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The China Ad played on TV - having a huge impact on AMericans!

Who got the Americans into their 14 trillion dollar debt?


Who has been spending their money, and getting them into unsustainable levels of debt and deficit?

Women. Them and their 100 pairs of shoes!

Their own government.

They had an opportunity to fix the problem before, but instead they vote for a government that spends even MORE money.

Oh I was way off. But Yeah, why put Hilary Clinton into office? She spent enough money on shoes as first lady, now imagine how much she'll spend which acutal power!
The advert smacks of desperation, they are literally begging people, to stop the government's massive spending.

Too bad Optimus, the Democrats and Republicans both love to spend money that they don't have. Even though the debt is already at unsustainable levels.

We'll keep lending money to the US though, and I don't think we could stop even if we wanted to. We can't let such a big customer collapse, without hurting ourselves too.
Cheaper to outsource to Indian Army and pay them in bread. Cheaper and just as effective. No bread if they don't do their jobs is the motivation. Helps reduce world starvation too.

Did you write outsource to India?

I read 3 times and am finally compelled to believe what you wrote!

LOL! If outsource to India, I’m not sure if we’ll ever get the product rolled out of factory even well after al-qaeda conquers the whole world! Missiles? Forget it. It is only good hitting friendly forces.

Again, bet you, if we spend $100,000 for the product, they will embezzle $99,000, and come out a piece of junk… even the junk is not made of iron but cardboard worthy only $0.1... We are still unable to reconcile the missing $999.9 on the account.

For outsourcing ground evasion? Nay, until when we secretly decide to conduct a retreat…
Anti-American Sentiments Among Chinese
After the demise of the United States space shuttle, Columbia, some celebratory cheering was posted on Chinese websites. Liu Xiaobo, a renowned writer, published an article on overseas websites analyzing this unfortunate turn of events propagated by some Chinese Internet users. Some Chinese listeners of Voice of America have also made comments via call-in phone lines on the Anti-American sentiments among some Chinese
After the demise of the United States space shuttle, Columbia, some celebratory cheering was posted on Chinese websites. Liu Xiaobo, a renowned writer, published an article on overseas websites analyzing this unfortunate turn of events propagated by some Chinese Internet users. Some Chinese listeners of Voice of America have also made comments via call-in phone lines on the Anti-American sentiments among some Chinese

That is so sad - and downright morbid. You saying that Chinese actually were joyous to see the death of innocent astronauts?
That is so sad - and downright morbid. You saying that Chinese actually were joyous to see the death of innocent astronauts?

A Roman Holiday for Some Chinese- After the Columbia space shuttle tragedy, people and their leaders in many nations expressed sympathy and condolences, paying their utmost respect for the American scientists dedicated to the human exploration of outer space.

The Chinese president, Jiang Zemin, also sent a telegraph to President Bush to convey his sorrow. However, on some of the major websites of China, web users have made comments expressing their delight in this tragedy. In an article written for the United States web forum ObserveChina.com, the Beijing-based Chinese writer Liu Xiaobo conducted some quantitative analysis on the postings of the major Chinese Internet opinion forums. His study leads him to the conclusion that although the rejoicing rhetoric on these Internet sites are not as prevalent as that in the immediate aftermath of the September 11th terrorist attacks on the U.S., aA whopping 50% of the postings that have appeared on China’s two leading Internet services, "sina.com" and "netease.com" are anti-American gloating over the tragedy of the Columbia.

For example, some Chinese Internet users "thanked Allah for protecting Iraq"; some believed the Columbia tragedy was "a punishment from Heaven upon the U.S. for its desire to control the world"; some predicted that "with this disaster the U.S. would finally decline and China would rise up eventually defeating the United States; some even regarded the explosion of the Columbia as the "the most beautiful fireworks for Chinese New Year’s Day!!!" Some held the sentiment that "today we are really happy...Thanks to the U.S.A. for giving us such pleasure." And there was also this: "No fireworks for the Chinese New Year? Now the U.S. has given us the biggest fireworks to say bye-bye to the past and to welcome the New Year."
For too many Chinese, money is what matters most. Think Chinese put family first? Not necessarily: a Chinese man told me that he gave a female relative a piece of gold jewelry. Immediately the woman's brother tried to take it from her. The two of them, both elderly, ended up rolling around on the floor in a struggle to possess the gold.

a Chinese woman who was admitted to West Point. I thought this meant she was an American patriot, proud to serve her country. But I was wrong. As soon as the Iraq War started, her family negotiated her release from her commitment to serve in exchange for repaying her tuition.

Going to West Point was merely a credential on her career ladder—not to mention a chance to save money on tuition.
For too many Chinese, money is what matters most. Think Chinese put family first? Not necessarily: a Chinese man told me that he gave a female relative a piece of gold jewelry. Immediately the woman's brother tried to take it from her. The two of them, both elderly, ended up rolling around on the floor in a struggle to possess the gold.

Lol, few gold digging cunts can represent our people?

And most Chinese people believe the health is above the wealth, think about it.
Lol, few gold digging cunts can represent our people?

And most Chinese people believe the health is above the wealth, think about it.

I witnessed a car overturning. Car after car of Americans stopped and rushed to help.

In contrast, someone I know witnessed an accident in China. No one stopped. All left the scene as quickly as possible.

You see, often victims in China repay Good Samaritans by lying to police that the Samaritan was the cause of the accident. Worse, I heard that if you are hit by a truck, the driver may well back up and finish you off. Dead men tell no tales.
I witnessed a car overturning. Car after car of Americans stopped and rushed to help.

In contrast, someone I know witnessed an accident in China. No one stopped. All left the scene as quickly as possible.

You see, often victims in China repay Good Samaritans by lying to police that the Samaritan was the cause of the accident. Worse, I heard that if you are hit by a truck, the driver may well back up and finish you off. Dead men tell no tales.

Dude, your trollling attempt is a big failure. :lol:

You suppose to make China bashing with the Anti-Communism rhetoric, instead you have just turned it into Anti-Chinese, even Anti-Asian.

Now i suggest you to swap for another ID before coming back for trolling, because this one now stinks. :lol:

Even Gambit is much more brilliant than you, at least he is only targeting the Communism and the Chinese fanboys. :argh:

Learn how to troll with professionalism before come back.
I dont like this paranoia towards the chinese and i sure as hell dont like how people like jayatl are fuelling it. I bothered to read a few of his....um...'posts'. All of it are cynical western propaganda bullsh1t. I mean......seriously dude....its not like the chinese have superpowers and eat fake dvd's for breakfast...

Its not surprising though....whever america gets competition, the americans demonize the opponent. Whats really annoying is that they try to convince rest of the world the same as well.

Americans have no right to dictate to a nation its policy. Yet they consider the whole world their backyard......you guys have no moral high ground...no one does. So why not live and let live you jealous pricks?
I dont like this paranoia towards the chinese and i sure as hell dont like how people like jayatl are fuelling it. I bothered to read a few of his....um...'posts'. All of it are cynical western propaganda bullsh1t. I mean......seriously dude....its not like the chinese have superpowers and eat fake dvd's for breakfast...

Its not surprising though....whever america gets competition, the americans demonize the opponent. Whats really annoying is that they try to convince rest of the world the same as well.

Americans have no right to dictate to a nation its policy. Yet they consider the whole world their backyard......you guys have no moral high ground...no one does. So why not live and let live you jealous pricks?

I now start to believe there are many undercover CIA agents in this forum who are trying to stir up the tension between China and India.

Many Indian posters should not fall into this.
I dont like this paranoia towards the chinese and i sure as hell dont like how people like jayatl are fuelling it. I bothered to read a few of his....um...'posts'. All of it are cynical western propaganda bullsh1t. I mean......seriously dude....its not like the chinese have superpowers and eat fake dvd's for breakfast...

There are SO many Indians here like JayAtl.

In fact, JayAtl is not so bad. At least he hasn't called me a "chink" like most of the other Indian trolls here do. :D

So it is definitely a step up.
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