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The 3 supapawas of today

I dont need any of your ranking which always inflated your own positions which is ridiculous 8-)
I welcome your views, If you have any thing share....with us as iit's a public forum discussion is always good gesture.

Mr Keel it's you who started here about india with example of heel and head shame less lying. I will always happy if any body counters my arguments with proof not just cheap trolling.
wrong mate, @ the moment the U.S is fist among equals , the other two being Russia & China respectively

Second row is shared by India, France ,U.K , Japan ,Germany & Turkey

Third comes Brazil, KSA , Indonesia , Malaysia & South Korea

Forth is Pakistan, Iran & Egypt

Russia, China or any other country barely enjoy the kind of clout USA has over international politics, economic influence and military presence around the world. How many allies any other country has compared to USA? All these countries are more like regional powers with limited area of influence.

For example, USA can hamper growth of any country with effective sanctions, and they can actually kill export driven economies, which country can do the same effectively against USA? The world is unipolar now, and remain so for a very long time. Do you ever think that EU will side with Russia or China? US+EU or the west will remain the most influential power block of the world. Asia will remain fragmented with several smaller power blocks.
The top 3 most powerful countries are supapawas. The top 3 most powerful countries are China, the US, Russia, in no particular order.
Where is India? this list is wrong.
India??...Are you kidding...We are developing as a nation together...We have crossed many hurdles in the past and we will keep on developing in future...Just excuse us from this Superpower league.
There is no superpower in today's worlds.Thanks to china that broken hegemony of America but now neither china nor america are true superpowers .Some others nations also emerging as regional powers.My rank for regional powers as follows..1.USA 2.CHINA 3 . Russia 4.Germany 5.Japan. 6.UK 7.India 8. Brazil 9.France 10 . Israel.Considering military, global influence, nuclear, veto at UN, economy, soft power, population.technology of nations I think it's a feasible rank.What you think friends?

Why France is ranked behind India and Brazil? :dirol:

Geographical , military and population and alliances France is not a NATO member that's why I think.whats your opinion or ranking?

Is France selling you Rafale? Is France making 2 helicopter carriers for Russia?
France is NATO while Indian nor Brazil is not
Brazil can make civilian planes. India cannot
Indian claims to have nukes. Brazil doesnt have nukes

Irrespective of the other rankings, France is safely ranked before India and Brazil :cheesy:

China purchased aac from ukraine which was too a former nuclear power and itis still selling china engines and different military equipments that doesnot means ukraine is more powerful than china.
still i belive france is most developed than all other superpower.Here is a comparision between france and india by mundis.
India vs. France - Country Comparison

is this your ranking?
".1.USA 2.CHINA 3 . Russia 4.Germany 5.Japan. 6.UK 7.India 8. Brazil 9.France 10 .Israel"

If yes then that is why I've found it funny
and now knowing your frustration of placing your heel on your head you blah blah blah! 8-)

I placed china at no 2 considering its economic strength, militarily china is 3rd after usa and russia.Guess who is at 4th position above uk...hehehe India.

I dont need any of your ranking which always inflated your own positions which is ridiculous 8-)

I welcome your views, If you have any thing share....with us as iit's a public forum discussion is always good gesture.

Mr Keel it's you who started here about india with example of heel and head shame less lying. I will always happy if any body counters my arguments with proof not just cheap trolling.

Check out the order of postings between yours and mine
First, you claimed India's ranking before France; then you ranked India before UK

I have given you reasons why France should be ranked before India. In addition, France can build nuke plants. India cant

India should also be ranked behind UK based on reasons similar to those for France

UK can make fighter jets, aircraft carriers, nuclear subs, and very good jet engines while India cannot make the same quality of hardware as those of UK's or India cannot make it at all

So both France and UK should be ranked before India

In respect of Brazil, at least it is as good or even better than India
India arms itself with a lot of overseas purchases

So Brazil can also buy from overseas if it wants to. However, Brazil has the advantage over India because Brazil can make commercial jets and it is an ally of Portugal. If Brazil wants to make a nuke bombs, I am not seeing why it cannot make one if there is no political blocking against it.

In conclusion, Brazil is also ahead of India! :coffee:
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Quite intrsting analysis....so mr keel present your ranking...
some poor indian might have made this analysis i find on net do care to read sir Counter it through your great analysis....

Potential superpowers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Is that (wikiepedia) why you place India ahead of UK and France?
I am not convinced.
It seems like the above source has grouped EU as one piece instead of having an analysis a la carte :-)
I am not too sure if they have ranked Russia lowered in the bracket than they should be8-)
Is that (wikiepedia) why you place India ahead of UK and France?
I am not convinced.
It seems like the above source has grouped EU as one piece instead of having an analysis a la carte :-)
I am not too sure if they have ranked Russia lowered in the bracket than they should be8-)

May be this could help you come to a conclusion

Global Firepower - 2014 World Military Strength Rankings

Anyway it less and less important who is superpower and who is not...gladly world s moving towards multipolar world.
May be this could help you come to a conclusion

Global Firepower - 2014 World Military Strength Rankings

Anyway it less and less important who is superpower and who is not...gladly world s moving towards multipolar world.

I ve seen that but I am not convinced at all . Reason being India's arsenal is foreign dependent while UK and France are self reliant and their hardware as well as war time experience are equal to or better than India's wartime experience and military equipment

Make an assumption: If a war breaks out between either UK or France and India. My bet is on the former 2 purely because they both are members of NATO. Also, they are closer alliance with USA than India As for the Indians, yes their major source of weapons can only be restricted to Russia in case the assumed event happens. However for a military power be respected as a true power, it has to be sustainable and self reliant by itself. Ironically, India has shortlisted Rafale as its major warplanes. India also has a number of UK and France fighter jets like the Jaquar , Harrier and Mirage in its of active warplanes. It cannot produce some basic ammo and components by itself

Islamic Republic News Agency
Russia, India sign weapons deals worth billions - Yahoo News

In addition, the science and tech developement of both UK and France are much better than India. They have much better quality of education

So I am not buying the opinion that India should be ranked as a world power higher than the UK or France :dirol:
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In addition, the science and tech developement of both UK and France are much better than India. They have much better quality of education

So I am not buying the opinion that India should be ranked as a world power higher than the UK or France :dirol:

You are right sir. :tup:

Here is a list of the recognized "great powers" in the world: USA, Russia, China, UK, France, Japan, Germany.

Great power - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

UK and France have larger economies, and larger defence spending than India. Needless to say they also have much better technology.
I ve seen that but I am not convinced at all . Reason being India's arsenal is foreign dependent while UK and France are self reliant and their hardware as well as war time experience are equal to or better than India's equipment

Make an assumption: If a war breaks out between either UK or France and India. My bet is on the former 2 purely because they both are members of NATO. Also, they are closer alliance with USA than India As for the Indians, yes their major source of weapons can only be restricted to Russia in case the assumed event happens. However for a military power be respected as a true power, it has to be sustainable and self reliant by itself. Ironically, India has shortlisted Rafale as its major warplanes. India also has a number of UK and France fighter jets like the Jaquar , Harrier and Mirage in its of active warplanes. It cannot produce some basic ammo and components by itself

Islamic Republic News Agency
Russia, India sign weapons deals worth billions - Yahoo News

In addition, the science and tech developement of both UK and France are much better than India. They have much better quality of education

So I am not buying the opinion that India should be ranked as a world power higher than the UK or France :dirol:

personally, i don't think the status superpowe
I ve seen that but I am not convinced at all . Reason being India's arsenal is foreign dependent while UK and France are self reliant and their hardware as well as war time experience are equal to or better than India's equipment

Make an assumption: If a war breaks out between either UK or France and India. My bet is on the former 2 purely because they both are members of NATO. Also, they are closer alliance with USA than India As for the Indians, yes their major source of weapons can only be restricted to Russia in case the assumed event happens. However for a military power be respected as a true power, it has to be sustainable and self reliant by itself. Ironically, India has shortlisted Rafale as its major warplanes. India also has a number of UK and France fighter jets like the Jaquar , Harrier and Mirage in its of active warplanes. It cannot produce some basic ammo and components by itself

Islamic Republic News Agency
Russia, India sign weapons deals worth billions - Yahoo News

In addition, the science and tech developement of both UK and France are much better than India. They have much better quality of education

So I am not buying the opinion that India should be ranked as a world power higher than the UK or France :dirol:

personally, i don't think the status of superpower is on making own weapons, but depends on the kind of influence you can wield over other. except US, which enjoys considerable influence over other, other countries are not even nearer in influence projects.

on making weapons, the large competitive defence market that india has will make sure that private companies and foreign defense companies would open shops in india and have to manufacture in india to remain competitive. then there is a huge push by modi government to 'make in india campaign' a success before he goes for re-elections in 4 years or the opposition would rip him apart
personally, i don't think the status superpowe

personally, i don't think the status of superpower is on making own weapons, but depends on the kind of influence you can wield over other. except US, which enjoys considerable influence over other, other countries are not even nearer in influence projects.

on making weapons, the large competitive defence market that india has will make sure that private companies and foreign defense companies would open shops in india and have to manufacture in india to remain competitive. then there is a huge push by modi government to 'make in india campaign' a success before he goes for re-elections in 4 years or the opposition would rip him apart

I am not talking about ranking of which country as superpower or superpowers
I was referring to the comments of our member ashok mourya (please read #52 for a rundown of the arguments between us + relevant comments subsequent to that) who have ranked India ahead of France and UK. I disagree his rankings

What you are saying about the policy changes in India's military industry which may have an impact on India under Modi is something yet to be seen

UK and France have been consistently ranking as the top 5 or 6 arms exporters in the world for decades. Their military industries are well established whereas India is amongst the top arms importers according to SIPRI for many years

Indian's military strengths are built on size and the quality of imports
UK and France do not have the same size but their weaponry are better in quality. They can buy and make weapons which fit their own needs

UK and France have much better science technology and education as supported by the number of Nobel Prize and other winners, research publications and ranking of universities. Their culture and language :-)p:) influence a much broader spectrum of people and area in the world

So I dont see why India should be ranked higher than the 2 countries :cheesy:
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