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The Algerian Armed Forces.

In a not too distant past, they show their limits..To say best trained and best equipped in the Muslim world...:what: You are putting layer upon layer of mustard...:cheers: Stay among us, the earthling...would you please.

Well he said one of, not the best.
That is not entirely true. Actually, not true at all. The only place Pakistan is ahead of Algeria, are missiles. Everything else, Algeria has a lead actually.

Yes, Algerian budget is higher than Pakistan budget, which basically means that much of it goes towards maintenance, readiness, higher salaries, etc. This is important.

On paper, Pakistan has 400-500 fighters but that doesn't help you much when 192 of them are J-7, then you have Q-5 and a lot of old Mirages.

So the real Pakistan Air Force is those 50+ JF-17 and 18 Block-52 F-16s. That's real Pakistani Air Force. The rest is more or less useless.

Algerian Air Force on the other hand has 44 Su-30 MKA which clearly have an edge, especially coupled and backed/covered by S-300PMU2 SAMs with 200 KM range, which Pakistan does NOT have.

Regarding MBTs, there are very few modern MBT in Pakistani arsenal, while Algerian Army have 300 T-90. I am not even counting upgraded T-72.

Regarding mobile artilleries and MLRS, Algeria have 18 Smerch MLRS, which are very deadly.

In addition to this, modern trainers such as 16 Yak-130, and also upgraded MiG-29, which count at least another 24 units.

For the Navy, Algeria has 4 Improved Kilo-class SSK, while Pakistani Navy has just received their 4th F-22P frigate. Pakistani SSK are old, and Pakistan is trying to replace them.

So how "much" you have is totally irrelevant. What is relevant is, how many modern platforms you have, and how many of them are ready on very short notice.

63-64 F-16s MLUs (block-52 status), 2-3 sqds of JF-17s,7-8 AWACs,4 ERIYE,ZDK-03,HQ-18 SAMs,3 new Agosta-90B AIPs,6-7 more subs on order,2 older subs,multiple mini subs for special forces,600+ AK-I,1000+ AZ,325 T-84s,thousands of others!,local production of AR-100A with 150 km range, almost 200 Mirages... 10 MPA Hawkeyes 2000s,2+2 Fokers+2-4 ATR series MPAs... 35+ ASW+SAR Z-9 helis, 32 Naval Mirages with ROSE upgrades,Indigenous KRL-122 MLRS,Nassr TNM MLRS etc etc... i could go on and on!
63-64 F-16s MLUs (block-52 status), 2-3 sqds of JF-17s,7-8 AWACs,4 ERIYE,ZDK-03,HQ-18 SAMs,3 new Agosta-90B AIPs,6-7 more subs on order,2 older subs,multiple mini subs for special forces,600+ AK-I,1000+ AZ,325 T-84s,thousands of others!,local production of AR-100A with 150 km range, almost 200 Mirages... 10 MPA Hawkeyes 2000s,2+2 Fokers+2-4 ATR series MPAs... 35+ ASW+SAR Z-9 helis, 32 Naval Mirages with ROSE upgrades,Indigenous KRL-122 MLRS,Nassr TNM MLRS etc etc... i could go on and on!

Thanks Sir that is what was needed I love Algeria and they need to check where the money is going because with the declared budget they have they could have far more number of weapons but something is going wrong
63-64 F-16s MLUs (block-52 status), 2-3 sqds of JF-17s,7-8 AWACs,4 ERIYE,ZDK-03,HQ-18 SAMs,3 new Agosta-90B AIPs,6-7 more subs on order,2 older subs,multiple mini subs for special forces,600+ AK-I,1000+ AZ,325 T-84s,thousands of others!,local production of AR-100A with 150 km range, almost 200 Mirages... 10 MPA Hawkeyes 2000s,2+2 Fokers+2-4 ATR series MPAs... 35+ ASW+SAR Z-9 helis, 32 Naval Mirages with ROSE upgrades,Indigenous KRL-122 MLRS,Nassr TNM MLRS etc etc... i could go on and on!

No, you don't have 63 units of F-16 Block-52, you have 18. Stop dreaming ! The rest are Block 15 that need uprade, a very expencive one if I might add, which Pakistan cannot afford.

Then you have as I mentioned, mixure of Block 1 and 2 JF-17, around 50 units. So that's about 67-68 fighters.

The rest, your "Mirages", are way too old, that Pakistan wish to retire them for even Block 1 JF-17. I would rather have upgraded MiG-29 which Algeria has than those old Mirages.

Yes, you have 3 Agostas that are in some way half-way modern, but they cannot match Improved Kilo-class SSK. Your Agostas are from late 1970s, and that is precisely the reason Pakistan is trying to find 6-7 subs, so they can REPLACE AND SCRAP your socalled "AIP subs" you have today.

By the way, why are you mentioning hypothetical stuff such as Pakistan wanting 6-7 subs? That's totally irrelevant. Has Pakistan payed for them? NO. Are they being built? NO. Should I start mentioning that Algeria wants another 2 Improved Kilo-class SSK? I did NOT mention that, because it's NOT relevant.

Did I mention that Algeria wants Su-35, and will get it? But again, I did NOT mention that, because it's not relevant for today.

Algeria will have San Giorgio class from Italy next year, did I mention that? NO, because it's not relevant for today, but it will be NEXT YEAR.

Did I mention 3 frigates Algeria is waiting for from China and another 2 from Germany? NO, I did not, because that's not relevant today, but it will be relevant in 2014-2015.

So what else do you want to mention on behalf of Pakistan, any other fantasies ?

Oh really, so you have HQ-18 SAM? Where is it, and what are your sources? Because I definitely know that Algeria has S-300PMU2 with 200 KM range, but Pakistan on the other hand, does not have anything close to it. This is once again some fanboy stuff from you, nothing else.

As I already said, Pakistan is ahead of Algeria in missiles primarily, because country has nukes, so that's Pakistans strong card, and without that card, Pakistan would get smashed brutally by India in a few days.

Furthermore, it is not Algeria that faces India, that would be You guys doing that, so I really don't care how "mighy Pakistan" is according to your fantasy about imaginary 6-7 subs coming to Pakistan soon, and imaginary HQ-18 SAMs, and old subs with old Mirages.

You worry about your stuff, and Algeria should worry about ours. Simple as that. One hot tip should be to try to stop being a client of the U.S. and receiving their cash all the time for military purposes. I don't even want to start where Pakistani Army would have been without Chinese help. I am not here to flame or argue, but the fact is that Pakistan has had massive assistance from the U.S. and China, and still is no where near "mightyness" you are talking about.

Algeria on the other hand, does not take any dirty U.S. military aid cash, neither do we fly dirty U.S. fighters. Pure Mother Russia Sukhoi Power :) Payed by our cash, and no strings attached.

Oh, and Algeria has 190 billion USD in reserves :)

Algeria's foreign exchange reserves hit US$190.66bn in 2012 - APS : Algérie Presse Service
PRC2025's reply should be taken seriously.

Algeria has a strong military, and honorable people indeed, but don't you think it's too much to say we are head and shoulders above of Pakistan? :/
Do u want me to list the Tornados and the F-15s the PAF had been operating as a backup plan :lol:?
????, Yzd, we are talking about Pakistan....Not KSA. They might have trained on them but they do not possess these two type of fighters.

:omghaha: Comparing a nuclear armed state to a modest one is utterly insane :D

Algerian armed forces are modest, that why there are called "la grande muette" and Yzd Algeria's nuclear program predate Pakistan's by 5 years, and although we are not a known nuclear armed state, that does not mean its beyond our reach, if the need become strategically and politically detrimental to our existence and it isn't for the lack of vectors.

Actually, in the MENA area they are only 2 countries that can conduct long range missions. Israel and Algeria.

I wouldn't play with Algeria either if you ask me :/ but some people need to put two and two together before posting..

I know PRC2025 did.
@ RaptorRX707

Pakistan has total of 8 AWACS, do you have AWACS ? No? Have you ever routinely red flag exercises or dogfights with F-22 Raptors?

We use to hold exercises with Belgium, and Algerian air force pilots are trained in both schools of air combat...Beside Russian fighter schools they go routinely to US for training. Appearances are deceiving.
We do not have AWACS, but we have other airborn systems that compensate for that.

What was your records during Israel's six days wars?
Our record speak for itself, all the objectives that were given to the AAF were accomplishes without losses. In all the air to air engagements, we had one Mig 17, although severely damaged, the pilote manged to return to his base and landed the craft. We had no casualties among pilots and Kept the Cairo Skies safe from any any IDF intrusion...

Yes, it was old machines you bought from Soviet Union. Pakistan has deadly more than 40 MLRS, have you heard about Nasr including nuclear missiles? Not only this, we have license to produce MLRS, what did Algeria do?

Old equipments? Every thing, Algeria buys has to be the best performing in its fields and must be used by the forces of the producing country. To say it is used or refurbished you don't Algeria. The Mig 29 SMT's should have given you an idea that the Algerian defence ministry doesn't mend fences when it comes to the equipment of its forces or the defence of country...
For the nuclear thing...Our nuclear program predate yours by 5 years...And we more potent vectors to take the war to any foe in our sphere of interest than Pakistan.

Kuwait, Azerbaijan, Morocco and other gulf states inducted more than Algeria, Pakistan is top artillery inventories than them.

Artillery is not seen by the ANP think tank as important and essential as other systems in the objectives assigned to defense forces.

. You still stuck with MiG-29 old planes?
Old? They had just been modified to the SMT standard and given another 20 years life span and not to downgrade the Pakistani air force by any mean, These Mig 29 s, you call old are a lot more potent than your last acquired F-16

Again, wrong. Pakistan's latest submarines are total of 5, have you heard about AIP more quieter? It was completed by upgrading. Who said, we are going to replace them, in fact, we want to get more submarines.
There was a video circulating in youtube before it was retrieved. It was taken in last Algerian -American Navy exercise where an Algerian Kilo[ before being updated], an aircraft carrier and a latest AGIS frigate and a Submarine. Not only the US navy was incapable of tracking the Kilo, They couldn't even find it...That tells you a little of the quietness of the Kilo and the high degree of training of the Algerian crew.
For the AIP, it will be ready in 2016, the last two submarines Algeria ordered to be delivered in 2017 and 2018 will have it and the other 4 re-equipped there after.
Thanks Sir that is what was needed I love Algeria and they need to check where the money is going because with the declared budget they have they could have far more number of weapons but something is going wrong
Zervan, be serious. Have you seen an EX Algerian President or an Algerian Ex general retiring in other countries than their own. Quit alluring to the "corruption" non-sense!
Algeria has a strong military, and honorable people indeed, but don't you think it's too much to say we are head and shoulders above of Pakistan? :/
I didn't say that, and to compare both military is a little bit far fetched. But for them to equate Algeria with corruption is total disrespect for a country that has given so much to the islamic cause.
I didn't say that, and to compare both military is a little bit far fetched. But for them to equate Algeria with corruption is total lack of disrespect for a country that has given so much to the islamic cause.

Point taken :cheers: Algerians are cool bro :P
And that applies more to you , my friend, than PRC2025

My dear brother, i think you get it wrong. Everthing PRC2025 mentioned about algerian army, PA have as well. That's why i said lake od knowledge,but forget to mention lake of knowlegde about PA, i am really sorry to both of you, if i offend you guy's.
the algerian army is a good one it is a good extension of the french army and serves as goof lackeys and slaves-----good boys.......serve your masters well.....
Great news, no need to argue. If Algeria progress well, I am very happy. Hopefully we will both joint exercises and training instead backbiting each other or competitions.


We use to hold exercises with Belgium, and Algerian air force pilots are trained in both schools of air combat...Beside Russian fighter schools they go routinely to US for training. Appearances are deceiving.
We do not have AWACS, but we have other airborn systems that compensate for that.

Our record speak for itself, all the objectives that were given to the AAF were accomplishes without losses. In all the air to air engagements, we had one Mig 17, although severely damaged, the pilote manged to return to his base and landed the craft. We had no casualties among pilots and Kept the Cairo Skies safe from any any IDF intrusion...

Old equipments? Every thing, Algeria buys has to be the best performing in its fields and must be used by the forces of the producing country. To say it is used or refurbished you don't Algeria. The Mig 29 SMT's should have given you an idea that the Algerian defence ministry doesn't mend fences when it comes to the equipment of its forces or the defence of country...
For the nuclear thing...Our nuclear program predate yours by 5 years...And we more potent vectors to take the war to any foe in our sphere of interest than Pakistan.

Artillery is not seen by the ANP think tank as important and essential as other systems in the objectives assigned to defense forces.

Old? They had just been modified to the SMT standard and given another 20 years life span and not to downgrade the Pakistani air force by any mean, These Mig 29 s, you call old are a lot more potent than your last acquired F-16

There was a video circulating in youtube before it was retrieved. It was taken in last Algerian -American Navy exercise where an Algerian Kilo[ before being updated], an aircraft carrier and a latest AGIS frigate and a Submarine. Not only the US navy was incapable of tracking the Kilo, They couldn't even find it...That tells you a little of the quietness of the Kilo and the high degree of training of the Algerian crew.
For the AIP, it will be ready in 2016, the last two submarines Algeria ordered to be delivered in 2017 and 2018 will have it and the other 4 re-equipped there after.

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