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The clowns of Shariah4Pakistan have postponed their conference

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That's What I learnt from Muslims on Islamic forums.

They say A Muslim has to submit to Allah and adopt everything Islamic in his life to be a True Muslim. A Muslim has to perfectly emulate Mohammad as he was the most perfect man ever top stepped on earth (according to Muslims).

Then why are you shying away from some part of Islam? Isn't that called a Munafiq who doesn't accept Islam in true sense and completely?

Yes it is hypocritical. I don't understand this behaviour either.
Yes it is hypocritical. I don't understand this behaviour either.

Maybe Many/Most Muslims would be Munafiq from inside(They may refuse/not agree/reject some parts of Islam), but they wouldn't dare to bring their thoughts into actions and words. Maybe they fear getting killed?

Because they are going against Islam?
Are Shariah4Pakistan people right in your view?

Every (so called True) Muslim who has challenged is sleeping with the Fishes.


Zaid Hamid is an outspoken person who has challenged these goons many times
These type of goons manipulate Islam for their own interests of getting authority/power/control. This is the reason such fools are never welcome because they create anarchy to get attention.
No one is afraid of them.

Ain't PA and yr elites doing the same for years now.

Rich Pakistanis have to go underground to indulge into parties and daroo.
Minorities are already fleeing Pakistan.
Yr avearge folks nearly hate every thing west has to offer.
In rural areas women are slowly being totally barred to even attend schools.
Pak society is increasinly becoming lot more intolerant towards Non muslims.
Don't u think stage is totally set for implemenation of sharia.
Shariah4Pakistan will only act like catalyst.
Moreover this was reason why country was partitioned so that you folks could enjoy Islam at is undiluted best.
So why are you now running away.
Sir Pakistan will soon be Mullah Land and first know Pakistan before talking about majority of religious organisations don't even participate in elections still those who do combined win more votes than other parties but as they are divided so they don't come in government and soon Islamic laws will be established in Pakistan

Yeah - I know you hold Phd in Pakistan & Islam. The ones who don't participate knows they can't win, the ones who participate don't win more votes. As you told yourself they themselves are divided than which mullah's shariah you are gonna implement - go and first resolve sectarian divide than come again with uniform sharia laws agreed by all mullahs - than we will check either those laws are aligned with Quran or not.
Maybe Many/Most Muslims would be Munafiq from inside(They may refuse/not agree/reject some parts of Islam), but they wouldn't dare to bring their thoughts into actions and words. Maybe they fear getting killed?

Because they are going against Islam?

No, regarding the parts you don't like, they put a blindfold on thier eyes and ignore, in hope that someone, someday will give them a better explanation.

That's what happens when you accept something 100% before reading/understanding it then come across something in it that is abhorent to you.
Yeah - I know you hold Phd in Pakistan & Islam. The ones who don't participate knows they can't win, the ones who participate don't win more votes. As you told yourself they themselves are divided than which mullah's shariah you are gonna implement - go and first resolve sectarian divide than come again with uniform sharia laws agreed by all mullahs - than we will check either those laws are aligned with Quran or not.
No Sir those who don't participate consider this system kufr and pretty much it is Sir more than 90 % Shariah is the same so we will implement those their is not much sectarian divide most Ulemas have already given points to start implementing Shariah and Sir Laws are according to Shariah according to Quran and Sunnah and it is Ulemas who decide it not ashamed secular Muslims
Can you share some debates where he defeated the so called Extremist Muslims?

Youtube is banned in Pakistan so its little difficult to search his speeches.
However here is a conversation in which a Pakistani soldier is having a challenging dialogue with TTP militant.

In the middle you will listen that the TTP militant is also abusing Quaid e Azam just like Shariah4Pakistan. Both groups are equal for us.

Here is the link;

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No, regarding the parts you don't like, they put a blindfold on thier eyes and ignore, in hope that someone, someday will give them a better explanation.

There is one Islam which is Static - Anyone going against this/challenging it/questioning it/refusing it is/has to be Eliminated.

That's how it has been going on since 632 AD.

That's what happens when you accept something 100% before reading/understanding it then come across something in it that is abhorent to you.


Muslims say whatever is written in Quran is 100% Correct Undisputed. You can't challenge that/question that.

You know what happens.

Even the so called Munafiqs wouldn't dare to challenge the above view, It is that Static!
There is one Islam which is Static - Anyone going against this/challenging it/questioning it/refusing it is/has to be Eliminated.

That's how it has been going on since 632 AD.


Muslims say whatever is written in Quran is 100% Correct Undisputed. You can't challenge that/question that.

You know what happens.

Even the so called Munafiqs wouldn't dare to challenge the above view, It is that Static!
Yes Sir because not a single word in Quran have been changed since it was first revealed it exists in its original form from past 1400 years and will continue to exist till the end of this world
Maybe Many/Most Muslims would be Munafiq from inside(They may refuse/not agree/reject some parts of Islam), but they wouldn't dare to bring their thoughts into actions and words. Maybe they fear getting killed?

Because they are going against Islam?

There is no difference between the basic concept - God is one, Quran is last & final book & Mohammad (PBUH) last profit. The problem is mullahs have have made different books of "Hadiths" associated to Prophet (PBUH) which are contradictory to each other and at many places with Quran, different historical accounts narrated by different people (without surety of authenticity) as the bases of Islam instead of making Quran as yard stick hence the differences. You can say same thing which happened with bible where rulers of added/deleted the contents to suite their needs and today Muslims don't believe in that bible is in 100% original form but use Quran tu judge which part is genuine and which is modified/added but same thing these mullahs don't use same yard stick to judge the Hadeths and historical accounts.
There is no difference between the basic concept - God is one, Quran is last & final book & Mohammad (PBUH) last profit. The problem is mullahs have have made different books of "Hadiths" associated to Prophet (PBUH) which are contradictory to each other and at many places with Quran, different historical accounts narrated by different people (without surety of authenticity) as the bases of Islam instead of making Quran as yard stick hence the differences. You can say same thing which happened with bible where rulers of added/deleted the contents to suite their needs and today Muslims don't believe in that bible is in 100% original form but use Quran tu judge which part is genuine and which is modified/added but same thing these mullahs don't use same yard stick to judge the Hadeths and historical accounts.
Sir first Hadees books are also the same secondly only shias have some different books and even their massage is mostly the same in more than 90% Shias and Sunnis have same thing Quran and Sunnah are both part of Islam law from these we implement Islam
Youtube is banned in Pakistan so its little difficult to search his speeches.
However here is a conversation in which a Pakistani soldier is having a challenging dialogue with TTP militant.

In the middle you will listen that the TTP militant is also abusing Quaid e Azam just like Shariah4Pakistan. Both groups are equal for us.

Here is the link;

According to many views in Islam, Nationalism and Patriotism is Haram and those following that are another bunch of Munafiqs.

In Islam, Calliphate is the true way for Muslims. (According to Muslims). The Ummah, Ullema, Muslim World are obnoxious terms for the Calliphate, which ultimately means the same. No Borders for Muslims who worship Allah.

Now Tell me, Do you disagree with above?

I am talking about a debate on Islam, not Jinnah who is not relevant anywhere in Islam.
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