladesh ????lol
You want competition, lets start from our scale ?
How manyattack/fighter fighter jets BDAF has now?
How many it can make per year ?
How many cruise missiles it have ?
How many it can make a year ?
How many medium.range missiles BD is producing these days ?
Uncle Sam is now regretting its donations of $33 billion to Pakistan. Let us see what kind of armaments you will be bringing out if the Uncle Sam threat materialized. Without receiving any donations from the Uncle Sam, BD is still progressing well beyond many people's expectations. We are in a different league of progress that Pakistan can only dream of.
Uncle Sam is now regretting its donations of $33 billion to Pakistan. Let us see what kind of armaments you will be bringing out if the Uncle Sam threat materialized. Without receiving any donations from the Uncle Sam, BD is still progressing well beyond many people's expectations. We are in a different league of progress that Pakistan can only dream of.
Oh yes we are ready !

Oh yea , hope uncle sam can just win only 1 war in afghanistan this year , then think about us , we are far ahead in.that chess game bro , we are not a lollypop economic power who seeks security reffuge in indain or uncle sams illegal portion of its laps ?lol
If they want world war 3 hell we are dam ready for that , but if some day some of our misslies came down to dhaka then dont complain us , big powers often do that , but dont worry we ill make a smilling sorry to your pupet indian govt !lol
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Only here for 4 years. Not indefinitely. And no one needs a Scandinavian to do better than PK. Seems you can't directly refute anything like HDI, literacy rate, life expectancy, child mortality rate and so on BD being better at so you go on to attack me personally. How about refute the claims of my argument?

You want to look at the micro picture whereas I want the macro picture to be better. I definitely don't want BD govt to spend more money and focus more on Dhaka at the expense of my fellow countrymen. I would rather the whole country develop moderately than to have a showpiece city to boast online while that could have been much more useful on the poor. If you want to talk about which model I want BD to follow, it's not PK and no, I would never want to live in Pakistan. I was born and raised in Dhaka, I have no problem living there.

And why HDI? Because it's the best measure to compare. It takes account for things that affect the livelihood of people in country rather than looking at the best roads of each countries.It takes account for how much education people get, how long they live of each countries and comes to a conclusion of the human development of that country. Instead of looking at fancy showpiece city roads, look at the actual human development. But I guess, we don't have the same mindset.

How many Indexes do you want me to show where Pakistan is miles ahead?

Happiness Report

Pakistan 81
Bangladesh 110


Corruption Index

Pakistan 116
Bangladesh 145


Countries by Scientific research

Pakistan 46
Bangladesh 61


Pakistan has 8 universities in world rankings how many BD universities are there?Zero

Now lets come to Basic facilities


Sanitation facilities

Pakistan 64 %
BD 61 %


Access to electricity

Pakistan 97 %
BD 62 % (Despite the fact that Pakistan has a much difficult terrain while mostly bangladesh is flat)

Dhaka would be lucky to polish Islamabad's shoes. The two are not even in the same league .


Same goes for other cities like Lahore or Karachi. I haven't even touched things like Car production, Internet users, Stock Market and what not. Bangladesh is LDC btw.

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