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The boy who polished shoes near PTI protest in Sargodha

Full of feels right now :cray:
Anyway to contribute to these sweet kids??
Good job @Leader :tup::tup:

thanks alot brother, they are taken care of. pray for him to be successful in life. will keep tabs on him
Private sector has to come forward. There already are many quality Schools/colleges but they are for elites and do not cater 99.99% Pakistani kids. It is my wish to establish a School system in Pakistan which is top notch in quality but affordable for everyone, in-fact free if possible. Me and my wife (who is a School administrator here) has discussed about this but situation in Pakistan does not allow us to go back and attempt to invest into this. Pakistani philanthropists need to come forward, and help those who wish to establish such school systems. It is not impossible but very hard to get anything established of quality in the public sector and maintain it.
Sir I respect your initiative. Country needs poeple like you :pakistan:
Good story indeed
Only education is not key to success. There are tens of thousands of educated roaming around without jobs. Education without jobs is a burden of its own kind. We need more vocational schools/colleges where kids get trained in marketable skills so after completing their diplomas/courses, they could find job or start their own business.
The vocational schools/colleges and diploma/courses are all considered education correct?
Good job.



Adeel and siblings have got admission in school..

I pray and hope that someday all of you become very successful persons in life.. and help in contributing to build a progressive pakistan.. :pakistan:

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