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The clowns of Shariah4Pakistan have postponed their conference

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Pakistan should grant visas to these guys other wise it can harm Pakistani government they can issue fatwa from anywhere so allowing them will be better

We already have Ultra Grand Muftis specialized in issuing Fatwas. I think in my next visit to Pak i will file petition in Supreme Court to cancel nationalities of these foreign stooges and deport them to their sponsoring countries
We already have Ultra Grand Muftis specialized in issuing Fatwas. I think in my next visit to Pak i will file petition in Supreme Court to cancel nationalities of these foreign stooges and deport them to their sponsoring countries
Yes make them heros and create more chaos for Pakistan your actions and actions of this USA puppet government will only make these people more hero's than doing anything good so issue them visas and stop doing Lal Masjid kind of things again other wise Pakistan will enter a civial war with no end
These type of goons manipulate Islam for their own interests of getting authority/power/control. This is the reason such fools are never welcome because they create anarchy to get attention.
No one is afraid of them.

You are not able to challenge their views in any view. You can neither debate with them and expose them. You can neither erase them physically.

Their version of Islam is counted as the true version of Islam in the eyes of Non-Muslims.

Your version of Islam is only in the backyard.
So let them issue "fatwas", who cares? Its not as if they are taken seriously even by Muslims in the UK/Europe.
Sir it doesn't matter what so called Muslims of UK think what matters is than can the prove their fatwa wrong according to Quran and Sunnah and if they can't than majority of Muslims will accept their fatwa
Yes make them heros and create more chaos for Pakistan your actions and actions of this USA puppet government will only make these people more hero's than doing anything good so issue them visas and stop doing Lal Masjid kind of things again other wise Pakistan will enter a civial war with no end

The better solution is deport few thousand nut cases who support these kind of idiots and get long lasting peace.
Sir it doesn't matter what so called Muslims of UK think what matters is than can the prove their fatwa wrong according to Quran and Sunnah and if they can't than majority of Muslims will accept their fatwa


Do you think all those opposing are Munafiqs?

Do you think all those opposing are Munafiqs?
No but not allowing them visa will promote anger and do nothing good specially Lal Masjid guys can use this thing and they already have sympathy of most Pakistanis because of the blunder Musharraf made so allow them visas only through this you can reduce their importance by these acts you are making them more important
You are not able to challenge their views in any view. You can neither debate with them and expose them. You can neither erase them physically.

Their version of Islam is counted as the true version of Islam in the eyes of Non-Muslims.

Your version of Islam is only in the backyard.

Who says that they cannot be challenged ??
No but not allowing them visa will promote anger and do nothing good specially Lal Masjid guys can use this thing and they already have sympathy of most Pakistanis because of the blunder Musharraf made so allow them visas only through this you can reduce their importance by these acts you are making them more important

Are Shariah4Pakistan people right in your view?

Who says that they cannot be challenged ??

Every (so called True) Muslim who has challenged is sleeping with the Fishes.

Sir it doesn't matter what so called Muslims of UK think what matters is than can the prove their fatwa wrong according to Quran and Sunnah and if they can't than majority of Muslims will accept their fatwa

Why you people don't go to already established sharia states KSA & Iran - Majority of Pakistanis don't want Mullah Made Sharia and prove is that Mullahs haven't succeeded to form government, You can label them as "kharjees" but these "Kharjees" are majority - So, Pakistan is not Mullah Land and it's never gonna be.
No but not allowing them visa will promote anger and do nothing good specially Lal Masjid guys can use this thing and they already have sympathy of most Pakistanis because of the blunder Musharraf made so allow them visas only through this you can reduce their importance by these acts you are making them more important

Correction - Innocent students who got killed enjoys the sympathy of majority not the nut case Mullah who was escaping wearing Burka.
Why you people don't go to already established sharia states KSA & Iran - Majority of Pakistanis don't want Mullah Made Sharia and prove is that Mullahs haven't succeeded to form government, You can label them as "kharjees" but these "Kharjees" are majority - So, Pakistan is not Mullah Land and it's never gonna be.
Sir Pakistan will soon be Mullah Land and first know Pakistan before talking about majority of religious organisations don't even participate in elections still those who do combined win more votes than other parties but as they are divided so they don't come in government and soon Islamic laws will be established in Pakistan
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