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The Battle for Bajaur - PA seizes control

Karskin: Thanks for an Excellent Post. Very informative and very good illustration of a rather complex logic why should we fight for the USA.

“” In Pakistan's case however, all the Americans have asked for in exchange of an alliance is that we keep our territory from being utilized to make violence against them””.
Absolutely. The above sentence is the key to the whole premise. Pakistan’s territory should not be used to wage war against USA, absolutely right. Pakistan is neither Canada nor Mexico. It has no shared border with USA. Therefore there is no question of waging a direct or proxy war against the USA.

Back in 2001 the USA declared the whole world as an open battlefield. The US conferred on itself the privilege to invade Afghanistan and later Iraq. The whole premise of 9/11 AQ hijackers is murky and vague to this day, none of the alleged hijackers were either Iraqi or Afghans. A rapid-fire UNSC resolution and the sham drama of Bonn Conference provided the fig leaf of “legitimacy”.

In plain words the US has invited itself to Afghanistan. Pakistan has no business supporting them or opposing them. The basic problem is that Pakistan has unnecessarily conferred on itself the role of an “Ally”, which it is not; no one takes us more than a poorly paid Collie or Camp follower.

It is the honorable thing to do since (despite what else the US has done in the world) the vast majority of Pakistanis don't want war with the US.
“You are either with us or against us”. Back in 2001 the US bluffed its way with our weak kneed military administration, and you still seem to be hanging by the same thread. For too long the Pakistani nation has been scared to death by bogeys like this. Even at the best of times the US simply did not have the capacity to ‘shove LGB’s down our throat” or to “bomb us into the stone age”.
The funniest argument though was for the “Security of our Strategic Assets”. The most primitive “strategic” capability introduces an element of uncertainty that anybody is loath to mess with.
Pakistani nation has starved itself to death for past decades to be able to live with the minimum level of dignity, while enduring abject poverty.
Scaring the nation from bogey unknowns is the greatest betrayal of Trust.

These 'citizens' can choose to live in peace in Pakistan, or they can choose to leave if they insist on war with the US
Why should the citizens of Pakistan leave its territory for opposition to the USA? These citizens are not asking for Pakistan Army to engage the US Army. They are simply following the call of their conscience, for which they are entitled.
Why should’nt YOU leave Pakistan and live where you feel confident.

How dare you even think about comparing Hazrat Imam Hussein to the likes of Betullah Mehsud or Ghazi of Lal Masjhid
My dear there is No Comparison as such. Betullah Mahsud is not equal even to dust on the shoes of Hazrat Imam Hussein.
When you go to mosque and say your Sunnah, you are following the practice of the Holy Prophet Mohammed (PBUH). Does this mean that you are “Comparing” yourself to the Holy Prophet?
So, if these “bad guys” have adopted the Sunnah of Imam Hussein never to bow head to Tyranny, what’s wrong with that?

Qazi, Qazi, Qazi ….
I seriously tried to understand your obsession with Qazi Hussein. I never took Fazl-ur-Rahman or Qazi in any serious perspective before. But it seems he is causing a bit of upset to the lobby that thrives on waging American war against its own people. I presume his son(s) are grown up adults and are responsible for their own actions. If they have the same ideology as their father they will soon find themselves in Quantanamo bay, or worse!
Personally I have much more respect for Imran Khan; but I know very well that he will not be able to gain traction even in 5 decades (a la Asghar Khan).

Karskin: I am a poorly educated person from an area that was wallowing in misery and poverty to start with. Beginning in 2002 the Musharraf government started selective bombings / killings for the entertainment of visiting US dignitaries. Rumsfeld, CENTCOM commander, even small time officials had to be delighted with some gory episodes. Beginning 2004 came the full-scale Army operations in Waziristan, which finally petered out. Since the 2007 adoption of US dictated “multi-pronged” piece meal strategy Swat, Bajaur and now Mohmand / Khyber have joined the fray.
The key objective was to drive a wedge between the Army and the people of these areas; and between different Pakistani ethnic groups. Remember the events of May 11, 2007and Dec 2008 in Karachi.
It may sound cynical, but the greatest healer for national unity has been the entry of men of conscience (your definition of bad guys) from Punjab. It has had beneficial impact to mitigate the FATA Pushtoons sense of isolation.
"The basic problem is that Pakistan has unnecessarily conferred on itself the role of an “Ally”, which it is not; no one takes us more than a poorly paid Collie or Camp follower."

Anwar2, the "basic problem" actually has nothing to do with your freely-made choice as an ally, America's legitimacy in Afghanistan nor that of it's 41 partners. You call our alliance "absurd". I call it unwieldy and impractical. Still, every dollar spent and every soldier performing a task which is provided by somebody else is one less task or dollar for us and is so valued. Their contributions to Afghanistan's recovery are, collectively, immense and unprecedented-even without our participation.

The "basic problem" here stems from your poorly-formed understanding of the origins of this war. There's no excuse. The attacks upon America were planned and directed by Al Qaeda in Afghanistan. Those criminals were not promptly surrendered to us and we made war upon that nation. Their army retreated into your nation and has since used your comfortably provided sanctuary from which to strike back at the legitimate gov't of Afghanistan, the U.N., ISAF/NATO, and America.

This was and is unacceptable. Failing to contest these forces would be either aborgating your sovereignty within these areas or conplicity in their actions.

A stark but clear choice for your citizens and government.

Happily, these miscreants have made matters easy for you by rising forth like-minded fellow-travellers within your borders intent upon doing the same to you that their afghan brothers wish for Afghanistan.

Suddenly, Pakistan has began to find inspiration and motive to defend itself and, indirectly, actually assist NATO/ISAF in more than words.

I'm only sorry that it had to come to this state of affairs for you internally to reach these decisions. Had the Pakistani army done all it could in November 2001 to repel the taliban from crossing your borders perhaps matters would not be as they are.

At the time, your notions of sovereignty were somewhat different and far more conditionally-based. That's slowly changing for the better too despite the likes of you.
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I'm only sorry that it had to come to this state of affairs for you internally to reach these decisions. Had the Pakistani army done all it could in November 2001 to repel the taliban from crossing your borders perhaps matters would not be as they are.

I concur completely.
Dear S-2: You have articulated the same neo-Con reasoning for your presence in Afghanistan which Pakistani people in general, and those from FATA in particular just do not buy.

The 9/11 tragedy was a crime against humanity. Without dwelling into myriad of conspiracy theories, the operation was far beyond the ability of the morons that later claimed it. Nobody with 100 odd hours of flight time on a Cessna can ram a 200-ton airliner at estimated 350 knots in an estimated 2.5 g turn into a 150 m building dead center; and repeat this feat twice. The pentagon hit was even more difficult. Forget the crap about simulator training etc.

By the way, Taliban remained the legitimate government of Afghanistan till June 2001, till the point their US State Dept paid consulate in Queens, NY was closed..
The die was cast for Taliban well before 9/11. Hamid karzai, Abdul Haq were in the theater months before the invasion, ever since the US administration had decided to dump the Taliban in 2000. Famous drug lord Haji Ayub Afridi was released from a Florida jail and installed as a CIA “buying agent” in the tribal areas months before the invasion.

“Stark Choice”? What Stark choice? This is the lingo of Viceroy Robert Oakley, a US Ambassador to Pakistan in the early 80’s. Then his obsession was the so-called “Islamic Bomb”. The US invasion of Afghanistan, and its sustained presence has been possible only because of the slavish support of Pakistan’s Military leadership. Why exactly they did so? Was it the fear of “being bombed into the stone age” or a positive aspiration of using the opportunity to get Pakistan our of reeking poverty. Actually both the justifications given to the nation were baloney:
1. The US just never committed the resources to the theater to take Pakistan out and bomb its way to Afghanistan. The Zalmay Khalilzad Indian-US pincer too was a fig of imagination.
2. The US always treated Pakistan as a beggar asking for alms. Check this out.

Development projects hit by IMF conditions -DAWN - Top Stories; January 19, 2009
By Mubarak Zeb Khan : ISLAMABAD, Jan 18:
The country is also facing problems in receiving funds from the US against expenses incurred on the ‘war on terror’, which amount to $1 billion.

Ideological considerations aside, the US has tried to fight the war on the cheap; instead of investing serious money in Pakistan it bought its leadership against petty incentives. This is exactly why the US has essentially painted itself in the corner in Afghanistan, and just yelling and puffing at Pakistan government to “do more”. Borrowing a term from Socialist economy the US pretends to pay us and we pretend to fight.

The “legitimate gov't of Afghanistan, the U.N., ISAF/NATO, and America” command about as much legitimacy as a New York little Italy loan shark’s claim to fame as a Financial institution!!.

You guys better strike a cozy deal with Iran, declare victory and get out (a la Iraq).
Pakistan State and the Army is directly involved in war against its own Muslim citizens, even though it is under a quasi-agreement with the USA.

Thank you for this thoughtful post. In it you have captured what the "West", especially the US, is asking of Pakistan and any other country that has international terrorists taking refuge and launching attacks in other countries. It is "selfish" on the US part to only pressure other countries to eliminate international terrorists, and not, also, domestic terrorists such as are found in China or Sri Lanka. The US position on the WoT is totally defensive. Conspiracy theorist may think that the US seeks worldwide military domination and uses the WoT to advance that aim. But, in truth, the American public is basically isolationist and inward looking. The American public does not enjoy or applaud our military actions overseas. We see these actions as "necessary evils" that must be suffered. Most grieve over the losses of our young soldiers and our incredible wastage of money. I know many on this forum think otherwise, but truly, if al Qaeda had not struck the US so effectively, the US would never have launched the WoT, never have invaded Afghanistan or Iraq, and never fired a drone missile into FATA.
Thank you for your kind words, but I would like to point out that I feel that the US does not shrink from protecting and pursuing what she considers to be 'her interests' through out the world. Also I don't feel that the way the US purses her interests are always 'moral' or 'fair' but I'm mature enough to realize that everything is relative and that this is the world we live in. Strength and power will always dictate who suffers and who doesn't. And suffering is inevitable, but everyone wishes that its not their interests that suffer and interests always clash. If that were not true than soldiers and armies would be obsolete (scary thought).

Anwar2 I will get back to you when I feel like mustering my thoughts.

Had the Pakistani army done all it could in November 2001 to repel the taliban from crossing your borders perhaps matters would not be as they are.

This is not credible justification or a fair evaluation. It is an over simplification. And I'll be taking a look at this with some sources if you don't mind.

S-2, I'm sad to say that your attitude doesn't help matters when people like us try to convince people like Anwar2 (and there are many of them) that Pakistan Army are not 'camp followers' or 'paid guns'. We are equals, and despite my misgivings with prevalent media trends, I'm sure thats what American higher ranks are beginning to realize too. Equals in every sense of the word; you may have issues with us and God knows you've never tried to restrain yourselves or sugarcoat your 'frustrations', but then remember we have just as much right to raise issues with you. You say we need to deploy more troops from the Eastern Front? We can say you need to deploy many more troops from your half a million man army as well. You call our efforts in the past insufficient or inadequate or half hearted, then please be honorable enough to expect us pointing the finger back (Tora Bora, etc). Military assistance does not give anyone the right to lord over us, if you think otherwise then please feel free to join Anwar2's 'We Think Pakistan's Sold Its Independence and Sovereignty Club'. I see America's military assistance to Pakistan as a measure of US's commitment to dealing with the terrorist threat in a truly international, civilized, brotherly, non-Imperialist spirit in light with the US's 'we're just here to help everyone' rhetoric. Pakistan needs the resources for these heavy operations, you need support from the other side in Guerrilla Land. You cant afford to antagonize or invade a Muslim country like Pakistan, at least not now and not like this but Pakistan cant afford to let FATA become a safe haven for international scum either. You know it, we know it. For good or bad we're in this together now, you can argue all you want with me about how it is all Pakistan's fault that we didn't the 'check' the terrorists your blunderings herded into our areas (and I think you'll lose). But now thats all futile, nay its counter-productive. It gives people like Anwar2 loads of ammunition for ridiculing our role as an 'ally'. Which won't help your war and won't help our war. You may agree, but knowing you more likely wont, but just remember that they're 2 sides of a coin now. Check your swaggering criticism because if you don't we have pretty of ammo too. And also because it's not going to win you the WoT, its going to make things tougher for us which in turn will make it tougher for you in the long term as well. For now at least, I think we're on the same side. Though I'm enough of a realist to know thats not always going to be the case.:coffee:
"your attitude doesn't help matters when people like us try to convince people like Anwar2"

As though you're equipped to do so?

As though he's prepared to listen?

Choose your targets better. He's beyond salvage.
. He's beyond salvage.

That atleast we can agree upon.

Note his indignation at my recommendation of the GoP implementing her own Shariah in FATA/Swat - a good indicator that his goal isn't Shariah, but through the Taliban an overthrow of the government and all that is civilized and good.

He has as much as confirmed that goal through his comparison of the Taliban (an almost blasphemous one) with the family of Muhammad (PBUH) who were slaughtered trying to overthrow the corrupt Caliph Yazeed.

There is no comparison to be made between the Prophet's family and the ***** that is the Taliban.

The 'just' fight, to prevent oppression and defend civilization, is the one being fought by the Pakistani military against the Yazid's of today in the shape of the Taliban.
But please note that Hazrat Imam Hussein sacrificed his life to uphold Islamic values against the then “legitimate” Islamic government of Yazeed.

I am disgusted with you. How dare you even think about comparing Hazrat Imam Hussein to the likes of Betullah Mehsud or Ghazi of Lal Masjhid. Is this what you think? Is this how lowly your view is of our great Islamic figures? Despite what Hazrat Imam Hussein was and despite what Yazeed was, the Imam still did not try to declare Jihad or instigate rebellion against him. Because the Imam in his wisdom knew Yazeed would get what he deserved in time. The people who you support are more akin to those who murdered Hazrat Usman, no they are even worse. They thrive in chaos and confusion, in faithlessness and hate. They are not, I repeat NOT characters of Hazrat Imram Hussein's calibre. And history will not think of them as such, but history will curse us if we allow them free reign and allow them to dictate and decide the course of our children's lives and or country's future.
I think this Anwar2 fellow should be warned, I am truly disgusted with him drawing comparison between Imam Hussain and the takfiri Khwaarij known as Baitullah Mehsud. I agree with Kasrkin in his analysis of Baitullah Mehsud and Maulana Ghazi, both are similar to the Khwaarij takfirists who not only murdered Hadhrat Usman, but also Hadhrat Ali later on.
As though he's prepared to listen?
Choose your targets better. He's beyond salvage.

He is our country-man, we have to try. Like it or not it is the likes of him PA is fighting for. If people like him gave the same benefit of the doubt to the PA that they give to the Taliban then we would have been much better off right now.

I believe in putting ones own's house in order before confronting outsiders. If Pakistanis are truely united, there is not one power in the world that can defeat us let alone Al-Qaeda. I hope you guys won't mind if I keep trying atleast until some progress is made.:lol:
brothers, its all going to change. in 7 hours time the GWBush era comes to a thundering halt and the "Man of Change" BHObama is going to be crowned 44th president of the USofA.
"Regarding the gross inaccuracy, did Osama not have links with CIA?"

In what way? We were quartermasters. Once our aid reached Pakistan, it disappeared into a black hole. We didn't distribute nor did we train-anybody. Eventually we set up a separate channel ot Massoud for fear that he was being shorted. There was no specific effort to attract arab recruits as a source of manpower. There were plenty of afghans for that purpose. There was a specific effort to attract arab money. To that end, OBL had value to some of the involved parties during the war. I don't believe us, though, and I'm unaware of him seeking out the C.I.A. for direct assistance. He needed none himself. That's my understanding of our practical involvement.

"Is there a thread open on this topic?"

Don't know there but I'd bet so.

"I believe that something like Afghan Service Bureau or Maktab al-Khidamat was even open in USA and Osama was also linked to it."

Yes, they had a fund-raising legacy here reaching back to the war. It was an organization absorbed in Pakistan by Al Qaeda following the afghan-Soviet conflict. 33 offices in America coast to coast. I think that their U.S. offices were closed by an FBI investigation following the first WTC bombings in 1994 by Rahman.

My concern is that though on surface USA was the quartermaster, the whole operations was backed by USA and supported by CIA ( a much more capable and well established agency than ISI).
Whereas direct contact was something politically difficult for US, this does not mean that we should let the US think tanks and policy makers go without criticism.
The impact of Afghan War was very complicated and i am also very critical of Pakistan government (dictatorship) at that time for their negligence!

Whereas there was certain margin for cross border movement among the tribes living along Durand line (which is very unclear since British era) the mass exodus of millions of Afghans from their homeland into Pakistan was an unprecedented event and caused a severe imbalance in the region.
I don't want to sound racist or someone who flames hatred but when thousands (not millions) Muslims from India migrated to Afghanistan on the urging of many clerics based on the logic that Muslims should be under Muslim government, they were not welcomed but rather faced a very tough time and were deported back into British hands and left in a weak position.
Pakistan on the other hand acted too much in good faith and failed to see the dangers associated with such an unprecedented event.
There could not be 100% assimilation into the local tribal system since the Afghans have a unique identity and do not relinquish it.
This has led to a situation where we had lots of foreigners who were outside the political and administration system.
This has made it a nightmare to control them and should be evident in the problems being faced by Pakistani administration.
The phenomenal increase in smuggling and illegal activities can safely be attributed to this factor.
Pakistani Passport was abused so much by many of these Afghan gangs that it resulted in a special treatment at the airports for most Pakistanis going abroad.
Pakistan has indeed paid a very heavy price for the Afghan Wars in the past and is still doing today.

Once it became evident that Russia was defeated, Pakistan was also abandoned as an ally. Nuclear weapon development was the reason but in this world where many countries are nuclear powers (including Pakistan's neighbors) alienating Pakistan and putting up an arms embargo to reduce Pakistan's non nuclear deterrence was not a wise move by any regards since it lead to even heavier dependence on Nuclear program.
And anyone who says that India's Nukes are only for China is a person i don't even want to waste my time with.
Pakistan was left alone to bear the brunt and since it was a 3rd world country the settlement of 3million afghans especially in the underdeveloped areas of FATA was something we have not quite recovered from.

Whereas i realize and accept the flaws in Pakistani leadership, i am also critical of many US think tanks and policy makers who chose to isolate themselves from Pakistan instead of helping it through the tough times and making sure that the region remains stable after the Russian exodus.

Allies do not abandon, so if Pakistan is now an ally of the USA then it is about time that USA does not abandon Pakistan. Which it can in a worst case scenario.
However in case USA just wants a one night stand then i am afraid things will go from bad to worse for everyone in the long run and the people who will suffer most are the ones who are here to stay.

USA has to think about a lot of things for this region to become peaceful.

1) To develop Afghanistan Karzai has to go, he has no prestige and respect amongst the Afghan people and that is similar to what Russia supported without success (Babrak Kamal). A strong and respectable Afghan needs to be invited to lead the restoration process and should be overtly in control of USA operations in Afghanistan since Afghans are very proud people and would never accept foreign control.

2) Not all Taliban/militants are terrorists and negotiations have to be done to ensure the terrorist elements are isolated from the mainstream which should all be brought under one roof to form a mutually agreed system of governance. Most of them are fighting a foreign invasion in their minds and do not support Al-Qaeda; once it is clear that control is back with a respectable Afghan government they shall bend the knee.
Once these steps are taken the Afghan Army shall be able to exercise much better control.

3) Point 1 and 2 go hand in hand and peace is not possible without both.

4) Help in the development in Pakistan (especially FATA). Since the economic collapse Pakistan is now cutting vital projects (due to IMF limitations) and this shall increase the desperation in the country especially FATA and Baluchistan (less developed) which are a hotbed of militant activities.
If USA can help at this stage it will not only ensure peace but also be more cost effective since if god forbid there is an economic failure for extended period then Pakistan will not be able to control the situation and the region will become very unstable.
A military intervention without a stable Pakistan would also incur lots of spending so if alternatively peace can be ensured then it is money well spent at the right time and for a better cause.

5) Take Pakistani political leadership into confidence and not trust just one person (especially Zardari). In past, deals with dictators have backfired since public opinion tends to become negative as the dictatorship persists and it is seen as a decision without the support of the people, which helps miscreants to exploit the situation.

6) Some sort of positive vibes need to be felt from USA to ensure that Pakistanis do not develop a complete sense of abandonment and hatred for USA. Pakistan should be given respect in front of media.
Bashing Pakistan in front of media will have very sever backlash in the long run.

All these things need to be sorted out to set things right

My purpose is not just to ask for aid to Pakistan nor do I consider USA as a holy avenger with a heavenly mandate and a responsibility to do good all over the world. USA is a superpower which is protecting and serving its interests.

I just think that these moves are essential for this region to become stable and that should be the priority for everyone since it shall be beneficial to all parties.
Strategically USA has positioned itself well in a very important area.
If they can gain the respect of the people then it shall be one of their biggest achievements and redemption in the eyes of many people.
Maybe this is already underway but i am afraid it is taking too much time.

What happens down the line is another matter but to set things right a lot more needs to be done and military intervention is but a small part of it.
It is the political approach and the long term strategy which needs to be revisited and aligned with the interests of the locals, otherwise at the end of this war it shall be a mass massacre and nothing more than that.
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brothers, its all going to change. in 7 hours time the GWBush era comes to a thundering halt and the "Man of Change" BHObama is going to be crowned 44th president of the USofA.

I doubt, he is less experienced guy and possibily could easily be trapped by jew strong US lobby.

Please gone through his speaches before election and during election ,he will further escalate war in Afghanistan even in case NATO backout.

He will show some thing else to American general public do something else always there is hidden agenda (secure oil resourses middle east and central asia) until he made major changes in CIA and Pantagon .Even then mojority of US senators are not jews but jew supported.
Dear Truthseeker:

I love the core values on which America is founded; pluralism, freedom and enterprise. American people are absolutely remarkable in their humane demeanor, philanthropy and respect for humanity. American society is probably the most pro-active in commitments to human dignity, environment, and eradication of diseases. The whole world has looked forward to this powerhouse of education, scientific innovation and the rule of law.

American people have no appetite for colonialism. Unfortunately interest groups manipulate the US political system; AIPAC essentially drives the US Foreign policy. Under the Bush neo-Con administration the Southern Baptist Evangelical church have turned the American politics into a fundamentalist constituency.

9/11 was a catastrophic and barbaric event. The sophistication and effectiveness of the attack was never researched adequately; nevertheless it was “traced” to Al-Quaeda. There was some degree of justification in US intervention to take out AQ in Afghanistan, and also to take out the Taliban regime. A sharp, massive, focused operation with a clear objective had a great chance of success in the opening phases. The chances of success diminished exponentially with the passage of time.

But the Bush administration “grabbed” this opportunity to launch a methodical destruction of Muslims all over the world. First was Afghanistan, later in Iraq, horn of Africa and finally in Pakistan.

“War on Terror” in all its elements is a phoney war. “Terror” is not an entity like Japan or Germany. Terror is a method of warfare employed by militarily weak groups against strong adversaries. British Empire declared George Washington a Terrorist from 1775-1783. Lenin, Mao Tse Tong, Charles de Gualle were terrorists at a certain stages of their progression.

The 3000 victims of 9/11 have been “avenged” by almost 600,000 Muslim deaths in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan. You may comfortably add 1300 Palestinian deaths in Gaza to the scorecard. 1:20 is a decent ratio as far as revenge is concerned. Wholesale destruction of societies and infrastructure adds the tally. Please browse “A Dossier on Civilian Victims of United States' Aerial Bombing of Afghanistan” :
Civilian Victims of United States' Aerial Bombing of Afghanistan

Just a few observations:
1. US aims in taking out the perpetrators of 9/11 in Afghanistan have been substituted by a quest to sustain an unpopular puppet Karzai regime.
2. If the US/NATO forces do not suffer any mishaps for say a Month due to infiltration from Pakistan, is the Mission considered accomplished?
3. If the US/NATO forces wish to stay on, what constitutes victory? Is it the capture of OBL?
4. After Saddam was captured in Iraq, the US forces still stayed on; the pretext changed to “democracy and nation building”. The US had second thoughts only after the casualties reached unacceptable levels. Thereon the Zalmay Khalilzad – Petreous Iran backed formula was adopted as a prelude to a pullout. What is the plan for Afghanistan?
5. If OBL is indeed so resourceful and cunning to plan the 9/11, then most probably he will be living comfortably in a English manor house or a French Château. Is he crazy to waste his life in Pakistani FATA?
Dear Truthseeker:

I love the core values on which America is founded; pluralism, freedom and enterprise. American people are absolutely remarkable in their humane demeanor, philanthropy and respect for humanity. American society is probably the most pro-active in commitments to human dignity, environment, and eradication of diseases. The whole world has looked forward to this powerhouse of education, scientific innovation and the rule of law.

American people have no appetite for colonialism. Unfortunately interest groups manipulate the US political system; AIPAC essentially drives the US Foreign policy. Under the Bush neo-Con administration the Southern Baptist Evangelical church have turned the American politics into a fundamentalist constituency.

9/11 was a catastrophic and barbaric event. The sophistication and effectiveness of the attack was never researched adequately; nevertheless it was “traced” to Al-Quaeda. There was some degree of justification in US intervention to take out AQ in Afghanistan, and also to take out the Taliban regime. A sharp, massive, focused operation with a clear objective had a great chance of success in the opening phases. The chances of success diminished exponentially with the passage of time.

But the Bush administration “grabbed” this opportunity to launch a methodical destruction of Muslims all over the world. First was Afghanistan, later in Iraq, horn of Africa and finally in Pakistan.

“War on Terror” in all its elements is a phoney war. “Terror” is not an entity like Japan or Germany. Terror is a method of warfare employed by militarily weak groups against strong adversaries. British Empire declared George Washington a Terrorist from 1775-1783. Lenin, Mao Tse Tong, Charles de Gualle were terrorists at a certain stages of their progression.

The 3000 victims of 9/11 have been “avenged” by almost 600,000 Muslim deaths in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan. You may comfortably add 1300 Palestinian deaths in Gaza to the scorecard. 1:20 is a decent ratio as far as revenge is concerned. Wholesale destruction of societies and infrastructure adds the tally. Please browse “A Dossier on Civilian Victims of United States' Aerial Bombing of Afghanistan” :
Civilian Victims of United States' Aerial Bombing of Afghanistan

Just a few observations:
1. US aims in taking out the perpetrators of 9/11 in Afghanistan have been substituted by a quest to sustain an unpopular puppet Karzai regime.
2. If the US/NATO forces do not suffer any mishaps for say a Month due to infiltration from Pakistan, is the Mission considered accomplished?
3. If the US/NATO forces wish to stay on, what constitutes victory? Is it the capture of OBL?
4. After Saddam was captured in Iraq, the US forces still stayed on; the pretext changed to “democracy and nation building”. The US had second thoughts only after the casualties reached unacceptable levels. Thereon the Zalmay Khalilzad – Petreous Iran backed formula was adopted as a prelude to a pullout. What is the plan for Afghanistan?
5. If OBL is indeed so resourceful and cunning to plan the 9/11, then most probably he will be living comfortably in a English manor house or a French Château. Is he crazy to waste his life in Pakistani FATA?

What you think Pakistani agencies are too simple could not understand what you stated in above story,but here problem is how to tackle mad super power ready to crush every thing in way of its intrest of oil resources in central asia and safe trade routes located in muslim countries.

Untill muslim ummah not understand the evil mind set and planing of jews and dont adopt the strategy which our Prophet PBUH adopted 1400 years ago we could not teach them lesson and they continue implementation of their evil agenda.

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