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The Economist: Bangladesh’s GDP per capita now higher than Pakistan’s

ruFK? you want us to believe that all of BD goes to "North End Coffee Roasters" for their "caffeine fix". How many of these joints are even available in BD outside Dhaka/Chittagong ?

Obviously you are not very knowledgable about Bangladesh. Now that a Guahati to Dhaka flight is available, you can buy a ticket and pay a visit here. Yes these joints are available in almost all metros, such as Sylhet, in Mymensingh, and they are of course legion in places like Cox's Bazaar.

I can assure you one thing though, you cannot get Chai for Do-Rupiya or even Dus-Rupiya anywhere in Bangladesh....and under two hundred in Dhaka....

Take a gander at my restaurants thread to get ideas.

Obviously you are not very knowledgable about Bangladesh. Now that a Guahati to Dhaka flight is available, you can buy a ticket and pay a visit here. Yes these joints are available in almost all metros, such as Sylhet, in Mymensingh, and they are of course legion in places like Cox's Bazaar.

I can assure you one thing though, you cannot get Chai for Do-Rupiya or even Dus-Rupiya anywhere in Bangladesh....and under two hundred in Dhaka....

Take a gander at my restaurants thread to get ideas.


That`s not what I was implying. We have enough of those and some other international chains in N.E.
What I implied is that number of people earning less than 3$/day is still high in both of our countries. You tell me if everyone in BD sipping 130 TK coffee ?. and 10₹ tea/coffee not available anywhere.
That was because of recent census in Pak in which Pak population turned to be higher than expected. So yeah, it's an old news.

New news, well Pakistan just devalued currency last week - meaning even lesser per capita. While nothing changed for average folk. lol
Do you think , bangladesh has become even 10th largest economies in.asia ? If not then keep working !
Stop thinking about pakistan kid , we whatever the situation is still can just melt , down 10 states like bangladesh in.just few minutes , thats the capablity you ill never ever to achive , & thats what makes us more valuble even with our shit economy !lol
"Bangladesh’s GDP per capita now higher than Pakistan’s"

please no more posts like this in future. Ohh.. that cringe.

That`s not what I was implying. We have enough of those and some other international chains in N.E.
What I implied is that number of people earning less than 3$/day is still high in both of our countries. You tell me if everyone in BD sipping 130 TK coffee ?. and 10₹ tea/coffee not available anywhere.
I drink 5tk green tea everyday by roadside tea shop
Do you think , bangladesh has become even 10th largest economies in.asia ? If not then keep working !
Stop thinking about pakistan kid , we whatever the situation is still can just melt , down 10 states like bangladesh in.just few minutes , thats the capablity you ill never ever to achive , & thats what makes us more valuble even with our shit economy !lol
Having the means to do something and actually doing it in front of the whole world isn't the same thing.

You really are the literal parody of the Pakistanis, people in BD joke about. Spend less on people, less on education, pour everything in military and then boast about how great Pakistan is because of that. Maybe this mentality is why the far ahead PK got overtaken by BD in even economic per capita nominal GDP. We don't even have to mention the HDI, literacy rate, Average life expectancy, child mortality rate, homicide rate and so on. Get high on military, that might make the average Joe in PK have comfort that PK can nuke countries while they suffer.
Having the means to do something and actually doing it in front of the whole world isn't the same thing.

You really are the literal parody of the Pakistanis, people in BD joke about. Spend less on people, less on education, pour everything in military and then boast about how great Pakistan is because of that. Maybe this mentality is why the far ahead PK got overtaken by BD in even economic per capita nominal GDP. We don't even have to mention the HDI, literacy rate, Average life expectancy, child mortality rate, homicide rate and so on. Get high on military, that might make the average Joe in PK have comfort that PK can nuke countries while they suffer.

At first I thought some Scandinavian was talking and then I took a look at your flag and literally LOL.

Sure man, your BD is soooo stronk, well developed and blah blah blah.. I have only 1 question though, why don't you live there? What's stopping you from leaving Malaysia and going back to Bangla Utopia Desh?
At first I thought some Scandinavian was talking and then I took a look at your flag and literally LOL.

Sure man, your BD is soooo stronk, well developed and blah blah blah.. I have only 1 question though, why don't you live there? What's stopping you from leaving Malaysia and going back to Bangla Utopia Desh?
Only here for 4 years. Not indefinitely. And no one needs a Scandinavian to do better than PK. Seems you can't directly refute anything like HDI, literacy rate, life expectancy, child mortality rate and so on BD being better at so you go on to attack me personally. How about refute the claims of my argument?
Only here for 4 years. Not indefinitely. And no one needs a Scandinavian to do better than PK. Seems you can't directly refute anything like HDI, literacy rate, life expectancy, child mortality rate and so on BD being better at so you go on to attack me personally. How about refute the claims of my argument?

Sorry man, we can't beat first world well organsed developed capital like Dhaka with out sh1thole Islambad :(
See for yourself:



Anyway, why are you millions upon millions of Bangladeshis living illegally in other countries like India, Myanmar and even Pakistan? What are they running away from? Why did you leave BD?
Sorry man, we can't beat first world well organsed developed capital like Dhaka with out sh1thole Islambad :(
See for yourself:

View attachment 446234

View attachment 446235

Anyway, why are you millions upon millions of Bangladeshis living illegally in other countries like India, Myanmar and even Pakistan? What are they running away from? Why did you leave BD?
I am not going to argue whose roads are better with your cherry picked images but I will admit Pakistan roads are better overall.
Screen Shot 2018-01-04 at 1.30.12 AM.png
Index. PK. BD.
HDI. .550 .579
Life expectancy 66.4 72
Expected Years of schooling 8.1 10.2

Pakistan is barely above lowest Human Development. But do keep showing how your roads are better in fancy pictures of trophy cities. Even Nepal has better HDI than Pakistan. Have a little self reflection.

Source: http://hdr.undp.org/en/composite/HDI
@Ashik Mahmud ,

Kid, tell me honestly where would you rather live, Dhaka or Islamabad? You guys can't even build your capital city and you have guts to talk about hdi while living in some foreign land? Seriously? Have a little self reflection.
@Ashik Mahmud ,

Kid, tell me honestly where would you rather live, Dhaka or Islamabad? You guys can't even build your capital city and you have guts to talk about hdi while living in some foreign land? Seriously? Have a little self reflection.
You want to look at the micro picture whereas I want the macro picture to be better. I definitely don't want BD govt to spend more money and focus more on Dhaka at the expense of my fellow countrymen. I would rather the whole country develop moderately than to have a showpiece city to boast online while that could have been much more useful on the poor. If you want to talk about which model I want BD to follow, it's not PK and no, I would never want to live in Pakistan. I was born and raised in Dhaka, I have no problem living there.

And why HDI? Because it's the best measure to compare. It takes account for things that affect the livelihood of people in country rather than looking at the best roads of each countries.It takes account for how much education people get, how long they live of each countries and comes to a conclusion of the human development of that country. Instead of looking at fancy showpiece city roads, look at the actual human development. But I guess, we don't have the same mindset.
ou want to look at the micro picture whereas I want the macro picture to be better. I definitely don't want BD govt to spend more money and focus more on Dhaka at the expense of my fellow countrymen. I would rather the whole country develop moderately than to have a showpiece city to boast online while that could have been much more useful on the poor

First build your nasty capital city and then worry about whole of BD. :D
According to your previous comment even Nepal has better HDI than Pk. I have been to Nepal and trust me it's not better than Pk.

I would never want to live in Pakistan.

3 million of illegal Bangladeshis living in Pak disagree with you ;) But hey, don't worry, like Myanmar and India, we won't send them back :-)

But I guess, we don't have the same mindset.

For once I agree with you. You got your own journey and we got ours.
First build your nasty capital city and then worry about whole of BD. :D
According to your previous comment even Nepal has better HDI than Pk. I have been to Nepal and trust me it's not better than Pk.

3 million of illegal Bangladeshis living in Pak disagree with you ;) But hey, don't worry, like Myanmar and India, we won't send them back :-)

For once I agree with you. You got your own journey and we got ours.
Then you also gotta take back "Joy Bangla" chanting Biharis.
Jeez those double face biharis inherited their characteristics from their Pak brothers. :lol:
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