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The China Ad played on TV - having a huge impact on AMericans!

And they are taking that stuff seriously . what is wrong with americans .

Another thing i have noticed is that ignorant americans think only western empires have been great in the past , there is never any mention of india , china or Persia , Egypt etc. This ad seems to be meant for those kind of ignorant Americans only , unfortunately they make the majority there.
^^ yeah republicans , but moi as a left leaning independent -it hit home for me...I even check labels as much as possible lately and buy the made in US products , even if its a few cents more. unfortunatley there is not much that is made in the US ( daily products)
Yeah, I usually buy American given the choice as well, especially tools like wrenchs, sockets etc., but I'm sure anyone on this board would do likewise for their country. You're right though, it's pretty hard to find things that aren't food to be made in America/Mexico/Canada. If you look at your typical iHome dock, they'll have an American flag on it, but state "Designed in America, Manufactured in China."

Bit of humor for you though, lots of junk is made in China/Tiawan/insert other place, but there is a company that makes Chinese eggrolls that have an American flag on the back and state in bold letters "Proudly made in the USA." Although, I must say that it's great to see people taking pride in thier home, even if they go against the grain. Most other companies won't do that, but instead will put the details in hard to read font.

Anyways, as I've said on this forum before, democrats are equally as retarded as Republicans, since they both refuse to compromise with each other on major issues, and instead fight for seats in the Senate and House so they can fulfil thier own agendas, and not that of the common people who elected them.
sigh...........lets all bash China even thou all the money was wasted by the government itself. Does American think Iraq/Afghan war cost $0, i bet those wonderful 100+ tomahawk missile launch at libya cost nothing too right??? it all China fault!!!!!! Lets all conclude all Chinese good are junk and the FAQ that more people can afford more for their money is all rubbish. In conclusion, lets shut down China because this would magically bring back all the "Made in USA" stuff and no country can produce thing at lower cost than USA except China!!!! WOOOOOT
^^ yeah republicans , but moi as a left leaning independent -it hit home for me...I even check labels as much as possible lately and buy the made in US products , even if its a few cents more. unfortunatley there is not much that is made in the US ( daily products)

LOL. People here must think you are some Amish Indian. No iPhone, iPad or iPod. You must be typing this at the library and you must have gotten there on your horse and buggy.
LOL. People here must think you are some Amish Indian. No iPhone, iPad or iPod. You must be typing this at the library and you must have gotten there on your horse and buggy.

help me understand your reply to my post. i mean HUH? are you on a kitchen break- between lunch time and dinner?
sigh...........lets all bash China even thou all the money was wasted by the government itself. Does American think Iraq/Afghan war cost $0, i bet those wonderful 100+ tomahawk missile launch at libya cost nothing too right??? it all China fault!!!!!! Lets all conclude all Chinese good are junk and the FAQ that more people can afford more for their money is all rubbish. In conclusion, lets shut down China because this would magically bring back all the "Made in USA" stuff and no country can produce thing at lower cost than USA except China!!!! WOOOOOT

sympathy boy, there will always be cheap goods from china in our markets. No worries. You know why- because we have this thing called human and worker rights in the US. we can't make ours work in shanty's and get away on sub human like work conditions and pay.
sigh...........lets all bash China even thou all the money was wasted by the government itself. Does American think Iraq/Afghan war cost $0, i bet those wonderful 100+ tomahawk missile launch at libya cost nothing too right??? it all China fault!!!!!! Lets all conclude all Chinese good are junk and the FAQ that more people can afford more for their money is all rubbish. In conclusion, lets shut down China because this would magically bring back all the "Made in USA" stuff and no country can produce thing at lower cost than USA except China!!!! WOOOOOT

No one here is bashing China, or even implying that people should buy things only made in America. Sure, as a preference I'll pick something made in America over something made in China in the same way that I tend to pick Pepsi products of Coca-Cola. I'll drink both, but it's a personal preference to go for one if given the option.
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