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The 3 supapawas of today

Can the US send a man to the moon, or to Mars? Nope. Does the US have manned space flight? Nope. That's why the US is a developing country.
The 3 supapawas in this world.

1.) Where @Superboy lives
2.) Where @Superboy say he is aligned to
3.) Where @Superboy saids it was.

Forget about US, Russia and China, these are the supapawa in this thread.

Who dare to contradict the mighty @Superboy would be spank, and who dare to evade the spanking then there are pretty much nothing @Superboy can do....lol

People need to chill and relax on a fun thread
These are, the Big 3, namely China, Russia, the US. What makes a state a supapawa is the following criteria:

1. area over 9.5 million square kilometers, and by virtue of such area is not landlocked

2. population in the hundreds of millions, that is, anything over 100 million

3. state of the art technologies including 5th generation jets, space technology including manned space flight

All of them are ridiculous considering how the British Empire reigned.
These are, the Big 3, namely China, Russia, the US. What makes a state a supapawa is the following criteria:

1. area over 9.5 million square kilometers, and by virtue of such area is not landlocked

2. population in the hundreds of millions, that is, anything over 100 million

3. state of the art technologies including 5th generation jets, space technology including manned space flight


If point No 1 above were to be a guiding factor Japan of 1941 & Germany of 1939 would not have been the powers they were.

The first necessity is economy , an economy that is not dependent upon aid or outside factors , this in turn gives the leverage to control events and actions of others across the globe .

Education is a close second.

Internal cohesion follows, this leads to clear national will.

There are many more.
There is no superpower in today's worlds.Thanks to china that broken hegemony of America but now neither china nor america are true superpowers .Some others nations also emerging as regional powers.My rank for regional powers as follows..1.USA 2.CHINA 3 . Russia 4.Germany 5.Japan. 6.UK 7.India 8. Brazil 9.France 10 . Israel.Considering military, global influence, nuclear, veto at UN, economy, soft power, population.technology of nations I think it's a feasible rank.What you think friends?
There is no superpower in today's worlds.Thanks to china that broken hegemony of America but now neither china nor america are true superpowers .Some others nations also emerging as regional powers.My rank for regional powers as follows..1.USA 2.CHINA 3 . Russia 4.Germany 5.Japan. 6.UK 7.India 8. Brazil 9.France 10 . Israel.Considering military, global influence, nuclear, veto at UN, economy, soft power, population.technology of nations I think it's a feasible rank.What you think friends?

Why France is ranked behind India and Brazil? :dirol:
Geographical , military and population and alliances France is not a NATO member that's why I think.whats your opinion or ranking?
Geographical , military and population and alliances France is not a NATO member that's why I think.whats your opinion or ranking?

Is France selling you Rafale? Is France making 2 helicopter carriers for Russia?
France is NATO while Indian nor Brazil is not
Brazil can make civilian planes. India cannot
Indian claims to have nukes. Brazil doesnt have nukes

Irrespective of the other rankings, France is safely ranked before India and Brazil :cheesy:
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