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The Balance of Air power in Sub-continent considering latest inductions of Platforms / capabilities by PAF



"Clarification on misunderstanding by the general public regarding the official DG ISPR statement that Pakistan did not use F-16s in Operation Swift Retort.

This is true, We need to understand the Operation.

As Op SR consisted of six airstrikes on Indian military targets inside Occupied Kashmir and that’s it. The two Indian jets shot down following that operation are purely defensive counter-air combat against uninvited and hostile foreign military aircraft attempting to enter sovereign airspace.

Now Both of these hostile Bogies were shot down by Pakistani F-16s, the MiG-21 Bison was hit and destroyed, it’s pilot and jet both landing in Pakistani territory, whereas the Su-30MKI faced a proximity hit due to explosion of warhead near the fuselage, causing major damage but not enough to finish its flight-worthiness and count as a shoot down. The Su-30MKI was able to fly further inland and later pull-off a lucky hard landing, and was retrieved.

The body of the AIM-120C-5 AMRAAM missile that damaged the Su-30MKI was also retrieved by the Indian military and shown on national television, as the other missile fired by Pakistan (on the MiG-21 Bison) hit the jet over Pakistani territory."


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As per airforce sources jf17 block 3 is better than the current f16 block 52in PAF inventory

I doubt it. F16 block 52 is a lethal machine. J10C and F16 block 52 comparison can be made.

I am pretty sure the PAF is having a laser focus on the following Turkish products:
  • HAVA-SOJ (EW a/c)
  • MEHPOD (EW pod for F16s, JF-17s etc.)
  • KORAL land based EW
  • Stealthy Kizilelma and ANKA-3 (Turbofan powered and AI controlled combat UAVs for low-cost low-risk A2A, A2G, EW, DEAD, SEAD etc. ops). 20m$ Kizilelma is being geared to wrestle down 200m$ Rafale
  • GOKHAN (ramjet based BVR missiles)
  • HISAR & SIPER AD (short, medium and long and range AD missiles)
  • ASELSAN EIRS (next gen long range early warning radar)
  • IMECE sub-meter military spy/observation satellites
  • etc.
*02-27 has proved the PAF can take the fight into the enemy territory even under Bajwa. Now, no Bajwa, no cry.

Pakistan is more excited about Turkey accomplishments than the Turks. We already bought Frigates and drones, next is missiles, destroyers, fighter jets.

The next Aerial Conflict in Sub Continent will involve full spectrum usage of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles by PAF , against Indian AD Assets & Armoured columns.

Indians are also preparing to fortify the defences considering Akinci TB-2 WL-2 Shahpar-2 inductions. The first real show down.

Akinci Raider HALE UAV Capabilities include AESA Radar , SATCOM enabled Payload of to carry long range missiles to hit Air Defense Systems :

-- 150 km IHA-230 supersonic Missile

-- 150 km CAKIR next gen Cruise Missile

-- 180 km KUZGUN-TJ Missile

-- 280 km SOM Cruise Missile




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Mini smart cruise missile KEMANKEŞ!
Developed to increase the offensive ability with Bayraktar TB2 in Tactical role !

Unmanned aerial vehicle manufacturer Baykar exhibited the mini smart cruise missile BAYRAKTAR KEMANKES for the first time at Teknofest 2023. Noting that Pakistan Airforce is also an operator of TB-2.



Baykar Platform Engineering Team Leader Burak Özbek told Anadolu Agency (AA) that BAYRAKTAR KEMANKES was developed to increase the ability to attack strategic targets with Bayraktar TB2.

Özbek stated that the missile can be integrated with Bayraktar TB2 as well as all other unmanned aerial vehicles they have developed.

Informing that the missile got its name from the archers who hit their targets in the most difficult conditions, Özbek said, "We named it KEMANKEŞ because we will achieve the same hit with our mini cruise missile." said.


Referring to the advantages that BAYRAKTAR KEMANKES will provide on the battlefield, Özbek said:

“With the laser-guided ammunition we currently use, you have to approach the target and see the target.

This puts you in the risk zone. Since we provide air-to-air communication with the TB2 or main platform aircraft in KEMANKES, we have the capability to attack enemy elements from a much longer distance, even without entering the risky area.


It can also attack the target by processing images with its own gimbal system and artificial intelligence. It can also serve in electronic warfare environments with its own anti-interference GNSS systems. In this sense, I think TB2 will increase its capabilities a lot.”

Baykar KEMANKES jet powered ammunition uses IdeaLab's IL170 turbojet engine with 38 lbf thrust.


Noting that they are at the stage of flight tests for the cruise missile, which they started to work on last year, Özbek noted that the flight tests continue and they aim to start mass production this year. Özbek explained that they plan to make the first shot within 1-2 months after TEKNOFEST, and then they will carry out motorized flight tests.


6 kilogram warhead, 1 hour hover

Burak Özbek gave the following answer to the question about the technical features of BAYRAKTAR KEMANKES:

“The total weight of KEMANKEŞ is 35 kilograms. We have warheads weighing 6 kilograms. In other words, when we think about it, there is a warhead weight similar to the ammunition carried by the TB2. So the destructive effect will be similar to them. In addition, since it has a jet engine on it, we can think of it as a mini cruise missile.


The communication range I mentioned is 50 kilometers at the moment, it will reach 100 kilometers in the future, but when we consider its own flight range, it can go up to 250 kilometers. It can stay in the air for about an hour.

It transmits all altitude, flight speed, temperature or target information, as well as the entire camera image, to TB2 and lands on TB2's ground control station.

When we think in this context, you already go a certain distance with TB2, in addition, when you go with KEMANKES, it is very serious,

Bayraktar TB2's capabilities will increase even more


Drawing attention to the abilities that Bayraktar TB2 will gain with KEMANKES, Özbek said:


“Since there is communication, we will be able to take images from a very long distance. From a great distance, you can think of it like another drone driven by TB2. We mentioned that it is laser-guided for ammunition. For laser guidance, you need to see the target. You will now be able to attack a target without even seeing it from TB2. It will make the TB2 much more usable against very strategic targets behind enemy lines.”


"Bayraktar KEMANKEŞ is a mini intelligent Winged Loitering munition operationalized against strategic objectives.

The current information claim 66 lbs warhead, with more heavier variants in pipeline.

For comparison, Turkish SOM cruise missile with a range of 250 km, which is installed on Akinci, in different versions can weigh 500 to 620 kg (of which the warhead is 230 kg).

Roketsan's MAM-L and MAM-Cs are developed from existing Cirit and Omtas by removing their rocket engines. Baykar produced this missile in order to eliminate the drawbacks of these two types of ammunition. This missile was developed against counter-UAVs.

200 km means stand off distances it can loiter with Autonomous flight and dive in on AD / Command posts without the UAV entering dangerous zone.

So a Group of 6 - 8 TB-2s each laced with 2 - 4 such loitering munition swarms circling on edge of Enemy air defences and guiding these Loitering munitions to search for Counter UAV assets - That may be the purpose."

Kemanske 01.jpg
I doubt it. F16 block 52 is a lethal machine. J10C and F16 block 52 comparison can be made.

Pakistan is more excited about Turkey accomplishments than the Turks. We already bought Frigates and drones, next is missiles, destroyers, fighter jets.
You know more than current PAF commander? Do explain please how you have info our commanders don't?
J-10CP Helmet Mounted System

HMDCS: Helmet-Mounted Display and Cueing System.

The system is used mainly on 4.5/4+ generation mutirole jets. The helmet uses displays and optics to project important visual information and targeting data on the visor of the helmet.


The HMD provides the pilot with situation awareness, an enhanced image of the scene, and in military applications cue weapons systems, to the direction their head is pointing. By using the head angle as a pointer to direct air-to-air and air-to-ground weapons seekers or other sensors (e.g., radar, FLIR) to a target merely by pointing his head at the target.

In close combat prior to HMDs, the pilot had to align the aircraft to shoot at a target. HMDs allow the pilot to simply point his head at a target, designate it to weapon and shoot.

This capability is especially useful paired with high off-boresight missiles that are able to hit targets 90° or more offset from the nose of the firing aircraft. These systems allow targets to be designated with minimal aircraft maneuvering, minimizing the time spent in the threat environment, and allowing greater lethality, survivability, and pilot situational awareness.


@PWFI @FuturePAF @Falcon26 @_NOBODY_ @Hakikat ve Hikmet
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Low by pass ratio engine for MMU TF-23 KAAN

"Concept of the new generation engine. They are engines with low bypass ratio, fuel efficiency and small diameter high thrust.


Approx the engine diameter being the same; The F35's engine runs much hotter than the F22's engine and produces almost the same dry thrust.

The reason for this is related to the bypass ratio, there is also the metallurgy involved

Allows the dry thrust to be close to the thrust produced while the afterburner is active, paving the way for the supercruise ability. This allows the engine to perform at lower temperatures.

F110 has a very high bypass ratio, resulting in low engine dry thrust. With the afterburner, almost twice the thrust is obtained. For this reason, it is quite inadequate for supercruise.


Hence utill if MMU or KAAN uses F-110 engine it cannot super cruise and stay as 4.5 Generation.

F-135 engine runs at 1980 degrees, so a very high heat signature. The F35 has structural cooling to reduce this trace. However, with this cooling, we do not know if the heat signature goes down to the level of the F110.


Temel Kotil's statement, With the development & integration of national engine for KAAN , It will be able to fly at supersonic speed for hours. In other words, it is aimed at a similar level with the F22 engine.

Work has been continuing since 2018 under the partnership of TR Motor and TEI. Hundreds of engineers are developing the engine.The domestic engine will start flight tests on KAAN in 2028. Mass production deliveries in 2030 will be with domestic engines."



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MAY 07 - 2023


When it comes to military hardware, nothing quite catches the ordinary person’s imagination like fighter jets. They are, in many ways, charismatic objects elevated often to being sources of national pride. This is doubly the case if the plane in question can be labelled to some degree as being indigenous.


The Falkland Islands silhouette is seen painted next to the cockpit of an aircraft of Argentina's Air Force on March 7, 2022. (Juan Mabromata/AFP via Getty Images)


In Pakistan, one needs not be an aviation enthusiast to develop at least some degree of fascination for fighter jets. From the Sabre’s that engaged in dogfights over Lahore in 1965 to the F-16s that have formed the tip of Pakistan Air Force’s spear for four decades, multiple types have won some iconic status.

The JF-17, if for no other reason than that Pakistan can claim it as its own, occupies similar status.

So it’s no wonder that any report or rumour of sale becomes the subject of discussion and speculation.

Recently, some rumblings from the other side of the world have triggered such speculation. A country from South America with many parallels to ours – some superficial and some tragic – has expressed interest in the jets for perhaps the same reasons that led Pakistan to develop them.

Cash-strapped, embargo stricken Argentina is the latest country to express a desire to purchase the JF-17 fighter. If the sale goes through, it could perhaps become the most significant operator of the type outside of Pakistan.

But is there some substance to the development or are we making a mountain out of a molehill? The Express Tribune turned to prominent international and local defence experts to unpack what Argentina, China and Pakistan could gain from such a deal, and whether its even likely to go through.


Air force woes

To unpack the current state of Argentina’s air force and wider military dynamics in Latin America, The Express Tribune reached out to Dr Carlos Solar, a senior research fellow in the International Security Studies team at RUSI. He shared that the current state of all three Argentinian armed services had put them in a state of doubt about their capacity to deploy forces.

“If you think about the current state of Argentine military… it was once heavily armed in the 70s and 80s given geopolitics of the time,” said Dr Solar, whose research is focused on security dynamics in the Americas, notably on military, human security, and international relations issues that connect with the West.

“[But now] the navy is in a dire situation… as evident by the accident that led to the sinking of a submarine. [And] if you look at IISS military balance documents, all Argentina has are around 20 American-made A-4 Hawks and 10 training planes and other non-fighter jets.”

To draw a contrast, Dr Solar compared Argentina’s military to that of its neighbour Chile’s, which he said the former was almost days if not hours away from declaring war upon at one point in the late 70s. “Both Argentina and Chile were dictatorships at the time and generals [on both sides] put a lot of effort into maintaining their respective armed forces.”

The present situation between the two air forces is starkly different, said Dr Solar, with Chile able to obtain F-16s as the mainstay of its air force. The woes of Argentina’s air force, the RUSI analyst explained were down to two developments.

“Of course, Chile didn't go to war with the UK. So Argentina has a UK arms embargo that is severely cutting any possibilities for them to buy new equipment without going through the censorship of whatever the UK government might say,” he said, referring to the war over the Falklands/Malvinas in the early 80s.

But another factor also severely hampered Argentina’s ability to replenish and maintain a capable air force that was once widely respected in the region and the rest of the world.


“The armed forces don't have that much of a lobby power in Argentina, unlike Brazil – where we saw them helping the government with Jair Bolsonaro – or Colombia – where they have been fighting for 60 years,” Dr Solar shared.

The armed forces of Chile, on the other hand, did and when the country democratised, were able to keep military corporate privileges that allowed the country to reinvest in new arms and equipment. “Argentina was on the other end of the spectrum. Civilian authorities didn't budget for their armed forces at all.”


The path to Thunder

Despite meagre means, Argentina’s air force has explored various options to acquire more capable jets for its air force, either new or second-hand.

In the early 2010s, the country set its sights on French-built Mirage F1M fighters that Spain’s air force was phasing out. But under UK pressure, Spain’s government scrapped the deal in March 2014 and private operators have since picked up the fighters in question.

Another jet the Argentinians looked at was a highly modified version of the Israeli Kfir jet, which Colombia still uses and Ecuador once used. Negotiations were abruptly called off with no official word in 2017, but reports cited price and technical concerns regarding the fighter’s aging engine and other systems.


The Swedish Gripen, claimed by its manufacturer to be the cheapest fighter to operate, was another that drew Argentina’s attention. But even as neighbouring South American powerhouse Brazil inked a deal to locally produce the fighter, the UK blocked any sale to Argentina by not allowing the export of British subsystems used in the plane.

A sale of Korean FA-50 fighter-trainer fell to a similar fate. “In 2017 Argentina tried to buy FA-50s from South Korea which fell through due to the UK arms embargo as it used components made in the UK that were subject to the embargo,” said Dr Solar.


“Since they’ve tried before unsuccessfully with Western partner … I think the Argentinian government, irrespective of colour, left or right, is undergoing a process of saying we might never buy anything from the West and our only vendors will come from the East.”


The case for JF-17s

Speaking to The Express Tribune, Air Commodore (retd) Jamal Hussein said that one of the biggest selling points for the JF-17 is that is around 50 per cent cheaper to buy and operate than any other fighter aircraft that offers similar capability.

“The unit cost of the latest Block 3 version of the JF-17 is only around $50 million, and this version comes with an AESA radar,” he pointed out.

He explained that there was a time when the most important thing while evaluating a fighter aircraft was how fast or manoeuvrable it was.

But now, the question of how good a radar it comes with and what the range of missiles it can be armed with is more important.

“There was a time when China was far behind when it came to avionics. This was the case when the Pakistan Air Force acquired the Chinese-made F-6 fighters,” Hussein shared. “Now the situation is completely different. Chinese radars, avionics and other sub-components have caught up. They still may not be as good as the Americans, but they offer competitive capability for a much lower price point.”

He said that on paper, for instance the PL-15 missile that the JF-17 Block 3 can be armed with has a much longer range than the US-made AMRAAM and French MICA missiles. The latter is what the India’s newly acquired Rafale fighters are armed with.


“For an offensive operation, the JF-17 is not ideal. But if you’re looking for the air defence factor and are short on cash, the JF-17 is the best buy,” he observed.

“For air combat, the JF-17 is more than capable and as an air defence fighter, it would suit an air force like Argentina’s perfectly. The only problem I foresee with this acquisition is how much influence the US can bring to bear.”

Sharing insight on China’s increasing advancements in the high-end military aviation sector, Dr Lukas Fiala, who researches China’s defence industry, military strategy and emerging security relationships with countries in the Global South, acknowledged that the country is knocking on the doors of major defence firms in the West.

“They're probably overall not quite there yet but broadly speaking, the relative progress that China has made is very impressive. To deny that progress would be to distort the picture a little bit,” he said.

Dr Fiala, who is also the Project Coordinator of China Foresight, a China-focused research programme at the LSE’s IDEAS foreign policy think-tank, viewed the JF-17 as an interesting project. “It's one of the few defense industrial offset projects that China has and it has been successful over the long term. The latest block is very important and shows that China is increasingly able to develop fairly advanced and also very capable weaponry.”

According to Dr Fiala, if China is able to frame the JF-17 as a more budget friendly option, then that obviously will increase the opinion of the aircraft.

“China usually does this in either one of two ways: Either they offer a state-to-state loan for the procurement of the aircraft, and then sometimes that loan is paid back by commodities. The other option would be to offer buyers' credits, which AVIC has done previously in South Africa. [It’s] essentially a firm level brand of a loan that a government could pay back.”

Given that AVIC is a state-to-state enterprise and given that China has obviously the largest sovereign credit across the developing world, China is sort of in a unique position because it has these budgetary arrangements that it can actually offer to countries, Dr Fiala said.

Comparing the possible sale to the used F-16 route the US is pressuring Buenos Aires towards, he highlighted the downside of the latter for Argentine military planners.

“If Argentina were to procure F-16s, what’s the downside of that? The UK and US are very close allies at the end of the day and the US can either limit the ways in which those jets can be used or exert influence through maintenance, repair, and operations (MRO). The UK's position is fairly consistent it that it obviously wants to embargo Argentinean purchases that enhance its military capacity.”


“The Argentine Air Force would rather prefer the [Lockheed Martin] F-16, but the U.S. government does not help with it, as it is only willing to authorize a sale under very restrictive conditions,” the officer told Defense News.

“An Argentine request for allowance to integrate Rafael’s Derby BVR missile, as well as other Israeli weapons and systems, in the F-16 was made around a month ago,” the officer added. “No answer has come from Washington, and the silence sounds like a no here in Buenos Aires. Many here see these objections to the sale of AMRAAM and the integration of Israeli weapons as a product of British pressure or influence on the U.S. authorities.


Given its current challenges, Dr Fiala said any aircraft model would be useful for the Argentine Air Force. “While the JF-17 may not be as welcome a choice as F-16s, it does come with fairly advanced and capable missiles.”

Lastly, he drew attention to the defence industrial component.

“China could obviously offer, some form of a defense industrial offset to Argentina whereby parts of the plane are manufactured locally or the platform is assembled locally. That may take care of any hesitancy on the Argentine side,” he said. “China could also offer some form of local capacity transfer, to make sure that local engineers and local technicians actually know how the plane works, and how to assemble the plane, maintain the plane, etc.”

The case against JF-17s

Despite seeming the best fit its air force on paper, Dr Solar said there is severe pressure for the Argentinian government not to buy any Chinese related military equipment. “A potential sale of JF-17s will clearly be a game changer … not just for Argentina but the entire Southern world,” he said. “It would put major military equipment from China in Latin America, which is seen by Western powers, the UK and US especially, with a lot of scepticism.”


The RUSI analyst pointed out that defence diplomacy moves on a different track from political diplomacy. “In terms of military to military diplomacy, Argentinians have been doing quite well in terms of being very clear. They’re very close to Chile, which already has F-16s.

From a strategic point of view, if the Argentinians and Chileans have F-16s, basically the whole Southern corner of Latin America can be policed with interoperable planes. It makes a lot of sense for Argentina to have Western equipment, even if it's just one submarine, two frigates, or a handful of F-16s, because it creates an interoperable force that is larger and international.”

However, a sale of JF-17s will place Argentina in a clear long-term relationship with China, because of the commitment to service them. The Chinese may even use it as an entry point for military exercises with and in Argentina. “It's the long-term relationship that worries the US and all its partners,” he said.

Given the role of bilateral exercises between Chile and Argentina in bringing sustainable peace and friendship to two nations that were once on verge of war, the former might also view Argentina switching sides to China with some scepticism, noted Dr Solar. “It might even affect that peace, which was created with some indirect help from the US and other Western powers. Basically with such a purchase, Argentina is saying goodbye to those relationships.”

The other issue potentially blocking the sale is purely economic. “Around $640 million for a country that needs that kind of money for social policy as its people suffer under more than 100% inflation. The defence ministry will defend any investment in the military because it’s their parcel. But it will be seen as a big issue given that the same money could go into health or the country’s poorer regions,” Dr Solar explained.

F-16 alternative and the UK question

While Argentina and China explore a possible JF-17 sale, the United States has sought to facilitate an alternative. Used F-16s that Denmark’s air force is looking to phase out in favour of fifth generation F-35s have been offered to Argentina, although the UK continues to lobby against such a sale.

For Dr Solar and Dr Fiala, the UK’s stance posed the million-dollar question when it came to whether Argentina will buy JF-17s or F-16s for its air force.

According to the latter, broadly speaking, it would not be in the UK's interest to have JF17s in Argentina. “If the UK believes that China is a systemic challenge and that Beijing uses all levels of state power to advance its agenda, it would be more in the interest of the UK to have the F-16s in Argentina, just because there'd be some form of accountability,” Dr Fiala said.

With the sort of capabilities the JF-17 may provide Argentina, Dr Solar believed the country’s air force would be able to extend its reach to the Malvinas/Falklands territory “This would force the UK to rethink its military presence in the South Atlantic. For the UK, servicing the Falklands is quite expensive already. Imagine if it has to double its military footprint.”

So why would the UK not want Argentina to have Western equipment so that can be easily controlled by either them or the Americans? Dr Solar noted that for the US, it definitely makes a lot of sense to have Argentina on their side rather than allowing them to fall into the Chinese hand. “But I think the UK strategically sees that the Argentinians are still pushing the issue of territorial sovereignty over the South Atlantic. That's the keystone here,” he observed.

Although Argentina presently has a good relationship with the UK and signed a treaty where both parties agreed to a kind of status quo towards the reclamation for the Malvinas/Falklands, Dr Solar noted that it would be political suicide for an Argentine government, irrespective of colour, to give up its stance on the islands. “That raises alerts for the UK and is a major obstacle for the British government to say we're going to let the Argentinians rearm themselves, even if it's with Western military equipment.”


The RUSI analyst shared that that is probably why the US is on the wall about supplying Argentina with F-16s as well. “Politically once it goes outside the reach of the military and up to elected politicians in Congress or the White House, they would say what should we prioritise? Our partnership with UK, with whom we’re putting all our effort in the fight against the Russians and to contain China? Or do we turn our back on the British and see how it plays?”

Continued ... Last Part

Election year tango

Dr Solar tried to put all the narratives around Argentina’s defence in the context of elections later this year in the Latin American nation. “We are now in an electoral year, with a presidential election scheduled in December, so all of these narratives are clearly pointing towards winning an extra point towards the end of the race,” he said, pointing out that the government is picking on all the agendas that it can. “It was winning the World Cup one day, claiming sovereignty over the Falklands and so on.”

According to him, the JF-17 links only got into the news quite recently because Argentina’s Defence Minister Jorge Taiana travelled to China and said his country finally had an agreement for the jets. “Around $20 million, under that agreement, would be used to build infrastructure needed for the fighter planes and that sent a signal that Argentina would be able keep them airworthy. Currently, the aircraft the Argentine air force operates have severe limitations… the A-4s, for instance fly once a year for the Argentine national day and that's it.”


“Announcing this massive military procurement, which will keep your military audience quite happy… there are political signs being sent with this potential purchase,” he explained. But this sort of signalling, according to Dr Solar, also is responsible for apprehension in London. “I tend to believe that there's concern in the UK on whether Argentina will definitely turn into a more anti-Western, anti-UK kind of like country, irrespective of colour.”

Chinese foothold

Dr Solar noted that Argentina already has some older technology-based engagement with China.

“Take the case of the 16-storey-high military-run space antenna in Patagonia. That project triggered a lot of questions – where did the money come from, how much did China invest, who’s got accountability, etc. Argentinian Congress has kept total secrecy on that move. There are a lot of voices within the UK and the US that have raised concern,” he said.


He also explained that there is a spectre of non-alignment in the region, which plays significantly in terms of all these wars in other parts of the world and geopolitics. “Latin American nations say these are not a matter for Latin America, but the US and UK are sending a signal that they better reassess that idea.”

But although there is Chinese military equipment in the region right now, it so far has not enough for Americans to see it as a game-changer. “They have been mostly donations of very small numbers of equipment to countries like Bolivia, Ecuador, Nicaragua and Venezuela, which have moved away from the American side.”

According to Dr Solar, Latin American militaries usually buy technologies that are either second hand or not top of the line. But Argentina’s JF-17 procurement could also trigger an arms race by providing them with some top-of-the-range technologies.

“China basically offers platforms that a nation with limited money and needs can fit with what it requires and can afford. You don't need as much equipment to patrol your borders for challenges like potentially illegal fishing and the Chinese know this,” he said.

By selling new technologies, Dr Solar said China would be sending a message that their willing to share the results of the huge technological jump they’ve made and that they can be reliable partners.

“The Chinese also play the trade and investments card, which is quite big in regions like ours,” he added. “So I can see why countries that are thinking about saving costs from expensive technologies could fall in the hands of the Chinese.”

For Argentina, the relationship with the United States has been good if seen in terms of military-to-military diplomacy only, Dr Solar said.

Jef 1.jpg

“The military on both sides have been able to navigate the waters even when politicians stir the pot. Latin America is also a region that currently in peace. There's no reason why the US could have pushed Argentina out of its sphere.”

But any sale that Argentina agrees to will send a huge signal to the rest of the region that there's a clear separation from this historic US-Latin America military-to-military relationship, he added.

Design: Mohsin Alam

What’s in it for China (and perhaps Pakistan)?

For Dr Fiala, any sale of JF-17 to Argentina would definitely be an inflection point for China's success in the global defence industry, for starters. “I think China has been able to move up with the value chain over the last 10 to 15 years in defence equipment more broadly and in aerospace particularly.”
And that, he said, has happened mostly due to targeted reform of China's defence industry that was led by the government starting from the mid 90s but really accelerated in the mid 2000s.

“It then further accelerated under Xi Jinping. As we see from programmes such as the J-20 stealth fighter and even the [fourth generation] J-10, China has been able to not only adapt Russian equipment, but increasingly so innovate the top of these legacy foundations.”

Dr Fiala also imagined that a host of Latin American governments are interested in diversifying their diplomatic relationships, which is particularly evident in the case of responses to the Ukraine war from the region. Whether through defence deals or not, it is easy to conclude that is an opportunity China would want to seize.


But while there’s always a major political component to defence deals, Dr Fiala pointed out that ultimately the main agents are the companies that are trying to access these markets.

“They do have to make a profit, right? For them, obviously, Latin America would be, if the opportunity presents itself, a welcome market.”

So where would Pakistan stand, if Argentina does acquire JF-17s? Discussing this question, Wing Commander (retd) Naseem Ahmed highlighted a unique facet of the JF-17 programme. According to him, while the Pakistan and China share the coproduction of the jet, its global marketing was carried out independently by both nations.

“But despite this, if a sales pitch to another nation, whether by Pakistan or China is successful, both nations participate in the production of the order.”

“Even if Argentina is negotiating only with China for the purchase of JF-17s, this is a very good thing for Pakistan,” added Air Commodore (retd) Jamal Hussein.

“While the JF-17’s engine comes from Russia and other major components like the radar are from China, most of the actual manufacture of the fighter jet takes place in Kamra in Pakistan,” he said. “In terms of cost, Pakistan accounts for 10 to 40 per cent of the JF-17.”

Even so, Wing Commander Naseem, a final sale would depend on how much influence the US has on the Argentine government, and how much China would be able to counter it and the Argentines able to resist it.


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Another MiG-21 of IAF crashes on 9th May 2023 , Sources claim that the CRASHED MiG-21 Bison aircraft is from No. 4 Sqd (Oorials) of the Indian Air Force based at Uttarlai Air Force Station in Uttarlai in Barmer, Rajhastan, India. So far 483 out of the fleet of 873 MiG-21 jets have suffered accidents.

Indian Airforce should induct Tejas in rapid numbers , which has a good safety record and dump the MiG-21 on war footing.

The Flying Coffins are also a cause of humiliation for IAF after the Swift retort saga at hands of PAF AIM-120 BVR.

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IAF begins induction of Loitering Munition.

In an effort to match PAF UAV edge due to Chinese 7 Turkish inductions - IAF has started receiving TATA ALS-50 Loitering drone. It's has VTOL capacity & has range of 50Km.


VTOL capability of TATA ALS-50 drone, allows it to navigate in confined quarters like vessel decks, fortified mountain positions, small jungle clearings, and narrow valley.



In addition -

Indian Navy MQ-9B Sea Guardian UAV was reported flying near Myanmar Coco island in Bay of Bengal,amid military upgrade at that facility.

It may be noted that the Indian Navy currently operate 2 of these Sea Guardians on lease from USA , with a possible deal for more in future.



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PAF F-16 Block 52s are participating with Emirati, and Turkish Vipers - all newer blocks. Typhoons from Qatar with SNIPER pods.


This year the PAF has sent its elite set of Viper Riders from No 5 "Falcons" Multi-role Squadron.





In the trainings, the Red Force Role taken up by 8 x F-16C/D Aircraft belonging to the 132nd Fleet Command.
SDT product Turkish indigenous ACMI Pod is used in 4 of the aircraft.

HvKK's other aircraft include the EHUD III ACMI Pod

The PAF F-16 No. 5 Sqn Block 52+ conducting for an AE mission.
The pod on the wingtip perhaps an EHUD III [Not the SDT that the other Pakistani jets were carrying] .


PAF F-16C seen equipped with Turkish SDT ACMI pod.

Three different ACMI pods in a single exercise.

Last year during IDEAS 2022, PAF contracted similar pods for intergation onto JF-17 fighters.







Emirati Air Force F-16E Block-60 armed with AGM-88 HARM Anti-Radiation Missile taxiing at Konya during Exercise Anatolian Eagle 2023.

SEAD configured Block 60s at Konya. It's very rare that the Emiratis ever fly with HARMs outside of the UAE.




The HALE Akinci UAV is reportedly also participating in the tactical exercise. This will benefit the participants such as PAF to share & learn deployment strategies for employing this state of the art UAV system with other Aerial / Ground Assets.



Anatolian Tiger - Turkish Air Force F-16C from 192 Squadron is r also present at Anatolian Eagle 2023



Qatari Typhoons are also flying with the regular ACMIs and not the Turkish SDT pods. A SNIPER pod on the centerline here as well.




PAF's Former Air Chief Marshall Mujahid Anwar Khan in Pakistani airspace while sitting in a JF-17 Bravo.

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Indian Airforce Updates

Tejas LCA MK-1A with AESA Technology


C-295 for Indian Airforce.

India signed a Rs 21,935 crore contract with Airbus for 56 C-295 aircraft, which will replace its ageing fleet of HS-748 Avro aircraft.



  • A Total of 56 aircraft on order
  • Out of which first 16 will join in flyaway condition
  • 40 to be manufactured in India by Airbus-Tata JV


A Contingent of Indian Air Force Crew being trained for C-295 Tactical Transport Aircraft at a Airbus facility in Seville, Spain

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The Ammunition , Weapons, Sensors & Radars tech on any Aerial Platform now supersedes the previous mantra of Maneuverability & Speed ...!


A capability of NOTE for Aerial Platforms is to carry out SEAD Missions.
US Northrop Grumman has completed 5th successful test of AGM-88 HAARM-ER version Anti Radiation Missile.

The HAARM-ER comes with extended range, improved seeker, better anti jamming capabilities and multi spectrum tracking.

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"An air force commander must exploit the extreme flexibility, the high tactical mobility, and the supreme offensive quality inherent in air forces, to mystify and mislead his enemy, and so to threaten his various vital centers as to compel him to be dangerously weak at the point which is really decisive at the time. "

-- MRAF John C. Slessor


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