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The Attack on Pakistan's Erieye

Am no conspiracy theorist, but this part always bugged me , why would an anti India Taliban kill assets which would never be used against it.. but be used against India....

TTP might have help from anti Pakistani states but in essence it against the very existence of our way of life the way normal people live in these todays, so if its Pakistan today then its India tomorrow. they consider a very simplified version of Islam where there is no concept of disagreement or dissent and only punishment is capital punishment for a very minor to big crime (or alleged crime).

their supporters consider the graveyard peace of Afghanistan (during taliban) as peaceful and progressive. such mentality doesnt discriminate race or religion and doesnt recognise international boundaries so its likely that these people will move to India to target Indian Muslims first and then others
they consider all Muslims as munafiq (hypocrites) and heretics who dont believe in their ideology so thats why Al qaeda, TTP and Taliban victims are 99% Muslims. but it doesnt mean that they would show any mercy to nonMuslims where ever they came accross the nonMuslims they have executed women and men with same barbarity.

in the beginning, the Americans (out of their arrogance) tried to portray them as dimwit loonies and fanatics, whereas these guys are very meticulous, cold and calculating. they not only have attacked Pakistani bases where they found gaps in the security and indeed used the sympathy and confusion of general population (you can walk away with any heinous crime if you are successful able to convince the public that its for service of Islam). they also attacked a very well guarded NATO base in Afghanistan and many outposts as well. now one might argue that Afghan fighters are simply freedom fighters but there is no assurance that they dont share the same source pool to kill hazaras of Afghanistan and Pakistan, attack and abduct Pakistani soldiers and behead them, murder women and girls, blow up schools etc.

for now as long as TTP guys keep their attacks against the Pakistani state, they are best friends of enemies of Pakistan and no doubt its the reason why TTP leadership finds safe refuge in Kunar in Afghanistan.
I believe zardari regime is using its resources and authority to facilitate indians, carry out their operations against securtiy forces.

Of course Zardari's media wing, is misleading the nation.

So Zardari is SUPERMAN of the world? :rofl:

PAF is nothing in front of him, cos' he is letting them get pasted
PA is nothing in front of him, cos' he is letting them get pasted
PN is nothing in front of him, actually nothing in front of anyone
ISI is nothing in front of him, cos' he is pasting them
ISPR is nothing in front of him, cos' they are only singing his songs

And Zardari is nothing in front of India, because India can make him do all of the above!
Then I must be Superman, cos' my country can make him do all that :D

C'mon give Zardari a break; he is not so smart as all that, besides you are only running down your own institutions. Which have been around long before anybody had even heard of Zardari....
At what point will the PAF be answerable to the general public, or at least the handful that pay taxes? For an Air Force to lose its most expensive asset, at a time when it has virtually no funds to procure anything else, is absolutely embarrassing. The IAF planners would have accounted for the destructions of these aircraft in their most optimistic scenarios; we have managed to destroy them on the ground deep within Pakistan.

In modern day net centric warfare, there are few more valuable assets than the AEWCs. Yet one (at least) was destroyed within a couple of years of induction. It is analogous to buying a Ferrari and then smashing it on the light pole right in front of the showroom. We might as well have sent the millions of dollars to Kashmir and let the NLI burn it for warmth. At least then it would have benefited someone.

What's most frustrating is the incremental advantage each AEWCs aircraft provides. The safety of each platform should have been paramount. Pakistan isn't the first nation to suffer losses at a base, the Americans come to mind, but we have lost a sizable portion of our war fighting capability in one swoop. A professional air force exists only to protect the skies and thereby it's own assets required for said job. For the PAF to let this happen, along with its general inaction (forced or otherwise) in recent times, has created serious doubt as to how capable and professional this force really is.
May be they attacked India specific planes just to derail peace process. Isn't it obvious that people jumped to conclusion that India was behind this.

All possible, I recall that call from Ilyas Kashmri (please forgive me if I am quoting wrong name) who allegedly called while in custody and bullied Asif Zardari acting as an Indian official threatening to attack Pakistan. TTP has expressed its desire that India Pakistan start a war so that it can operate more easily in the chaos.

the more easier and lazier (because we lack proof) conclusion is that these terrorists are getting specialist training and information (from say CIA or RAW) on what targets to destroy that apparently pose no threat to Al Qaeda/ TTP's Islam but can be used against a country's air force or Navy

So Zardari is SUPERMAN of the world? :rofl:

PAF is nothing in front of him, cos' he is letting them get pasted
PA is nothing in front of him, cos' he is letting them get pasted
PN is nothing in front of him, actually nothing in front of anyone
ISI is nothing in front of him, cos' he is pasting them
ISPR is nothing in front of him, cos' they are only singing his songs

And Zardari is nothing in front of India, because India can make him do all of the above!
Then I must be Superman, cos' my country can make him do all that :D

C'mon give Zardari a break; he is not so smart as all that, besides you are only running down your own institutions. Which have been around long before anybody had even heard of Zardari....

go in the naughty corner you bad bad naughty boy, for your information our navy is better than many navies in the world so be quiet.
go in the naughty corner you bad bad naughty boy, for your information our navy is better than Nepal' & Afghanistan's Navy so be quiet.

@Irfan Baloch;
Now seriously; the PN is far far better than that. It is (in my view) among the better Navies in the world. Its just been treated as a "child of a lesser god" for decades and decades. Which is absolutely foolish.
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At what point will the PAF be answerable to the general public, or at least the handful that pay taxes? For an Air Force to lose its most expensive asset, at a time when it has virtually no funds to procure anything else, is absolutely embarrassing. The IAF planners would have accounted for the destructions of these aircraft in their most optimistic scenarios; we have managed to destroy them on the ground deep within Pakistan.

In modern day net centric warfare, there are few more valuable assets than the AEWCs. Yet one (at least) was destroyed within a couple of years of induction. It is analogous to buying a Ferrari and then smashing it on the light pole right in front of the showroom. We might as well have sent the millions of dollars to Kashmir and let the NLI burn it for warmth. At least then it would have benefited someone.

What's most frustrating is the incremental advantage each AEWCs aircraft provides. The safety of each platform should have been paramount. Pakistan isn't the first nation to suffer losses at a base, the Americans come to mind, but we have lost a sizable portion of our war fighting capability in one swoop. A professional air force exists only to protect the skies and thereby it's own assets required for said job. For the PAF to let this happen, along with its general inaction (forced or otherwise) in recent times, has created serious doubt as to how capable and professional this force really is.

It takes maturity and training to be able to ask questions.
Our public is not in the habbit of asking questions.

What I would like is first PAF's process to to start withe the base commander.

He had prior warning, PAF knew the enemy, PAF knew the value of the assets, the base commander had time to prepare.

Let justice he done, PAF take the moral authority and teach the nation.
man! 250 million dollars ! that's a cr@p load of moolah... Probably the most successful (in terms of money and not lives because each life is invaluable) attack by TTP in Pakistan..

Pakistan have been arguing for years that Islam is what Afghanistan need (Taliban), now of course, if it's good for Afghanistan, why is it so bad for Pakistan? Once again, hung up with their own petard. Infiltrate and Provoke.

Some ask when PAF will be accountable? Why now? When have the Pakistani armed forces ever been accountable? After eating up the majority of Pakistan's budget, when have they ever delivered?

Krait nobody jumped to the conclusion that the Indian did this - it was the official position to point towards the Indian as the culprit, think of all the problems, it's always the "hidden hand" and the "foreign hand" -- Isn't it curious that after 12 years, Pakistanis do not know who the enemy is, and what the enemy is?

Until Pakistanis can develop a consensus as to who is the enemy and what is the enemy, no one is going to be held accountable - expect more such events.

Infiltrate and provoke.

ISLAMABAD: In an attack on Kamra airbase, an Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) plane was destroyed, while ten attackers were also killed, the National Assembly Standing Committee on Defence was told on Wednesday.

Defence Secretary Lieutenant General (retired) Asif Yasin Malik informed the committee that the defence installations saw their last attacks in Peshawar and the Kamra airbase.

He said intelligence officials who supported the terrorists had also been charged.

AWACS plane destroyed in Kamra attack, NA body told - thenews.com.pk
It takes maturity and training to be able to ask questions.
Our public is not in the habbit of asking questions.

Not asking the right questions actually.
I recall a speech by a Scholar on Islamic history and the first question from the audience was if using microphone was halal or haram!!!!!

indeed there is a colonial mentality among the holders of important positions (civil & military) that they are not answerable to anyone. while a public inquiry is launched, I would like to know if the same base or other bases have had any improvement in security or is it still those half alert half asleep and bored soldiers lazily holding a gun behind a barrier?

ISLAMABAD: In an attack on Kamra airbase, an Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) plane was destroyed, while ten attackers were also killed, the National Assembly Standing Committee on Defence was told on Wednesday.

Defence Secretary Lieutenant General (retired) Asif Yasin Malik informed the committee that the defence installations saw their last attacks in Peshawar and the Kamra airbase.

He said intelligence officials who supported the terrorists had also been charged.

AWACS plane destroyed in Kamra attack, NA body told - thenews.com.pk


It gives me no pleasure, but it's important, because you are an important person, that you see things in their proper light - Infilrate and Provoke
Not asking the right questions actually.
I recall a speech by a Scholar on Islamic history and the first question from the audience was if using microphone was halal or haram!!!!!

indeed there is a colonial mentality among the holders of important positions (civil & military) that they are not answerable to anyone. while a public inquiry is launched, I would like to know if the same base or other bases have had any improvement in security or is it still those half alert half asleep and bored soldiers lazily holding a gun behind a barrier?

Correct, but it has to start some where ... somone needs to be made an example.

A very easy to follow, learn from watching kind of example.
so people can take up the habbit, today with officers tomorrow with politicians.
And ever since Adnan Rashid escaped from Bannu jail, attacks like this have been happening. Kamra, Peshawar and a couple of other attempts...I am sure Adnan Rashid is the master planner of these attacks.

what a shame, that he escaped
and even more shameful that he might find supporters and sympathisers among his family & general public.

Adnan Rasheed has been made operational commander of a special unit comprising of elite Uzbek and Taliban militiants (Khurasan Group) and he is been assigned task to attack prison jails and free the terrorists inside.

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