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The case of the LTTE


He attacked the then Indian PM Rajiv Gandhi on July 1987 and was made PATRIOT cum politician
Was released from jail in 1990 , hence he served less than 3 yrs , not 5 yrs as you bluff

But he was sentenced to 5 years. After all if people in SL treat him as a hero that is a social trait not the official stance of the govern. When people in Tamil nadu can build statues of their PM's killer what is wrong in the acts of a foreign ppl?

The state govt did not breech any law, the SC commuted their Death sentence to life, due to delay in plea for mercy without any reason. The state govt can invoke section 432 to reduce their sentence further.

Congress need to keep them in jail perpetually to garner sympathy votes so the vicious murderers of 200,000 Tamils made an hurried appeal to the Apex court

BTW the 3 heros are no killers and Rajiv was not a PM of India at the time of his assassination (unlike the butt salute by the Lankan Patriot)

Read the following link to update your programming

Tamilnadu to release killers of ex Indian PM

I am not questioning the legal matters of it. Legally it might be ok, but you cant simply set free the killers of your PM, that is ridiculous. Between arent the TN guys doing it with support of Modi? I think u should try that. :D

Don't bluff


Black July or anyother thing was NOT the root of it, they were reactions. The roots lie in a historical context.
But he was sentenced to 5 years. After all if people in SL treat him as a hero that is a social trait not the official stance of the govern. When people in Tamil nadu can build statues of their PM's killer what is wrong in the acts of a foreign ppl?

I have not come across any such news (building statues) , if you have do us a favour .plz post the link , thank you.

Saradiel said:
I am not questioning the legal matters of it. Legally it might be ok, but you cant simply set free the killers of your PM, that is ridiculous. Between arent the TN guys doing it with support of Modi? I think u should try that. :D

I don't wish to dwell on this further as your comment might tantamount to contempt of court , hope I don't have to keep repeating that Rajiv Gandhi was not the PM when he was assassinated. I have no interest in Tamilnadu . my concern is on Tamil genocide in Sri Lanka
I have not come across any such news (building statues) , if you have do us a favour .plz post the link , thank you.

well i havent saved the links to show them later to a terra boy on internet. The cult figure of Prabha in TN is well known and yes not only statues enlarged pictures on Prabha is a common site in TN.

I don't wish to dwell on this further as your comment might tantamount to contempt of court , hope I don't have to keep repeating that Rajiv Gandhi was not the PM when he was assassinated. I have no interest in Tamilnadu . my concern is on Tamil genocide in Sri Lanka

Ha ha the terra boy you are getting funnier! 'tantamount to contempt of court' :cheesy: really comments on an internet forum by anonymous persons are 'tantamount to contempt of court'!!! :D just say you have nothing left to say.

if that is contempt of court what is the act by the center to halt the state gov from releasing the criminals? Is that also contempt of court? it doesnt matter whether RG was former PM or not, what mattered was he was a PM. I know u have no interest in TN. so arent u going to push the Modi people to release the killers? I think u should try. :D

Between shame about the genocide the coward fat a$$ hid behind women and children and shot at the fleeing civilians. You must be feeling bad cos your money was used to kill the people ne.
well i havent saved the links to show them later to a terra boy on internet. The cult figure of Prabha in TN is well known and yes not only statues enlarged pictures on Prabha is a common site in TN.

You claimed there were statues of the killers of Rajiv Gandhi , I asked for evidence, not your usual anti Tamil rhetoric.

Ha ha the terra boy you are getting funnier! 'tantamount to contempt of court' :cheesy: really comments on an internet forum by anonymous persons are 'tantamount to contempt of court'!!! :D just say you have nothing left to say.

I said "might tantamount" to Contempt of Supreme Court because
1) by implying TN govt was wrong to free them under section 432 , you are indirectly implying the decision of SC was erroneous
2) they are not killers of RG
Please go through the SC judgment, I have no time to waste on weasels

it doesn't matter whether RG was former PM or not, what mattered was he was a PM. I know u have no interest in TN. so aren't u going to push the Modi people to release the killers? I think u should try. :D

It might matter to you , as you share affinity with RG, perhaps the Aryan link. There are may criminals in India, walking free committing murder . What special about RG compared to others ? Now with internet, you have no excuse to remain ignorant.

What TN wishes to " push " in this case is their prerogative , not my concern , India can hang the all remaining 7 and make them martyrs .. if I care !!!!

Between shame about the genocide the coward fat a$$ hid behind women and children and shot at the fleeing civilians. You must be feeling bad cos your money was used to kill the people

propaganda rubbish, no independent war journalist was allowed or embedded , expect the gullible to fall for your nonsense. I can dwell on this further but in your case ignorance is bliss
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You claimed there were statues of the killers of Rajiv Gandhi , I asked for evidence, not your usual anti Tamil rhetoric.
First I have never ever said any anti tamil rheotic, I might have taken a strong position against LTTE supporting TNs here but I am not an immature idiot like you to go on hating a whole ethnicity.
I cant bring and paste picture of a prabha statue here, but it is a well known fact that TN goons idolize Prabha. And I have seen number of pics of rallies in TN with Prabha’s life size pics adorning walls. Are you contesting that prabha has a cult status in TN?
I said "might tantamount" to Contempt of Supreme Court because
1) by implying TN govt was wrong to free them under section 432 , you are indirectly implying the decision of SC was erroneous
2) they are not killers of RG
Ah you said might because this is an internet forum :D ………….saying a comment in a internet forum might be tantamount to contempt by court is a funny joke whatever the verb you have infront of it :D between is indian gov also doing things that are tantamount to court?
Please go through the SC judgment, I have no time to waste on weasels
It might matter to you , as you share affinity with RG, perhaps the Aryan link. There are may criminals in India, walking free committing murder . What special about RG compared to others ? Now with internet, you have no excuse to remain ignorant.
What TN wishes to " push " in this case is their prerogative , not my concern , India can hang the all remaining 7 and make them martyrs .. if I care !!!!
propaganda rubbish, no independent war journalist was allowed or embedded , expect the gullible to fall for your nonsense. I can dwell on this further but in your case ignorance is bliss
Rajiv is one of the last things I care. And the statement that “India can hang the all remaining 7 and make them martyrs” shows how much you care for the killers :D
Between aren’t u going to ask Modi to release them having Lolita’s help?
The issue of de-militarisation of Northern Province of Sri Lanka

In a bilateral interaction at the recent BIMSTEC Summit in Myanmar, India’s prime minister is reported to have told Sri Lanka’s president, Mahinda Rajapakse on March 4, to think about demilitarizing Sri Lanka`s northern province. As a posture, demilitarization may be alright for India but in real terms this may be difficult to achieve. A nation which had to endure enormous sacrifice and destruction to overcome the secessionist threat of the LTTE over nearly two decades cannot conceivably concede substantively. Moreover, within the ambit of Sri Lanka`s Constitution, demilitarization may not be a feasible proposition, if it entails withdrawal of the defence establishment, either operational mobile elements or static garrisons from the northern province. From Sri Lanka’s standpoint, its defence secretary is said to have opined that deployment of its military and acquisition of armaments were the prerogative of the government.

However, if the case for demilitarization rests on achieving a significant reduction in force strength of the Sri Lankan Army (SLA) in the Northern Province, which is reported to be currently about 150,000, then it is welcome. There is also no apparent reason to deploy the SLA in the north when there hardly has been any covert insurgent activity or overt armed action by any Tamil group since the end of the war in 2009. Furthermore, activities like the SLA taking control of agricultural land and denying the livelihood of the traditional Tamil owners from tilling as also usurping private civic lands for use by the SLA for their comfort like golf courses and residential buildings, etc have to stop. Going by media reports, more than 6000 acres of land belonging to the Tamil people before 2009 have subsequently been taken over by the Sri Lankan defence forces.

Some of the fundamental requirements are: the SLA should be confined to their barracks; further expansion of land area in possession of the SLA and their sister services` garrisons should not take place; surrender of land usurped by the armed forces (except the police) under emergency or special powers of the State to the provincial civil administration effected while allowing them to consolidate or localise their garrisons without visibly augmenting them and, a process of withdrawal of the SLA from agricultural and commercial activities on land taken over beyond the limits of the garrisons, after 2009, initiated.

Further, Rajapakshe`s government should not delay launching of such an action plan. For effectiveness, the implementation plan should have a consensus-based monitoring mechanism with either the northern province Chief Minister or one of the Cabinet Ministers and one of the SLG Ministers. Such a measure would work towards instilling confidence in the local Tamil population, enable the provincial administration to assert its role in their provincial domain within the Constitution and also indicate to the international community that the government is serious on justice, demilitarization and resumption of livelihoods in the affected area (these are some of the cardinal points indicated in the latest Resolution introduced in the Human Rights Committee at Geneva).

De-militarisation per se is a sensitive issue for any country. Sri Lanka cannot be an exception, particularly in the backdrop of its past history and present context. However, it is of essence that the Sri Lanka armed forces` role vis-à-vis the provincial administrations or even in the larger island-nation context be re-defined. As a consequence of the Ealam wars and other developments, for example induction of ex-defence forces` officers like General Fonseka in politics, it may not be inappropriate to claim that the military`s influence in Sri Lanka`s national affairs have increased. This is quite clearly seen in the northern province.

In India, in contrast, there is the Border Roads Organisation (BRO) manned by both military and civilian personnel. It functions under India`s Army Act for disciplinary control but is fully under the civilian administrative authority of the Ministry of Defence and the Border Roads Development Board. Sri Lanka could develop a similar framework for its northern province, limited to involvement in infrastructural activities like road-building, bridge construction, etc. Such a role for the huge military establishment presently in the northern province, may be viewed positively. The idea is to engage the SLA in project activities and relocate the army throughout the country and not be exclusively entrenched in the north. Maintenance of assets created may be funded and executed through the provincial administration.

While high-level interactions between India and Sri Lanka may continue, this is perhaps not the most propitious time for India, with its national elections around the corner, to press for de-militarisation of the northern province. The de-militarisation issue invariably is an emotive one in Tamil Nadu, with electoral ramifications. India`s approach may be to achieve some outcome as stated above, through bilateral administrative and diplomatic efforts, in a manner that the entire process appears to be driven under the aegis of the Sri Lankan government.

The issue of de-militarisation of Northern Province of Sri Lanka | Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses
First I have never ever said any anti tamil rheotic, I might have taken a strong position against LTTE supporting TNs here but I am not an immature idiot like you to go on hating a whole ethnicity.
I cant bring and paste picture of a prabha statue here, but it is a well known fact that TN goons idolize Prabha. And I have seen number of pics of rallies in TN with Prabha’s life size pics adorning walls. Are you contesting that prabha has a cult status in TN?

let me clarify once again, you claimed there are statues for the "killers' of RG in TN , all I am asking you is, provide the evidence. Is that hard for you ?
Who Tamil "goons' idolise I none of your business,

Ah you said might because this is an internet forum :D ………….saying a comment in a internet forum might be tantamount to contempt by court is a funny joke whatever the verb you have infront of it :D between is indian gov also doing things that are tantamount to court?

In a landmark verdict, the Supreme Court on Tuesday granted relief to the three convicts in the Rajiv Gandhi assassination case — Murugan, Santhan and Perarivalan — by commuting their death sentence into life term on the grounds of inordinate delay in disposal of their mercy petitions by the President

Considering the fact that the convicts were languishing jail for nearly 23 years, the Bench also gave a ray of hope for their release by saying that the State government could exercise its remission powers under Section 432 and 433 and following the due procedure in law
SC commutes Rajiv killers' death sentence to life term - The Hindu: Mobile Edition

Indian govt opposition

The Centre today moved the Supreme Court seeking a review of its judgement commuting the death sentence to life imprisonment of three convicts in Rajiv Gandhi assassination case on the ground of delay in deciding their mercy plea

Rajiv assassination case: Centre files review petition in SC

Surely, Aryan Sinhalas and Indians share a common sentiment, hatred for Dravidian Tamils .

Rajiv is one of the last things I care. And the statement that “India can hang the all remaining 7 and make them martyrs” shows how much you care for the killers :D

Tamils have already sacrificed 200,000 lives for their freedom

Better if they are all hanged and made martyrs, that will boost Tamil nationalism, more pictures and statues for Tamil 'goons'

Between aren’t u going to ask Modi to release them having Lolita’s help?

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The issue of de-militarisation of Northern Province of Sri Lanka

Before advising to demilitarize the Northern province of Sri Lanka, India should demilitarize Kashmiri because there is no threat from Pakistan now. :P

what theory ?
Does any of the following exist in Punjab ?
1) Militarisation aka HSZ ,
2) Concentration camps aka IDP camps
3) Colonization by non Sikhs into Sikh land
4) Disappearance
5) Mass graves
6) War crimes



Answer if any of these exist in Punjab aka Khalistan today ?

From above post you imply.

1) There is no military installation in Punjab.
3) Non Punjabis cannot settle in Punjab. (This must be true to the other parts of India where only the certain ethncities should populate certain area. Funny Indians claim they are vibrant society. :P)
4) No one disappear in Punjab.
5) There are no mass graves in Punjab not even for partition victims. All of the bodies either burnt or buried separately.
6) There are no war crimes or crimes against humanity occured in Punjab. Not even when IA assaulted the golden temple.


There are no concentration camps or IDP camps in Sri Lanka.

It's your turn @manlion
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Before advising to demilitarize the Northern province of Sri Lanka, India should demilitarize Kashmiri because there is no threat from Pakistan now. :P

We just killed Pakistan backed terrorist last week too .... So the threat still exists .

That is not the case with Sri Lanka .
There are no concentration camps or IDP camps in Sri Lanka.

It's your turn @manlion

don't be a clown, Genocidal Lanka is not India

When we were in Sri Lanka for the Commonwealth summit - Mrs Balendran Jeyakumari thrust a photograph of her son at Jon Snow, urging him to help her campaign to find him. Now she's disappeared too

We just killed Pakistan backed terrorist last week too .... So the threat still exists .

That is not the case with Sri Lanka .

Well the threat from LTTE still exist because there are remenats of the LTTE in foreign countries specially in Tamilnadu. How do we gonna conclude that there is no threat from LTTE. It seems that you lack information about the LTTE.

Besides the military instalation in Palali and KKS were there even before the war so why should SL abandon them?

don't be a clown, Genocidal Lanka is not India

Is that all you can muster? I thought you comment with reason and logic.

You are no better than the CH4. In fact all you can do is to post what ever the CH4 or BBC telecast. You take them as they are the thruth. How come you are so sure that CH4 or BBC is telling the truth and not twisting the truth for there own agendas?
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