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The Battle for Orakzai & Khyber Agencies

Army declares victory in Orakzai
Wednesday, 02 Jun, 2010

ISLAMABAD: The army declared victory over militants in Orakzai Agency on Tuesday and said that the military operation in the area had been completed and civilians could expect to return home soon.

The announcement about the operation’s end was contained near the end of a short press release describing a visit to Orakzai and neighbouring Kurram tribal regions by Chief of Army Staff Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani.

“Kayani’s visit to Orakzai Agency marks the successful conclusion of operations in the agency,” the statement said, adding: “He appreciated the professional conduct of the operation which has cleared the agency of terrorists.”

The statement also said civilians who fled Orakzai could expect to return home soon. More than 200,000 people are believed to have poured out of the area since the end of last year.

The announcement about the Orakzai tribal region may free the army to send some troops to other districts where militants have bases.

But the victory could also be fleeting — the army has declared success in other trouble spots in the past, only to see militants regroup and resurge.

The offensive in Orakzai came on the heels of an operation against the Pakistani Taliban in South Waziristan. Many militants in South Waziristan were believed to have fled to Orakzai, though the top Pakistani Taliban leaders are believed to be in North Waziristan, an area the army has resisted attacking.

For months, the military pounded Orakzai with air strikes, eventually staging a ground operation as well. The offensive intensified in March, with the reported daily death tolls of suspected militants sometimes in the dozens.

Information from the region has been nearly impossible to verify independently because not only is Orakzai remote and dangerous, but access to any part of the tribal belt is severely restricted.—AP

Dawn Correspondent adds: Eighteen militants, some foreigners among them, were killed and six injured when military planes pounded their hideouts in upper Orakzai on Tuesday, security officials said.

Sources said that militants were meeting at a hideout in Kot Kali area when they were hit by the planes.

The officials said two hideouts had been destroyed.

The casualties could not be confirmed from independent sources because journalists do not have access to the area.

Gen Kayani addressed a jirga of tribal elders in Kalaya, the regional headquarters. He said people should share responsibility for restoring peace in the area.

Meanwhile, hundreds of people displaced by clashes in Orakzai held a demonstration in Hangu in protest against Pakistan Red Crescent Society’s alleged discrimination in distribution of relief goods.

The protesters blocked the Hangu-Kohat road. They accused the Red Crescent Society of ignoring the people of Orakzai and said they had been provided food ration after a lapse of two months. They also said that their people in camp faced an acute shortage of food.

DAWN.COM | Front Page | Army declares victory in Orakzai
After killing many innocent people Paksitan Army declares victory over orakzai.... We should all keep in mind that all those who died were not Talibans there were also innocent children, women and men but I know now all the members will align against me coz no one wants to hear the truth....

but still I know that TTP was out of control of our army just because of our own mistakes and this is also a fact that army was not in a position to avoid operation in FATA.....

My sympathies for those who have lost their loved ones in the battle.... :frown::frown:
After killing many innocent people Paksitan Army declares victory over orakzai.... We should all keep in mind that all those who died were not Talibans there were also innocent children, women and men but I know now all the members will align against me coz no one wants to hear the truth....

but still I know that TTP was out of control of our army just because of our own mistakes and this is also a fact that army was not in a position to avoid operation in FATA.....

My sympathies for those who have lost their loved ones in the battle.... :frown::frown:

i am waiting for the list of names of those 'loved ones'. :coffee:
Any ways I don't want to fight coz it will be misinterpreted......

I just want to say that everyday 100 to 150 persons are being killed there and we don't know who are they either real taliban or mistakenly killed innocent civilians but still we are saying sentences like

"Kill them they deserve to be killed"

I mean we should support army but at the same time we should be worried about collateral damage...

I hope I've made my point clear

Long Live Pakistan Army :pakistan:

Long Live Pakistan :pakistan:
Any ways I don't want to fight coz it will be misinterpreted......

I just want to say that everyday 100 to 150 persons are being killed there and we don't know who are they either real taliban or mistakenly killed innocent civilians but still we are saying sentences like

"Kill them they deserve to be killed"

I mean we should support army but at the same time we should be worried about collateral damage...

I hope I've made my point clear

Long Live Pakistan Army :pakistan:

Long Live Pakistan :pakistan:
The areas of operations have been vacated by humans, the only thing that live there is animals and the need to be killed ASAP. So your claims dont match up.
I have a very layman question Xeric sir. Please help me out with your military knowledge to the extent possible. How do you (as in the forces) differentiate between humans and animals? Besides the obvious of them coming at you guns blazing? I mean they all look the same don't they? In fact on TV and print media I see they have long beards and hair. Suppose they shave those off overnight, have a bath, change clothes, and move out with the humans, leaving their guns and other dangerous things behind? And before this segregation of humans and animals sir, suppose the animals were hiding amongst the humans, how did you separate them sir?
I have a very layman question Xeric sir. Please help me out with your military knowledge to the extent possible. How do you (as in the forces) differentiate between humans and animals? Besides the obvious of them coming at you guns blazing? I mean they all look the same don't they? In fact on TV and print media I see they have long beards and hair. Suppose they shave those off overnight, have a bath, change clothes, and move out with the humans, leaving their guns and other dangerous things behind? And before this segregation of humans and animals sir, suppose the animals were hiding amongst the humans, how did you separate them sir?

I tell you what harish all of us support killing someway or the other..you indians kill innocent people in Kashmir and justify it by saying that they were helping out terrorists.... Indian army has a very bad track record......
They have done it at many places ....

and the operation here in FATA is not because Pakistan Army wants to kill people it is because TTP invited such operation.....

I don't know why every terrorist act which takes place in Pakistan is accepted by TTP but we accept it very easily...:undecided:

and why indian govt. hide her weakness by blaming every single incident on ISI and indian population accept it very easily :undecided:

The Press Release issued by ISPR after visit of COAS to Orakzai claimed that operation has been succesfully concluded.

'The Chief of Army Staff (COAS), General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani visited Kurram and Orakzai Agencies today. He was briefed about the security situation by the local military commanders. He also interacted with the troops and greatly appreciated their professionalism and high morale.

COAS also met the tribal masharan and thanked them for their consistent and wholehearted support to the security forces. He reassured them that return of normalcy and prosperity to the area will be ensured.

COAS’ visit to Orakzai Agency marks the successful conclusion of operations in the Agency. Return of IDPs is excepted to start shortly. He appreciated the professional conduct of the operation which has cleared the Agency of terrorists.

Earlier on arrival, the COAS was received by the Corps Commander, Lieutenant General Asif Yasin Malik and Inspector General Frontier Scouts, Major General Tariq Khan. '
I tell you what harish all of us support killing someway or the other..you indians kill innocent people in Kashmir and justify it by saying that they were helping out terrorists.... Indian army has a very bad track record......
They have done it at many places ....

Speaking of track records brother, wasn't it the Pakistan army which unleashed one of the worst genocides in modern times in erstwhile East Pakistan. On those who were your own people at the time? What was reason for that killing then? Ethnic cleansing of bangla Pakistan by punjabi Pakistan? The difference between atrocities at our end and yours, in my humble opinion, is that our army is not all powerful and is accountable to the Indian people, and their rightfully elected representatives. While your army is accountable to no one, and is untouchable. Tomorrow if your army, God forbid, gets a rabid general with a personal axe to grind, he can and will be able to 'cleanse' an area of Pakistan of 'undesirables' and give it whatever spin he wishes to. His forces will follow. And there is nothing the Pakistani people can do about it. You can at best riot against your civilian leaders. When it comes to your army, its hands off, mouth shut, eyes and ears closed. Please tell me if I am wrong my friend.
Speaking of track records brother, wasn't it the Pakistan army which unleashed one of the worst genocides in modern times in erstwhile East Pakistan. On those who were your own people at the time? What was reason for that killing then? Ethnic cleansing of bangla Pakistan by punjabi Pakistan? The difference between atrocities at our end and yours, in my humble opinion, is that our army is not all powerful and is accountable to the Indian people, and their rightfully elected representatives. While your army is accountable to no one, and is untouchable. Tomorrow if your army, God forbid, gets a rabid general with a personal axe to grind, he can and will be able to 'cleanse' an area of Pakistan of 'undesirables' and give it whatever spin he wishes to. His forces will follow. And there is nothing the Pakistani people can do about it. You can at best riot against your civilian leaders. When it comes to your army, its hands off, mouth shut, eyes and ears closed. Please tell me if I am wrong my friend.
That genocide happend because a terrorist state called India was supporting terrorist activities inside Pakistan. Do i need to say more?
Keep the discussion to the topic, no need to bring in other unnecessary topics.

Any further pots off topic would be deleted
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