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The Economist: Bangladesh’s GDP per capita now higher than Pakistan’s

The war were a great money making milking cow for Pakistan. Ziaul Haque and Mr. Mosharraf was an expert in those deals. Most of your growth came from war money. No war no growth.
Whatever that takes !
By hook or by crook , we live & are existing as the sole muslim nuclear state on.earth ?
Americas econommy also depends on.war , so that makes it less , economicly develped then BD ?
Bring a good joke so , at least we.can laugh good !
All what you have is just because , you have bowed down to india , the day you dare to look into stupid , modi jees eyes , then & there your economy will vanishs ?
Isnt thts the reality ????lolzz

This is a war that an independent Pakistan chose.
Need to take responsibility for your actions.
BD started from scratch in 1971 and growing GDP capita at 6% a year, which is unheard of by S Asian standards.
Dam its has passed japans ?lolzzz
Pakistan Has been fighting a war for the past 14 years. And still holding. You guys are have been at peace for the last 46 years. Also during this period pakistan has fought 3 wars.
During the years of your so-called fighting against Taleban, you have been using the US as the milk cow. Only now, USA has opened its eyes only to see how silly it was for her to donate $33 billion to Pakistan which itself is controlling the Taleban. Pakistan was using Taleban to get money from the USA, it seems.
From armchair general pov Pakistan is anyday the choice over BD. Hands down

For economy. BD should raise its bar and target for big. And in military forums these non military non strategic issues dont matter much. Should be confined into designated threads. Not these too many threads.

Although I admire Pakistan's Roads and cities. Target should be for better things from all over the world. For long Im trying to establish a theory that BD needs to relocate its capital like Islamabad. And build a new one in quite place like Rangamati. That will give BD space to build stunning organized city. Also lot of people can be relocated there, plus altering ethnic demography which will be last nail in the coffin for separatists.
This thread is stupid. Please close it.

It has now devolved into one huge pointless d*ck measuring contest.

History will dictate guys, you cannot convince on PDF except boasting and bad-mouthing each other.

Pakistan's development is no skin off my back. And I hope our development is none for *most* Pakistanis either.

@The Eagle bhai your consideration to close this thread please.
From armchair general pov Pakistan is anyday the choice over BD. Hands down

For economy. BD should raise its bar and target for big. And in military forums these non military non strategic issues dont matter much. Should be confined into designated threads. Not these too many threads.

Although I admire Pakistan's Roads and cities. Target should be for better things from all over the world. For long Im trying to establish a theory that BD needs to relocate its capital like Islamabad. And build a new one in quite place like Rangamati. That will give BD space to build stunning organized city. Also lot of people can be relocated there, plus altering ethnic demography which will be last nail in the coffin for separatists.
Dhaka is actually the best placed city in the entire world in terms of location. We do not really need to move the capital but essentially decentralize the system. Bangladesh is becoming more and more centralized, and I think it is sort of problematic. Government needs to move some of its vital offices to other big cities, and also develop Dhaka's satellite cities like Narayanganj and Gazipur etc in a more fruitful way.
Dhaka is actually the best placed city in the entire world in terms of location. We do not really need to move the capital but essentially decentralize the system. Bangladesh is becoming more and more centralized, and I think it is sort of problematic. Government needs to move some of its vital offices to other big cities, and also develop Dhaka's satellite cities like Narayanganj and Gazipur etc in a more fruitful way.
I think, decentralization has nothing to do with moving some central govt. offices to the nearby areas. Decentralization involves empowering the Divisions with authority so that its offices are eligible to plan and implement many of the infrastructural works in the districts, upozillas and municipalities. Although the terminology is different, but a Division here would be like a Province in other countries. Even, Provinces can be formed instead of Divisions.

Since 1947, BD has only one unit, the Central Govt Unit. There are so many million works in the outside areas. After decentralization, the main job of the bureaucrats of the central govt will be to control and supervise the activities of the Divisional govts. Central govt will collect taxes and disburse money to the Divisions as has been decided in the national budget at the beginning of a fiscal year after considering the allotment requests from the Divisions.
Dhaka is actually the best placed city in the entire world in terms of location. We do not really need to move the capital but essentially decentralize the system. Bangladesh is becoming more and more centralized, and I think it is sort of problematic. Government needs to move some of its vital offices to other big cities, and also develop Dhaka's satellite cities like Narayanganj and Gazipur etc in a more fruitful way.

I dont think decentralization gonna working in Bangladesh in the long run. With total area just around 190.000 km square and more than 160 millions people, you lot need strong centralized government for more efficient governing systems. In the future, Bangladesh is gonna become a huge megalopolis urban habitat in which range between cities, provinces and urban center is almost negligible. Heck even Japan is twice more spatious than your country. Huge urban cities actually need a comprehensive, simultant and and stable authoritative government to bring basic needs for the population (water, food, sanitary systems, housing and working places) along with long term development plan. Effective planning in Bd case need less head to be formed, to be decided and implemented. Thus, i can say centralized government systems is gonna working in Bangladesh at much large degree because of Bangladesh unique preposition.
I think, decentralization has nothing to do with moving some central govt. offices to the nearby areas. Decentralization involves empowering the Divisions with authority so that its offices are eligible to plan and implement many of the infrastructural works in the districts, upozillas and municipalities. Although the terminology is different, but a Division here would be like a Province in other countries. Even, Provinces can be formed instead of Divisions.

Since 1947, BD has only one unit, the Central Govt Unit. There are so many million works in the outside areas. After decentralization, the main job of the bureaucrats of the central govt will be to control and supervise the activities of the Divisional govts. Central govt will collect taxes and disburse money to the Divisions as has been decided in the national budget at the beginning of a fiscal year after considering the allotment requests from the Divisions.
Bangladesh should look to other populous, powerful centralized country to emulate their administrative setup and implement those policies. Japan, South Korea or France are the big, successful and centralized country running without any problem.Rather than colonial era district, division level administrative set-up, we need wholesale reorganization like those countries.Divide BD into Prefecture, departments and further into cantons and give them responsibility like what Japan or France gave their regional administrative units.

We also need to develop a planned city outskirt of Dhaka to function as a capital.It will greatly reduce the congestion in core Dhaka areas, plus increase the efficiency of the govt. Now our PM residency and her working office are in two different places in Dhaka city.In other countries, PM's residence and working office is usually in the same place.Our secretariats, parliament, supreme court, foreign embassies all are scattered around the city as well as other govt. office.We also need to shift Dhaka cantonment to some places in Gazipur.No other densely populated city contain such a big cantonment in the middle of the city.Malaysia, Sri Lanka in recent times relocated their administrative capital just outskirt of their former capital in a planned city.We can also planned develop 20-25 villages in Savar areas or other suitable place near Dhaka to function as a capital.
Doesn't matter how much reserve they sit on if they are crippled doing trade. Their economy size halved after the sanctions and haven't remotely recovered since. The idea that economic sanction don't work on countries where their economy relies on selling reserve to rich countries is dumb to say the least. Because of these sanctions more and more eu countries looking for better alternatives to Russia for their necessary trade.

AND JAPAN AND GERMANY? Seriously? Out of all the EU countries, Germany is has the best economy with lowest unemployment rate, free college education and so on. And Japan has the best economy in Asia. Guess you don't need to rely on military for your country's peoples to lead the best life. Yes, those germans and Japanese can't boast about military might but they can boast about how they are better at most things than their neighbours and all around the world. Go on with your military boastings, how you have the means to destroy this and that which are someone useless in real world. Leave my country out of your competition since clearly we don't use the same metrics to determine which country is doing better.
Actually China has the best economy in Asia now.
We shouldn't be happy by surpassing a country like pakistan. Our aim should be much, much higher.
We shouldn't be happy by surpassing a country like pakistan. Our aim should be much, much higher.
Actually China has the best economy in Asia now.
Biggest, for sure.
Best? Far from it. Singapore, Japan, UAE, South Korea and some others in ME and maybe even M'laysia has better economy than China, imo.

China is big. So naturally because of population their total GDP is higher. But economy has impact on every individual in a country. I doubt China will reach Japan's per capita in our lifetime.
Why is this thread still open? BD has surpassed PK in GDP and has long ago surpassed in social indicators like child mortality, female literacy etc.

It’s a done deal and established fact. Let the naysayers scream their disbelief it really matters not a lot to BD and it’s future.

Just like the flat earthers these people are unable to accept data from global organisations such as the UN and simultaneously are unable to provide alternative research. As a last refuge they resort to a racist narrative taught to them by their colonial masters.

Is this thread being left open to encourage trolling by the moderators?
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