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The defense strategy of the Gulf Cooperation Council states

How did you obtain that think tank mark is beyond me. No Hezbollah didn't fight Guerrilla warfare with Israel back in 2006 but it was conventional.

This post verifies for me that you are an actual israeli and that it got under your skin.

What missiles? lol? Merkava will be on fire and burning. They are not even effective against none-state actors. You have nothing to shoot with in a conventional engagement.

Saying if Egypt had abilitiy it would take Israel? what kind of dumb question is that? Egypt will not miscalculate the US. besides there is good relations between the two states and this was an example scenario because some fools are pushing the narrative asking experts on an eventual outcome. That is what I answrered to put to bed some comicbook fancy going on around the bloc
See? More nonsense. Hezbullah literally used run and gun tactics, and used underground network of tunnels to get around, as well as avoid Israel's air force. It was a similar situation to how the vietcong fought in Vietnam against US forces, the main difference being that it was a concrete jungle, instead of a wooden one.

Israel has a number of Ballistic and cruise missiles, as well as loitering munitions, such as the Delilah CM, or the LAHAT ATGM, there is literally a huge list you can Google. Egypt has no real way of dealing with Israeli systems.

Merkava would be fighting Egyptian tanks, and Egypt has nothing that can match the Metkava, except maybe their nerfed fleet of Abrams tanks.

As for the US intervening, you're stupid if you think the US would get involved directly.

The fact is, as soon as Israel takes Egypt's air space, which it would with its fleet of f-35s, Egypt's army would find itself becoming routed, as they'd have no way to deal with air bombardment from the IAF.

Anyway, I'm done here. I'm not gonna continue to humor your ridiculous comments.
His a fraud and a troll.. His vomitting alot of garbage that is intellectually bankrupt..

He reminds me about that Israeli security official who said we are in contact with Aliens:lol::omghaha:
@waz @Irfan Baloch @Horus @krash

It's one thing to disagree, but @Mohamed Bin Tughlaq and @Titanium100 have been resorting to personal attacks towards a number of people including me and @Genghis khan1 Please deal with them.
See? More nonsense. Hezbullah literally used run and gun tactics, and used underground network of tunnels to get around, as well as avoid Israel's air force. It was a similar situation to how the vietcong fought in Vietnam against US forces, the main difference being that it was a concrete jungle, instead of a wooden one.

What in the actual F' How was the Israel-Hezbollah war in 2006 a Guerrilla war? Is this some sort of alternative reality revisionism or a joke? The battle was full conventional war and lasted for a period of a month.. Not GUERILLA fuking Coventional war.. First learn the difference between these two..

Guerrilla war? WTF

Israeli systems and what are these Systems that I haven't heard of don't tell me Iron dome? BMs and cruise missiles doesn't have the ability to change a centimeter on the ground..

They would be out droned most likely and airforce nullified and will have to run into a wall of a well equipped army. Your version of reality is comicbook esque..
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What in the actual F' How was the Israel-Hezbollah war in 2006 a Guerrilla war? Is this some sort of alternative reality revisionism or a joke? The battle was full conventional war and lasted for a period of a month.. Not GUERILLA fuking Coventional war.. First learn the difference between these two..

Guerrilla war? WTF

Israeli systems and what are these Systems that I haven't heard of don't tell me Iron dome? BMs and cruise missiles doesn't have the ability to change a centimeter on the ground..

They would be out droned most likely and airforce nullified and will have to run into a wall of a well equipped army. Your version of reality is comicbook esque..

I'm done. Apparently, Egypt is strong enough to take over the whole world, and Egyptian soldiers are immune to bullets, missiles, not to mention Egypt's fleet of vintage f-16s and small amount of rafales are invincible against the f-35.

You both have no idea what you're talking about, and are nothing more than fanboys.

I'm gonna let the mods handle this now, it's out of my hands.
I'm done. Apparently, Egypt is strong enough to take over the whole world, and Egyptian soldiers are immune to bullets, missiles, not to mention Egypt's fleet of vintage f-16s and small amount of rafales are invincible against the f-35.

You both have no idea what you're talking about, and are nothing more than fanboys.

I'm gonna let the mods handle this now, it's out of my hands.

If you did some little digging you would know that the F-35 is not invincible. All the BM's and cruise are nothing but bs in this occasion. Including the airforce.. The only way would be to grind your way.. Max 1-2 years Egypt can occupy all of Israel without much effort.. In the real world.. Not in the comicbook fairytale world..

The Iranians with their four-decade-old F-4s, F-5s and F-14s might not seem to have a chance against the Americans flying arguably the world’s most advanced fighter aircraft. But history, and recent testing show how Iranian pilots flying old planes could defeat Americans flying brand-new ones.

For one, the F-35, while new, isn’t necessarily a stellar aerial performer. In 2015 someone associated with the F-35 test effort leaked an official report explaining the stealth fighter’s limitations in air-to-air maneuvers with an F-16.

If you did some little digging you would know that the F-35 is not invincible. All the BM's and cruise are nothing but bs in this occasion. Including the airforce.. The only way would be to grind your way.. Max 1-2 years Egypt can occupy all of Israel without much effort.. In the real world.. Not in the comicbook fairytale world..

The Iranians with their four-decade-old F-4s, F-5s and F-14s might not seem to have a chance against the Americans flying arguably the world’s most advanced fighter aircraft. But history, and recent testing show how Iranian pilots flying old planes could defeat Americans flying brand-new ones.

For one, the F-35, while new, isn’t necessarily a stellar aerial performer. In 2015 someone associated with the F-35 test effort leaked an official report explaining the stealth fighter’s limitations in air-to-air maneuvers with an F-16.

You called my comments comicesque, but literally post an article from a guy who writes comic books, and has no prior military background, as if it's factual.


Good job, bro. You sure got me.

You can't make this shit up, lol.
If you did some little digging you would know that the F-35 is not invincible. All the BM's and cruise are nothing but bs in this occasion. Including the airforce.. The only way would be to grind your way.. Max 1-2 years Egypt can occupy all of Israel without much effort.. In the real world.. Not in the comicbook fairytale world..

The Iranians with their four-decade-old F-4s, F-5s and F-14s might not seem to have a chance against the Americans flying arguably the world’s most advanced fighter aircraft. But history, and recent testing show how Iranian pilots flying old planes could defeat Americans flying brand-new ones.

For one, the F-35, while new, isn’t necessarily a stellar aerial performer. In 2015 someone associated with the F-35 test effort leaked an official report explaining the stealth fighter’s limitations in air-to-air maneuvers with an F-16.

I am all up for fair measurement. I don't like fake hype or illusions. Example NATO is formidble in the reality sense and it is a ground reality. They have strength in numbers and quality. just like that commander mentioned a tiny outpost and should remain as such and viewed that way..
GCC can beat Usrael..fact..not negotiable..HaHaHa..
You called my comments comicesque, but literally post an article from a guy who writes comic books, and has no prior military background, as if it's factual.


Good job, bro. You sure got me.

You can't make this shit up, lol.

Those two have lost their marbles.

If this is how the current lot of Arabs think and strategize (their actual officer corps) they are completely fucked in the coming decades, and seeing them getting blown in Yemen I thought they’d learn but nope.

God wasted his time with them.
I am all up for fair measurement. I don't like fake hype or illusions. Example NATO is formidble in the reality sense and it is a ground reality. They have strength in numbers and quality. just like that commander mentioned a tiny outpost and should remain as such and viewed that way..

Well that tiny outpost took all 3 of your strongest and trashed it not once, or twice but three times. Continues to harass you, and here you are normalizing relations.
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Those two have lost their marbles.

If this is how these current lot of Arabs think they are completely fucked in the coming decades, and seeing them getting blown in Yemen I thought they’d learn but nope.

lol... I left for you a long post.. So that you would understand.

KSA occupies 80% of Yemen and holds the territory that is power projection. It is a demending territory but KSA is holding it down nonetheless effortlessly.

The Israeli were conventionally defeated twice. They can't effort to lose manpower. Israel has never been a threat to anyone in the region except to Lebanon.. A ground reality that won't change ever..

The threat to the region remains outside of the region and towards the west.. I mean existential threat militarily speaking
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fact..not negotiable..HaHaHa..
Hack Hezbollah might even be able to do it after 2 decades

Look brother the issue is that many folks claim that but have no understanding of war and the dynamics of it and I am going to prove that to you now.

Mostly this folks take war from a comicbook narrative point of view or if we put it politely it would be from a very heavy based assumption theory pov.. Example like some were telling me it could be over in weeks? That is not based on reality... lmao that is hilariously bad.

The issues of these laymen that has plagued PDF is that they don't understand the actual dynamics of conventional engagement and majority of it steems from not understanding what the weapons can do and what type of weapons everyone has?

This is also key not understanding what each side has lead them down a pit hole of ignorance. Also this is linked to popular conspiracy theory in the public domain so they don't do thru analysis or anything they don't know what each side has the cons and pros etc etc.. They don't understand the actual dynamics of conventional war? Like when people get there hands dirty and first bullet goes? variable outcomes?

Example: I told them flat out that Israel didn't have military edge except it's airforce? Nobody understood that until now? If they understood that they would have not argued with me?

If the Airforce is taken care of what can Israel shoot with was my question? I made it short but nobody picked up on it because there is general lack of knowledge?

Example Israel has nothing that can threatened Pakistan's conventional army. They have Merkeva tanks and stuff like that it would not threaten Pakistan or anyone in the region they have anti-tanks, equally superior tanks, drones etc etc it just a burial place for few. Hence once there airforce is taken care of they are pretty much done for conventionally this was a calculated statement. They will field drones but they will get out-droned.

Wars don't take weeks it is unrealistic. Example Pakistan vs Uzbekistan? despite Pakistan being stronger do you think they can overrun them in matter of weeks? No it will take 6-8 years depending on how much Pakistan choses to throw in. It will become a grinding feast. They have the necessary conventional means and manpower to make it a dog-fight and grinding the Uzbeks.

Let me give you another example Syria; The rebels were fighting for 10 years Russia, SAA and Iran and it was full conventional war they couldn't be defeated and made aleppo major chellenge everything was used outside of Nuclear weapons to lift them but it didn't come easy and still hold 10-15% of Syria they couldn't be undone despite the conventional effort that went into it..

Conventional war happens along these lines this people have zero knowledge because they don't actully visualize a conventional conflict but what they do is visualize comicbook narratives where battles are won withint weeks or max a month. Technically it is to difficult for them to comprehend or grasp mentally the dynamics of conventional war because they don't understand first the key components which is the armement and tech plus how it all functions when you put men behind them and also terrain and climate advantages etc etc. There is so many things that goes into it but they never take it from pragmatic point of view.

Example a country like Iran you could fight for 4-5 years in order to defeat them considering there is a coalition to take them out and some might tell you we gonna do it within a week yada yada but they don't understand conventional warfare in order to beat Iran you gotta take it from them the hard way.. meaning you gotta grind them down little by little and eventually happens during that 4-5 years depending that you throw heavy weight at them because they have the manpower and ammo re-production to keep going but eventually with heavy pressure can be grinded down..

This is what Israel lack militarily they can't grind down on anyone not even Hezbollah and in order to do that you need manpower and a vast pool of manpower. Which Israel doesn't have. They could fight Hezbollah but eventually get pushed out and imagine Hezbollah is none-state actors with limited tech. but going against a fully functioned well drilled state actor with 100m+ heavily armed and capable of rendering your airforce obsolote? There is no way on earth you are winning that conflict it is a forgone conclusion. Egypt will be able to occupy all of Israel within 1-2 years.. another Example if Assad despite being thru 10 year conflict is provided with good tech to eliminate Israel's airforce will be able to defeat Israel handily and soundly.

The same goes to Jordan which technically has the necessary capability. You can add the remaining in the region folks like Iraq despite being thru vaste wars Israel doesn't have the capabilitiy to force itself on it or grind them down the Iraqis will outlast them in a potential 1v1 war. The same goes to the GCC to numerous. Also the same issues in north of Africa, including Iran, central asian nations etc etc. They don't have that element. Hence why I said they could technically only beat Lebanon in the region my statement came via measured calculation

I couldn't agree more.. You say it all with great details including
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Hack Hezbollah might even be able to do it after 2 decades

I couldn't agree more.. You say it all with great details including

I am cynical I never look into hype but hard facts and been saying this for sometime.. Once these folks saw Iron dome fail yada yada. I said I told you so. You fail to listen to me..

I should honestly be paid for posting high quality details. I should let the laymen swim in their assumption from now on
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The only way I can see Israel not resorting to nukes (if Israel somehow is miraculously on the verge of defeat) is if the Arabs decide to stick to the West Bank + East Jerusalem, and Gaza. The Arabs would have to make it clear from the beginning that they have no intention of invading internationally recognized Israeli territory. A similar situation to what Azerbaijan had to do during its war with Armenia to avoid Russian military intervention.
Actually, Defeating Isreal is not only doable but also very much easy compared to many other countries in the world. Most of their population centers and main cities are within 10 to 50 miles from Palestinian areas. That country is inherently indefensible, especially with ever-increasing ranges of ground base weapons. Israelis know this vulnerability and therefore on a quest to grab more and more land. For Israelis launching preemptive strikes on the attacking Army isn't an option, but a necessity to avoid complete capitulation.

The only way Israel's adversaries can end the war on their terms is rolling in hard and fast before the US can fly in supplies to prolong the war or the Israeli govt had an opportunity to sit together to think about the Nuclear option. When every street has a tank outside, their Subs aren't going to be launching anything.
It is a formidble fortress. You have 65 million population in GCC and the richest country in the world. Their armies joint are formidble they have the latest tech and overlapped by strategetic allies in Egypt (100m+) and Sudan (50m+) and they can both arrive in their location quickly to form an impenetrable shield in the middle and in the north you got Jordan (10m+) and Yemen as Proxy. Without adding another 120m+ reserves in the Maghreb.

And yet scared of tiny Israel. smh
Actually, Defeating Isreal is not only doable but also very much easy compared to many other countries in the world. Most of their population centers and main cities are within 10 to 50 miles from Palestinian areas. That country is inherently indefensible, especially with ever-increasing ranges of ground base weapons. Israelis know this vulnerability and therefore on a quest to grab more and more land. For Israelis launching preemptive strikes on the attacking Army isn't an option, but a necessity to avoid complete capitulation.

The only way Israel's adversaries can end the war on their terms is rolling in hard and fast before the US can fly in supplies to prolong the war or the Israeli govt had an opportunity to sit together to think about the Nuclear option. When every street has a tank outside, their Subs aren't going to be launching anything.
That is true, strategic depth has always been a major issue for Israel, which is why South Lebanon, the Golan Heights, and the Sinai peninsula have always been important factors for Israel, when it comes to buffer zones.

But like you said, if Israel gets any indication of an Arab army gathering to launch an attack, the Israelis can and will launch preemptive strikes, as they've done in the past. However, I do think Israel would fair well, even if that weren't the case, as Israel does have enough of a technological edge, and strong defensive measures to make any Arab attack extremely costly. I do think a major deciding factor in a war would almost certainly be the air campaign; the side to first gain air superiority is almost certainly going to win, and I don't have much confidence that the Arab air forces are capable of defeating Israel's air force.
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