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The $4 Billion Bomb.

Let me ask you, how do the economies thrive in some super power countries.?
Basically most of them sell arms and ammo to the world, in other words every day death and destruction. India boasts it's economy from human resources. Pakistan has nuclear know how, it's basically a deterrence against any aggression, the nuclear weapon hasn't been used in anger for over 60 years yet the Migs, Mirages and F series go on daily basis killing guilty/innocent alike. One could argue that Pakistan also has the right to share it's resources to boast it's economy as well.
But despite juicy incentives, it has resisted, it could also argue that since there is a discrimination against the so called Islamic bomb then so be it. Pakistan has never been a stepping stone for any power and since the west can not digest a powerful Muslim country or the emergence of China on the world stage, it strokes and honey moons India, but the question remains, at what cost. !!!!

Friend.. My post was in response to a post claiming that India's nuclear assets were falling in the hands of extremists. And the reference that post had given was a blog of a pakistani national from Karachi.

Also the nuclear comment was in reference to the civilian nuclear cooperation and not nuclear bombs.

Not too sure what you mean by not being a stepping stone. If you are implying India has been and pakistan has not, then you are wrong.

Also, I dont think its Migs, Mirages or F series planes that kill people. Its the countries that use them to perform those functions. If you buy a gun and shoot someone with it, its not the gun manufacturer's fault. Its the shooter's

Technology in it self is not good or bad. Its how you use it. The same rifle is used by a soldier to defend his nation and a terrorist to murder people. The manufacturer of the rifle cant stop making it and blaming him is not correct.
Looking in the mirror would be a nice gesture to know who the real fool is around.

Could have given a better reply but considering the fact that you are a mod, I'll stick to this -

Yeah... I'm a fool because my country does not -

A) Engage in nuclear proliferation.
B) Makes open threats of a nuclear assault against a neighboring country.

Worry about your side, not ours. As extremists and hawks are present in your setup, not ours.

I and others remember well how the hawks in the Indian govt where threatening Pakistan after the Pokhran Nuke tests, all kind of threats were being hurled at Pakistan to wipe out it from the face of the earth, which all stopped once our nukes got tested.

So plzzz worry for your side first, not ours.

dear moderator, dont make jokes which are very hard to laugh..
common sir, wake up... the whole world knows where the extremists and hawks are... and because of that indians dont have to undergo any stringent security check up at the US airports..

dont make such arbitrary comment like, your govt said that and did that...

one valid point in the post was your advice for india to worry for it...but unfortunately you dont know, we always worry for ourselves, which did in the past,doing now and will continue in the future, we are growing and developing in all areas because we worry for ourselves . since, pakistan advocates others to worry and never worry for itself and it is this reason why where your country is today..

one great thing still you dont want to worry...its time for you to worry and do some stuff to reform the extremists.
Offer $100Bn and then we'll talk

Exactly , every thing has a price . But that would only happen if US issues economic sanctions upon Pakistan or say, provide India with its red hot weapons alternatively we'l let the Iranians shop our red hot weapons ....;)
the whole world knows where the extremists and hawks are

Only 0.5% of them know where they are ...Rest, just say that to buy cheap publicity or just to excel in their careers ...!
$4 billion?! That is a lot of money.

So, Pakistan no longer needs to rely on the IMF to bail out its economy. :lol:

Going back to the first post on page one---when you have people like Gen Beg on your side---you don't need enemies.

This nincompoop was telling the americans in 90 that the iraqi army was very strong and seasoned and america will get a bloody nose---they will make a vietnam of the u s---. When Gen Beg saw the shock and awe---he changed his statements the very next day.

Now pakistanis---this was the commanding general of your armies---this man was clueless to what kind of fire power the u s had---and me and arm chair general knew that the iraqis are going to be pummelled to kingdom come.

Gen Beg is BAD MEDICINE---his comments and suggestions need to be avoided at all costs. Just do the opposite of what he says. It is better not to ask him anything.
Could have given a better reply but considering the fact that you are a mod, I'll stick to this -

Yeah... I'm a fool because my country does not -

A) Engage in nuclear proliferation.
B) Makes open threats of a nuclear assault against a neighboring country.


Well i know what reply you would have given, have a perfect idea of your guys mentality. If you had the guts to call us fools then accept the reality other way around too. Pointing fingers at others is easy, but looking into own self is hard.

If we allow you guys to post your views on this forum, it doesn't means you come and insult or post derogatory remarks, and if you guys do then be prepared to see the mirror too. India isn't as civilized as you wanna show it to us, we know all about it too. So next time watch your mouth before you insult Pakistan or Pakistani's here. For that join BR or any other good Indian forum to insult Pakistan and its citizens.

And as for your point 1, read post#23, and if still you wanna repeat the same, can't help you.

And as for point 2, plzzzz spare us the BS and see what your own country's politicians, COAS and other hawks have to say about using nukes on us.

Don't come up with another BS post again.
dear moderator, dont make jokes which are very hard to laugh..
common sir, wake up... the whole world knows where the extremists and hawks are... and because of that indians dont have to undergo any stringent security check up at the US airports..

dont make such arbitrary comment like, your govt said that and did that...

one valid point in the post was your advice for india to worry for it...but unfortunately you dont know, we always worry for ourselves, which did in the past,doing now and will continue in the future, we are growing and developing in all areas because we worry for ourselves . since, pakistan advocates others to worry and never worry for itself and it is this reason why where your country is today..

one great thing still you dont want to worry...its time for you to worry and do some stuff to reform the extremists.

Don't have time for amateurs and their childish :blah::blah::blah::blah::blah::blah:.
Well i know what reply you would have given, have a perfect idea of your guys mentality. If you had the guts to call us fools then accept the reality other way around too. Pointing fingers at others is easy, but looking into own self is hard.

Hmm... didn't explicitly call you guys fools though.

Anyways, I realize that my remark was in bad taste and apologize for it.

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