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The Attack on Pakistan's Erieye

PAF does not give a damn what a bunch of fanboys here in the forum are speculating. Unless they are challenged in the media, they will never line the Erieye's up for a demonstration. As far as they are concerned, let all the fanboys on the forum speculate as much as they want. The only person who can clear this ambiguity up online is Sir @Muradk.

Mate I'm not merely a fanboy, but a citizen as well. First I wasn't much interested, however, after your post I demand an answer as well. Now, will the rebuttal be: Who are you to ask the almighty armed forces of Pakistan about anything, how dare you?
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Mate I'm not merely a fanboy, but a citizen as well. First I wasn't much interested, however, after your post I demand an answer as well. Now, will the rebuttal be: Who are you to ask the almighty armed forces of Pakistan about anything, how dare you?

Since you wanted to hear the rebuttal: Who are you to ask the almighty armed forces of Pakistan about anything, how dare you? :D

Just shut up! ;)
Dear xxxxxx

i would like to thank you for your concerns about countries defence and
loyalty to Pakistan. the response given to media outlets by PAF is based
on facts and there is no reality in the rumors. a picture of CAS visit to
PAF Base Minhas just after attack is published in monthly Hilal Magazine,
published by ISPR. in this picture a Saab aeroplane can be seen clearly in

Thank you and best regards
Directorate of Media Affairs
Pakistan Air Force

In God we trust!

had the case, that daringly parked erieyes missed all the action, than it is nothing less than miracle of God.

Otherwise the failure of PAF high command was established, the moment terrorists crossed the wall!
Since you wanted to hear the rebuttal: Who are you to ask the almighty armed forces of Pakistan about anything, how dare you? :D

Just shut up! ;)

Start your charity with your home!
Army is an institution and there is a proper procedure to be adopted for any improvement plan.
While you are one of those who do not criticize for any good reason but you are from the camp of Asif Ali Zardari, who are contacting half the world with one comment 'teach Pak army a lesson, please' and till todate burning in their own fire.

Likes of those, who are more loyal to other states than Pakistan, does not qualify to even call the name of Pak army.
My personal view remains that the official version is correct - ie repairable damage to one aircraft. I'm speculating but perhaps PAF's reasons for being so tright lipped on the subject is to limit feedback / info for the Taliban. The forces appear very concerned about further attacks. I found the latest article in Air International to be very telling -- Every PAF persons face was obscured in the pics!! I think they are now being very carefull about what is disclosed to the media.
Mate I'm not merely a fanboy, but a citizen as well. First I wasn't much interested, however, after your post I demand an answer as well. Now, will the rebuttal be: Who are you to ask the almighty armed forces of Pakistan about anything, how dare you?

agreed its public right to be informed when it comes to security matters except for those where secrecy is needed at any cost due to the sensitivity of info . And in this matter not disclosing anything doesnot make any sense
agreed its public right to be informed when it comes to security matters except for those where secrecy is needed at any cost due to the sensitivity of info . And in this matter not disclosing anything doesnot make any sense

The public has already been informed both by the visitof the defence minister and the ACM. This theory of destruction remains just that. you have no proof. To date no one has explained how it was that the Erieyes were damaged.Under normal circumstances any destruction would have led to a huge blaze which would have destroyed all the planes in the hanger. This was not seen unlike the P3s. So this rumour should now be put to rest.PAF has issued a rebuttal which people have chosen to ignore. You can choose to believe whatever you want but it does not make sense to me.
PS:If you or anyone has any proof present it or email it to anyone of the TTs. Otherwise stop this rant.
What makes me believe the official PAF version is the anti defence attitude of government,had there been any thing other than as stated by PAF officials, a number of idiot parlimentarians from government party must have blurted it out on various media channels.
My personal view remains that the official version is correct - ie repairable damage to one aircraft. I'm speculating but perhaps PAF's reasons for being so tright lipped on the subject is to limit feedback / info for the Taliban. The forces appear very concerned about further attacks. I found the latest article in Air International to be very telling -- Every PAF persons face was obscured in the pics!! I think they are now being very carefull about what is disclosed to the media.

I've said it before but it seems people would like to just keep running the gossip mil. One severely damaged, airframe is difficult to repair as it's a discontinued airframe. So the cost of repairs is very significant. The PAF may chose to use a different aircraft all together and pay for remounting of the AESA.
Another one WAS damaged due to shrapnels. That should have already been fixed or is in the process of getting fixed right now. This was a few weeks worth of a 'fix job'. The third aircraft was in the air so nothing happened to it.
agreed its public right to be informed when it comes to security matters except for those where secrecy is needed at any cost due to the sensitivity of info . And in this matter not disclosing anything doesnot make any sense

Last time i contacted PAF's Public relations Director,he was very cooperative.
It was before 2012 Farnborough and RIAT airshow.
I assumed that since JF-17 was here in 2010,it will be here again in 2012. But PAF name was appearing in RIAT's list as 'invited,pending reply' and not appearing in Farnborough's list. So the confusion was there.
I rang the PR director,a Group Captain he is,as far as i can remember. Told him who i am and from where i am calling and asked him if he can tell me that JF-17 will come to UK this year or not. He told me to ring him after 2 days while he finds ouy the info from the concerned personnel of PAF.
2 days later i rang him up,he did attend my call,and gave me the required info.
So there you go,PAF's PR department isnt that bad.
If approached with good reason,they do give you the info.
My reason was that if JF-17 was attending any of the airshows,i had gone with all my lenses,tripods and hired the zoom lenses i didnt have for a propper video of the flying display,if not then a simple pocket camera will do,no point in taking with me a bag full of photography gear,and i told him all that.

But obviously if i call him asking how are the erieyes,he say ask 'tou kaun phai' :lol:
I've said it before but it seems people would like to just keep running the gossip mil. One severely damaged, airframe is difficult to repair as it's a discontinued airframe. So the cost of repairs is very significant. The PAF may chose to use a different aircraft all together and pay for remounting of the AESA.
Another one WAS damaged due to shrapnels. That should have already been fixed or is in the process of getting fixed right now. This was a few weeks worth of a 'fix job'. The third aircraft was in the air so nothing happened to it.

So basically, the terrorists managed to score more than 50%.. of what was available!

Anyhow, the issue here is the pathetic display of carelessness.

May be there is some good hidden by Allah in it and we shall have a lesson to learned!
So basically, the terrorists managed to score more than 50%.. of what was available!

Anyhow, the issue here is the pathetic display of carelessness.

May be there is some good hidden by Allah in it and we shall have a lesson to learned!


There is no good written in it---Allah has put our warriors to shame and disgrace---. There was a lesson to be learnt---only if the base commander along with his security chief would have been hanged in public.

Please don't bring the sacred name of Allah in this disgusting nation of mine full of misdeeds and corruptions----please don't put the name of Allah to shame---.

There is no good written in it---Allah has put our warriors to shame and disgrace---. There was a lesson to be learnt---only if the base commander along with his security chief would have been hanged in public.

Please don't bring the sacred name of Allah in this disgusting nation of mine full of misdeeds and corruptions----please don't put the name of Allah to shame---.

Holy Crap Jozef Stalin ! :blink:
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