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The Attack on Pakistan's Erieye

This is again a speculations, there is no proof for that. Some member here said that a month ago i guess.
Thats why I say, don't believe in any speculation or rumor unless u see it. Thats why I wrote in second last post of mine "PLEASE IGNORE MY POST", it was baseless cus I've nothing to back my claim.

Please dont spread wrong info if you have no basis.
This school boy attitude is damaging as it keeps rumor mill alive..
You make z farce statement and then say 'ignore me',and you say you 'seen it'
What exactly did you see?
Were you inside the base at the time of the attack r what?
My school friends are now air commodores and they wont lie to me..I know them from the times when they used to play hide n seek with me.
Plus PAF public relations still insists that 'the original report released to media was based on facts'.
And it looks like all news channels are happy with that or they had run an investigative program on the matter...
If somebody says PAF did not learn their lesson...
Look at recent Peshawar base attack..
PAF did learn their lesson.
Please dont spread wrong info if you have no basis.
This school boy attitude is damaging as it keeps rumor mill alive..
You make z farce statement and then say 'ignore me',and you say you 'seen it'

:lol: then whats this bro ?

But J-019's convertion was discussed between PAF and SAAB and some other options.
PAF may not have gone ahead with conversion for reasons you mention.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakist...awacs-aew-cs-aircrafts-208.html#ixzz2GGbuDTFN

And in reply to your second post, most of my companies are sons of high ranked PAF personals. and I wasn't there inside the base man, I live far far away from Minhas.
Lets just conclude it here, its baseless discussion. I agree that I've spread wrong and baseless info ... infect if you read that post of mine, you will actually find no info there, just signs. Indians here post more baseless stuff, then me. lol
I just wanted to mark two controversies here for future use, that's all.
Plz forgive me, don't report my post let it be there for GOD sake and don't fight, i like your posts a lot. lol
thanks GOD that someone here atleast believed that 1 is not active now ...i started this thing long ago and hit my head to wall but nobody was willing to accept it ..... the common believe was just a minor damage that will be repaired in sometime ..

btw even one erieye is not a small deal for a cash strapped country like Pakistan ....you believe paf is not in hurry to mount the erieye system from, 10025 to another aircraft but i believe its not the matter of hurry or not but limited funds .... we are even finding difficult to finance our home grown aircraft and everything from china is coming on soft loans and ease of financing ...

if you remember saab-2000 deal had saudi hand in financing , no country is going to put money in your pocket if you are going to loose it like this ....first lost of P-3C orion by navy now this ...seems like public money is right on the verge of getting burned in ashes

Million dollars birds are wiped off by handful terrorist what a shame .... i feel like going so harsh by my words ...but this forum is filled with some blind patriots of the armed forces ...so dont wana waste my energy on that coz in return i know what i will be getting ...

Thanks God that you have come down from claiming that 2 Saabs are toast and a third is damaged and refuting every official statement - to now accepting that there is damage to one aircraft only as per official statements at the time - good to see you get there in the end.
Don't go OTT on the cash strapped bit - tell me when in Pakistans entire history it was not cash strapped and did not need soft loans / Saudi help etc etc and despite being forever cash strapped it continues to maintain a credable, effective, minimum detterance against a far larger enemy.
Thanks God that you have come down from claiming that 2 Saabs are toast and a third is damaged and refuting every official statement - to now accepting that there is damage to one aircraft only as per official statements at the time - good to see you get there in the end.
Don't go OTT on the cash strapped bit - tell me when in Pakistans entire history it was not cash strapped and did not need soft loans / Saudi help etc etc and despite being forever cash strapped it continues to maintain a credable, effective, minimum detterance against a far larger enemy.

Are you ok? when did i say that 2 gone and third damaged ...you are mixing my posts with nuclearpak's i said one gone and one damage...btw still no proof whatsoever so better you too refrain from refuting my statements everytime you get a chance ....it sounds as if paf has written you a special letter to inform you about the absolute incident and damage ...until you dont have enough proof to defend your claim don't jump on me ;btw couple of media reports doesnot sound to be a good proof we know over media and their reporting

when you have images of all the four erieyes flying with the exact serial numbers as they were before the attack then come and we will settle it

Till then no point in derailing the thread
Are you ok? when did i say that 2 gone and third damaged ...you are mixing my posts with nuclearpak's

Hey hey buddy!!

Nowhere I said two toasted and one damaged, that was only a rumor that I mentioned somewhere. My stance has always been that one is destroyed/non-operational and one slightly damaged.

And if you people want to continue this little topic, take it to the other thread dedicated to the Saab confusion. That doesn't derail this thread.

Hey hey buddy!!

Nowhere I said two toasted and one damaged, that was only a rumor that I mentioned somewhere. My stance has always been that one is destroyed/non-operational and one slightly damaged.

And if you people want to continue this little topic, take it to the other thread dedicated to the Saab confusion. That doesn't derail this thread.


neither it was me who said so ...the only other person who was of the view was you so i thought you would have said so anywayz sorry for the confusion
well i think ISPR can resolve this whole fiasco in a minute if they reveal the pictures of the SAABs EREYIE in action.
Erieye is not RIP...
All are fine except one which is inactive and stored for repair or spare parts scavenging..
Thats 10025 which appeared in Dubai airshow..|That was the the one damaged in terrorist attack..
Only the airframe was damaged in the attack and since PAF bought all the SAAB 2000 secondhand and cheap,it may not have been feasible to get the airframe repaired,and so it was most probably stored for spares scavenging.
If need arises,the Erieye system can be removed from 10025 and fitted in another SAAB 2000.
But looks like PAF is in no hurry.
Perhaps we do have an official word on AWACS now. And it will be replaced which means that the damage was indeed significant enough to warrant a replacement.
^^^^ the above article says that " there are on going talks for the replacement of spy aircrafts damaged during mehran and kamra airbase attack"

Hence again proved my point that atleast one aircraft was indeed severely damaged and need replacement

and this news is not from some dumb person rather are the words of defense secretary

The article also mentions " New AWACS aircraft will be bought to replace the destroyed AWACS in kamra airbase attack"

Now he used the word Destroyed not damaged

Should be enough for fan boys who were refuting my statement with their aggressive behavior
You know I am kind of lazy :P, so which column is the Saab mentioned in?
I think its enough with "My D*** is longer----Mine is" war........
I think its enough with "My D*** is longer----Mine is" war........

we have such fan boys here whose fanatic behavior always gets better of their pragmatism , for them Pakistan military is like an entity that has been purified from mistakes and blunders ...the only thing they can do is all that heroic stuff ....i had been facing abuses since the day i said atleast one erieye is beyond repair and will need replacement ...no one accepted but reality had to come out one day...and it did ...thanks for posting the article
Look out, after a while, people will question the credibility of the newspaper rather than the news!!

Anyways, good to know that atleast somebody is coming out with the truth.

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