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The Bangladesh factor in a future Pakistan India conflict.

BD doesn't have the capability get itself involved in a future Pakistan-India conflict.

BD citizens may join India 's army as volunteers, and BD may offer some sort of support, but other than that the BD military would likely stay away.
If im not mistaking then the 1971 agreement between Pakistan-Bangladesh clearly states that Pakistan will recognize Bangladesh and vice-versa and in return no one should bring up old wounds
Isn't it amazing that this thread was intended to basically discuss the Bangladesh ORBAT ( Order of Battle) against Pakistan but has ended up in a " you said..I said scenario ".
The eastern territory of Pakistan was only connected with us politically for 24 years and Bangladesh has been in existence for more double that time. Yet some how our guests want to relive the past Civil War, and justify their case, which is of least interest to us.

We fought a Civil War, and lost. Unlike other Civil wars ( example the US Civil War ), this Civil War was unique; because it did not deliver to the victor an entire nation as Civil Wars usually do. The largest, most strategic, and most beautiful territory with a low population density, oddly enough, remained with the losing party. We also retained the core of the armed forces assets.
What is more the territory we lost is in danger of being submerged by rising waters due to climate change.

We rebuilt our armed forces to be superior to the Civil War faction that defeated us, and today are powerful enough to impose a crippling cost on the alliance that once defeated us, should they instigate a full fledged war.

Militarily we are far more powerful than anyone could have foreseen immediately after our defeat.

This is obviously a very unpalatable situation for the victors of the Civil War and the victory rings hollow. ,

Bangladesh did not ratify the Delhi accords of 1973 and 1974 which India and Pakistan both did. For Pakistan and India the conflict in the east was over . Bangladesh was the outlier. So whose fault is it?

There is a saying in Bengali:
"Shob Dosh Nandu Ghosh "
With my very limited knowledge of Bengali It is hard to give you an
exact translation, because the literal "word for word" translation will be meaningless, but it roughly means "Don't blame us " or "It is all someone else's fault ". The attitude is pretty typical. So in the eyes of our guests here, it is all our fault.
On this forum while sharing pictures of Islamabad I got a comment from a guest from Bangladesh, that Islamabad's beauty is because all the money from his nation had been wrung out, and invested there. Who was to tell this person that Islamabad was only established in a basic form in 1967, just four years before our Civil War, and all major monuments such as the Faisal Mosque, Parliament Building , were completed only by the mid 1980s. If Dhaka is different from Islamabad it shouldn't be Pakistan's fault. But then ...
Shob Dosh Nandu Ghosh.

At this point I may shock you by discussing our other enemy which is India.
Indians only hate us for our religion, and not for our language, culture and heritage.
Indians are very honest about their stand. They don't justify anything to us. Their stance is simple:
"We are your enemy and we will destroy you "
India is not piggybacking on anyone, and what is more their threats are mostly genuine. You can't blame them for not trying to strike us. They try despite the consequences.
Though even here the difference is, that they want to destroy Pakistan as a nation, not necessarily butcher all the citizens or destroy the land.
In its earlier secular avatar India did not massacre Pakistani citizens when they annexed territories such as Turtok in 1971; and but for India there would have been a horrible genocide of stranded Pakistanis in Bangladesh.
The Civil War saw a huge number of civilian deaths on both sides ( Bangladesh and Pakistan). There have been no instances of the Indian army killing Pakistani civilians in Bangladesh. Nor did the Indian Army kill POWs.
Under the present regime the Indian Army shells the LoC kills civilians, and suffers the consequences, but there has been no case of Indian army units massacring civilians directly by infantry actions ( bayonets and rifle fire) in captured Pakistani villages. Even when Dograi briefly fell to the Indian Army in the Lahore sector in 1965 there were no instances of bayonet killings, rape and slaughter of children. With the Hindutva mindset taking hold of the population, it is not known how long this tradition of old Rajput Jat chivalry will last, but it seems to hold even now, at least on the international border if not elsewhere, Random killings and rapes by individual paramilitary units aside, mass genocide in Kashmir has so far not happened ( despite our fears), else refugees would have been clogging the borders of Pakistan.
The difference with the situation as it prevailed in the Civil War in 1971 are obvious.

We have two different types of enemies to defend against. One has tremendous hardware and numerical capabilities with a desire to conquer and change us , and the other has a tremendous dislike for us for who we are.

At this time I would request my countrymen to look at the facts and not make another horrible blunder we made back in 1947 on the basis of "brotherhood" .

"na samjhoge to miT jāoge ai pakistan vaalo

tumhārī dāstāñ tak bhī na hogī dāstānoñ me"

Trans: "If you don't understand oh my countrymen, then you will be erased. Even ( the mention of ) your legend, will be gone from amongst the ( book of ) legends"
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In an ultimate Apocalypse Pakistan would be targeting Kolkata. Would Pakistan strike Dhaka and the rest of Bangladesh as well, knowing that the vast majority of the civilian deaths would be of our so called "brethren in faith" ?
Your Apocalypse weapons will remain in your sheath. Show direct enmity at us at the time of war against India and you will see our troops at your border to take over Lahore.

Last time in 1965, the East Bengal Regiment repulsed quite a few Indian attacks in that sector. In exchange, the forgetful PA troops came to Dhaka in 1971 to kill our people.

The situation has been reversed and you may see our troops near your border. If India is bad, then what are you? Are you not worse than India?
Show direct enmity at us at the time of war against India and you will see our troops at your border to take over Lahore.

🤣🤣Too bad you missed your chance in 1971. You should have come to Lahore then.
But then even Sam Bahadur thought twice about it...
Back then

You are welcome to come to Lahore
We will have the choicest "mishti doi" ready for you.
There's more likely to be a India and Bangladesh conflict in some shape or form. Remember India orchestrated the bdr mutiny in 2009, where it killed hundreds of high ranking skilled army officers.

India is growing extremely jealous of Bangladeshs economic growth, and may do something to hamper it.
kuchh bhi nahi ukhar sakte .go join another protest for CAA alongwith saba naqvi and rana ayub in shahinbagh.
Don't understand what you wrote.
Please translate when you write in a different language. It is the forum rules.

Please comment on this portion of my post below.

Indians only hate us for our religion, and not for our language, culture and heritage.
Indians are very honest about their stand. They don't justify anything to us. Their stance is simple:
"We are your enemy and we will destroy you "
India is not piggybacking on anyone, and what is more their threats are mostly genuine. You can't blame them for not trying to strike us. They try despite the consequences.
Though even here the difference is, that they want to destroy Pakistan as a nation, not necessarily butcher all the citizens or destroy the land.
In its earlier secular avatar India did not massacre Pakistani citizens when they annexed territories such as Turtok in 1971; and but for India there would have been a horrible genocide of stranded Pakistanis in Bangladesh.
The Civil War saw a huge number of civilian deaths on both sides ( Bangladesh and Pakistan). There have been no instances of the Indian army killing Pakistani civilians in Bangladesh. Nor did the Indian Army kill POWs.
Under the present regime the Indian Army shells the LoC kills civilians, and suffers the consequences, but there has been no case of Indian army units massacring civilians directly by infantry actions ( bayonets and rifle fire) in captured Pakistani villages. Even when Dograi briefly fell to the Indian Army in the Lahore sector in 1965 there were no instances of bayonet killings, rape and slaughter of children. With the Hindutva mindset taking hold of the population, it is not known how long this tradition of old Rajput Jat chivalry will last, but it seems to hold even now, at least on the international border if not elsewhere, Random killings and rapes by individual paramilitary units aside, mass genocide in Kashmir has so far not happened ( despite our fears), else refugees would have been clogging the borders of Pakistan.
The difference with the situation as it prevailed in the Civil War in 1971 are obvious.
🤣🤣Too bad you missed your chance in 1971. You should have come to Lahore then.
But then even Sam Bahadur thought twice about it...
Back then

You are welcome to come to Lahore
We will have the choicest "mishti doi" ready for you.
That General Chowdhury could not drink his cherished morning tea in Lahore in the 1965 war was because the East Bengal Regiment troops repulsed a number of IA troop attacks to cross the river.

The nata half-trained EBR troops received most of the gallantry awards from the GoP after the war. Read the history to straighten your mind.
There's more likely to be a India and Bangladesh conflict in some shape or form. Remember India orchestrated the bdr mutiny in 2009, where it killed hundreds of high ranking skilled army officers.

India is growing extremely jealous of Bangladeshs economic growth, and may do something to hamper it.

There is a "jealousy factor" in the Pakistan Bangladesh relationship also. Not for the common simple Bangladeshi fishermen or laborers but amongst the vocal middle class, and elite that promote the regime's foreign policy. The feeling is that even though Bangladesh won the Civil War it did not get its due share of the spoils. Bangladesh was even disappointed with India whom it accused of keeping the equipment left behind by Pakistan for itself. India was least interested in the equipment left behind by Pakistan, because:

1. India had no need for that equipment which was not compatible with Indian equipment ( Example: M1 Garand rifles or M2 0.5 calibre machine guns used different ammunition )
2. Pakistan had rendered most of that equipment useless particularly the vehicles, boats and aircraft. Pakistan successfully flew out all its PIA civilian aircraft to Myanmar, and also nearly all its military helicopters, STOL aircraft, and military transports. These were later refueled, and flown back to Pakistan either via China or Sri Lanka. Myanmar and Sri Lanka played a huge part in Pakistani civilian and military aviation links and recovery of Pakistan's air assets.

But there is a larger factor than just obsolete military equipment:
See my post below-

We fought a Civil War, and lost. Unlike other Civil wars ( example the US Civil War ), this Civil War was unique; because it did not deliver to the victor an entire nation as Civil Wars usually do. The largest, most strategic, and most beautiful territory with a low population density, oddly enough, remained with the losing party. We also retained the core of the armed forces assets.
What is more the territory we lost is in danger of being submerged by rising waters due to climate change.

We rebuilt our armed forces to be superior to the Civil War faction that defeated us, and today are powerful enough to impose a crippling cost on the alliance that once defeated us, should they instigate a full fledged war.

Militarily we are far more powerful than anyone could have foreseen immediately after our defeat.

This is obviously a very unpalatable situation for the victors of the Civil War and the victory rings hollow. ,

Bangladesh did not ratify the Delhi accords of 1973 and 1974 which India and Pakistan both did. For Pakistan and India the conflict in the east was over . Bangladesh was the outlier. So whose fault is it?

There is a saying in Bengali:
"Shob Dosh Nandu Ghosh "
With my very limited knowledge of Bengali It is hard to give you an
exact translation, because the literal "word for word" translation will be meaningless, but it roughly means "Don't blame us " or "It is all someone else's fault ". The attitude is pretty typical. So in the eyes of our guests here, it is all our fault.
On this forum while sharing pictures of Islamabad I got a comment from a guest from Bangladesh, that Islamabad's beauty is because all the money from his nation had been wrung out, and invested there. Who was to tell this person that Islamabad was only established in a basic form in 1967, just four years before our Civil War, and all major monuments such as the Faisal Mosque, Parliament Building , were completed only by the mid 1980s. If Dhaka is different from Islamabad it shouldn't be Pakistan's fault. But then ...
Shob Dosh Nandu Ghosh.
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That General Chowdhury could not drink his cherished morning tea in Lahore in the 1965 war was because the East Bengal Regiment troops repulsed a number of IA troop attacks to cross the river.

The nata half-trained EBR troops received most of the gallantry awards from the GoP after the war. Read the history to straighten your mind.

You did'nt answer my question why your Mukti joddhas along with the Indian army did not take Lahore in 1971.
We can talk history all you want on a different thread . No one in 1965 would have dreamt that a generation later we would be discussing the destruction of both our peoples. But may I remind you we are talking about the present and the future.
So let's discuss dispassionately. I appreciate your cold honesty and the real possibility of Bangladeshi Armed Forces fighting us on our borders. You are the first guest from Bangladesh on this forum to acknowledge the possibility.
( Indians are generally far more honest )

So what would be your order of battle:

1. How many divisions would you employ?

2. What would be your armored strength ?

3. What would be your air support and air superiority component ?

4. Naval operations?

I am still researching the above questions but I would assume deployment of the entire Bangladeshi Armed Forces on our borders.

What do you think ?
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As long as the indians remain too weak, powerless, backward and scared to mess with Pakistani Muslims, who cares what they do to bangladeshi or indian so called "Muslims" . Not our problem or concern.

You will always have my respect as you take the concept of nation-state very seriously
Unrealistic scenario.

There is no "military alliance" between the two countries, nor did we ever hold "war games" with India. There is a significant difference between "Counter-Insurgency and counter-piracy Excercise" and full-fledged military war game.

If we really had a "Military alliance" with India, we would be utilizing the $500 million USD line of credit India had been begging us to utilize, in hopes of BAF placing orders for Tejas or other Indian-made hardware. Three years down the line- as expected, we only ordered a few Tata staff cars.

Our Mig 29s were never ever maintained with Indian help. Initially, it was the Russians who came to BD to train our BAF maintenance personnel, then we sent them to Ukraine for overhauling and most recently sent them to Belarus for an upgrade to BM standard. Time and time again we went for expensive options, where we could have used Indian help to overhaul the Migs. Not to forget the remainder of our fighters are ALL of Chinese origin. There goes "interoperability between allies" down the drain.

Finally, we have bought subs from China, and China is building a submarine base in Bangladesh for 2 billion with the capacity to hold 6 subs. Why didn't we go for second-hand Indian subs? Why did we go for second-hand Chinese subs instead? India eventually ended up gifting a Kilo-class sub to Myanmar to counter Bangladesh.

To highlight further- all these sub deals happened when the Indian friendly government of Sheikh Hasina is in power.

Does this really sound like what two countries with Military Alliance typically do?

Bangladesh has absolutely nothing to gain by supporting either Pakistan or India in their conflict. It is absolutely ridiculous to consider the notion that Bangladesh military personnel will fight on behalf of India or Pakistan.

The only realistic situation of Bangladeshi troop involvement in an India-Pakistan war is as UN peacekeeping force in Blue helmets- after you have both managed to nuke yourselves back to the stone age.

@Baibars_1260 - FYI Bangladesh does not have Flankers. We have Fulcrums. You really ought to do more research before opening up these discussion threads.

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