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The curious case of Indian Punjabis

The true winners were the British the divide and conquer tactic is still working to this day.

The land had been divided for a long time, British only took advantage of it. Well they also did gave a lingua franca for all South Asia.
so one indian represent whole india??even in pakistan, muslims are bombing muslims too..what u will say??

Lets see now several wars both nuclear armed countries genocide in Bengal in 1973 thousands dead from trying to get across I can say the British took advantage it's a sad story really.
Lets see now several wars both nuclear armed countries genocide in Bengal in 1973 thousands dead from trying to get across I can say the British took advantage it's a sad story really.

no..whatever happened was good.i m happy..why??Those who divided were intelligent and they drifted the most of the muslims to separate state.According to them,muslims are aggressors.They will create more problems and extremism.and rule of the mughals proved it also that they are aggressors.Present condition of paksitan especially inside represents enough.

plz use comma or other separators..
Lets see now several wars both nuclear armed countries genocide in Bengal in 1973 thousands dead from trying to get across I can say the British took advantage it's a sad story really.

Well it was Classical British policy to hedge one ethnicity against other by bestowing them some hollow tag. Heck the bs of martial race theory still being followed in Indian Army and Pakistan Army.
Well it was Classical British policy to hedge one ethnicity against other by bestowing them some hollow tag. Heck the bs of martial race theory still being followed in Indian Army and Pakistan Army.

Well the British partition the country to quick and ww2 played a factor just my opinion Partition happened at the wrong time.

---------- Post added at 12:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:24 AM ----------

the british were well awareof the Hindu-Muslim-Sikh tensions

what you mean to say is that they are sissies who wax their chests, trim their eye-brows and claim to be Pakhtuns....i personally take it as an insult.

we don't have that kind of girly-men attitude in our country

With this sort of logic you'll be laughed off the room unless only kids crowd it .

The "sissies who wax their chests, trim their eye-brows " are worshiped in pakistan and Pakistanis living around the world .Just take a look at the box office collections of Bollywood films in pakistan. They are the biggest hits of the year .

we don't have that kind of girly-men attitude in our country

girly-men ?? Nah, They are gentle men . And you are seriously jealous ,... man .

On the other hand your Cave men literally gets droned.
those southies cant even understand bollywood films.....shame on them :cheesy:

Unlike Pakistanis whose native film industry is virtually non-existent and have to depend on 'Bharti' stuff to satisfy their cinematic thirst, those 'Southies' have huge film industries (all of them bigger than LOL lywood) in their states and dont need to depend on Bollywood.

What a shame !
Well it was Classical British policy to hedge one ethnicity against other by bestowing them some hollow tag. Heck the bs of martial race theory still being followed in Indian Army and Pakistan Army.

No way...:undecided:
Well it was Classical British policy to hedge one ethnicity against other by bestowing them some hollow tag. Heck the bs of martial race theory still being followed in Indian Army and Pakistan Army.

No way...:undecided:
It wasn't a wedge. Gounder started spewing crap at the OP just because he had a soft spot for Pakistan since he was culturally closer to them then South Indians. And don't try to take the high horse by saying you picked up an enemy by having half of punjab join India since South Indians had made an enemy of Sri Lanka by supporting the Tamils there.

If you don't have complete knowledge please do some research before you generalize everything.

South India consists 4 states with 4 distinct languages; out of which 3 are recognized as Classical Languages by Govt. of India having unique heritage of more than 2000 years.
And FYI its Tamilnadu state which has issues with Sri Lanka; And involvement of Rest of South Indian States in that issue is as much as that of a North Indian State.
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