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The Bangladesh factor in a future Pakistan India conflict.

Is Palestine a disputed territory between Pakistan and Israel? NO. With your logic Pakistan should not say a word about Palestine. But is that the case? You know the answer.
You know the Pakistani pitch to OIC for support on Kashmir? It is atrocities against Muslims.
Hence, the logic to disputed territory being the defining factor for human rights violations doesn’t hold much water.
Please stick to the topic or will report you to the mods for derailing.
Palestine has a UN Mandate and recognized by 138 countries. In case you need more education Palestinians are not only Muslims, but are comprised of Christians, and Bahais, also. Your own nation has a modest Palestine mission and has consistently voted in favor of Palestine at the UN, including the last time in the UN.

Use of religion as a means of diplomacy is Pakistan’s forte. With Nepal, India quotes its historic ties and not religion. And for your information China has been already sidelined by the Nepali PM. If China and Pakistan can make an alliance with Nepal, please go ahead.

Really? Is that why your Prime Minister visits Pashupatinath Mandir in Nepal?

If it is news to you, Pakistan was helped immensely by Nepal during the 1971 Civil War when tens of thousands of Pakistani civilians and even some military personnel escaped from Bangladesh across the border via the chicken's neck into Nepal from where they were repatriated back to Pakistan via flights or even the land route via China. Likewise Myanmar offered sanctuary to Pakistani civilian and military aircraft escaping the civil war. Which is why Pakistan sells arms to Myanmar. There is already strong diplomatic cooperation between Nepal and Pakistan.

India and Bangladesh already have a mechanism to address the bilateral issues. What are the circumstances and how the shootings happen is investigated and Pakistan can keep out of it. You want to create a thread on it, please go ahead. India needs to answer Bangladesh on this not Pakistan.

If there are such strong bilateral relationships why don't you tell this to
your ruling party politicians making statements on Bangladesh?

Coming to the topic of this thread. Any smart country would remain neutral in a conflict that doesn’t affect it directly. That is what Bangladesh is likely to do. It would be futile for it to start building forces against much bigger India for an imaginary conflict.

Agree on Bangladesh's futility on taking on India. It will be crushed in no time. But the next best thing Bangladesh can do to bolster it's "national prestige" is to curse my country which it does far more than India itself. India officially confines its criticism to "terrorism" in Kashmir. In fact in a twisted way Indian nationalists portray Pakistanis as the "same people with a different religion " which implies we all revert to being Hindus.
Bangladesh attacks my nation as a people, and as who we are.
It’s not the whole truth. Sometime one need to look at things from a different angle.
I have meet many Bangladeshi who worked for Pakistani arm forces and in foreign affairs. I have told some of you the story of Bengalis working in Pakistani embassy in DC. After the fall of Dakha, they were kicked out of Pakistani embassy and for 18 days they didn’t know if were Pakistani. Once Bangladeshi embassy was established, they were hired by Bangladeshi government.
It’s not just that, how are we treating Bengali minority in Pakistan. Majority don’t even have ID cards. They can’t get education and can’t find jobs. Do expect our relationship to be perfect with them? Do you know how Punjabi used to tease them?
Majority of Bengali were educated and on higher positions in Pakistani government, civil service as well as arm forces, pilots, engineers and technicians, etc but unfortunately they were systematically removed and alienated by our establishment.

Even today people think that Bengali are some alien species and Balochi are our brothers. They don’t even know their own history. Without the struggle of Bengali, there would have been no Pakistan. Most of the Punjab and Sindh was backward, uneducated, farmer, etc. Even the economist who talk about Pakistan’s GDP was higher in 60s without mentioning East Pakistan. If you compare it with “Punky and the Brain”, They were the Brain in our establishment was the pinky. Unfortunately we are now left with Pinky with no clue how to run the government.

Couid we focus on the topic please?

1. Pakistan and Bangladesh are two separate sovereign countries with no shared border or territorial disputes.
2. There are no strategic clash of interests between Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Why then is Bangladesh hostile to Pakistan, and why does its armed forces ally with Pakistan's enemy?

Why does Bangladesh make statements on Kashmir when that disputed territory is a bilateral matter between India and Pakistan?
Please stick to the topic or will report you to the mods for derailing.
May I request you to be this forthright with people with green flags too. Don’t have a selective conscience about derailing of threads. Compared to few others I have made quite a lot of attempt to remain on topic.

Yes, India has always stood by the cause of Palestine. But it has good relations with Israel too.

Coming to Nepalese assistance to Pakistan during 1971 conflict. That has been discussed threadbare onmany threads and I will not discuss ithere since it will derail this thread and you would promptly report me to mods.

Really? Is that why your Prime Minister visits Pashupatinath Mandir in Nepal?
Pashupatinath temple is a holy site for Hindus. When a Hindu vista Nepal going to Pashupatinath is to seek blessings as a Hindu. IK went to Saudi and visited Mecca? Was it political? I guess no.

In geopolitics nations pick and choose topics to raise depending on what suits them. Bangladesh does that for the same reason. Malaysia and Turkey also do that for the same reason, when they raise Kashmir cause. Is it a bilateral matter to them? Nope. Erdogan raises it with a dream to lead a Muslim Ummah. You get my point.

If there are such strong bilateral relationships why don't you tell this to
your ruling party politicians making statements on Bangladesh?
Politicians in a democracy do all sorts of things for votes. It is not possivle to control them. Sorry, can’t help you on this.

Bangladesh makes statements favouring India probably because it sees a bigger gain to it. Who knows?
It has nothing to do with sympathy for anyone. It is just to show a mirror to those who quote religious affinity for support on various causes.

Exactly ! Glad you got my point . Which is why your resounding silence on the plight of Hindus and Chakmas in Bangladesh is understandable.
This thread is as much to show a mirror to my own countrymen with residual delusions of religious affinity with Bangladesh as it is to discuss the facts on the ground as it is today.

The "smart" so-called foreign policy of the country in question fools no one, least of all India and Pakistan.

India understands the effects of climate change and demographic pressures in Bangladesh, and even as it shoots a few Bangladeshis now and again, it is hoping in the distant future to use a few Bangladeshi troops as "Gurkhas" in its armed forces in its optics against Pakistan.
Like the deja-vu of 1971 what better way to slap the religious affinity of Pakistanis once more into the ground with the presence of Muslim troops on its border.
Especially, since Nepal itself is now reluctant to provide fighting manpower for India a few fiery "Mukti Bahini" reincarnations would not be so bad. A tremendous fillip to Bangladeshi national pride.
Of course the Indian Army brass know the fighting abilities of Bangladeshis which doesn't come close to the Gurkha mettle. Unfortunately the Nepali Armed Forces have ( at least recently ) never marched in India's Republic Day parade. Nor has any other nation, Sri Lanka, or Myanmar, shown any inclination to tilt its neutrality into an outright aggressive stance against Pakistan. Even Bhutan warily looking at China is lukewarm.
So Bangladesh is India's only option.

Bangladesh has no reasons to worry ( or so it supposes). It can play it's anti-Pakistani rhetoric in optics with India in the relative safety of distance.

The Pakistani NCA and the office of the Joint Chief of Staff ( Pakistan's "Pentagon") are as realistic as their Indian counterparts and share the same views on the Bangladeshi Armed Forces. They understand optics, upto a point. In an apocalyptic war however the other South Asian nations would be shaking their heads and saying "That's why optics are a bad idea".
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Exactly ! Glad you got my point . Which is why your resounding silence on the plight of Hindus and Chakmas in Bangladesh is understandable.
This thread is as much to show a mirror to my own countrymen with residual delusions of religious affinity with Bangladesh as it is to discuss the facts on the ground as it is today.

The "smart" so-called foreign policy of the country in question fools no one, least of all India and Pakistan.

India understands the effects of climate change and demographic pressures in Bangladesh, and even as it shoots a few Bangladeshis now and again, it is hoping in the distant future to use a few Bangladeshi troops as "Gurkhas" in its armed forces in its optics against Pakistan.
Line the deja-vu of 1971 what better way to slap the religious affinity of Pakistanis once more into the ground with the presence of Muslim troops on its border.
Especially, since Nepal itself is now reluctant to provide fighting manpower for India a few fiery "Mukti Bahini" reincarnations would not be so bad. A tremendous fillip to Bangladeshi national pride.
Of course the Indian Army brass know the fighting abilities of Bangladeshis which doesn't come close to the Gurkha mettle. Unfortunately the Nepali Armed Forces have ( at least recently ) never marched in India's Republic Day parade. Nor has any other nation, Sri Lanka, or Myanmar, shown any inclination to tilt its neutrality into an outright aggressive stance against Pakistan. Even Bhutan warily looking at China is lukewarm.
So Bangladesh is India's only option.

Bangladesh has no reasons to worry ( or so it supposes). It can play it's anti-Pakistani rhetoric in optics with India in the relative safety of distance.

The Pakistani NCA and the office of the Joint Chief of Staff ( Pakistan's "Pentagon") are as realistic as their Indian counterparts and share the same views on the Bangladeshi Armed Forces. They understand optics, upto a point. In an apocalyptic war however the other South Asian nations would be shaking their heads and saying "That's why optics are a bad idea".

Even though I disagree with you on alot of things, you certainly have a high IQ and are an excellent debater.
May I request you to be this forthright with people with green flags too. Don’t have a selective conscience about derailing of threads. Compared to few others I have made quite a lot of attempt to remain on topic.

In case you noticed I just made the same request to another "green flag member"( post #122). That poster was referring to what happened 50 years back, when we are discussing events today and the relations between two sovereign independent nations. You are the first member on this thread to bring in Palestine, Baluchistan and Uyghurs

Yes, India has always stood by the cause of Palestine. But it has good relations with Israel too.

Irrelevant. 138 nations have recognized and voted in favor of Palestine and most of these nations have relations with Israel. I agree Pakistan's foreign policy needs a make over, especially since Palestine under Yasser Arafat consistently backed India in all it's wars against Pakistan and the average Palestinian with a parochial Arab mindset cares too hoots for Kashmir.

Coming to Nepalese assistance to Pakistan during 1971 conflict. That has been discussed threadbare onmany threads and I will not discuss ithere since it will derail this thread and you would promptly report me to mods.

Thank you, You are the one who raised religious affinity till I showed you the mirror with Nepal.

Pashupatinath temple is a holy site for Hindus. When a Hindu vista Nepal going to Pashupatinath is to seek blessings as a Hindu. IK went to Saudi and visited Mecca? Was it political? I guess no.

Don't need a lecture on Pashupatinath temple from you. As a devout Hindu Modi should have made the pilgrimage long before as an ordinary citizen, not as the Prime Minister of a nation on tax payers expense. That rule holds good for Imran Khan or all Pakistani politicians who make the pilgrimage to Mecca on tax payers expense as part of their official visits. For your education a pilgrimage to Mecca should be made by someone on one's own expense after all debts are paid. The optics of the pilgrimages of Modi and IK are obvious.

In geopolitics nations pick and choose topics to raise depending on what suits them. Bangladesh does that for the same reason. Malaysia and Turkey also do that for the same reason, when they raise Kashmir cause. Is it a bilateral matter to them? Nope. Erdogan raises it with a dream to lead a Muslim Ummah. You get my point.

No, I don't get your point. China raises the issue of Kashmir as well and backs discussions in the UN. China is not part of the Ummah. China, does have a stake in Kashmir on account of Aksai Chin.
Malaysia and Turkey have made clear their stance on Kashmir because they are allies of Pakistan for different reasons, primarily military technology sharing .
Likewise, Bangladesh is making its stance clear on Kashmir because it is an ally of India.
So no confusion here . It is not the Ummah factor. Which is what I am telling my fellow countrymen.

Politicians in a democracy do all sorts of things for votes. It is not possivle to control them. Sorry, can’t help you on this.

It is far more than just "politicians". You have a good many Bangladeshi nationals in your concentration camps, and you shoot a few now and then who are trying to cross the border. India's position is understandable given the demographic invasion. Even the Bangladeshi Chief of their Border Guards Bangladesh acknowledged as recently as December 2020 that if Bangladeshis approach the border they risk getting shot so the onus is on Bangladeshis to stay safe.

Bangladesh makes statements favouring India probably because it sees a bigger gain to it. Who knows?

The bigger gain for Bangladesh is land and a place to live and survive.
Due to climate change 20% of that country with a population density of 2400 per sq.km is going under the water.
Which is what I am telling my fellow countrymen.
I hope you succeed on this. Unlikely though seeing the number of Ummah hopefuls.
Likewise, Bangladesh is making its stance clear on Kashmir
If things are so crystal clear what is the point of this thread? Considering its location, demography, focus on economy rather than conflicts make this thread redundant.
It is far more than just "politicians".
Ok. I agree with you. But, my point was regarding politician making statements that you wanted me to control. Can’t be done in India or any other democracy.
No, I don't get your point. China raises the issue of Kashmir as well and backs discussions in the UN. China is not part of the Ummah. China, does have a stake in Kashmir on account of Aksai Chin.

Earlier you felt that Xinjiang is an internal matter that’s why Pakistan wouldn’t interfere. Now you are saying that Malaysia and Turkey can comment on Kashmir due to geopolitics. Isn’t it a conflicting statement?
Xinjiang is not a disputed territory between China and Pakistan ( unlike Kashmir) therefore the status of Uyghurs and Xinjiang is an internal matter for China and of no concern for Pakistan.

In any Indo-Pak conflict, best course of action for Bangladesh is to give a politically correct statement of restraint and resolution of bilateral matters through dialogue. Any hostile intent towards India in such a situation can prove to be a difficult proposition for it with serious repercussions later.
You are the first member on this thread to bring in Palestine, Baluchistan and Uyghurs
This was not out of context dude. It was to make a point regarding a similar situation.
I hope you succeed on this. Unlikely though seeing the number of Ummah hopefuls.

We are succeeding.
On different threads I along with secular nationalists have received a bunch of likes and the message is that few take this concept seriously.
It was trashed by Arab nationalism back in 1918.
On the other hand the Hindutva hopefuls ( don't know if you are one ) have their own "Ummah" concept, which is that Indian and Pakistanis are one people and were all "Hindus" once.

If things are so crystal clear what is the point of this thread?
Considering its location, demography, focus on economy rather than conflicts make this thread redundant.

What is crystal clear is the following:

1. A nation whose troops march with our enemy, train with our enemy, exercise with our enemy, and whose diplomats vote against us and deride us at every international forum. Why?
Bangladesh and Pakistan are two independent sovereign nations. Where is the conflict or issues?
Discussing this is one aspect of the thread.

2. The relationship between the Indian and Bangladeshi Armed Forces is unique. There is no other nation in the world that India has such a close military relationship, which can only be compared to a Nato style alliance. The Bangladesh Armed Forces are the only armed forces in alliance with which, the Indian Armed forces have jointly fought a war. Even in the Sri Lanka "peace keeping " operations, India chose to confine the Sri Lankan army to the barracks and fight the LTTE alone.
There is a strong likely hood that in the case of an open conflict with Pakistan India would like to relive the 1971 days and induct Bangladesh into the picture.
The Republic Day March Past is a portent of things to come. There are other indicators such as the interest of Bangladesh in acquiring Indian built fighter jets ( Tejas ) .
So the next purpose of the thread is to discuss what potential threat Pakistan will face in a war with India with Bangladeshi participation.

We are not discussing stock markets here but nuts and bolts of war and how a BAF piloted Tejas will fare over a JF-17 Block 3 over the Thar desert. The Vietnamese didn't care if their economy was one five hundredth the size of the USA and we don't care if our economy is one millionth the size of Bangladesh. We are not scared of a nation whose 85% of exports are RMG and where the prime occupation is tailoring.
When they make their first IRBMs and point them at us we will take them more seriously.

Ok. I agree with you. But, my point was regarding politician making statements that you wanted me to control. Can’t be done in India or any other democracy.
Never asked you to control the statements. Since your foreign minister belongs to the same ruling party he is the one who should be explaining what his colleagues are saying. But he doesn't need to. We all know what India really thinks of Bangladesh.

Earlier you felt that Xinjiang is an internal matter that’s why Pakistan wouldn’t interfere. Now you are saying that Malaysia and Turkey can comment on Kashmir due to geopolitics. Isn’t it a conflicting statement?
It is not a conflicting statement. Never said they can or cannot , comment on Kashmir . I gave you their reasons for doing so. Nations comment on Kashmir including the United Nations resolutions. From Pakistan's point of view only Bangladesh (and possibly Bhutan) has openly supported India in its Kashmir policy. Even Israel has been circumspect about this, possibly because it doesn't wish to annoy China . If I may remind you I am a Pakistani writing on a Pakistani forum from a Pakistani point of view so Bangladesh's hostility to my nation will be noticed as much as Indians would notice Malaysia and Turkey's stance. The difference here is that Malaysia and Turkey have not fought alongside Pakistan against India and are not showing any inclination of doing so. Bangladesh's stance is obvious.

In any Indo-Pak conflict, best course of action for Bangladesh is to give a politically correct statement of restraint and resolution of bilateral matters through dialogue. Any hostile intent towards India in such a situation can prove to be a difficult proposition for it with serious repercussions later.

So Bangladesh chooses to show hostile intent to Pakistan. This is what we are discussing here. Bangladesh's hostile intent towards Pakistan and it's consequences. Please carry this topic forward.

This was not out of context dude. It was to make a point regarding a similar situation.

Nor was my reference to the plight of Bangladeshi Hindus to which you kept quiet. Are you that afraid of offending your ally ?
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Nor was my reference to the plight of Bangladeshi Hindus to which you kept quiet. Are you that afraid of offending your allies ?
Religious affinity has no meaning to me. Please ask those who have it. If religion was the criteria for alliances then Muslim Ummah would have been the strongest alliance by now. To me all religions are equal and I have friends from all over.

So Bangladesh chooses to show hostile intent to Pakistan. This is what we are discussing here. Bangladesh's hostile intent towards Pakistan and it's consequences. Please carry this topic forward.

Bangladesh is hostile to Pakistan because of events of 1971 and those that preceded that event. Is it that hard to understand? The scars have still not filled. China is still asking for apology from Japan for WW II( this is in context and don’t get sentimental for giving a simily) events.
Religious affinity has no meaning to me. Please ask those who have it. If religion was the criteria for alliances then Muslim Ummah would have been the strongest alliance by now. To me all religions are equal and I have friends from all over.

You are preaching to the converted . I never raised the issue of religious affinity and Ummah anywhere in my OP where I have only mentioned international agreements and military relations between Bangladesh and India and Bangladesh's tirades against Pakistan. What your personal preferences on religion are is irrelevant.

The Indian MEA has not made one single statement in favor of Hindus in Bangladesh ( note the emphasis on "in" ) or ever summoned the Bangladesh High Commissioner to protest against violence against the Hindu minority there. Love for Buddhism notwithstanding the Bangladesh Army's rampage against Chakma tribals driving 100s of thousands into India has also met with a resounding silence. These are actions by Bangladesh that directly
affect the stability of India's border states and provoke retaliation against Bengali speaking Muslims inside India.

Yet India chooses to remain silent, By comparison the plight of Bangladeshi Hindus and Chakmas is far more relevant to India than the plight of Uyghurs is to Pakistan.
Bangladesh is hostile to Pakistan because of events of 1971 and those that preceded that event. Is it that hard to understand? The scars have still not filled. China is still asking for apology from Japan for WW II( this is in context and don’t get sentimental for giving a simily) events.

The trilateral Delhi Agreement in 1973 incidentally co-sponsored by India ended the issue of the 1971 war.
The agreement was ratified by both the Indian and Pakistani parliaments. Bangladesh never ratified the agreement so as far as India and Pakistan are concerned the 1971 war is over and all issues resolved. Bangladesh chooses to be an outlier then it is an unfortunate choice.

China and Japan never had an agreement. Additionally China and Japan have a maritime border and a simmering dispute over islands.
Post-war China became hostile to Japan because Japan joined the US alliance against it. Even so there are no basic disputes between Japan and China and the relationship based on trade commerce, people to people contacts is robust. Unless provoked by Japanese hyper nationalists China is willing to forget its war with Japan. More than China it is the USA and Japan that have a great relationship despite Pearl Harbor and two nuclear bombs.
Neither the Chinese nor the Americans hate the Japanese as a people and vice versa.
So your analogy of China and Japan, justifying Bangladesh's hostility to Pakistan falls flat.

Much to India's delight Bangladeshis hate Pakistanis far more than any of their Hindutva stalwarts who mostly acknowledge that the Pakistanis are the same people.

Try another argument.
Please return to the topic.

To speak up in favor of India for once I disagree with the blame game that it is India that somehow manipulated the Bangladeshi mindset to be hostile to Pakistan. This canard is being hyped both by delusional Pakistanis and Bangladeshis ( who still believe they can pull wool over Pakistani eyes ). The only people who discount this theory are the Indians themselves and they are right, For whatever reasons there is not much love lost between the Bangladeshi people and Pakistanis.

How many Bangladeshi officers graduate from IMA Dehradun each year?
Let me see if I can search the online alumni list.
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You are preaching to the converted . I never raised the issue of religious affinity and Ummah anywhere in my OP where I have only mentioned international agreements and military relations between Bangladesh and India and Bangladesh's tirades against Pakistan. What your personal preferences on religion are is irrelevant.

The Indian MEA has not made one single statement in favor of Hindus in Bangladesh ( note the emphasis on "in" ) or ever summoned the Bangladesh High Commissioner to protest against violence against the Hindu minority there. Love for Buddhism notwithstanding the Bangladesh Army's rampage against Chakma tribals driving 100s of thousands into India has also met with a resounding silence. These are actions by Bangladesh that directly
affect the stability of India's border states and provoke retaliation against Bengali speaking Muslims inside India.

Yet India chooses to remain silent, By comparison the plight of Bangladeshi Hindus and Chakmas is far more relevant to India than the plight of Uyghurs is to Pakistan.

The trilateral Delhi Agreement in 1973 incidentally co-sponsored by India ended the issue of the 1971 war.
The agreement was ratified by both the Indian and Pakistani parliaments. Bangladesh never ratified the agreement so as far as India and Pakistan are concerned the 1971 war is over and all issues resolved. Bangladesh chooses to be an outlier then it is an unfortunate choice.

China and Japan never had an agreement. Additionally China and Japan have a maritime border and a simmering dispute over islands.
Post-war China became hostile to Japan because Japan joined the US alliance against it. Even so there are no basic disputes between Japan and China and the relationship based on trade commerce, people to people contacts is robust. Unless provoked by Japanese hyper nationalists China is willing to forget its war with Japan. More than China it is the USA and Japan that have a great relationship despite Pearl Harbor and two nuclear bombs.
Neither the Chinese nor the Americans hate the Japanese as a people and vice versa.
So your analogy of China and Japan, justifying Bangladesh's hostility to Pakistan falls flat.

Much to India's delight Bangladeshis hate Pakistanis far more than any of their Hindutva stalwarts who mostly acknowledge that the Pakistanis are the same people.

Try another argument.
Please return to the topic.

How many Bangladeshi officers graduate from IMA Dehradun each year?
Let me see if I can search the online alumni list.

It is becoming more evident on PDF that the bangladeshis are more anti-Pakistani than even some of the rss/sanghi deformalities.

india and indians are open about their beliefs in desiring the death and destruction of the Pakistani people and nation so we know where we stand with them. They hate us. We hate them. End of.

bangladeshis are more sly and cunning than indians in that they try to use Islam as trying to appear to be our well-wishers but in fact hate us more than the indians/sanghis do. I agree, in any war with Pakistan, the indians could potentially station these "mini indian wannabes" on our border and term it "payback" for the fairytale stories of 1971 conflict. We should be wary of this.
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If religion was the criteria for alliances then Muslim Ummah would have been the strongest alliance by now.

if the muslim nations were being ruled based on religion then the ummah would have been the strongest alliance. it will be that way again at some point, as per Prophet Muhammed (PBUH)
This is becoming more evident on PDF that the bangladeshis are more anti-Pakistani than even some of the rss/sanghi deformalities.

RSS Sanghis dislike us for our religion, not our language, race, or culture. Even here some propose the theory that we were "forcibly converted " so it is not really our fault.

To speak up in favor of India for once I disagree with the blame game that it is India that somehow manipulated the Bangladeshi mindset to be hostile to Pakistan. This canard is being hyped both by delusional Pakistanis and Bangladeshis ( who still believe they can pull wool over Pakistani eyes ). The only people who discount this theory are the Indians themselves and they are right, For whatever reasons there is not much love lost between the Bangladeshi people and Pakistanis.

Let's get back to the topic.

Realistically, what is the "worst case " fire power BD can bring to bear on Pakistan.

There are three squadrons of Mig 29s on hand ...
RSS Sanghis dislike us for our religion, not our language, race, or culture. Even here some propose the theory that we were "forcibly converted " so it is not really our fault.

To speak up in favor of India for once I disagree with the blame game that it is India that somehow manipulated the Bangladeshi mindset to be hostile to Pakistan. This canard is being hyped both by delusional Pakistanis and Bangladeshis ( who still believe they can pull wool over Pakistani eyes ). The only people who discount this theory are the Indians themselves and they are right, For whatever reasons there is not much love lost between the Bangladeshi people and Pakistanis.

Let's get back to the topic.

Realistically, what is the "worst case " fire power BD can bring to bear on Pakistan.

There are three squadrons of Mig 29s on hand ...

Not happening, we could easily wipe bangladesh off the face of the planet with ease. Not even an issue.
if the muslim nations were being ruled based on religion then the ummah would have been the strongest alliance. it will be that way again at some point, as per Prophet Muhammed (PBUH)
🤣میر سے دینو مضحب مت پوچھو اُن نے تو
کشکا کھیچا دیر میں بیٹھے کب کا ترک اسلام کیا-
Trans: We can be idealistic and wish for the best but the ground realities as of now are different.
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