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The Battle for Orakzai & Khyber Agencies

I don't like the way this is going. We do an operation, move to another place, do an operation, move to another place, do an operation again, and it continues. These guys just keep finding ways of escaping. Though yes, they are significantly weaker now. We need to do a final blitz in SW where Hakimullah and his guys have escaped and the previous TTP militants remain. That might finally put an end to the life of this murgee called TTP.
Army should lead them to Upper Kurram, they'll all be handled :)

tis guerilla warfare brother, there is no easy solution. We are facing a tough enemy; they are DAMN good fighters. They know the land.

Multi-pronged approach is required, and more inter-agency synergy and intel sharing.

you can never outrun the radio ;)
15 Taliban killed in Orakzai airstrikes

HANGU: Pakistan Air Force (PAF) fighter jets and helicopter gunships bombed hideouts of the Taliban in various parts of the Upper Orakzai Agency on Wednesday, killing 15 terrorists and injuring 10 others.

According to local sources, the airstrikes were carried out in the Khadezai and Ghilju areas of Upper Orakzai. Four terrorists hideouts were also destroyed in the well-coordinated airstrikes by the PAF.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
50 militants killed in Orakzai operation
Tariq Saeed

Peshawar—As the Pakistan Air Force war birds resumed strikes in parts of troubled Orakzai Agency on Thursday, the security forces’ aerial and ground offensives in the region killed over fifty more alleged terrorists bringing the number of those killed during the seventy days operation in Upper and Lower Orakzai Agency to more than one thousand.

The PAF jet fighters and gunship helicopters, as the reports reaching here say, on Thursday went for reckless bombings on the militant’s positions in Kasha, Mamozai, Debori and Ghiljo areas in Orakzai Agency and targeted various militants hide outs in those areas while the ground forces with the help of heavy artillery also struck hard on the miscreants positions.

The official as well as the independent sources confirmed death of at least fifty alleged militants in Thursday’s action while some reports put the figure at sixty. A known militant’s commander namely Wali Mohammad is reported to be among those killed in Thursday blitz. Sources said the security forces have taken the dead bodies of the militants in to custody.

A security man was reportedly martyred during shoot out with the militants. Sources say a number of hideouts of the trouble makers were razed to ground by the incessant bombings by the PAF air machines.

The security forces operation against the insurgents, challenging the writ of the government in Orakzai agency, has entered the third month with the forces establishing official writ in major part of the region except for few pockets where the trouble makers were offering tough resistance and appeared to be in no mood of giving up.

The independent and the official sources confirmed that the security forces during the aerial and ground offensives spanning over seventy days, have mowed down more than 1000 alleged militants with the independent sources saying a large number of civilians have also fallen prey to the incessant bombings during this period.

Over a hundred hide outs and training camps of the militants, as the official sources claimed were also destroyed during the military supervised operation which has also forced around 60000 thousands inhabitants of Orakzai Agency and the adjoining areas migrate towards safer places. District Hangu and Kohat division has provided shelter to majority of the displaced persons from Orakzai Agency with many shifting to Peshawar and other cities as well.

50 militants killed in Orakzai operation
I think the total death toll for taliban alone in orakzai since the operation must have gone above 1000 figure I guess
18 more militants killed in Orakzai
Tariq Saeed

Peshawar—Up to eighty more militants were killed and 60 others wounded as the PAF war planes continued blitz in parts of Orakzai agency on Friday. A number of militants hide outs were also razed to ground during the bombardment.

More then sixty alleged militants, it my be recalled, were mowed down and dozens others wounded during security forces ground and aerial offensives on Thursday in parts of Orakzai agency taking the figure of those killed during seventy days surgery to 1000.

Reports reaching here said the Pakistan Air Force jet planes and the gunship helicopters bombed the positions of the terrorists in Sheikhaan, Surmela , Anjafli, Khatangar , Mir Gara, Barban and Babusar areas in Lower and Upper Orakzai agency Friday morning inflicting heavy losses on the miscreants.

“At least eighty people mostly trouble makers were killed on Friday during action the security forces massive operation which were fully backed by the Air Force. Besides, around sixty miscreants were also injured during the strikes”. A senior official said adding the militants were being crushed with full might.

Reports said during the strikes on different areas, as many as eight militant’s hide outs were also destroyed. Besides, as the reports said, also bombed and destroyed 15 explosive-laden vehicle and 15 mules that were in the use of militants and destroyed huge quantity of sophisticated arms and ammunition.

The Security forces operation against the insurgents, challenging the writ of the government in Orakzai agency, it may be recalled , was initiated some two and half month back when in the wake of continued action against militants in Waziristan agencies , a majority of troubled makers had crossed in to Orakzai and kicked off subversive activities in the region. Since then, as the officials claim, 1100 militants have been killed during air and ground offensives and more then 100 militant’s hide outs and training camps have been destroyed during bombings and artillery shelling.

18 more militants killed in Orakzai
Thirty militants including key militant commander were killed during security forces operation in different areas of Orakzai Agency. - AFP
Air attacks leave 23 militants dead
By S. Hassan Mahmood

KALAYA, May 28: Air attacks on militants’ positions in upper and central tehsils of Orakzai killed 23 militants and injured 14 others on Friday.

Officials said that militants had suffered heavy casualties in the attacks.

The official claim, however, could not be verified from independent sources.

A military operation was launched in the agency about four months ago but Taliban militants are still active in some areas.

Meanwhile, one soldier, identified as Sajjad, was killed and several others injured when a remote-controlled bomb hit a military convoy on Friday. Sources said that the convoy was going from Meshti Mela to Mandai Kali.
Security forces kill 42 militants in Orakzai

HANGU: Jet fighters and gunship helicopters on Monday pounded militants’ hideouts in Upper Orakzai Agency, killing 35 militants and injuring 42 others, security sources said. The sources told Daily Times that the jet fighters and gunship helicopters struck the militants’ hideouts in different areas of tehsil Ismail Zai including Ghaljo, Tor Kanrai and Mamozai towns, destroying seven hideouts of militants. Talking to British news agency Reuters, government official Nauman Khan said 42 militants were killed and 18 wounded in the air assaults. The security forces have intensified attacks during the last three days in the Akhel tribal area of Ismail Zai, the sources said. Residents said that about 5,000 families from Akhel and Rabikhel tribes had left for safer places. staff report/agencies

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
45 more terrorists killed in Orakzai
Tariq Saeed

Peshawar—Backed by the PAF war planes, the security forces Monday mowed down up to 45 more alleged terrorists in parts of Orakzai Agency and wounded 20 others as the strikes on the miscreants hideouts continued. A key militant commander is reportedly included among those killed in Monday’s blitz.

Reports reaching here from Orakzai Agency say the Pakistan Air Force gunship helicopters and the jet fighters Monday struck hard on the militant positions in Ghiljo Mamuzai, Tor Kanray and parts of Tehsil Ismailzai and killed over thirty trouble makers.

Sources said, over a dozen miscreants were also killed during clash with the ground forces in Tehsil Ismailzai. A number of militant hideouts were razed to ground during incessant bombing.

A notorious militant commander is included among the dead.

“Our jet fighters carried out strikes after receipt of credible information that militants were present in these areas”. A security official said preferring not to be named adding 42 militants were killed and 18 wounded in the air assaults.

Some sources said about fifty militants were killed in Monday’s action by security forces.

A Taliban spokesman Hafiz Saeed rejected official claims about the casualties, saying the jet fighters only bombed abandoned houses.

While the militants continued to offering tough resistance to the security forces in some parts of the Orakzai agency, the forces have so far killed up to 1200 alleged militants in Upper and Lower Orakzai Agency in air and ground offensives during the operation spanning over more than seventy days.

45 more terrorists killed in Orakzai
^^^First thing first. These terrorists are neither Muslims, nor Pakistanis, thats for sure. Anyone who kills an innocent Human Being without any reason in the name of Allah can not be a Muslim. And on their necks there is blood of hundreds of innocents. And even the people who are bound by them forcefully to support them, have raised voice against them. They are not ours, we never claim them and owe them. They are intruders bound to hell.

Secondly, PAF does ops alongside Pakistan Army. When there is need, Pakistan Army operates but in situations when the targets are all hostile (Confirmed by Intel) PAF is used and its not a bad thing, in fact, a positive use of Mutual ops.

KIT Over


but I wish that, rather than just killing them, we catch them alive, interrogate them, get information on their networks, their aid supplies (India's RAW) and the structure of their organization.

These terrorists need to be exposed, and their true face shown on TV so that the nation can see who they are on a daily basis
I think COAS is visiting Orakzai.
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COAS seeks tribal elders’ help for peace


Wednesday, June 02, 2010
Assures them of restoring normalcy; visits Kurram, Orakzai

By our correspondent

PARACHINAR/KALAYA: Chief of the Army Staff (COAS) General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani on Tuesday visited the Kurram and Orakzai agencies and assured the tribal elders that security forces would extend to them all-out support in establishing peace across the tribal belt.

In Parachinar, the agency headquarters of Kurram Agency, the Army chief addressed both the Shia and Sunni tribal elders at the Jirga Hall. He asked the elders to support the Army’s efforts in establishing the writ of the state and restoration of peace. He lauded the sacrifices of the tribal people in the face of militancy and assured them thatsecurity forces would protect their lives and property.

He approved the construction of Army Public School and College in Kurram Agency with immediate effect.
Later, General Kayani flew to Orakzai Agency, where he was briefed at Kalaya, the agency headquarters, on the ongoing military action against the militants.

General Kayani addressed a 30-member Jirga of tribal elders, belonging to Ferozkhel, Bezotkhel, Utmankhel, Sheikhan, Meshtikhel and Manikhel tribes. He underlined the need for the tribesmenís support in restoring peace in the area.

On the occasion, he announced the raising of Orakzai Scouts with headquarters in Kalaya. The elders warmly received the Army chief and presented him a traditional turban and two sheep as per the tribal tradition.

Meanwhile, a press release of the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said General Kayani interacted with the troops in Orakzai and Kurram and greatly appreciated their professionalism and high morale.

He reassured the tribal elders that return of normalcy to the area and prosperity would be ensured. General Kayani’s visit to Orakzai Agency marks the successful conclusion of operations in the tribal region. Return of internally displaced persons (IDPs) is expected to start shortly.

The COAS appreciated the professional conduct of the operation, which has cleared the tribal region of terrorists.

COAS seeks tribal elders’ help for peace
Army declares victory in Orakzai

ISLAMABAD: The army declared victory over militants in Orakzai Agency on Tuesday and said that the military operation in the area had been completed and civilians could expect to return home soon.

The announcement about the operation’s end was contained near the end of a short press release describing a visit to Orakzai and neighbouring Kurram tribal regions by Chief of Army Staff Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani.

“Kayani’s visit to Orakzai Agency marks the successful conclusion of operations in the agency,” the statement said, adding: “He appreciated the professional conduct of the operation which has cleared the agency of terrorists.”

The statement also said civilians who fled Orakzai could expect to return home soon. More than 200,000 people are believed to have poured out of the area since the end of last year.

The announcement about the Orakzai tribal region may free the army to send some troops to other districts where militants have bases.

But the victory could also be fleeting — the army has declared success in other trouble spots in the past, only to see militants regroup and resurge.

The offensive in Orakzai came on the heels of an operation against the Pakistani Taliban in South Waziristan. Many militants in South Waziristan were believed to have fled to Orakzai, though the top Pakistani Taliban leaders are believed to be in North Waziristan, an area the army has resisted attacking.

For months, the military pounded Orakzai with air strikes, eventually staging a ground operation as well. The offensive intensified in March, with the reported daily death tolls of suspected militants sometimes in the dozens.

Information from the region has been nearly impossible to verify independently because not only is Orakzai remote and dangerous, but access to any part of the tribal belt is severely restricted.—AP

Dawn Correspondent adds: Eighteen militants, some foreigners among them, were killed and six injured when military planes pounded their hideouts in upper Orakzai on Tuesday, security officials said.

Sources said that militants were meeting at a hideout in Kot Kali area when they were hit by the planes.

The officials said two hideouts had been destroyed.

The casualties could not be confirmed from independent sources because journalists do not have access to the area.

Gen Kayani addressed a jirga of tribal elders in Kalaya, the regional headquarters. He said people should share responsibility for restoring peace in the area.

Meanwhile, hundreds of people displaced by clashes in Orakzai held a demonstration in Hangu in protest against Pakistan Red Crescent Society’s alleged discrimination in distribution of relief goods.

The protesters blocked the Hangu-Kohat road. They accused the Red Crescent Society of ignoring the people of Orakzai and said they had been provided food ration after a lapse of two months. They also said that their people in camp faced an acute shortage of food.
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