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The Americans wonder: Why Did India Put Aging MiG-21 Jets on the Front Lines With Pakistan?

American weapons are nothing more than expensive junk in front of Russian weapons.
American weapons are nothing more than expensive junk in front of Russian weapons.

I don't know why IAF or any other Indian Military Branch considers the fact as such reasonably and not to waste so much of Indian Taxpayers money like that. By the way, ask one military professional who has been at receiving end if we speak about such a tech. The damage is already done by the Indian Establishment while blaming Russian Tech post Operation Swift Retort. Moscow didn't get that pleasantly and these remarks are now merely internet shots. The so much hype of Rafale and whatever being bought during this period, is not well received by Moscow. Every single account has been indirectly or directly blaming Russian Weaponry contrary to the fact as you said so. In the end, you have conclusively and well summarized that it is indeed India that failed on every level despite the fact that they had Russian Weaponry.
The bison is a formidable aircraft, and it was only by employment of special EW methods that we got the kill. The Su30 is technically "invincible," but it was interdicted as well. What surprised me were the Mirages, which had the same electronics as the Rafale (HMD, HUD, RWR, Radar, MAWS), and BVR weapons sans Meteor. They chose to ditch their formation at teh first sight of engagement from a well planned operation.. Both wing men of Su30 and Bison ditched out upon multiple radar locks, prior to even their leaders being shot. So is the Morale of IAF, they don't make them like they used to. The IAF pilots I have been up against were soldiers, fighters, had real courage. The one's right now are perhaps hoping to become airline drivers.
From an areal perspective the only thing that they lacked was a well thought out plan of what to do and pressing their advantage. They didn't anticipate us to rapidly mobilize and be ready for whatever with aggressive actions it's quite clear they didn't have a plan for us turning up the heat.

When Balakot was being planned, conversation must've gone something like:

Sane Indian: What will India do if Pakistan retaliates?
Hindu Extremist Modi: That's impossible. They can't retaliate against us.
Sane Indian: But, what if?
Hindu Extremist Modi: No, it will never happen.
Sane Indian: Should we not draw up a contingency plan just in case?
Hindu Extremist Modi: No, not needed.
... I think MIGS were sent due to their less distance from rajauri where strikes took place other formations followed the mig that was shot down was based in srinagar.

Thats the issue. Why didn't they think to deploy their Su-30 MKIs at the forward bases and re-delopy the Mig-21 Bisons elsewhere?

At the end of the day, they intended to initiate a conflict with Pakistan and they followed it through.

Pakistan promised retaliation and followed it through. But why didn't they put up their best fighters at the forward bases to deter Pakistani retaliation as soon as it was promised?
You are entitled to your opinion however, a Mig 21 and an SU30 out of whose rear end your senna pulled out the C5 fragment will beg to differ with you.
Joe smeer was touting that pic crazy guy himself professional just proving his point being Indian he has no answer about 12th flanker why IAF ordering 12 instead of 11
Cuz India didn't want to lose its more expensive jets and better pilots
The one's right now are perhaps hoping to become airline drivers.

True Sir...

Balakot raid was by mirage2000 x 12 planes
They crossed 80 km into pak airspace bombed the camp and returned undetected
Your pilots radars and awacs did nothing .

The mig21 is India.s vintage fighter and we have 54 left. You shot him down as he engaged your fleeing f16 . He lost situation awareness in a hostile environment.

The mirage 2000 and su30mki did not lose situation swareness and avoided your multiple amraam shots
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