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The Bangladesh factor in a future Pakistan India conflict.

BD airforce barely has 20 fighters. A shaheen or 2 with thermobaric warheads should do the job fairly simply. Then BD will not look Pakistans direction for the next 100 years :D
4) Direct Airstrikes- It is almost impossible for PAF to strike BD flying through India even with the Ariel refuelers we have. A more plausible scenario would be to send a squadron of JF-17s to Chinas south east. From there the JF-17s can strike BD targets. This is unlikely but still plausible due to the recent Pakistan/China military/intelligence sharing pact. BD airforce only has 8 odd mig-29s which can easily be taken out by 4 JF-17s as analyzed in this video. The JF-17 is atleast a generation or 2 ahead of BDs best jets.
the funniest shit i've read.. yeah china will actively knockoff one of its most important vassals in indian ocean region... hahahah
the funniest shit i've read.. yeah china will actively knockoff one of its most important vassals in indian ocean region... hahahah

China would obviously pressure BD to not involve itself. But Hasinas hatred of Pakistan is that of a pyschopath and in many ways she has oriented BDs policy to be fully anti-pakistan even when it never really suited BDs interests.Many of BDs top army officers are awami league officials with close ties to India. China aside PK itself has strategic/historical/cultural interest in BD.

In any case if BD chose to side with its ally India, then China would not be so happy. Dont forget their investments in Pakistan are many fold larger than BDs. Investment aside the Chinese philosophy itself is that of peace and im sure China would do everything to prevent such a conflict, but once a conflict is imposed on PK then China would fully back PK 1000%. So its in Chinas interest that there be cordinal Pak-BD relations. Lastly I can gaurantee you it wont be PK which would start anything against BD and the more likely scenario is that under Hasina BD will continue to provide support to India in any conflict as it has done many times. and no Pakistani would ever advocate striking our BD brothers unless they were involved in a direct military conflict.
Important enemy assets we should keep in mind we will have to face:

India gifts horses, dogs to Bangladesh Army
The Indian Army has gifted 20 fully trained military horses and 10 mine detection dogs to the Bangladesh Army

China would obviously pressure BD to not involve itself. But Hasinas hatred of Pakistan is that of a pyschopath and in many ways she has oriented BDs policy to be fully anti-pakistan even when it never really suited BDs interests.Many of BDs top army officers are awami league officials with close ties to India.

In any case if BD chose to side with its ally India, then China would not be so happy. Dont forget their investments in Pakistan are many fold larger than BDs. Investment aside the Chinese philosophy itself is that of peace and im sure China would do everything to prevent such a conflict, but once a conflict is imposed on PK then China would fully back PK 1000%. So its in Chinas interest that there be cordinal Pak-BD relations. Lastly I can gaurantee you it wont be PK which would start anything against BD and the more likely scenario is that under Hasina BD will continue to provide support to India in any conflict as it has done many times. and no Pakistani would ever advocate striking our BD brothers unless they were involved in a direct military conflict.


BD is turning into India's hedge against a two front war.
It's a junior partner relationship like
US and UK.

Remember, ALL Bangladeshi military assets can be deployed against Pakistan ( or possibly also China) which is a significant manpower resources addition.

Which was the message sent to China and Pakistan during the joint Republic Day Parade.
Important enemy assets we should keep in mind we will have to face:

India gifts horses, dogs to Bangladesh Army
The Indian Army has gifted 20 fully trained military horses and 10 mine detection dogs to the Bangladesh Army


BD is turning into India's hedge against a two front war.
It's a junior partner relationship like
US and UK.

Remember, ALL Bangladeshi military assets can be deployed against Pakistan ( or possibly also China) which is a significant manpower resources addition.

Which was the message sent to China and Pakistan during the joint Republic Day Parade.

I believe that... in previous Awami league govt their was still a fairly independant/nationalistic BD military. Hasina realized this from previous coups thus has installed her own awami league loyalist in the BD military. For example BDs army chief used to be the former body guard of hasina :D

Therefore PK cannot rely on the BD military to be a sane voice anymore. It is even worse for BD as their military has be de-clawed and in a sad state today, with a lack of fighter jets, bvr missiles, or any decent capabilities. Funny thing is had BD not went for such an anti-PK policy the last decade then more likely they would have had the JF-17s with SD-10s and not myanmar... instead the BD military is now used as a pawn by Hasina & modi to oppress bangladeshis.

Compare this with Myanmar which still has a great relations with both India/Pakistan and never involves itself in the conflict. Dont forget the Pakistani military took a lot of heat even in our own parliament for the sale of JF-17s to myanmar, now in hindsight I feel like they were thinking far ahead and where leveraging Myanmar strategically against BD.
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China would obviously pressure BD to not involve itself. But Hasinas hatred of Pakistan is that of a pyschopath and in many ways she has oriented BDs policy to be fully anti-pakistan even when it never really suited BDs interests.Many of BDs top army officers are awami league officials with close ties to India. China aside PK itself has strategic/historical/cultural interest in BD.

In any case if BD chose to side with its ally India, then China would not be so happy. Dont forget their investments in Pakistan are many fold larger than BDs. Investment aside the Chinese philosophy itself is that of peace and im sure China would do everything to prevent such a conflict, but once a conflict is imposed on PK then China would fully back PK 1000%. So its in Chinas interest that there be cordinal Pak-BD relations. Lastly I can gaurantee you it wont be PK which would start anything against BD and the more likely scenario is that under Hasina BD will continue to provide support to India in any conflict as it has done many times. and no Pakistani would ever advocate striking our BD brothers unless they were involved in a direct military conflict.
Like I said. Bd would never involve itself in india Pakistan shit sandwich. Remind yourself of the 2019 mess... we stayed neutral and hoped for peaceful resolution.
As for Chinese investments among others... none of that matters. The only country that can guarantee dismemberment of india is Bangladesh. China has been given contracts building up infrastructure in Bangladesh upto chickens neck. Neither Pakistan nor Bangladesh is important players. The main conflict will be a China vs india one. And Bangladesh is in prime position to cut off a quarter of india, heck the 7 eastern states are totally dependent on Bangladesh.
if anything, Sikkim region is an easier and more vital region for China to control than Kashmir which is extremely difficult for mobility.
Like I said. Bd would never involve itself in india Pakistan shit sandwich. Remind yourself of the 2019 mess... we stayed neutral and hoped for peaceful resolution.
As for Chinese investments among others... none of that matters. The only country that can guarantee dismemberment of india is Bangladesh. China has been given contracts building up infrastructure in Bangladesh upto chickens neck. Neither Pakistan nor Bangladesh is important players. The main conflict will be a China vs india one. And Bangladesh is in prime position to cut off a quarter of india, heck the 7 eastern states are totally dependent on Bangladesh.
if anything, Sikkim region is an easier and more vital region for China to control than Kashmir which is extremely difficult for mobility.

In south asia Pakistan is as much of a player as India/China. Even the Chinese/Indians realize this. So your statement is laughable.

Example of BD providing support to India against PAK are numberous:

1) Kargil war
2) Withdrawal from SAARC conflict
3) Numerous statements against PK supporting India
4) Support for India even in Feb 2019 even when majority of your people were backing PK

In every instance support for India from BD is growing more and more. Thus BDs direct involvement at Indias behest is highly likely and cannot be ruled out. Read my previous post. Historically the BD military was a sane counterweight to the awami league govt, but now Hasina has installed her loyalist in military leadership. Many of these generals have relatives in India. For most bangladeshis it is hard to believe but your leadership has a very ingrained hatred of Pakistan.
In south asia Pakistan is as much of a player as India/China. Even the Chinese/Indians realize this. So your statement is laughable.

Example of BD providing support to India against PAK are numberous:

1) Kargil war
2) Withdrawal from SAARC conflict
3) Numerous statements against PK supporting India
4) Support for India even in Feb 2019 even when majority of your people were backing PK

In every instance support for India from BD is growing more and more. Thus BDs direct involvement at Indias behest is highly likely and cannot be ruled out. Read my previous post. Historically the BD military was a sane counterweight to the awami league govt, but now Hasina has installed her loyalist in military leadership. Many of these generals have relatives in India. For most bangladeshis it is hard to believe but your leadership has a very ingrained hatred of Pakistan.
Regarding your last paragraph. I agree. The military does have awami league coons now. Many root for weapons purchase from india. Majority however is still anti Indian and is a counterweight to any such proposals. You think any distinguished officer is sent to india for training? The creme de la creme are sent in Pakistan, turkey, Korea, UK, US
And this OP who claimed bd has a defence pact with india to get involved in war with Pakistan. Utter nonsense. This was proposed back in 2012-18 but we only agreed on MOU and not a defense pact. That won’t go down in bd no matter how many awami coons are in the military.
ps. OP isn’t even Pakistani. He’s pretending to be one. He’s a bihari refugee
1) Kargil war
2) Withdrawal from SAARC conflict
3) Numerous statements against PK supporting India
4) Support for India even in Feb 2019 even when majority of your people were backing PK
Did we participate in kargil? No
SAARC withdrawal, it wasn’t just to appease Indians. Pakistan interfered in Bangladesh politics regarding war criminals. Do we tell you how to run your country as to not run in further debt? Nope. You guys have no right either.
numerous statements against pak...pakistan Can be accused of this too against bd. Bangladesh doesn’t concern itself with Pakistan india. Troubles ever. We always root for peace no matter whichgovt.
nobody not even the govt. released any statements favoring india in feb 2019. If anything we urged both parties to deescalate.
Regarding your last paragraph. I agree. The military does have awami league coons now. Many root for weapons purchase from india. Majority however is still anti Indian and is a counterweight to any such proposals. You think any distinguished officer is sent to india for training? The creme de la creme are sent in Pakistan, turkey, Korea, UK, US
And this OP who claimed bd has a defence pact with india to get involved in war with Pakistan. Utter nonsense. This was proposed back in 2012-18 but we only agreed on MOU and not a defense pact. That won’t go down in bd no matter how many awami coons are in the military.
ps. OP isn’t even Pakistani. He’s pretending to be one. He’s a bihari refugee

Did we participate in kargil? No
SAARC withdrawal, it wasn’t just to appease Indians. Pakistan interfered in Bangladesh politics regarding war criminals. Do we tell you how to run your country as to not run in further debt? Nope. You guys have no right either.
numerous statements against pak...pakistan Can be accused of this too against bd. Bangladesh doesn’t concern itself with Pakistan india. Troubles ever. We always root for peace no matter whichgovt.
nobody not even the govt. released any statements favoring india in feb 2019. If anything we urged both parties to deescalate.

If only more likeminded people like you were running Bangladesh then things would be different. If im not mistaking then the 1971 agreement between Pakistan-Bangladesh clearly states that Pakistan will recognize Bangladesh and vice-versa and in return no one should bring up old wounds as to persecute those who you disagree with from 50 years ago when both were a united federation. So the whole apology was given by the act of recognition of Bangladesh itself. But that is not all...

If you look at history then every pakistani leader since Zia has went out of their way to appease Bangladesh. Musharaf went as far as to visit Bangladesh and apologized. Multiple governments from bhutto, shariff, to even now IK have went out their way diplomatically to call for better relations. Yet somehow your people have been brainwashed into believing that Pakistan has never publicly apologized?

You agree that the military is filled and ran by awami league coons but then how does that protect against a rabid anti-Pakistan policy that Hasina has employed? Hasina is holding the relations of 350+m hostage majority of which are muslim, with similar language, culture, historic ties only because of her selfish ego.

A person with that kind of history could do anything against Pakistan even using your own military.
If only more likeminded people like you were running Bangladesh then things would be different. If im not mistaking then the 1971 agreement between Pakistan-Bangladesh clearly states that Pakistan will recognize Bangladesh and vice-versa and in return no one should bring up old wounds as to persecute those who you disagree with from 50 years ago when both were a united federation. So the whole apology was given by the act of recognition of Bangladesh itself. But that is not all...

If you look at history then every pakistani leader since Zia has went out of their way to appease Bangladesh. Musharaf went as far as to visit Bangladesh and apologized. Multiple governments from bhutto, shariff, to even now IK have went out their way diplomatically to call for better relations. Yet somehow your people have been brainwashed into believing that Pakistan has never publicly apologized?

You agree that the military is filled and ran by awami league coons but then how does that protect against a rabid anti-Pakistan policy that Hasina has employed? Hasina is holding the relations of 350+m hostage majority of which are muslim, with similar language, culture, historic ties only because of her selfish ego.

A person with that kind of history could do anything against Pakistan even using your own military.
How long will she live? Every dog has his day and has to die
I would be looking forward to hasina’s next moves in 2021 because she promised she would retire when she won the last election. The last 10 years she was solidifying her power crucifying the war criminals and inciting nationalism through hate of Pakistan. Now she knows better that if she doesn’t establish good relations with Pakistan especially when they’re the one raising the olive branch, a time may come when power vacuum in the country can lead to Indians annexing Bangladesh with pseudo referendums. (Plenty of sellout Hindus and awami muslim coons in our country)
The next big changes in Bangladesh (election + relations with Pakistan) determines Bangladesh’s political alignment.
and as per recent reports
The only condition Hasina has to stabilize relations is a formal apology (Though I’m skeptical Pakistan would go forward with that) if Pakistan does offer it, then the ball would be in hasina’s court. She wouldn’t be able to incite liberation based nationalism and would have to establish relations with Pakistan at the expense of india’s disapproval
In south asia Pakistan is as much of a player as India/China. Even the Chinese/Indians realize this. So your statement is laughable.

Example of BD providing support to India against PAK are numberous:

1) Kargil war
2) Withdrawal from SAARC conflict
3) Numerous statements against PK supporting India
4) Support for India even in Feb 2019 even when majority of your people were backing PK

Why is diplomatic support an act of war ?
If only more likeminded people like you were running Bangladesh then things would be different. If im not mistaking then the 1971 agreement between Pakistan-Bangladesh clearly states that Pakistan will recognize Bangladesh and vice-versa and in return no one should bring up old wounds as to persecute those who you disagree with from 50 years ago when both were a united federation. So the whole apology was given by the act of recognition of Bangladesh itself. But that is not all...

If you look at history then every pakistani leader since Zia has went out of their way to appease Bangladesh. Musharaf went as far as to visit Bangladesh and apologized. Multiple governments from bhutto, shariff, to even now IK have went out their way diplomatically to call for better relations. Yet somehow your people have been brainwashed into believing that Pakistan has never publicly apologized?

You agree that the military is filled and ran by awami league coons but then how does that protect against a rabid anti-Pakistan policy that Hasina has employed? Hasina is holding the relations of 350+m hostage majority of which are muslim, with similar language, culture, historic ties only because of her selfish ego.

A person with that kind of history could do anything against Pakistan even using your own military.

If Pakistan wanted to normalize relationship with Bangladesh they would come clean on all their mistakes and writing the history books to reflect that. That would mean owning up to their mistakes
If Pakistan wanted to normalize relationship with Bangladesh they would come clean on all their mistakes and writing the history books to reflect that. That would mean owning up to their mistakes

the history books in Pakistan already state what the facts support. if there are more facts, then the power to investigate it lies with only one entity and that is the Awami League government in Bangladesh. Pakistan is not going to grovel and accept anything unless it can be proven to be factual by an unbiased committee.
the history books in Pakistan already state what the facts support. if there are more facts, then the power to investigate it lies with only one entity and that is the Awami League government in Bangladesh. Pakistan is not going to grovel and accept anything unless it can be proven to be factual by an unbiased committee.

you do not even have a history subject


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